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Date | Description | References | Contributors |
3,300,00 BC | Earliest evidence of stone tools being created by hominids | prlee | |
200,000 BC | Humans developed spoken language, the first form of communication | C. Perreault and S. Matthew, "Dating the Origin of Language Using Phonemic Diversity," PLoS ONE, vol. 7, no. 4, 2012. | epguleksen prlee |
Prehistoric | Smoke signals were used to convey messages over long distances | emilymiller | |
16,500 BC | The earliest evidence of maps. They depicted the night sky rather than the Earth. | https://www.thoughtco.com/the-history-of-cartography-1435696#:~:text=Cartography%20developed%20further%20in%20Europe,that%20were%20used%20for%20navigation. | lrsavoie |
10000 BC | Estimated time when humans first started using optical recordings. | Kazansky, Peter G, Eternal 5D optical data storage in glass (University of Southampton, 7/8/2016), https://www-spiedigitallibrary-org.ezpxy-web-p-u01.wpi.edu/conference-proceedings-of-spie/9959/2240594/Eternal-5D-optical-data-storage-in-glassConference-Presentation/10.1117/12.2240594.full?SSO=1, (4/2/2020) | maferreira |
3150 BC | Estimated origin of Sumerian writings, the first written language | D. Schmandt-Besserat, "Decipherment of the Earliest Tablets," Science, vol. 211, no. 4479, pp. 283-285, 1981. | prlee |
3500 BC | The sundial is invented. The first one was made from stone and uses the sun to tell time. | http://www.historyofwatch.com/clock-history/ Visited: 3/23/2018 | lgrande |
2400BC | First documented use of couriers being used to carry messages long distance | Alex Thompson, A Brief History of Long Distance Communication, https://www.wilsonamplifiers.com/blog/a-brief-history-of-long-distance-communication/ | nvanstralen |
2000 BC | The abacus is invented. A frame made out of wood holding rods with sliding beads on them, used to aid in arithmetic calculations. | http://www.ee.ryerson.ca/~elf/abacus/history.html Visited: 9/3/2015 | dssilva |
2000 BC | Bookkeeping emerges | https://www.investopedia.com/articles/08/accounting-history.asp | asbrady |
1900 BC | First documented cryptograph was found in Egypt | Retrieved August 30, 2018, from https://www.sans.org/reading-room/whitepapers/vpns/history-encryption-730 | zhenhe, etarthur |
1700 BC | Evidence of indoor plumbing found on Crete | http://www.partselect.ca/Resources/Appliances-Timeline-Of-Their-Arrival.aspx | mjmcdonald |
1700 BC | Ice boxes were used, ice cut from frozen lakes and water were stored throughout the year. | Sandvik AB. “Timeline of Refrigerators and Low-Temperature Technology.” Refrigerator Timeline - History of Low-Temperature Technology, www.historyofrefrigeration.com/refrigeration-history/timeline-of-refrigerators/. | tkwan |
1500 BC | Mesopotamian tablet was created with encrypted recipe for pottery glaze. The encryption was done with a substitution cipher, swapping one character for another. The encrypted tablet was decoded by others in the city. | Waddell, Kaveh, "The Long and Winding History of Encryption", (The Atlantic 2016), https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2016/01/the-long-and-winding-history-of-encryption/423726/ 9/1/2021. | zhenhe, bnsahagian, mjadragna |
1050 BC | The first alphabet based on phonetic sounds invented. | epguleksen | |
~1000 BC | Shorthand first used | bjsharron | |
950 BC | King Solomon used pigeon post to get information around Achaemenid Persian Empire. | tpatikorn | |
750 BC | The Greeks adapted the earlier Phoenician alphabet into the Greek alphabet, and transcribed some works originally passed down through oral tradition, such as The Iliad | R. D. Woodard, "The Alphabet," in Greek Writing from Knossos to Homer : A Linguistic Interpretation of the Origin of the Greek Alphabet and the Continuity of Ancinet Greek Literacy, Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 1997, pp. 133-204. | ygong5 prlee |
600 BC | Hebrew ATBASH cipher used in writing the book of Jeremiah | zhenhe, mjadragna | |
600 BC | Mail was used among Chinese officials | emilymilller | |
600 BC | Earliest depiction of the world on a map. It was named the Babylonian World Map. Ancient Babylonia is said to be the birthplace of cartography as the first maps were drawn on clay tablets with accurate surveying of the land. | https://www.thoughtco.com/the-history-of-cartography-1435696#:~:text=Cartography%20developed%20further%20in%20Europe,that%20were%20used%20for%20navigation. | lrsavoie |
500 BC | Pigeon post is used regularly | emilymiller | |
500 BC | An eclipse is viewed through a pinhole | Schlager, Neil and Lauer, Josh, “Camera Obscura: Ancestor of Modern Photography,” (Gale, 2001) https://link-gale-com.ezpxy-web-p-u01.wpi.edu/apps/doc/CV2643450236/WHIC?u=mlin_c_worpoly&sid=WHIC&xid=218f6fc5 | kcariglia |
500 BC | Yakhchals, were engineered to store ice in the desert. It used evaporative cooling to help stay cold | Sandvik AB. “Timeline of Refrigerators and Low-Temperature Technology.” Refrigerator Timeline - History of Low-Temperature Technology, www.historyofrefrigeration.com/refrigeration-history/timeline-of-refrigerators/. | tkwan |
490 BC | Pheidippides carried a message from the Battle of Marathon to Athens. | tpatikorn | |
486 BC | Greek Skytale presumably used | zhenhe | |
480 BC | Ancient Greek short hand | scbarry | |
450BC | shields possibly used to send signals like a modern heliograph | The Heliograph, http://www.douglas-self.com/MUSEUM/COMMS/heliograph/heliograph.htm | nvanstralen |
400 BC | Camera Obscura-The phenomena that led to the invention of the camera and all photographic processes. A small hole was placed through a wall in a dark room and light would fill the room with an upside-down projection of the view from outside. | tjstone | |
400 BC | Camera obscura is invented | Schlager, Neil and Lauer, Josh, “Camera Obscura: Ancestor of Modern Photography,” (Gale, 2001) https://link-gale-com.ezpxy-web-p-u01.wpi.edu/apps/doc/CV2643450236/WHIC?u=mlin_c_worpoly&sid=WHIC&xid=218f6fc5 | kcariglia
350 BC | The Greek mathematician Archytas builds a mechanical bird dubbed "The Pigeon" that is propelled by steam. | eosowski | |
325 BC | The first water clock is invented using water drips to tell time. | https://www.nist.gov/pml/walk-through-time-early-clocks Visited: 3/23/2018 | lgrande |
322 BC | Aristotle writes: "If every tool, when ordered, or even of its own accord, could do the work that befits it, then there would be no need either of apprentices for the master workers or of slaves for the lords." | eosowski | |
255BC | earliest surviving piece of mail | The History of Mail and the Postal System, https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-mail-1992142 | nvanstralen |
~200 BC | The Chinese create the first basic compass from lodestone | Lowrie, William (2007). Fundamentals of Geophysics. London: Cambridge University Press. p. 281. | ptspillane
200 BC | The first libraries are created in the Hellenistic world | S. Johnstone, "A New History of Libraries and Books in the Hellenistic Period," Classical Antiquity, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 347-393, 2014. | prlee |
100 BC | Antikythera Mechanism -- Ancient device used to calculate the position of moon, planets, and predict solar/lunar eclipses. | http://www.antikythera-mechanism.gr/system/files/0608_Nature.pdf | crmyers |
60 BC | Caesar Cipher introduced by Julius Caesar. The Caesar Cipher is a mono-alphabetic rotation, where each letter is shifted by a certain number of letters. This encyrption is known as a substitution cipher because of the consistent fashion that letters are substituted. | https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/computer-science/caesar-cipher | zhenhe, rcsawka, mjadragna |
60 - 50 BC | Caesar Cipher introduced by Julius Caesar | Churchhouse, R. (2002). Codes and ciphers Julius Caesar, the Enigma, and the internet . Cambridge ;: Cambridge University Press. | zhenhe, etarthur, mjadragna |
104 AD | First Census is taken under the rule of Caesar Augustus by Egyptian Edict | Frank Turek | Christian Apologetics | Christian |Apologetics Speakers, 10 Oct. 2018, crossexamined.org/really-census-time-caesar-augustus/. | xlmclean |
150 AD | Around the year 150, the greek philosopher, Ptolemy, created the longitude and longitude system on the world map under the newfound impression that the Earth was a sphere. This shaped modern cartography. | https://www.thoughtco.com/the-history-of-cartography-1435696#:~:text=Cartography%20developed%20further%20in%20Europe,that%20were%20used%20for%20navigation. | lrsavoie |
350 AD | The Codex Sinaiticus, one of the earliest examples of a codex being used to hold writing, was written | "Collection Items: Codex Sinaiticus," British Library, [Online]. Available: https://www.bl.uk/collection-items/codex-sinaiticus. [Accessed 19 3 2019]. | prlee |
600 AD | The first candle clock is invented, using candles to keep track of time. | https://www.nist.gov/pml/walk-through-time-early-clocks Visited: 3/23/2018 | lgrande |
605 AD | Pei Ju of the Sui Dynasty in China used a grid system in map design. | https://www.thoughtco.com/the-history-of-cartography-1435696#:~:text=Cartography%20developed%20further%20in%20Europe,that%20were%20used%20for%20navigation. | lrsavoie |
~790 | Vikings used the stars and sun compasses with landmarks to navigate the seas. | Irene Berg Petersen, How Vikings navigated the world, http://sciencenordic.com/how-vikings-navigated-world (March 23, 2017) | rmwiesenberg |
800 AD | The first hourglass is invented, using sand to keep track of time. | http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/first-hourglass/ Visited: 3/23/2018 | lgrande |
~800 AD | Vikings use ritual smithing to make steel "Ulfberht" swords. | Matt Davis, Vikings unwittingly made their swords stronger by trying to imbue them with spirits, (Big Think, 22 March, 2019) https://bigthink.com/culture-religion/norse-rituals?rebelltitem=1#rebelltitem1 [Accessed April 4, 2021] | klprince |
850-860 AD | Arab cryptographer al-Kindi creates substitution ciphers and transposition ciphers well before cryptographers in the West created these same ciphers beginning in 1450. | Waddell, Kaveh, "The Long and Winding History of Encryption", (The Atlantic 2016), https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2016/01/the-long-and-winding-history-of-encryption/423726/ 9/1/2021. | bnsahagian, |
875 AD | Banu Musa Brothers from Baghdad develop automated hydraulic instrument that plays music from raised pins. First recorded device to take artificial input | Fowler, Charles B. “The Museum of Music: A History of Mechanical Instruments.” Music Educators Journal, vol. 54, no. 2, 1967, pp. 45–49. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/3391092. Accessed 3 Apr. 2020. | jmmoy |
880 AD | The Kamal is used by Arab navigators as a form of celestial navigation | McGrail, Sean (2004), Boats of the World, Oxford University Press. | ptspillane |
~1000 | The compass was invented in China and spread to Europe by 1300 | Smithsonian, Time and Navigation: The untold story of getting from here to there., http://timeandnavigation.si.edu (March 23, 2017) | rmwiesenberg |
~1100 | Earliest identified printed advertisement created, “Jinan Liu’s Fine Needle Shop” | 1. Unknown, Commercial Advertisement, depts.washington.edu/chinaciv/graph/tcommain.htm, 8/30/2018 | jbbieber |
1200s AD | In medieval times, Automatons (human like figures that were powered by internal mechanisms, namely clockwork) were first invented. | https://www.robotshop.com/media/files/PDF/timeline.pdf Accessed 3/19/2019 | rnbeaver |
1200 AD | The first water/astronomical clock is invented, using water with assisting astronomical concepts. | http://www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/PlainTextHistories.asp?historyid=ac08 Visited: 3/23/2018 | lgrande |
1264 | Dominician Friar Vincent of Beauvais creates the Great Mirror, a general collection of knowledge during that time. He wrote this book because he felt there were more books created than the human mind can remember. | http://bestiary.ca/prisources/psdetail2601.htm | oejackson |
1280 | The first mechanical clock was created but it was too expensive and crude for navigation | Smithsonian, Time and Navigation: The untold story of getting from here to there., http://timeandnavigation.si.edu (March 23, 2017) | rmwiesenberg |
1300 AD | Paper becomes the dominant way of record keeping and writing in Europe | J. Hargrave, "Disruptive Technological History: Papermaking to Digital Printing," Journal of Scholarly Publishing, vol. 44, no. 3, 2013. | prlee |
~1400 | The first record of a polyalphabetic cipher was written by Al-Qalqashandi. A polyalphabetic cypher is like a Caesar Cypher but after each letter the shift changes. | https://books.google.com/books?id=jbpTDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT26#v=onepage&q&f=false | efschwarzrock |
1455 | Johannes Gutenberg completed a printing press that would imprint pages using movable metal type. | ygong5 | |
1495 | Leonardo DaVinci designs a mechanical device that looks like an armored knight and is designed to make it move like there is a real person inside. | eosowski | |
1500 | Leonardo Da Vinci hypothesizes a way to track a roman soldiers steps and records the first idea of a pedometer | https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Sketch-of-Leonardo-da-Vincis-pedometer_fig4_312090206 | tjaskoviak ahjicha |
1505 | The first pocket watch was made by Peter Henlein in Nuremburg, Germany. Known as the pomander watch. | https://edoc.pub/pomander-watch-pdf-free.html 9/8/2020 | parago |
1517 | Martin Luther presents his 95 Theses and distributes the work using the printing press | https://www.history.com/topics/reformation/martin-luther-and-the-95-theses | pwpeterson |
1549 | Swiss scientist Conrad Gessner completes Bibliotheca universalis, an alaphabetical bibliography of all Latin, Greek, or Hebrew books at the time | https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/695140?journalCode=pbsa | oejackson |
1553 | Password idea introduced by Giovan Belaso. A passphrase/password would provide a key for encryption. | https://ep.liu.se/ecp/171/007/ecp2020_171_007.pdf | zhenhe, rcsawka |
