Katie Fossum
Bachelor's Institution: | Western Connecticut State University |
Katherine Fossum is a former NSF REU researcher from the Burdette group from Western Connecticut State University. During the summer of 2018, Katie worked on guest trapping in MOFs using capping groups.
2. Rick A. Homan, Dalton S. Hendricks, Thomas M. Rayder, U Shwe Thein, Katherine J. Fossum, Adriana P. Claudio Vázquez, Jingjing Yan, Ronald L. Grimm, Shawn C. Burdette and John C. MacDonald. Cryst. Growth Des. 2019, 19, 6331–6338. A Strategy for Trapping Molecular Guests in MOF-5 Utilizing Surface Capping Groups.
1. Jingjing Yan, Rick Homan, Corrianna Boucher, Prem Basa, Katherine Fossum, Ron Grimm John MacDonald and Shawn Burdette. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 2019, 18, 2849–2853. On-Demand Guest Release from MOF-5 Sealed with Nitrophenylacetic Acid Photocapping Groups Preprint on CHEMRXIV 2019.