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Revision as of 11:03, 29 August 2018 by Sburke (talk | contribs) (Creating a Public Link for your Echo360 Video)

How to Publish a Video

This page will show you how to "publish" - i.e., use or share - a video to your course site. The video may have been used in a previous course section or you may have uploaded it directly to Echo360 and just not shared it yet.

The first step is to log in to your Canvas course site.

Next, click on the Echo360 tab on the left side menu of your Canvas site.

Echo in Canvas

You'll see the list of videos associated with your course.

Click on library, which is on the top left. All videos of which you are the owner reside in your personal library.

Echo personal library

Click on the video you want to "publish" (i.e. use or share) to your course.

Echo dashboard

Below the player window you'll see three options: info, publishing and sharing.

Under publishing, click on the blue publish button.

Publish button

A form is opened, inviting you to "Publish to a new location".

PCAP download

Under "Where?" choose to a location.

Then, choose your course and the term.

Most likely, you will need to publish it as a "New class". In Echo360's terminology, a class is tantamount to a video. Choose "New class" if you're not wishing to use this video to replace a pre-existing video.

Give the class a name and then click publish.

Now, when you click on the Echo360 button in the course website, you should see it in the list of videos.

Sometimes, they show up at the bottom of the list. If you want to move the video then click the Reorder button the top left.

Echo in Canvas

Then click and hold the video you want to move and drag it into the position you want. Then click save.

Echo in Canvas

If you have any questions, or any suggestions for this page, please email Sophie Jagannathan at

Happy Capturing!