1574 | First Pocket Watch was made | https://www.govbergwatches.com/blog/history-of-horology/ 9/8/2020 | parago |
1585 | Blaise de Vigenere wrote a book on ciphers. | zhenhe, mjadragna | |
16-1700s | maritime flags are independently developed by different countries for naval communication | The History Behind Nautical Flags, https://www.allstarflags.com/facts/history-behind-nautical-flags/ | nvanstralen |
1600 AD | The first pendulum and spring clock is invented, pendulums and newly developed spring mechanisms to keep track of time. | http://www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/PlainTextHistories.asp?historyid=ac08 Visited: 3/23/2018 | lgrande |
1600 | John Napier invents Napier's Bones, a mechanical device using rods or cylinders which slid together to do lattice multiplication and division on numbers. | http://www.thecorememory.com/TimeMachine.pdf Visited: 9/3/2015 | dssilva |
1600 | Abacus Ring: First ever wearable device invented in China | pmahurkar | |
1608 | First telescope is patented to be used to see long distances | https://starchild.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/StarChild/questions/question37.html | ptspillane |
1622 | William Oughtred invents the slide rule. The device had two scales that could independently be slid, and the distance between the two could be read to view as multiplication or division. | http://www.oughtred.org/history.shtml Visited: 9/3/2015 | dssilva |
1623 | Wilhelm Schickard invents the Calculating Clock, which is considered to be the first mechanical calculator. The calculator utilized Napier's Bones as well as other mechanics to help with celestial calculations. | "The Time Machine." College English 31.5 (1970): 523. Web.Visited: 9/3/2015 | dssilva |
1642 | The Pascaline or Pascal's calculator was invented by mathematician Blaise Pascal. The hand cranked adding machine was very complex, using toothed wheels to do basic arithmetic with whole numbers. | "The Time Machine." College English 31.5 (1970): 523. Web.Visited: 9/3/2015 | dssilva |
1657 | The pendulum clock was invented in 1657 but was never adopted for sea navigation due to the swaying of the boat. | Smithsonian, Time and Navigation: The untold story of getting from here to there., http://timeandnavigation.si.edu (March 23, 2017) | rmwiesenberg |
1665 | Robert Hooke innovates on the first microscope and uses his microscope to observe cork which leads him to refer to the small openings he observes as cells | http://www.jstor.org/stable/4606667 Accessed: 9/6/2022 | bclukens |
1673 | The Stepped Reckoner is invented by German mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz. The mechanical calculator utilized a long cylinder, called the Leibniz wheel, to do quick multiplication and addition. | "The Time Machine." College English 31.5 (1970): 523. Web.Visited: 9/3/2015 | dssilva |
1680 | First Minute hand was added to a pocket watch | https://www.govbergwatches.com/blog/history-of-horology/ 9/8/2020 | parago |
1683 | Governor William Penn established Pennsylvania's first Post Office. | tpatikorn | |
1685 | Portable Reflex Camera Obscura - This camera was small enough to transport, being two feet long and nine inches high. Light shined through a lens and onto a mirror, generating an image that was right side up instead of upside-down. | tjstone | |
1685 | "Battery" used to describe a series of charged glass plates (capacitors). | djlaplante | |
1690 | Newspapers are popularized in London | M. S. Dawson, "All the News That's Fit to Film? Copying the Nichols Collection of Early London Newspapers," Parergon, vol. 30, no. 2, 2013. | prlee |
1694 | Gottfried Leibniz constructed Step Reckoner. | ygong5 | |
1700s | Miniature automatons designed to look like humans and animals became popular toys for the upper-class. | https://www.robotshop.com/media/files/PDF/timeline.pdf Accessed 3/19/2019 | rnbeaver |
1705 | Leibniz creates the binary number system | Leibniz, G. (1703) Explication de l’Arithmétique Binaire (Explanation of Binary Arithmetic). Mathematical Writings VII, Gerhardt, 223. Translation : http://www.leibniz-translations.com/binary.htm | reastwood |
1711 | British used ship to carry letters; each letter cost one penny. | tpatikorn | |
1714 | The British Parliament passed the Longitude Act which spurred the invention of the Sea Clock by John Harrington and the sextant by John bird, greatly increasing navigational accuracy. | Smithsonian, Time and Navigation: The untold story of getting from here to there., http://timeandnavigation.si.edu (March 23, 2017) | rmwiesenberg
1738 | Mechanical Duck was invented, sparking the beginning of the automata stage. | Aviv Gaon, The Singularity is Near, http://wpi.aci.info/view/15af7f26c8c00100002/15b4709e35500015c3ad447 | rjsthilaire
1748 | "Battery" used to describe a series of charged glass plates (capacitors). | djlaplante | |
1755 |
Thomas Jefferson uses a pedometer, he would later introduce it to America. The strong association lead people to call them Tomish Meters |
Adams, W. H. (2000).The Paris Years of Thomas Jefferson. Yale University Press. |
tjaskoviak |
1756 | William Cullen invents a method of artificial refrigeration, which is still used today | Sandvik. “The History of the Refrigerator.” The History of the Refrigerator - Sandvik Materials Technology, www.materials.sandvik/en/campaigns/fridge-of-the-future/the-history-of-the-refrigerator/. | tkwan |
1763 | Bayes theorem of conditional probability | Price, Problem in the Doctrine of Chances, http://www.stat.ucla.edu/history/essay.pdf | xjjackson |
1767 | Carl Linneaus develops his botanical paper slips as a way to organize his thoughts and observations. | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4837604/ | oejackson |
1769 | Wolfgang Ritter von Kempelen created one of the first known devices capable of mimicking human speech. The human operated device imitated human body parts required for speech to produce sounds that resembled vowels. | Schroeder, Manfred Robert. "A Brief History of Speech." Computer Speech: Recognition, Compression, Synthesis. Berlin: Springer, 1999. N. pag. Print. | leantul |
1770 | Wolfgang von Kempelen created the worlds first ‘automatic’ chess machine called the Mechanical Turk. It was later found to be fake | https://www.britannica.com/story/the-mechanical-turk-ai-marvel-or-parlor-trick Accessed 08/30/2023 | abeck |
1775 | Benjamin Franklin appointed first Postmaster General (USPS). | tpatikorn | |
1775 | Thomas Jefferson invented the wheel cipher. This cipher consisted of 36 cylindrical wooden pieces threaded onto an iron spindle and rotating the wheels scrambled and unscrambled the words. | https://www.monticello.org/site/research-and-collections/wheel-cipher | zhenhe, rcsawka, mjadragna |
1777 | Abraham-Louis Perrelet invented a self-winding watch that could measure walking distance | https://us.musewearables.com/blogs/news/fitness-tracking-and-recognition-in-smartwatches | ppatel2 |
1779 | Christian Gottlieb Kratzenstein created thin devices of various shapes that were able to create sounds resembling German vowels through vibration. | Schroeder, Manfred Robert. "A Brief History of Speech." Computer Speech: Recognition, Compression, Synthesis. Berlin: Springer, 1999. N. pag. Print. | leantul |
1782 | First washing machine invented by Henry Sidgier | http://www.partselect.ca/Resources/Appliances-Timeline-Of-Their-Arrival.aspx | mjmcdonald |
1790s | French begin construction of the semaphore towers serving as the first telegraph towers | Michael J. Quinn, Ethics for the Information Age, pages 21-3 | nvanstralen |
1799 | First dried invented by a Frenchman named Pochon | http://www.partselect.ca/Resources/Appliances-Timeline-Of-Their-Arrival.aspx | mjmcdonald |
1799 | Lithographic Offset printing is invented, reducing the cost of printing and increasing the speed of dissemination of information | J. Hargrave, "Disruptive Technological History: Papermaking to Digital Printing," Journal of Scholarly Publishing, vol. 44, no. 3, 2013. | |
1799 | Alessandro Volta created the world’s first battery. | ygong5 | |
1800 | Alessandro Volta discovers the Voltaic Pile. Electricity generation now efficient | djlaplante | |
1800 AD | Pinhole camera is invented | Schlager, Neil and Lauer, Josh, “Camera Obscura: Ancestor of Modern Photography,” (Gale, 2001) https://link-gale-com.ezpxy-web-p-u01.wpi.edu/apps/doc/CV2643450236/WHIC?u=mlin_c_worpoly&sid=WHIC&xid=218f6fc5 | kcariglia |
1801 | Joseph Jacquard builds an automated loom that is controlled by punch cards, which increased the speed at which complex patterns could be woven by more than twenty times | https://www.aventine.org/robotics/history-of-robotics | eosowski syeung |
1801 | Thomas Young described “phase shifting” in relation to light waves | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3987368/ | rtong |
1804 | Joseph-Marie Jacquard patents cards with punched holes (punch cards) containing weaving instructions for the Jacquard Loom. These cards provided automated instructions that any worker could read and manufacture intricate patterns. | https://artsandculture.google.com/story/punched-card-machines-the-national-museum-of-computing/bwWBrooyeGKPiA?hl=en. Visited: 9/3/2024 | tnhellgren
1805 | Legendre published first paper on regression analysis, using a technique called the method of least squares | Smith, Legendre, http://www.stat.ucla.edu/history/legendre.pdf | xjjackson |
1810 | First wristwatch was made for the queen of Naples | https://www.livemint.com/Leisure/R3ACelWyBkrSvIpEmSrtjO/Breguet-and-200-years-of-the-wristwatch.html | parago
1811 | Steamboats started replacing rafts and boats in rivers in US. | tpatikorn | |
1815 AD | The first electrostatic clock is invented, using research on physics and electricity to develop clocks. | http://www.historyofwatch.com/clock-history/ Visited: 3/23/2018 | lgrande |
1816 | First Photographic Negatives -Through experimentation, Nicephore Niepce is able to expose an image onto paper coated with light-sensitive silver chloride. | tjstone | |
1816 | First chronograph | http://en.worldtempus.com/article/watches/auctions-and-vintage/louis-moinet-the-chronographs-inventor-14550.html 9/8/2020 | parago |
1819 | Charles Babbage watched the Mechanical Turk play. It peaked his interest, and ultimately resulted in him creating the first automatic mechanical calculator | https://www.britannica.com/story/the-mechanical-turk-ai-marvel-or-parlor-trick Accessed 08/30/2023 | abeck |
1818 | Johann Martin Hermann comes up with the planimeter, a mechanical device to measure the area of arbitrary curves. | mjhagger | |
1820 | The Arithmometer becomes the first commercially successful mechanical calculator patented. | http://www.computinghistory.org.uk/cgi/computing-timeline.pl Visited: 9/3/2015 | dssilva |
1820 | Hans Christian Oersted creates mechanical movement from an electrical current. | Martin Doppelbauer, The Invention of the Electric Motor, http://www.eti.kit.edu/english/1376.php, (Access Date 8/29/2019) | agalgano |
1822 | Charles Babbage demonstrates a prototype of his "Difference Engine" to the Royal Astronomical Society. | eosowski | |
1822 | Joseph Fourier discovers Harmonic Analysis. | Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph (1822). Théorie analytique de la chaleur. Paris, France: Chez Firmin Didot, père et fils. | aperucic |
1826 | First Photograph - Nicephore Niepce took the first permanent, positive image using a camera obscura. The exposure lasted eight hours. | tjstone | |
1826 | Gas Stove patented by James Sharp | http://www.partselect.ca/Resources/Appliances-Timeline-Of-Their-Arrival.aspx | mjmcdonald |
1827 | Robert Brown is the first to observe a clear areola in an orchid and refers to it as the nucleus | http://www.jstor.org/stable/532143 Accessed: 9/6/2022 | bclukens |
1829 | Braille invented | bjsharron | |
1830 | Shorthand machine with punched paper | scbarry | |
1832 | Savatore dal Negro developed a machine with gears that could raise 60 grams. | Martin Doppelbauer, The Invention of the Electric Motor, http://www.eti.kit.edu/english/1376.php, (Access Date 8/29/2019) | agalgano |
1832 | Analytical Machine, a programmable mechanical calculator was designed | https://www.britannica.com/technology/Analytical-Engine | rjsthilaire |
1833 | Thomas Davenport developed the first patent for an electric motor and is known as the inventor of the electric motor. | Joseph Michalowicz, Origin of the Electric Motor, https://ieeexplore-ieee-org.ezproxy.wpi.edu/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6444428, (Access Date 8/28/2019) | agalgano |
1833 | Michael Faraday discovers a relationship between temperature and electrical conductivity in silver sulphide. | adurkee | |
1834 | Blanc brothers encoded stock market data in a government-only semaphore line, giving them an advantage in the market. | Scott, Tom. (10/01/2018) How the First Ever Telecoms Scam Worked. [Video file]. Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/cPeVsniB7b0 | zjester
1835 | Alexander-Edmond Becquerel recorded the first instance of the photovoltaic effect. | adurkee | |
1835 | Samuel Morse creates Morse code for communication over wires | mburns23 | |
1836 | Daniell Cell invented to fix the hydrogen bubble problem of the Voltaic Pile | djlaplante | |
1836 | French paper La Presse is the first to include paid advertising, soon to be copied by all other titles. | George T Kurian, World press encyclopedia (1982) 1: 341-42. | jbbieber |
1836 | Matthias Schleiden made the key observation in plant cells that cells are independent and an integral part of the plant. | https://www.jstor.org/stable/56216 Accessed: 9/6/2022 | bclukens |
1837 | The Daguerreotype - Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre develops a way to drastically reduce exposure time and patents his discovery. | tjstone | |
1837 | Analytical Engine, a never-constructed machine designed by Charles Babbage, intended to perform near arbitrary computation. | http://www.computerhistory.org/babbage/engines/ | crmyers |
1838 | US Congress designated all railroads as post routes. | tpatikorn | |
1838 | Stereoscopic viewers were invented and refined to create 3D pictures. | https://www.vrs.org.uk/virtual-reality/history.html | bmwaid |
1838 | William Robert Grove invented the fuel cell, which uses hydrogen and oxygen | djlaplante | |
1838 | Morse electric telegraph | emilymiller | |
1838 | There were calls for the use of secret ballots in England for elections | D. W. Jones, "Early Requirements for Mechanical Voting Systems," (IEEE, 2009) | mfrossetti |
1838-1843 | Morse Code Developed | bjsharron | |
1839 | William Robert Grove invented the fuel cell, which uses hydrogen and oxygen | djlaplante | |
1839 | Alexandre-Edmond Becquerel recorded the first instance of hte photovoltaic effect with silver chloride-coated platinum electrodes in an aqueous nitric acid electrolyte. | adurkee | |
1839 AD | The Daguerreotype is invented | Masoner, Liz, "A Brief History of Photography and the Camera." (The Spruce Crafts. September 5, 2018) https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/brief-history-of-photography-2688527 | kcariglia |
1839 | Theodor Schwann discovers that although animal and plant tissue look different they are both made up of cells | https://www.jstor.org/stable/56216 Accessed: 9/6/2022 | bclukens |
1841 | Positive/Negative Process - William Henry Fox Talbot perfects a similar process to the Daguerreotype, however the exposure is negative. Therefore, multiple positive copies could be made of the same exposure. This becomes the primary method for all modern film development. | tjstone | |
1842 | Robert Davidson tests an electric motor on a locomotive and reached a top speed of 4 mph. | Martin Doppelbauer, The Invention of the Electric Motor, http://www.eti.kit.edu/english/1376.php, (Access Date 8/29/2019) | agalgano |
1842 | The Poggendorff cell is invented, providing higher voltage, consistent current, and fumeless, though delicate and more work to operate. | djlaplante | |
1843 | Ada Lovelace works with Charles Babbage to write the first algorithm for the Analytical Engine. | 2. Friedman, L. W. (1992). From Babbage to Babel and beyond: A brief history of programming languages. Computer Languages, 17(1), 1-17. doi:10.1016/0096-0551(92)90019-j | jrtatone |
1844 | First telegraph signal, accredited to Samuel Morse | Library of Congress, “Invention of the Telegraph, https://www.loc.gov/collections/samuel-morse-papers/articles-and-essays/invention-of-the-telegraph/, (August 29th, 2019) | moneill |
1844 | William Robert Grove invents the Grove Cell, which provides high current and doubles the voltage of the Daniell cell. However it is proven that when operated, the cell gives off toxic fumes. | djlaplante | |
1844 | Samuel Morse sends the first telegraph from Baltimore to Washington D.C. | mburns23 | |
1844 | Samuel F. B. Morse transmits the first viable telegraph message. Securities brokers quickly adopt the technology to send market quotations. The telegraph helps expand the stock market by making trades accessible to brokers and investors outside of New York. | http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/timeline/crash/1/ | tleung |
1844 | Samuel F. B. Morse sends the first telegraphic message from Washington, D.C., to Baltimore via an experimental line. | Library of Congress, “Samuel F. B. Morse Papers at the Library of Congress, 1793 to 1919”, (LOC), https://www.loc.gov/collectio ns/samuel-morse-papers/articles-and-essays/invention-of-the-telegraph/ (5 Sept. 2021) | jrmalcarne |
1844 | The Morse telegraph system connects Baltimore to Washington, DC. | llhall | |
1844-1861 | Hermann Lebert makes observations that lead him to falsely conclude that the cancer cell is distinguishable from the regular cell and thus there are two types of cells, he publishes this idea and his observations in three large volumes. This leads to seperation in the Parisian scientific community based on whether or not cancer cells are a different type of cell. | https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/44631369 Accessed: 9/6/2022 | bclukens |
1847 | George Boole represents logic in mathematical form with Boolean Algebra | eosowski | |
1848 | R. E. Monaghan patented a device to count Yea and Nay votes using cranks, levers, and wires to punch a record into a sheet | D. W. Jones, “Technologists as Political Reformers: Lessons from the Early History of Voting Machines,” (The University of Iowa, October 2006), http://homepage.divms.uiowa.edu/~jones/voting/SHOTpaper.pdf, (April 1, 2020) | mfrossetti |
1849 | Austria attacks Venice with unmanned balloons loaded with explosives. The first recorded example of unmanned ariel attacks. | http://www.popsci.com/watch-brief-history-drone | addresser |
1850 | The idea of using several exposures to adequately reproduce a too-extreme range of luminance was pioneered as early as the 1850s by Gustave Le Gray to render seascapes showing both the sky and the sea. | J. Paul Getty Museum. Gustave Le Gray, Photographer. July 9 – September 29, 2002. Retrieved September 14, 2008 | fmo |
1851 | Amedee Mannheim standardizes the modern version of the slide rule with four scales most common for calculation problems. The ruler could calculate squares, square roots, and other basic arithmetic operations. | http://www.oughtred.org/history.shtml Visited: 9/3/2015 | dssilva |
1851 | John Gorrie patents a mechanical fridge that cools food by making ice. | Sandvik AB. “Timeline of Refrigerators and Low-Temperature Technology.” Refrigerator Timeline - History of Low-Temperature Technology, www.historyofrefrigeration.com/refrigeration-history/timeline-of-refrigerators/. | tkwan |
1851 AD | The Collodion (an improvement to the Daguerreotype) is invented | Masoner, Liz, "A Brief History of Photography and the Camera." (The Spruce Crafts. September 5, 2018) https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/brief-history-of-photography-2688527 | kcariglia |
1851 | first drum washing machine invented by James King was hand powered. | “Evolution of Washing Machines Timeline.” Timetoast, November 15, 1851. https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/evolution-of-washing-machines. | amkwan |
1854 | Charles Babbage reinvented the wheel cipher. | zhenhe | |
1854 | John Tyndall demonstrated to the Royal Society that light could be conducted through a curved stream of water, proving that a light signal could be bent. | https://www.thoughtco.com/birth-of-fiber-optics-4091837 | aforozco |
1854 | George Boole introduces Boolean Algebra | http://www.gutenberg.org/files/15114/15114-pdf.pdf | reastwood |
1855 | first international code for maritime signal flags drafted | The History Behind Nautical Flags, https://www.allstarflags.com/facts/history-behind-nautical-flags/ | nvanstralen |
1856 | Werner Siemens revolutionizes the design by introducing a double-T that winds in slots. | Martin Doppelbauer, The Invention of the Electric Motor, http://www.eti.kit.edu/english/1376.php, (Access Date 8/29/2019) | agalgano
1859 | Gaston Plante invents a lead-acid battery that can be recharged (first rechargeable battery). This model battery is still in use today as car batteries. | djlaplante | |
1860 | Willoughby Smith records the first instance of photoconductivity in metals. | adurkee | |
1860 | The Pony Express is established as a mail service in the Western United States. | tpatikorn mburns23 | |
April 3, 1860 | The Pony Express begins operations, to connect Missouri and California. | llhall | |
1860s | Gravity cell, an alternative version of the Daniell cell, is invented. It yielded a higher current and was easily constructed/refillable manually. | djlaplante | |
1861 | Samuel Morse Patents the design for the telegraph in America | epguleksen | |
1861 | First Color Photograph - James Clerk Maxwell created the first color photograph by exposing the same picture three separate times with different colored filters. The three images were then combined to form a single color image. | tjstone | |
1861 | The transcontinental telegraph wire is completed in US. | mburns23 | |
1861 | The Reis telephone was designed and built by Johann Philipp Reis | igbattaglia | |
October 26, 1861 | The Pony Express ceases operations, two days after completion of the transcontinental telegraph line. | llhall | |
1861 AD | First color photograph is produced | Masoner, Liz, "A Brief History of Photography and the Camera." (The Spruce Crafts. September 5, 2018) https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/brief-history-of-photography-2688527 | kcariglia |
March 1861 - April 1865 | The Civil War displaces men working as telegraph operators, and women take the role. | llhall | |
1864 | James Clerk Maxwell proved the existence of electromagnetic waves. | http://www.itworld.com/article/2802953/mobile/a-brief-history-of-wireless-technology.html | zrrobbins |
1865 | Founding of WPI | jmforkey | |
1865 | The Steam Man is created by John Brainerd. Considered a novelty item at the time, it was a 10 foot tall man looking machine that was used to pull carts. | http://timetunnel.bigredhair.com/steamman/index.html Visited on 3/19/2019 | rnbeaver |
1866 | Leclanche battery (aka the Zn/NH4Cl/C battery or the wet battery) invented, consistent and descent voltage, this became widely popular. | djlaplante | |
1866 | The first automobile (three wheeled Motor Car) was patented by Karl Benz. | https://www.livescience.com/37538-who-invented-the-car.html (Accessed March 21, 2018) | anpennie |
1867 | Electric generators emerge on the market and electricity is available to public. | Joseph Michalowicz, Origin of the Electric Motor, https://ieeexplore-ieee-org.ezproxy.wpi.edu/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6444428, (Access Date 8/28/2019) | agalgano
1868 | The first commercially successful typewriter was invented by Christopher Latham Sholes. | https://patents.google.com/patent/US79265 (Accessed March 22nd, 2018) | jbbrown |
1868 AD | The first wristwatch is invented, designed as a fashion accessory for women. | http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/23/fashion/wrist-watches-from-battlefield-to-fashion-accessory.html Visited: 3/23/2018 | lgrande |
1869 | Thomas Edison patented the Electric vote recorder that used telegraph keys to print a legislator's name onto a list | D. W. Jones, “Technologists as Political Reformers: Lessons from the Early History of Voting Machines,” (The University of Iowa, October 2006), http://homepage.divms.uiowa.edu/~jones/voting/SHOTpaper.pdf, (April 1, 2020) | mfrossetti |
1870 | First Mechanical Typewriter put into production. | fhunter | |
1870 | Charles Sanders Pierce expands on Boolean logic, and introduces logic of relatives | https://books.google.com/books?id=fFnWmf5oLaoC&printsec=titlepage | reastwood |
1872 | Electric bread toaster invented by Maddy Kennedy in the United Kingdom | http://www.partselect.ca/Resources/Appliances-Timeline-Of-Their-Arrival.aspx | mjmcdonald |
1873 | Willoughby Smith discovers the photoconductivity of selenium, the first instance of recorded photoconductivity in metals. | adurkee | |
1873 | Sholes and Glidden Typerwriter with querty keyboard put into production. | fhunter | |
1873 | James Savage invented a voting bow with a crank to increase both a tally counter and endorse only a single ballot to prevent voter fraud | D. W. Jones, “Technologists as Political Reformers: Lessons from the Early History of Voting Machines,” (The University of Iowa, October 2006), http://homepage.divms.uiowa.edu/~jones/voting/SHOTpaper.pdf, (April 1, 2020) | mfrossetti |
1874 | The first calculator using the pin-wheel principle, the Odhner calculator, is invented. Future calculators would use the same principle. | http://www.computinghistory.org.uk/cgi/computing-timeline.pl Visited: 9/3/2015 | dssilva |
1874 | Carl Ferdinand Braun created the first semiconductor rectifier, the diode. | adurkee | |
1874 | first in home washing machine invented by William Blackstone | “Evolution of Washing Machines Timeline.” Timetoast, November 15, 1851. https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/evolution-of-washing-machines. | amkwan |
1875 | telephone patented by Alexander Graham Bell | Alex Thompson, A Brief History of Long Distance Communication, https://www.wilsonamplifiers.com/blog/a-brief-history-of-long-distance-communication/ | nvanstralen |
1876 | Alexander Bell creates first working phone | epguleksen | |
1876 | First Electric Refrigerator invented by German scientist Carl Von Linde | http://www.partselect.ca/Resources/Appliances-Timeline-Of-Their-Arrival.aspx | mjmcdonald |
1876 | Carl von Linde patents a machine that uses compressed ammonia to cool. This takes over the culinary scene | Sandvik. “The History of the Refrigerator.” The History of the Refrigerator - Sandvik Materials Technology, www.materials.sandvik/en/campaigns/fridge-of-the-future/the-history-of-the-refrigerator/. | tkwan |
1876 | Alexander Graham Bell won the first U.S. patent for the telephone | Elon University, “1870s-1940s: Telephone,” https://www.elon.edu/e-web/predictions/150/1870.xhtml, (August 29th, 2019) | moneill |
1876 | Alexander Graham Bell transmits the first instance of human speech over a telephone to his assistant, Thomas A. Watson, sitting in the next room. | PBS, “Alexander Graham Bell”, (PBS), https://www.pbs.org/transistor/album1/addlbios/bellag.html (4 Sept. 2021) | jrmalcarne |
1876 | John Moss and John Smith of New York built a "Cash Recording Machine". | https://www.proquest.com/docview/200449823?accountid=29120&pq-origsite=primo&parentSessionId=iC6ruZgm5FtNlv%2FteOQEour4mImZdbcoxq0yj4bQVXk%3D | asbrady
1877 | Thomas Edison reveals the phonograph to record and play back sounds. A cylinder rotates as a needle presses against it. The needle vibrates due to sound and leaves wave patterns in the cylinder, leaving a recording of sound. He showed his phonograph in the New York office of Scientific American Magazine. Frenchman Charles Cros also claimed to have invented phonograph because he described a similar concept earlier than Edison. Interestingly, Edison did not work hard to commercialize the phonograph. | rpdabrowski | |
1877 | The first dry cell battery is invented (improved by 1887), became very popular due to ease of use. | djlaplante | |
1877 | The carbon microphone was invented by Thomas Edison and Emile Berliner. | igbattaglia | |
1878 | Ramon de Verea invents the first direct multiplication machine. This computation method was faster than previous methods. | http://www.computinghistory.org.uk/cgi/computing-timeline.pl Visited: 9/3/2015 | dssilva |
1878 | The first music is put on record: cornetist Jules Levy plays "Yankee Doodle." | Bruck, J., Grundy, A., & Joel, I. (1999, October 17). An Audio Timeline. Retrieved March 21, 2016, from http://www.aes.org/aeshc/docs/audio.history.timeline.html | cwjacobsohn |
1878 | The QWERTY Keyboard Layout is invented by Christopher Latham Sholes. The layout is designed to reduce typewriter jamming. |
https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/fact-of-fiction-the-legend-of-the-qwerty-keyboard-49863249/ (Accessed March 22 2018) |
jbbrown |
1879 | James Ritty and his brother John constructed the first cash register. The cash register could open, but it could not calculate change. |
M. Quinn, Ethics for the Information Age (Pearson, 2024), 6 |
ygong5, kacummings |
1879 | Universal Postal union established | The History of Mail and the Postal System, https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-mail-1992142 | nvanstralen |
1880 | Photophone created by Alexander Graham Bell proved capacity for light to hold an audio signal | Bellis, Mary. "How Fiber Optics Was Invented." ThoughtCo, Jun. 27, 2021, thoughtco.com/birth-of-fiber-optics-4091837. (September 4, 2023) | agjensen |
1880 | The telephone network starts to become substantial with more than 50,000 telephone lines existing in the United States. | Shinder, Debra L., Computer Networking Essentials (Cisco Press, 2001), 3. http://proquest.safaribooksonline.com.ezproxy.wpi.edu/book/networking/1587130386/introduction-to-pc-networking/3?uicode=wpi (9/2/2015) | svadlamudi |
1880 | Chichester Bell and Charles Tainter improve on the phonograph by using a wax cylinder instead of tin foil and by using a floating stylus to incise, rather than indent, the cylinder. This improved device was called a graphophone. | History of the Cylinder. Retrieved March 21, 2016, from https://www.loc.gov/collections/edison-company-motion-pictures-and-sound-recordings/articles-and-essays/history-of-edison-sound-recordings/history-of-the-cylinder-phonograph/ | cwjacobsohn |
1880 | Pierre Curie in 1880 described the piezoelectric effect whereby mechanical distortion of ceramic crystals would produce an electric charge | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3987368/ | Rtong
1880's | Invention of the first punch card system by John Shaw Billings after public demand for a more detailed census statistics. | Heide, Punched-Card Systems and the Early Information Explosion, 1880-1954, (John Hopkins University Press, 2009), p.1-37, 105-127, 252-168 | jdwalden |
1881 | William Grylls Adams and Richard Evans Day discover that selenium produces electricity when in light. | adurkee | |
1881 | Alexander Graham Bell made the first metal detector in order to try to save President James Garfield after being shot. | https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-the-metal-detector-1992303 | cemcdonough |
1881 AD | Roll film camera is invented | Masoner, Liz, "A Brief History of Photography and the Camera." (The Spruce Crafts. September 5, 2018) https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/brief-history-of-photography-2688527 | kcariglia |
1881 | The Ritty brothers sold their rights to the machine and the new owners added a cash drawer. | National Museum of American History, “Cash and Credit Registers,” (Smithsonian Institution, n.d), https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/cash-and-credit-registers (9/1/22). | tbgoggin |
1882 | Nikola Tesla invents a two-stage induction motor. | Joseph Michalowicz, Origin of the Electric Motor, https://ieeexplore-ieee-org.ezproxy.wpi.edu/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6444428, (Access Date 8/28/2019) | agalgano |
1883 | The world's first printing calculator, the Scheutz Difference Engine, was invented. | http://www.computinghistory.org.uk/cgi/computing-timeline.pl Visited: 9/3/2015 | dssilva |
1883 | Charles Fritts creats the first photovoltaic cell by melting thin sheets of selenium on a metal substrate and placing a thin gold leaf on top of the selenium. | adurkee | |
1884 | John H. Patterson bought the cash register business and renamed it the National Cash Register Company. | https://ohiohistorycentral.org/w/National_Cash_Register_Company (Accessed 9/1/2022) | tbgoggin |
1884 | Heman Hollerith engineered a way to use punched cards with tabulators for the 1890 census utilizing circular holes | Heide, Punched-Card Systems and the Early Information Explosion, 1880-1954, (John Hopkins University Press, 2009), p.1-37, 105-127, 252-168 | jdwalden |
1885 | Roll Film - Instead of glass, paper, or other expensive materials, George Eastman and William H. Walker develop the first roll of film and a camera to use it with. The Kodak camera was born. | tjstone | |
1885 | Gyrocompass is patented, meant to be used by ships for navigation | Galison, Peter (187). How experiments end. pp. 34-37. | ptspillane |
1885 | Frank Reade jr. created the “Electric Man”, an electric Version of John Brainerd’s Steam Man | https://www.robotshop.com/media/files/PDF/timeline.pdf | rnbeaver |
1886 | Carl Benz patents the first automobile. It would be considered a level 0 autonomy car. | Suzanne Deffree, Karl Benz drives the first automobile, July 3, 1886, (EDN.com, 7/3/19), https://www.edn.com/karl-benz-drives-the-first-automobile-july-3-1886/ (Accessed 4/2/21) | cctulig, jpoulos |
1887 | The Comptometer, the first key-driven adding and calculating machine, is invented by Dorr Felt. | http://www.computinghistory.org.uk/cgi/computing-timeline.pl Visited: 9/3/2015 | dssilva |
1887 |
Emile Berliner invents and patents the Gramophone, a non-wax disc photo-engraved with a lateral-cut groove. |
Schoenherr, S. E. (2005, July 6). Recording Technology History. Retrieved March 21, 2016, from http://www.aes.org/aeshc/docs/recording.technology.history/notes.html |
cwjacobsohn |
1887 |
Heinrich Hertz produced, sent and received wireless waves using reflectors to amplify the waves |
http://www.wirelesscommunication.nl/reference/chaptr07/history.htm |
zrrobbins |
1888 | Friedrich Haselwander develops a three-coil voltage system that runs synchronized as a generator. | Martin Doppelbauer, The Invention of the Electric Motor, http://www.eti.kit.edu/english/1376.php, (Access Date 8/29/2019) | agalgano |
1888 | Medical Use of bent glass rods by Roth and Reus of Vienna | Bellis, Mary. "How Fiber Optics Was Invented." ThoughtCo, Jun. 27, 2021, thoughtco.com/birth-of-fiber-optics-4091837. (September 4, 2023) | agjensen |
1888 | Hertz demonstrates the existence of radio waves, prompting the search for suitable detectors. | adurkee | |
1888 | Emile Berliner displays his invention, the record player, as an alternative to the phonograph. | rpdabrowski | |
1888 | The Telautograph enabled written communication over long distances by the use of recorded electrical impulses that transmitted to the receiving telautograph. | wtao | |
1888 AD | Kodak is founded | Masoner, Liz, "A Brief History of Photography and the Camera." (The Spruce Crafts. September 5, 2018) https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/brief-history-of-photography-2688527 | kcariglia |
1888 | an article called novel reading "evil" and compared it to "dram drinking" | https://timeline.com/what-technology-are-we-addicted-to-this-time-f0f7860f2fab | amkwan |
1890 | Herman Hollerith created the most successful Mechanical tabulating machines. | ygong5 | |
1890s | Azel C. Hough created a device, the Hough Security Cash Recorder, that was able to create slips recording transactions and use locks to offer protection against intruders. | National Museum of American History, “Cash and Credit Registers,” (Smithsonian Institution, n.d), https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/cash-and-credit-registers (9/1/22). | tbgoggin
1891 | William Burroughs begins to commercial manufacture his adding calculator through the Burroughs Adding Machine Company. Calculators became commonplace in American business offices. |
dssilva |
1891 | The first electric car was built by William Morrison. | https://www.livescience.com/37538-who-invented-the-car.html (Accessed March 21, 2018) | anpennie |
1891 | Ernest Mercadier introduced the very first headset , meant for the telephone | https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/a-partial-history-of-headphones-4693742/ | alate |
1891 | Nikola Tesla invented the Tesla Coil which could conduct electricity through the air. | Nikola Tesla, SYSTEM OF ELECTRIC LIGHTNING (United States Patent US454622A, 06/23/1891), https://patents.google.com/patent/US454622 (09/05/2023) | akzhang |
1892 | Nikola Tesla experiments with energy frequency's, predicts that it could be used for telecommunications in the future | ||
1892 | The Myers Automatic Booth, the first lever voting machine, was used in Lockport, New York | Douglas W. Jones, “A Brief Illustrated History of Voting,” (The University of Iowa, 2003), http://homepage.divms.uiowa.edu/~jones/voting/pictures/, (April 1, 2020) | mfrossetti |
1890s | Phone is used more after the initial first patent expires | epguleksen | |
1894 | Berliner's company, the United States Gramophone Company, puts rubber gramophone discs on the market. These discs could be mass-produced, unlike cylinders at the time, and they were quickly adopted as a result. | Emile Berliner and the Birth of the Recording Industry. (2001, June). Retrieved March 21, 2016, from https://memory.loc.gov/ammem/berlhtml/berlhome.html | cwjacobsohn
1895 | Wilhelm Rontgen discovers x-rays | http://www.ncmedicaljournal.com/content/75/2/111.full.pd | lnguyen3
1895 | first radio signal sent and received by Guglielmo Marconi | http://www.ncmedicaljournal.com/content/75/2/111.full.pd | lnguyen3
1895 | Guglielmo Marconi creates first wireless system capable of transmitting a signal long distances | The Invention of Radio Technology, https://www.thoughtco.com/invention-of-radio-1992382 | nvanstralen |
1895 | Waldmar Jungner invents a nickel-cadmium rechargeable battery. First alkaline battery. Very expensive however Much higher energy than any previous battery. | djlaplante | |
1895 | Guglielmo Marconi sent and received the first radio signal | Worcester State University, “Who Invented the Radio?”, https://public.wsu.edu/~bryan.mclaughlin/Radio/Who_Invented_Radio.html, (August 29th, 2019) | moneill |
1896 | Electronic fencing hit detection created | https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/the-long-history-behind-fencers-hitdetecting-electrified-gear | ggsmith |
1896 |
Guglielmo Marconi creates the first wireless telegraph system |
http://www.wirelesshistoryfoundation.org/wireless-history-project/wireless-history-timeline | zrrobbins |
1896 | Samuel P. Language developed the first unmanned aerial vehicle. A steam-powered unmanned aircraft that flew for around 60 seconds above the Potomac River | https://airandspace.si.edu/collection-objects/langley-aerodrome-number-5 Visited: 3/23/2018 | hdunphy
1897 | Marconi demonstrated a radio transmission over 18 miles of the English Channel. The first wireless company, Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company was founded. | http://www.microwavejournal.com/articles/24759 | zrrobbins |
1897 |
Karl Ferdinand Braun creates a cathode ray oscilloscope, the first applied use of CRT display technology. By controlling the direction of electrons, Braun was able to generate markings on a screen. |
http://history-computer.com/ModernComputer/Basis/cathode.html, “Ferdinand Braun” (Britannica, June 2, 2020), https://www.britannica.com/biography/Ferdinand-Braun (accessed April 6, 2021) | nadiaz, larathke |
1897 | Edwin Votey invents the Pianola, the first player piano | https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/search/object/nmah_605795 | jmmoy |
1898 | Valdemar Poulsen develops and patents the telegraphone, the first magnetic recorder, which works by magnetizing thin steel wire. | Morton, D. Inventing the Wire Recorder. Retrieved March 21, 2016, from http://www.recording-history.org/HTML/wire2.php | cwjacobsohn |
1898 | Nikola Tesla builds and demonstrates a remote controlled robot boat at Madison Square Garden. | eosowski | |
1898 | First electronic hearing aid | https://hearingsystemsinc.com/the-history-of-hearing-aids/ 9/8/2020 | parago |
1899 | The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell | mburns23 | |
1900 | Thomas Lambert develops a method for mass-producing indestructible celluloid cylinder audio recordings. | Schoenherr, S. E. (2005, July 6). Recording Technology History. Retrieved March 21, 2016, from http://www.aes.org/aeshc/docs/recording.technology.history/notes.html | cwjacobsohn |
1900 | The first hybrid car was invented by Ferdinand Porsche. | https://www.livescience.com/37538-who-invented-the-car.html (Accessed March 21, 2018) | anpennie
1900 | Tabulating Machine Company releases cards with 24 columns and 10 positions | IBM, The IBM Punched Card, (IBM 100), https://www.ibm.com/ibm/history/ibm100/us/en/icons/punchcard/#:~:text=Punched%20cards%20date%20back%20to,what%20would%20eventually%20become%20IBM (9/3/2023) | jdwalden |
1901 | Carl Ferdinand Braun uses semiconductor rectifiers to receive radio signals. | adurkee | |
1901 | Marconi sends "first successful transatlantic radio communication". This helped him prove that the Earth's curvature does not affect radio signals. | mburns23 | |
1901 | Nikola Tesla begins the goal of wireless powering and attempts it with his Wardenclyffe tower | Tesla Science Center, Tesla's Tower at Wardenclyffe (2020), https://teslasciencecenter.org/history/tower/ (09/04/2023) | akzhang |
1902 | Danish engineer, Valdmar Poulsen, invents Poulsen-Arc, a radio transmitter | ||
1902 | Edison introduces his own method for mass-producing hard wax cylinders.
Schoenherr, S. E. (2005, July 6). Recording Technology History. Retrieved March 21, 2016, from http://www.aes.org/aeshc/docs/recording.technology.history/notes.html | cwjacobsohn |
1902 | Air Conditioner invented by Willis Haviland Carrier | http://www.partselect.ca/Resources/Appliances-Timeline-Of-Their-Arrival.aspx | mjmcdonald
1902 | First science fiction film released: the French Le Voyage dans la Lune (A Trip To The Moon) | http://brainknowsbetter.com/news/2014/2/21/georges-melies-a-trip-to-the-moon-reveals-the-psychology-of-film | kthooppalvasu
1903 | Einhoven creates electrocardiogram | http://smj.sma.org.sg/5301/5301ms1.pdfd | lnguyen3
1903 | The nickel-iron battery is invented, light weight and durable, though not as powerful as alkaline. | djlaplante | |
1903 | Nikola Tesla patents electrical AND gates | https://ieeexplore-ieee-org.ezproxy.wpi.edu/document/4397196/citations#citations | reastwood
1904 | Welte in Freiburg, Germany succeeds in using perforated paper record and reproduce an original piano performance, essentially inventing the player piano. | rpdabrowski | |
1904 | Christian Hülsmeyer invents “Telemobiloskop” to transmit and receive Hertzian waves to give alarm for the presence of a metallic object such as a ship or a train, in the direction of transmission. | https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-00584-3. (last retrieved March 19, 2023). | rpdabrowski |
1905 | John Fleming invents the Vacuum Tube | ajthompson | |
1906 | William Randolph Hearst begins to use cylinder recordings of his speeches in his campaign for governor of New York. | Schoenherr, S. E. (2005, July 6). Recording Technology History. Retrieved March 21, 2016, from http://www.aes.org/aeshc/docs/recording.technology.history/notes.html | cwjacobsohn |
1906 | After extensive testing of materials while working on wireless signals, Greenleaf Whittier Pickard discovers silicon crystals as the most stable of rectifiers for receiving wireless signals out of about 30000 materials. | adurkee | |
1906 | Harvard releases report on “The Physical Aspect of American Football” in the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal first using term of concussion of the brain in a medical journal and further describes TBI effects | mhsultan | |
1906 | First Audio Radio Broadcast is sent on December 24, 1906 | ||
1906 | Thaddeus Cahill invents the first polyphonic, touch-sensitive music synthesizer. | Weidenaar, Reynold (1995). Magic Music from the Telharmonium. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. | aperucic |
1906 | Creation of first semiconductor diode. | Zhang, J, Eternal 5D data storage by ultrafast laser writing in glass, (University of Southampton, 3/4/2016), https://www-spiedigitallibrary-org.ezpxy-web-p-u01.wpi.edu/conference-proceedings-of-spie/9736/1/Eternal-5D-data-storage-by-ultrafast-laser-writing-in-glass/10.1117/12.2220600.full, (4/2/2020) | maferreira |
1906 | Reginal Fessenden sets the stage for commercialized radio by sending the first ever long-distance transmission of music and human voice via radio waves. | American Experience, “The Development of Radio”, (PBS), https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/ americanexperience/features/rescue-development-radio/ (4 Sept. 2021) | jrmalcarne |
1907 | UPS was founded. | tpatikorn | |
1907 | Lee De Forest invents the triode tube, capable of not only acting as a diode, but also an amplifier for the signal passing through the tube. | https://www.google.com/patents/US879532, Retrieved: March 21, 2016 | |
1908 | first electric powred washing machine invented by Alva J. Fisher, manufactured by the Hurley Machine Company of Chicago | “Evolution of Washing Machines Timeline.” Timetoast, November 15, 1851. https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/evolution-of-washing-machines. | amkwan |
1910 | Navy uses headset/headphones for Naval radio operators | https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/a-partial-history-of-headphones-4693742/ | alate |
1910's | first bookkeeping systems using punched cards was launched. These systems printed calculations and the original information that was on the punched cards. Competition grew for the Tabulation Machine Company | Heide, Punched-Card Systems and the Early Information Explosion, 1880-1954, (John Hopkins University Press, 2009), p.1-37, 105-127, 252-168 | jdwalden |
1911 | Torre's Automatic Chess Player | https://chessprogramming.wikispaces.com/El+Ajedrecista | awheeler2
1911 | Fred Wiseman flew with mails from Petaloma to Santa Rosa, California in 1911. | tpatikorn | |
1912 | Creation of electric stove completed by Lloyd Groff Copeman | http://www.partselect.ca/Resources/Appliances-Timeline-Of-Their-Arrival.aspx | mjmcdonald |
1912 | Lawrence Sperry invents the first autopiloted aircraft (9 years after the wright brothers made the plane). | https://scandinaviantraveler.com/en/aviation/the-story-of-the-worlds-first-autopilot | calobo |
1912 | Boris Rosing uses the cathode ray tube as a “television” | Alexander B Magoun, Television: The Life Story of a Technology, (Greenwood Press, 2007), https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=EbHOEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR5&ots=VGKBnYSbl8&sig=rpRqEEDiBc0YY7l1PdwG6IzVNRU#v=onepage&q&f=false (9/2/2023) | rkoffstein |
1912 | El Ajedrecista, the first automatic mechanical chess machine, was created by Leonardo Torres y Quevedo | https://history-computer.com/leonardo-torres-chess-machine/ Accessed 08/30/2023 | abeck |
1913 | FedEx was founded. | tpatikorn | |
1913 | Stenography machines called "stenotype" | scbarry | |
1913 | First refrigerator for home use created by Fred W. Wolf | http://www.greatachievements.org/?id=3768 | mjmcdonald |
1913 | First electric dishwasher on the market, created by Walker Brothers | http://www.greatachievements.org/?id=3768 | mjmcdonald |
1913 | Echo Sounder is created to measure depth and distance at sea using sound waves | Salous, Sana (2013). Radio Propagation Measurement and Channel Modelling. John Wiley & Sons. P. 424. | ptspillane |
1913 | First factory assembly line was introduced by Ford Motor which represents one of the earliest forms of automation. | https://www.brighthubengineering.com/manufacturing-technology/126293-history-of-automation-in-manufacturing/#history-of-automation-in-manufacturing | calobo |
1914 | First technical application of ultrasound (first working sonar system) | http://www.ob-ultrasound.net/history1.html | lnguyen3
1915 | Carl Benedicks found that germanium's resistance lay between that of silver and tin, and produced a diode using germanium, platinum, and copper. | adurkee | |
1915 | The automatic telephone exchange is created, removing the need for operators on every call. | mburns23 | |
1915 | British use ariel imagery to capture 1500 sky view maps of the German trench fortifications. | http://www.popsci.com/watch-brief-history-drone | addresser |
1915 | His pupil Paul Langevin built the first hydrophone which used ultrasonic waves to locate the position and distance of submarines and is the principle behind the measurement of the fetus and abdominal masses by ultrasound. | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3987368/ | Rtong
1916 | First 2 way radio test on naval warships | tasellielund23
| |
1916 | One of the first feature-length science fiction films released: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. | https://publicdomainreview.org/collections/20000-leagues-under-the-sea-1916/ | kthooppalvasu |
1916 | leather helmet made for football players protection in response to the onslaught of injuries stemming from the sport. More helmets would be made for the same purpose | mhsultan | |
1917 | Vernam cipher invented. The Vernam Cipher is a symmetric cipher intended to encrypt teletype messages. The method of encryoption is combining the original plaintext message with a sequence of random polyalphabetic characters. | https://www.hypr.com/vernam-cipher/ | zhenhe, rcsawka, mjadragna |
1917 | British intelligence intercepts the German transmission known as the Zimmerman Telegram. After decoded, the British discover that Germany had planned to offer Mexico US territory in return for allying with them in the war. | Prichard, Roger, "History of Encryption", (SANS Institute, 2002), https://www.giac.org/paper/gsec/1555/history-encryption/102877#:~:text=The%20first%20use%20of%20encryption,method%20called%20the%20substitution%20cipher. 9/1/2021,
John F. Dooley, "History of Cryptography and Cryptanalysis: Codes, Ciphers, and Their Algorithms", (Springer Nature, 2018), https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-90443-6, (3/19/2024) |
bnsahagian, abollinger (additional source added)
1918 | The US creates ariel torpedoes that work as kamikaze drones. The war ended before these drones saw use. | http://www.popsci.com/watch-brief-history-drone | addresser |
1919 | Animator Max Fleischer invented rotoscoping - a process of tracing over actual footage frame-by-frame | https://medium.com/@lumrachele/a-brief-history-of-motion-tracking-technology-and-how-it-is-used-today-44923087ef4c | kofichtner |
1919 |
Walter H. Schottky invented the tetrode tube, an improvement over the triode, by adding an electrical screen between the control grid and the anode, which decouples the two to allow for higher voltage gains with a single tube. |
1920 | The very first radio news program is broadcast, signaling radio as the new dominant medium for entertainment, news, and accessibility of information | prlee | |
1920's | Improved calculation capabilities and now included letters. Europe began adopting Punched card technology | Heide, Punched-Card Systems and the Early Information Explosion, 1880-1954, (John Hopkins University Press, 2009), p.1-37, 105-127, 252-168 | jdwalden |
1920 | John Hugo Mfg. Co. developed a toy for young children called Radio Rex that would move forward when the dog's name, Rex, was called. | Gold, Bernard, Nelson Morgan, and Dan Ellis. "Chapter 4: Brief History of Automatic Speech Recognition." Speech and Audio Signal Processing: Processing and Perception of Speech and Music. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2011. N. pag. Print. | leantul
1920 | European cinema diverges from American cinema in using science fiction for social commentary. Example: Aelita: Queen of Mars | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_science_fiction_films#Silent%20film. Aelita: http://sensesofcinema.com/2010/cteq/aelita-queen-of-mars/ | kthooppalvasu |
1920 | Electrostatic pickups first invented and implemented in string instruments | A. Ingram, A concise history of the electric guitar. Pacific, MO: Mel Bay Publications, 2001. | sparks |
1920 | First guitar amplifier created using vacuum tubes | J. Teagle, “Antique Guitar Amps 1928-1934,” Vintage Guitar, Sep-1997. | sparks |
1920s | Pre-print fact checking departments introduced in major news publications | Nyhan, B., Reifler, J., & Graves, L. (2015, April 22). The diffusion of fact-checking: Understanding the growth of a journalistic innovation. Retrieved April 02, 2021, from https://www.issuelab.org/resource/the-diffusion-of-fact-checking-understanding-the-growth-of-a-journalistic-innovation.html | aebolduc |
1921 | Pager was invented - First used by Detroit Police Department | https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-pagers-and-beepers-1992315 | psjain |
1921 | One of the first radio stations to host music program airs under the name 'WJZ' | ||
1921 | Czech writer Karel Capek introduces the word "Robot" in his play "R.U.R"(Rossuum's Universal Robots)" "Robot in Czech comes from the word "robota" meaning "compulsory labor" | eosowski | |
1921 | First try of car-to car radio | (2016, May 19). In 1921 first car-to-car radios are used. by Gyasi C. on Prezi. Retrieved March 24, 2017, from https://prezi.com/0c6dbmxmfen3/in-1921-first-car-to-car-radios-are-used/ | yzhou8 |
1921 | First graphing calculator is invented by Edith Clarke | Charlotte Montague, Women of Invention Life-Changing Ideas by Remarkable Women | dstusalitus |
1921 | First trans-Atlantic tests of radio communications. WPI's station is one of the first heard in Scotland. | http://wpiwa.wpi.edu/about.html | csalter2 |
1922 | Bell Telephone Laboratories develops and produces a "condenser microphone," which is designed to better reduce distortion, increase bass response, and capture more of the highs and lows of sound. Arthur Scerbius built the German Enigma machine. | zhenhe | |
1922 | BBC broadcasts first radio program | http://www.microwavejournal.com/articles/24759 | zrrobbins |
1922 | Guglielmo Marconi first proposes the concept of radar in a speech at the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and The Institute of Radio Engineers | https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-00584-3. (last retrieved March 19, 2023). | kjlopez |
1923 | First electric key punch is designed by IBM. This was one of the earliest machines that could be used to create data and input for computers. | http://www-03.ibm.com/ibm/history/history/year_1923.html (accessed March 21, 2016). | djkiourtsis |
1923 | First prototype of the Enigma machine is invented sold as a commercial product by German engineer Arthur Scherbius. | Churchhouse, R. (2002). Codes and ciphers Julius Caesar, the Enigma, and the internet . Cambridge ;: Cambridge University Press. | etarthur |
1923 AD | First instant camera is invented | Masoner, Liz, "A Brief History of Photography and the Camera." (The Spruce Crafts. September 5, 2018) https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/brief-history-of-photography-2688527 | kcariglia |
1924 | Electric Recorders - The electronic amplifier by Western Electric inspired Columbia to develop electric recording technology. It turned out to be a huge success. The electronic recorders soon become more popular than traditional acoustic players. | bangyan | |
1924 | Zugtelephonie AG started supplying wireless telephone equipment for trains. | https://historycooperative.org/first-cell-phone/ | hwang15 |
1924 | The First ever teaching Machine, called the Pressey Teaching Machine, is demonstrated at the American Psychological Association by Sidney Leavitt Pressey. | Benjamin, L. T. (1988). A history of teaching machines. American Psychologist, 43(9), 703–712. https://doi.org/10.1037/0003-066X.43.9.703 | elevin |
1925 | 35mm Film - Developed by Leica, this film size becomes the most popular size for amateur photographers. | tjstone | |
1925 | Houdina Radio Control demonstrates a radio controlled car called the Linriccan Wonder in New York City. The car is controlled by a passenger in a following car. | Driverless Dreams: Technological Narratives and the Shape of the Automated Car. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2015. Pg. 11. http://www.estayton.com/Stayton_DriverlessDreams_May5_2015.pdf. | aaadkins |
1925 | Gerhard Fischar created portable metal detector which was sold commercially in 1931. | https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-the-metal-detector-1992303 | cemcdonough |
1925 | The New York Times reports that “the competition among the radio experts of several countries, including the United States, for the achievement of ‘television’ has been won by the French inventor, Edouard Belin.” | Bakalar, Nicholas, “When ‘Symptoms of Television’ Began Their Inexorable Spread”, (New York Times, 29 Feb. 2016), | jrmalcarne |
1926 | Walter H. Schottky invented the tetrode tube, an improvement over the triode, by adding an electrical screen between the control grid and the anode, which decouples the two to allow for higher voltage gains with a single tube | http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=6218283 | ajthompson |
1926 | The first computer-aided instruction (CAI) was invented by Pressey. A teaching machine, a multiple-choice machine, was developed by Sydney Pressey, Professor of Psychology at Ohio State University. | Haran, Michael. “A History of Education Technology.” The Institute of Progressive Education and Learning, institute-of-progressive-education-and-learning.org/a-history-of-education-technology/. | ekim4 |
1927 | Plus four wristlet route indicator released | hsahay | |
1927 | First successful demonstration of electronic television by 21-year-old Philo Farnsworth | Mitchell Stephens, “History of Television,” https://www.nyu.edu/classes/stephens/History%20of%20Television%20page.htm, (August 29th, 2019) | moneill |
1927 | General George Squier patents technology allowing music to be transmitted over electrical lines | https://www.google.com/patents/US1641608?dq=1641608 | egouveia |
1928 | Pagers were officially launched - Allowed for 1-way radio communication with police cars | https://www.silicon.co.uk/mobility/smartphones/tales-tech-history-pager-204285 | psjain |
1928 | First ever Television Broadcast | https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/bigdream-tv-milestones/#:~:text=Television's%20first%20drama%2CThe%20Queen's,reception%20of%20images%20in%201929 | mssensat |
1928 | One-way police radio communication | ||
1928 | The N.Y.S.E. introduces new and improved high-speed tickers. The devices can print 500 characters per minute, almost twice as fast as the earlier models. | http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/timeline/crash/2/ | tleung |
1928 | Invention of magnetic tape for recording sound by Fritz Pfleumer in Germany | ||
1928 | IBM releases cards with 80 columns, 10 rows for numbers, and rectangular holes | IBM, The IBM Punched Card, (IBM 100), https://www.ibm.com/ibm/history/ibm100/us/en/icons/punchcard/#:~:text=Punched%20cards%20date%20back%20to,what%20would%20eventually%20become%20IBM (9/3/2023) | jdwalden |
1928 | Electric refrigerators use freon as a safer compression liquid alternative | Sandvik. “The History of the Refrigerator.” The History of the Refrigerator - Sandvik Materials Technology, www.materials.sandvik/en/campaigns/fridge-of-the-future/the-history-of-the-refrigerator/. | tkwan |
1928 | IBM introduces the IBM punch card format utilizing 80 columns of rectangular holes. | IBM100—The IBM Punched Card. (2012, March 7). [CTB14]. IBM Corporation. http://www-03.ibm.com/ibm/history/ibm100/us/en/icons/punchcard/ | mchalmers |
1928 | John von Neumann created the Minimax algorithm | https://cs.stanford.edu/people/eroberts/courses/soco/projects/1998-99/game-theory/Minimax.html#:~:text=The%20Minimax%20algorithm%20is%20the,choice%20that%20a%20player%20makes. Accessed 08/30/2023 | abeck |
1929 | First ever live television broadcast | https://genome.ch.bbc.co.uk/page/1f054f8e6830404e9a1d5c020720c6ac | mssensat |
1929 | Edward Link developed the “Link Trainer”, a commercial flight simulator that simulated the movements of a plane in actual flight. | https://www.vrs.org.uk/virtual-reality/history.html | bmwaid |
1929 | Herman A. Affel Invents and Patents Copper Coaxial Cable. | Herman A. Affel Coaxial Cable, (National Inventers Hall of Fame 2006) https://www.invent.org/inductees/herman-affel, (September 4, 2023) | agjensen |
1929 | German psychiatrist Hans Berger invents electroencephalography (EEG), which is the monitoring and recording of electrical activity within the brain. Although this breakthrough was largely ignored at the time due to general disinterest and its seemingly inapplicable nature, it was the first step to pave the way for further development of brain-computer interfacing. | https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16334737/#:~:text=Abstract,MRI%2C%20DSA%2C%20etc.) | ajlee |
1929 | Milton Ezra LaZerte invents the Problem Cylender, a machine that could not only check if answers were right or wrong, but also check steps. | Hunka, S. M., & Buck, G. H. The Rise and Fall of CAl at the University of Alberta's Faculty of Education. | elevin |
1930 | Prototype “lap steel” electric guitar created that would be replicated and duplicated by many manufacturers later (used magnetic pickups instead of electrostatic) | A. Ingram, A concise history of the electric guitar. Pacific, MO: Mel Bay Publications, 2001. | sparks
1930 | |||
1930 | Magnetic Recorders - Magnetic recording is widely used today for video and audio tape. It is actually introduced way back in the 1900s. However, it is in the 1930s that it truly becomes a popular recording way for the public and companies such as BBC. At that time, the best magnetic technology is in the hands of German companies. | bangyan | |
1930 | IBM releases new version with 12 rows for numbers. Application of punched cards grows to business statistics and record management. Punched cards went from disposable data-procession tool to storage medium | IBM, The IBM Punched Card, (IBM 100), https://www.ibm.com/ibm/history/ibm100/us/en/icons/punchcard/#:~:text=Punched%20cards%20date%20back%20to,what%20would%20eventually%20become%20IBM (9/3/2023) | jdwalden |
1930 | The Hike-o-meter becomes popular in America with the growing popularity of walking | Freedman, R. (2005). Children of the Clutch Plague. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. |
tjaskoviak |
1930 | Dick Tracy - The Concept | hsahay | |
1930 | Analog compression developed | bjsharron | |
1930 | German medical student Heinrich Lamm was the first person to assemble a bundle of optical fibers to carry an image. | https://www.thoughtco.com/birth-of-fiber-optics-4091837 | aforozco |
1930s | Lever voting machines were used in most major United States cities and spread slowly to other districts | Douglas W. Jones, “A Brief Illustrated History of Voting,” (The University of Iowa, 2003), http://homepage.divms.uiowa.edu/~jones/voting/pictures/, (April 1, 2020) | mfrossetti |
1932 | Polish cryptologists broke the Enigma machine code | http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2215003/Secrets-Enigma-code-cracked-Polish-Brits-MPs-claim.html; Churchhouse, R. (2002). Codes and ciphers Julius Caesar, the Enigma, and the internet. Cambridge ;: Cambridge University Press. | ajmokotoff, etarthur |
1932 | Allen B. Du Mont creates the first commercially viable Cathode ray tube for television | Du Mont, A. (1932). An Investigation of Various Electrode Structures of Cathode Ray Tubes Suitable for Television Reception. Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, 20(12), 1863–1877. https://doi.org/10.1109/JRPROC.1932.227747 | mchalmers |
1933 | Two-way police radio communication | ||
1933 | FM Radio (frequency modulation) is invented by Edwin Armstrong | ||
1933 | Two-thirds of American households own at least one radio. | ||
1933 | George Artsrouni patents a basic translation device that makes use of stored paper tape to translate any word into another language. | Hutchins, W. John, “MACHINE TRANSLATION: A BRIEF HISTORY,” Concise history of the language sciences: from the Sumerians to the cognitivists (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1995), p431-445. | kmpicho |
1933 | Paul Lueg invents the concept of soundwave cancellation by using opposite soundwaves through speakers | https://www.headphonesty.com/2020/10/history-of-noise-cancelling-headphones/ | |
1933 | Leo Young and Lawrence Hyland devise with Hoyt Taylor a system of widely spaced transmitters and receivers at Fort Monmouth New York for detecting aircraft. | https://doi.org/10.1109/MAES.2000.839634. (last retrieved March 19, 2023). | kjlopez |
1933 | Petr Petrovich Troyanskii invents mechanical translator | https://historyofinformation.com/detail.php?id=3887 | nrgiangregorio |
1934 | Akira Nakashima introduces circuit switching theory | https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/ieejfms/124/8/124_8_720/_article | reastwood |
1935 | Hammond Organ Company invents the first commercially successful additive synthesizer. | http://www.hammond-organ.com/History/hammond_lore.htm Visited 08/30/2017 | aperucic |
1935 | Punched cards used primarily for bookkeeping and operating large registers of people | Heide, Punched-Card Systems and the Early Information Explosion, 1880-1954, (John Hopkins University Press, 2009), p.1-37, 105-127, 252-168 | jdwalden |
1935 | The first RADAR system is invented, which will later be advanced and refined into use for weather and storm tracking, especially for tornadoes. | https://www.thoughtco.com/radar-and-doppler-history-4070020 | amrebello |
1935 | Guglielmo Marconi begins experiments of mobile radar receiver and transmitter link between the Vatican and Castel Gandolfo in Italy | https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-00584-3 (last retrieved March 19, 2023). | kjlopez |
1936 | Alan Turing introduces the concept of a theoretical computer called the Turing Machine. Additionally, he introduces the principle of imitation. | Robert Epstein, Gary Roberts, Grace Beber, Parsing the Turing Test (Springer Science + Business Media B.V, 2009) | eosowski, rjsthilaire |
1936 | Ronald Fisher first describes Linear Discriminant Analysis | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Fisher#cite_note-70 | ljbuquicchio |
1936 | The Dvorak Simplified Keyboard is invented by Dr. August Dvorak. The layout intends to minimize finger motion and typing errors. | https://patents.google.com/patent/US2040248 | jbbrown |
1936 | Alonzo Church discovers Lambda Calculus, the foundation for functional programming languages. | https://hope.simons-rock.edu/~pshields/cs/cmpt320/barendregt.pdf | rmschade |
1937 | First FM Radio station is created, W1X0J in Massachusetts | ||
1937 | The Polaroid Company was created after Edwin H. Land’s research at the Land-Wheelwright Laboratories studying polarizing lenses. | “Edwin Land and Instant Photography.” American Chemical Society, www.acs.org/education/whatischemistry/landmarks/land-instant-photography.html. Accessed 29 Aug. 2024. | mwnickerson |
1937 | Alan Turing publishes his "On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem" | https://www.cs.virginia.edu/~robins/Turing_Paper_1936.pdf | jtreiss |
1937 AD | Polaroid is founded | Masoner, Liz, "A Brief History of Photography and the Camera." (The Spruce Crafts. September 5, 2018) https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/brief-history-of-photography-2688527 | kcariglia |
1937 | Bendix released the first automatic washing machine | “Evolution of Washing Machines Timeline.” Timetoast, November 15, 1851. https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/evolution-of-washing-machines. | amkwan |
1938 | Orson Welles' "The War of the World" is broadcast causing panic across nation, many citizens believing the alien invasion is real. | ||
1938 | Pulse-code modulation invented by Alec Reeves | Tony Hill, Digital Sound: Episode 5 of 5 (BBC, Sun 27 Mar 2011), https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00zs7v5 (11/2/20) | brdesousa |
1938 | Stenograph founded | https://www.stenograph.com/history-writers | scbarry |
1939 | Homer Dudley invented and showed the world the Voder which according to Bernard Gold's publication in The Lincoln Laboratory Journal, was a machine that, was controlled by a human operator who operated a console similar to a piano keyboard (pg. 163). | Gold, Bernard. "A History of Vocoder Research at Lincoln Laboratory." The Lincoln Laboratory Journal 3.2 (1990): 163-202. Lincoln Laboratory. Web. 4 Sept. 2015. | leantul |
1939 | United States creates the first remote controlled air craft called the radio plane OQ2 | http://www.popsci.com/watch-brief-history-drone | addresser |
1939 | “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, the first full-length American film using rotoscoping is released | http://www.engadget.com/2018-05-25-motion-capture-history-video-vicon-siren.html | kofichtner |
1939 | Norman Bel Geddes depicts radio-controlled autonomous vehicles propelled by electromagnetic fields produced by circuitry in roads at the World's Fair. | Autonomous Cars: Past, Present and Future - A Review of the Developments in the Last Century, the Present Scenario and the Expected Future of Autonomous Vehicle Technology. SCITEPRESS, 2015. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.ezproxy.wpi.edu/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=7350466&tag=1. Pg 2 | aaadkins |
1939 | One of the first entertainment television programs was the broadcasting of a Major League baseball game. | First Televised Major League Baseball Game, https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/first-televised-major-league-baseball-game | mazyla |
1940s | Magnetic-core memory was invented. | https://www.dataversity.net/brief-history-data-storage/ | nchkhaidze |
1940 | "The History of Musical Instruments" by Curt Sachs offers the term 'electrophone', which is used to describe any kind of instruments that involved electricity. | ||
1940 | Issac Asimov produces a series of short stories about robots for Super Science Stories magazine, these stories are eventually compiled into the vont-size: small;">Information Theory developed leading to new techniques in data compression | bjsharron | |
1940 | British physicists, Harry Boot and John Randall, developed the cavity magnetron which helped Britain fight back against Germany during WWII. | http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/6331897.stm | nshukla |
1940's | : First appearance of RFID Technology | Sun, Fan Jiang, Shaohua Jiang, Research on RFID Applications in Construction Industry, (Journal of Networks, 2013) https://www.proquest.com/docview/1366056513?accountid=29120&pq-origsite=primo&parentSessionId=S6xVI%2BVA7whL66KolxxLEbWWw8USanoysppGa29T8XU%3D (9/3/2023) | jdwalden |
1940 | Goliath a mobile landmine used by German forces was remotely controlled and could be remotely detonated. | http://www.allonrobots.com/military_robots_history.html Visited: 3/23/2018 | hdunphy |
1940 | Dr. Edward Condon displays a game machine called the Nimatron at the New York World’s Fair. | Jeremy Norman, NIMATRON: An Early Electromechanical Machine to Play the Game of Nim, https://www.historyofinformation.com/detail.php?entryid=4472 (Accessed 9/6/2020) | resallie |
1941 AD | The first television news station is formed | M. Conway, "The Birth of CBS-TV News," Journalism History, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 128-137, 2006. | prlee |
1941 | Les Paul produces the very first electric guitar, known as "The Log". Navajo windtalkers used in World War II | zhenhe | |
1941 | The Robinson code-breaking machine is built by the British to decode ENIGMA machine messages sent by the Germans | eosowski | |
1941 | The Atanasoff-Berry computer is completed, able to solve systems of linear equations |
1941 | Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor. US fails to act on information intercepted by SIGINT | D. Owen, "A review of intelligence oversight failure: NSA programs that affected Americans," Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin, 2012. | mttaylor
1941 | ZUSE Z3 Terminal - Konrad Zuse creates the ZUSE Z3. Its display was made up of rows of lamps to show the output of program code stored on punched film. | Benji Edwards, A Brief History of Computer Displays, https://www.pcworld.com/article/209224/displays/historic-monitors-slideshow.html#slide1 Wikipedia, Z3 (computer), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z3_(computer) | jhyuen
1942 | Issac Asimov introduces the Three Laws of Robotics | https://search.proquest.com/docview/1646568398?pq-origsite=summon | rjsthilaire |
1942 | The U.S. Navy donated 25 surplus radars to the NWS (then known as the Weather Bureau), marking the start of a U.S. weather radar system. | https://www.weather.gov/about/radar | amrebello |
1943 | The first experimental tornado early warning system was installed in Wichita, KS; Kansas City, MO; and St. Louis, MO. | https://celebrating200years.noaa.gov/magazine/tornado_forecasting/#knowledge | amrebello |
1943 | Radio overtook newspapers in 1943 | Joseph D Straubhaar, Communications Media in the Information Society, (Wadsworth Pub. Co., 1997), 179. | jpmcmanus |
1943 | McCulloch and Pitts publish their paper "A Logical Calculus of The Ideas Immanent In Nervous Activity" providing the basis for artificial neural networks. | http://www.minicomplexity.org/pubs/1943-mcculloch-pitts-bmb.pdf | nmmuesch |
1943 | French computer expert, Rene Carmille, hacked the punch cards used by the Nazis to locate Jews. | http://www.technonerdz.org/2015/01/unconventional-guide-hacking/ | ajmokotoff
1943 | The development of Radar by Watson-Watt and his team using electro-magnetic waves | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3987368/ | Rtong
1944 | IBM and Harvard worked together to create the Mark I, the first programmable digital computer in the US. | Kopplin, J. (2002). An Illustrated History of Computers. Retrieved September 11, 2020, from http://www.computersciencelab.com/ComputerHistory/HistoryPt2.htm | jrtatone |
1945 | Project Shamrock. NSA begins recording telegraph data of US companies | D. Owen, "A review of intelligence oversight failure: NSA programs that affected Americans," Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin, 2012. | mttaylor |
1945 | Allied nations gain access to German invention of magnetic tape | ||
1945 | Mass production of refrigerators. The fridge is the standard for food safety | Sandvik. “The History of the Refrigerator.” The History of the Refrigerator - Sandvik Materials Technology, www.materials.sandvik/en/campaigns/fridge-of-the-future/the-history-of-the-refrigerator/. | tkwan |
1945 | The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) is completed. This was the first programmable, electoronic, general-purpose digital computer. This allowed for more complex computation in decision making. | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ENIAC#:~:text=ENIAC%20(%2F%CB%88%C9%9Bni,digital%20computer%2C%20completed%20in%201945. Visited: 9/3/2024 | tnhellgren
1946 | The first sound engineering class and academic profession is created in Germany at the Music Institute at Detmold. | ||
1946 | AT&T mobile phone service system established in St.Louis | Klemens, G. (2010). The cellphone: the history and technology of the gadget that changed the world. Jefferson, NC: McFarland. | yzhou8 |
1946 | Microwave accidentally invented during a radar research project by Dr. Percy Spencer | http://www.partselect.ca/Resources/Appliances-Timeline-Of-Their-Arrival.aspx | mjmcdonald |
1946 | Universal Recording founds by Bill Putnam | ||
1946 | Cold War begins | Erin Blakemore, What was the Cold War?, (National Geographic, 2019), https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/topics/reference/cold-war/ (2 Apr 2020) | icleaverstigum
1946 | Ralph Benjamin invents the “roller ball”, now known as a track ball, for the British military | mjhagger
| |
1947 | The first hand-held mechanical calculator, the Curta miniature, is created. Very compact and cylindrical design. | http://history-computer.com/MechanicalCalculators/20thCentury/Curta.html Visited: 9/3/2015 | dssilva |
1947 | The United States performed experiments and observed that when two gold point contacts were applied to a crystal of germanium. | https://www.aps.org/publications/apsnews/200011/history.cfm | tmarwaha |
1947 |
The transistor is invented |
zrrobbins |
1947 | Commercial TV taking shape in US | History of Television, https://www.nyu.edu/classes/stephens/History%20of%20Television%20page.htm | mazyla |
1947 | Putnam records the first artist singing more than one line on a tape recorder | ||
1947 | Putnam creats artificial reverb along with other effects |
| |
1947 | ENIAC Card Reader/Punch with IBM 405 Tabulator - The ENIAC used Hollerith punched cards for both input and output. Code would be punched into the input cards, the ENIAC would process the code, and then it would write out the output onto another card. These output cards could be read through the IBM 405 Tabulator. | Benji Edwards, A Brief History of Computer Displays, https://www.pcworld.com/article/209224/displays/historic-monitors-slideshow.html#slide1 | jhyuen |
1947 | The first transistor was invented at Bell Laboratories. | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EMkcZ2UPuu95BAHkGAW1YPhDVI2GfyMJh1pEu-wmjy0/edit?usp=sharing | nmbargman |
1947 | The first computer generated table of one million random numbers was constructed. This was the first computerized random number generator (RNG). | Pierre l'Ecuyer, History of uniform random number generation, (WSC 2017 - Winter Simulation Conference, December 2017), https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01561551 | elin |
1948 | The first Random Access Memory (RAM) using cathode ray tubes is developed. | https://www.dataversity.net/brief-history-data-storage/ | nchkhaidze |
1948 | Instant Prints - With the invention of the Polaroid camera, pictures could be printed directly from the camera and developed within minutes. | tjstone | |
1948 | Initial work on barcode technology begins | Nayak, Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology and Applications in Fashion and Textile Supply Chain, (CRC press, 2019), p.19-40 | jdwalden |
1948 | The point-contact transistor was independently invented by German physicists. | http://www.computerhistory.org/siliconengine/the-european-transistor-invention/ | tmarwaha |
1948 | Frederic C. Williams and Tom Kilburn of the University of Manchester build the Small Scale Experimental Machine (SSEM), one of the first computers with CRT output. | Peddie, J. (2013). The history of visual magic in computers how beautiful images are made in CAD, 3D, VR and AR (p. 297). London: Springer Science & Business Media. | tjnickerson |
1948 | After World War II, Edwin H. Land created the first instant camera for the Polaroid Corporation. | “Edwin Land and Instant Photography.” American Chemical Society, www.acs.org/education/whatischemistry/landmarks/land-instant-photography.html. Accessed 29 Aug. 2024. | mwnickerson |
1948 | Columbia records standardizes the 33 RPM vinyl record as a form of audio recording | http://journals.sagepub.com.ezproxy.wpi.edu/doi/pdf/10.1177/1469540513488403 | rmabualhaija |
1948 | RCA introduces a 45 rpm vinyl microgroove record for playing and recording music. | rpdabrowski | |
1948 | Tape recorders - Tape recorder took the position of phonograph and optical recording in the 1940s. Around 1946, the first consumer magnetic recorder came to the market. However, its market is soon replaced by that of tape recorder, which is much cheaper and better. Millions of these recorders were sold. | bangyan | |
1948 | Ralph Teetor invents cruise control | MILESTONES: Ralph Teetor, Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd., 2010. http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.wpi.edu/docview/609129156?pq-origsite=summon&accountid=29120. | aaadkins |
1948 | First piece of musique concrete publicly broadcasted | ||
1948 AD | First commercially available instant camera is released | Masoner, Liz, "A Brief History of Photography and the Camera." (The Spruce Crafts. September 5, 2018) https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/brief-history-of-photography-2688527 | kcariglia |
1946-06-17 | First mobile telephone call | emilymiller | |
March 1949 | F. C. Williams and T. Kilburn outline a cathode ray tube display for computers. | F. C. Williams and T. Kilburn, "A Storage System for Use with Binary-Digital Computing Machines.” (Journal IEE, 1949), Pages 112-113. | pjjankowski |
1949 | First Telephone Pager Patented by Al Gross (Not for public use) - Used by New York City's Jewish Hospital | https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-pagers-and-beepers-1992315; https://www.silicon.co.uk/mobility/smartphones/tales-tech-history-pager-204285 | psjain |
1949 | Warren Weaver proposes his theory of machine translation in his paper Memorandum on Translation | https://go.smartling.com/blog/a-brief-history-of-machine-translation/ | mjgulbin |
1949 | The world's first programming language "Short Code" was invented | Ferguson, A. (n.d.). A history of computer programming languages. https://cs.brown.edu/~adf/programming_languages.html. | ozgreen |
1949 | Donald Hebb provides framework for neural networks | https://www.nature.com/articles/nn1100_1166 | jtreiss |
1949 | Claude E. Shannon released the first algorithm for chess, titled Programming a Computer for Playing Chess | https://vision.unipv.it/IA1/aa2009-2010/ProgrammingaComputerforPlayingChess.pdf Accessed 08/30/2023 | abeck |
1950s | Cold War results in computers being developed for the US military | Slava Gerovitch, 'Mathematical Machines' of the Cold War: Soviet Computing, American Cybernetics and Ideological Disputes in the Early 1950s, ( Sage Publications, 2001), http://blogs.bu.edu/guidedhistory/files/2013/02/MathematicalMachinesoftheColdWar.pdf (2 Apr 2020); Michael Quinn, Ethics for the Information Age, 7th Edition, (Pearson, 2017) | icleaverstigum |
1950 | First use of the word "synthesizer" was used to describe electronic machines that were used to create sounds and music. | rpdabrowski | |
1950 | Polaroid Corporation marketed and released their first fully black and white film. | “Edwin Land and Instant Photography.” American Chemical Society, www.acs.org/education/whatischemistry/landmarks/land-instant-photography.html. Accessed 29 Aug. 2024. | mwnickerson |
1950 | Modern magnetic tape recording has become the standard medium for recording audio. | obspring | |
1950 | Stereo Sound - Stereo is introduced to the public and soon became popular in the 1950s. Although the stereo creates false sound instrument positions, the consumers like its 3D effect. This is why it becomes popular. | bangyan | |
1950 | Huffman coding invented | bjsharron | |
1950 | Bell labs successfully produced a working bipolar NPN junction amplifying germanium transistor. | http://www.computerhistory.org/siliconengine/first-grown-junction-transistors-fabricated/ | tmarwaha |
1950 | Alan Turing introduces the Turing Test in his paper "Computing Machinery and Intelligence". The Turing Test is a test in which a human evaluator would judge text-based conversations between a human and a machine designed to generate human-like responses. If the evaluator could not reliably tell the machine from the human, the machine would pass the test. This marks the first recorded instance of generative AI being presented in society. | http://www.csee.umbc.edu/courses/471/papers/turing.pdf; Robert Epstein, Gary Roberts, Grace Beber, Parsing the Turing Test (Springer Science + Business Media B.V, 2009) , https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/333140.333147; Lynellen D. S. Perry, The Turing test (ACM, May 1, 1998) (Access Date: March 18, 2024) | nmmuesch, rjsthilaire, ajli |
1950 | The first truly solid, wall-to-wall automated home was created and lived in by a mechanical whiz known as Emil Mathias in Jackson, Michigan of the USA | https://www.the-ambient.com/features/visions-through-the-ages-history-of-home-automation-178 | dberardi
1950 | SWAC Console - 2,300 vacuum tubes were used for storing memory and displaying that memory in a readable format. | Benji Edwards, A Brief History of Computer Displays, https://www.pcworld.com/article/209224/displays/historic-monitors-slideshow.html#slide1 Wikipedia, SWAC (computer), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SWAC_(computer) | jhyuen
1950s | Morton Heilig invented the Sensorama, a fully immersive theatre-cabinet with a stereoscopic viewer, moving chair, scents, and wind. | https://www.vrs.org.uk/virtual-reality/history.html | bmwaid |
1950s | Metaphors/abstractions are used to describe computing tasks (e.g. “files,” programming “language,” “copy” and “paste”). Human computer interaction experts label this as engaging in a “dialogue” between humans and computers. | Imaz, Manuel, and David Benyon. Designing with Blends: Conceptual Foundations of Human-Computer Interaction and Software Engineering, MIT Press, 2006. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/wpi/detail.action?docID=3338668 | ciduarte |
1950s | Dr. Lawrence Jerome Fogel invents the first noise cancelling headphones for helicopter pilots | https://www.headphonesty.com/2020/10/history-of-noise-cancelling-headphones/ | |
1951 | First known computer-produced music. A Ferranti Mark 1 computer is programmed to beep out "Baa Baa Black Sheep". | jdfrench
| |
1951 | Ferranti Mark 1 Star - The Ferranti utilized Williams Tubes to display 20-bit words as a single line of dots. | Benji Edwards, A Brief History of Computer Displays, https://www.pcworld.com/article/209224/displays/historic-monitors-slideshow.html#slide1 Wikipedia, Ferranti Mark 1, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferranti_Mark_1 | jhyuen
1951 | UNIVAC I Console - The UNIVAC I’s display consisted of rows of tiny light bulbs that would blink to communicate to the user. | Benji Edwards, A Brief History of Computer Displays, https://www.pcworld.com/article/209224/displays/historic-monitors-slideshow.html#slide1 | jhyuen |
1951 | The UNIVAC I becomes the first modern commercial computer to utilize magnetic tape for storing data. | The History of Magnetic Tape and Computing: A 65-Year-Old Marriage Continues to Evolve, (Iron Mountain, n.d.), https://www.ironmountain.com/resources/general-articles/t/the-history-of-magnetic-tape-and-computing-a-65-year-old-marriage-continues-to-evolve, Accessed 5 September 2023. | hzgandor |
1951 | First Neural Network Computer, SNARC | https://historyof.ai/snarc/ | jtreiss |
1951 | MIT develops the “light gun” (better known as the light pen) | mjhagger | |
1952 | Barcode technology is patented. | Nayak, Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology and Applications in Fashion and Textile Supply Chain, (CRC press, 2019), p.19-40 | jdwalden |
1952 | AI OXO wins Tic-Tac-Toe | http://wpi.aci.info/view/14650deba575c0c0128/152861cf9a90012000a | awheeler2 |
1952 | Trackball was invented by Tom Cranston and Fred Longstaff | http://www.ieee.ca/millennium/fp6000/fp6000_datar.html | ppham |
1952 | Bell Labs developed a speech recognition machine with the ability to understand spoken number values after being accustomed to an individual's voice with only a 2% failure rate. | Gold, Bernard, Nelson Morgan, and Dan Ellis. "Chapter 4: Brief History of Automatic Speech Recognition." Speech and Audio Signal Processing: Processing and Perception of Speech and Music. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2011. N. pag. Print. | leantul |
1952 | The United States establishes the National Security Agency: the organization which intercepts, decodes, and collects intelligence from foreign transmissions. | Prichard, Roger, "History of Encryption", (SANS Institute, 2002), https://www.giac.org/paper/gsec/1555/history-encryption/102877#:~:text=The%20first%20use%20of%20encryption,method%20called%20the%20substitution%20cipher. 9/1/2021 | bnsahagian |
1952 | The first public tornado warning is issued from Tinker AFB in Oklahoma using developed forecasting technology and weather radar technology on base. | https://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-blogs/weathermatrix/the-inside-story-of-the-first-us-tornado-warning/927905 | amrebello |
1953 | First operational transistorized computer by University of Manchester team lead by Tom Kilburn. | http://www.computerhistory.org/siliconengine/transistorized-computers-emerge/ | allewis |
1953 | UNIVAC division of Remington Rand releases A-2 source code free for modification. They encourage users to send improvements back to them, making A-2 one of the first open source software projects. | Dordal, Peter. “Open Source Computing Notes.” Loyola University Chicago, http://pld.cs.luc.edu/courses/412/spr20/mnotes/overview.html (6 September 2020) | omthode |
1953 | Chamberlin is invented by Harry Chamberlin and is considered to be the first sampler instrument using strips of tape, one tape for each separate key. | https://www.google.com/patents/US2940351 | obspring |
1953 | General Motors and RCA complete a scale model of an automated highway system in which signals generated by the roads are used to control vehicles. | Kopplin, J. (2002). An Illustrated History of Computers. Retrieved September 11, 2020, from http://www.computersciencelab.com/ComputerHistory/HistoryPt2.htm | jrtatone |
1953 | Grace created the first high-level language called COBOL. | Driverless Dreams: Technological Narratives and the Shape of the Automated Car. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2015. Pg. 17 | aaadkins |
1953 | Inge Edler and Carl Hertz in Lund University adapted a metal flaw detector to obtain M-mode recordings from the adult heart. | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3987368/ | Rtong
1954 | Solar cells are invented, bringing forth Solar Energy in the electricity market. | djlaplante | |
1954 | First pocket radio is invented by Regency | wofrick | |
1954 | The first working silicon transistor was developed at Bell Labs | Chelikowski, J. (2004) "Introduction: Silicon in all its Forms", p. 1 in Silicon: evolution and future of a technology. | tmarwaha |
1954 | Gordon Teal produces the first silicon transistor at a meeting of the Institute of Radio Engineers in Ohio. | adurkee | |
1954 |
Morris Tanenbaum develops the first working silicon transistor at Bell Labs. |
http://spectrum.ieee.org/biomedical/devices/the-lost-history-of-the-transistor, | ajthompson |
1954 | Dutch scientist Abraham Van Heel and British scientist Harold H. Hopkins separately wrote papers on imaging bundles. | https://www.thoughtco.com/birth-of-fiber-optics-4091837 | aforozco |
1954 | The Georgetown-IBM Experiment in New York City showcases a computer translating 49 pre-selected Russian sentences into English, which is the first public demonstration of translation technology. Its success sparks increased machine translation development around the world. | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_machine_translation ; Hutchins, W. John, “MACHINE TRANSLATION: A BRIEF HISTORY,” Concise history of the language sciences: from the Sumerians to the cognitivists (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1995), p431-445. | mjgulbin, kmpicho |
1955 | Manganese-alkaline batteries (the common alkaline battery) is invented, lasting far longer and more powerful than carbon-zinc batteries and made affordable by Lewis Urry | djlaplante | |
1955 | Robert Everett develops the light pen as part of MIT's Whirlwind project, the predecessor to the mouse. | Weisberg, D. (2008). Computer-Aided Design's Strong Roots at MIT. In The Engineering Design Revolution: The People, Companies and Computer Systems That Changed Forever the Practice of Engineering. Englewood, Colorado. | tjnickerson |
1956 | The Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence occurs at Dartmouth College, where John McCarthy coins the term "artificial intelligence". | Jordan Novet, What is Artificial Intelligence(CNBC, 2017), Accessed from https://www.cnbc.com/2017/06/17/what-is-artificial-intelligence.html on 4/2/2021 | eosowski, nelmaliki |
1956 | Herbert A Simon creates the term Satisficing, a mixture of satisfying and suffice. | Herbert A. Simon, Rational Choice and the Structure of the Environment(Sage, 1956), Accessed from https://uk.sagepub.com/sites/default/files/upm-binaries/25239_Chater~Vol_1~Ch_03.pdf on 4/2/2021 | nelmaliki |
1956 | Morton Heilig created Sensormara, the first VR machine | tfan | |
1956 | Allen Newell, J.C Shaw, and Herbert Simon demonstrated the first running AI program, Logic Theorist | https://history-computer.com/ModernComputer/Software/LogicTheorist.html | rjsthilaire |
1956 | "Planetbot" one of the first commercial service robots was designed to perform 25 different movements to replicate the functions of a human arm. | http://cyberneticzoo.com/early-industrial-robots/1956-planobot-pick-and-place-industrial-robot-joe-b-brown-planet-corp/ | calobo |
1956 | Lincoln Labs builds one of the first missile tracking radars, the Millstone Hill UHF radar in Westford, Massachusetts. | https://doi.org/10.1109/RADAR41533.2019.171388 (last retrieved March 19, 2023) | kjlopez |
1956 | The first adaptive teaching machine: Self-Adaptive Keyboard Instructor (SAKI), is invented by Gordon Park and Robin McKinnon-Wood | Michael Horwood (1993) Does interactivity require multimedia? The case of SAKI, ALT-J, 1:1, 65-71, DOI: 10.1080/0968776930010108 | elevin |
1957 | SAGE Console - The SAGE used radar and oscilloscope cathode ray tubes to display vector information as it pertained to radar military applications, representing the first time an electronic screen was connected to a computer. | Benji Edwards, A Brief History of Computer Displays, https://www.pcworld.com/article/209224/displays/historic-monitors-slideshow.html#slide1, “IBM SAGE” (IBM, January 25, 2011),
https://www.ibm.com/ibm/history/ibm100/us/en/icons/sage/ (accessed April 6, 2021) |
jhyuen, larathke |
1957 | John Koss, founder of Koss Corporation, creats the first ever commercial stereo headphones | https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/a-partial-history-of-headphones-4693742/ | alate |
1957 | The creation of the light pen allowed users to directly interact with the computer screen. | Some Milestones in Computer Input Devices: An Informal Timeline, http://www.billbuxton.com/inputTimeline.html (accessed March 21, 2016). | djkiourtsis |
1957 | Max Matthews writes the MUSIC program at Bell Labs, one of the first pieces of software for music production. Later versions add polyphony and multiple instrument sounds. Numerous derivatives are created over the next decade. | jdfrench | |
1957 | While working at the Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey, Max Mathews produces the world's first computer-generated sounds. | rpdabrowski | |
1957 | Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) is Founded | eapolekoff | |
1957 | First fully functional chess player program written | https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1958/11/29/runner-up-4 | cpnota, bkohler |
1957 | The Standard & Poor 500 Index is introduced. Computer technology allows the S & P 500 to calculate and report market levels at one-minute intervals throughout the day. | http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/timeline/crash/2/ | tleung |
1957 | Stylator is invented by Tom L. Dimond. This new tablet input directly to a computer instead of a receiving device. It used handwriting recognition as well. | wtao | |
1957 | A blind seven year old boy discovers a perfect whistle pitch that interacts with AT&T's implementation of fully automatic switches, therefore opening up vulnerabilities. | http://www.radiolab.org/story/187724-long-distance/ | ajmokotoff |
1957 | The famous 'Villa Arpel" set on "Mon Ocle" shows the first depcition of Home Automation in mass media | https://proquest.safaribooksonline.com/book/home-networking-and-security/9781848213210/chapter-1-introduction/sec_1_2_html#X2ludGVybmFsX0h0bWxWaWV3P3htbGlkPTk3ODE4NDgyMTMyMTAlMkZzZWNfMV8yX2h0bWwmcXVlcnk9 | dberardi |
1957 | The Monsanto House of the Future is built in Disney, the first physical conecpt of Home Automation | https://www.the-ambient.com/features/visions-through-the-ages-history-of-home-automation-178 | dberardi
1957 | IBM published FORTRAN | Michael Quinn, Ethics for the Information Age, 7th Edition, (Pearson, 2017) | icleaverstigum |
1957 | SAGE Console - The SAGE used radar and oscilloscope cathode ray tubes to display vector information as it pertained to radar military applications. | Benji Edwards, A Brief History of Computer Displays, https://www.pcworld.com/article/209224/displays/historic-monitors-slideshow.html#slide1 | jhyuen
1957 | Universal Recording moved to Hollywood in the form of Universal Recording Corp. | ||
1957 | Invention of Sensorama, the first attempt at Augmented Reality technology created by Morton Heilig. | Interaction Design Foundation, https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/augmented-reality-the-past-the-present-and-the-future | mchava |
1957 | First digital image is captured | Masoner, Liz, "A Brief History of Photography and the Camera." (The Spruce Crafts. September 5, 2018) https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/brief-history-of-photography-2688527 | kcariglia |
1957 | PRONTO (Program for Numerical Tooling Operations) by Dr. Patrick J. Hanratty, the first commercial numerical control programming system. | https://www.cadazz.com/cad-software-history.htm | kwang8 |
1957 | Sputnik 1, launched by the USSR, is the first artificial satellite launched into space | Sputnik 1. (2011, October 04). Retrieved September 07, 2020, from https://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/image_feature_924.html | jemetcalf |
1957 | Lejaren Hiller and Leonard Isaacson create the first AI to compose music. It worked by generating random intervals, rhythms, and dynamics and then putting these elements through programmed composition rules. | Hiller Lejaren, Electronic music, (Encyclopedia Britannica, 21 Feb. 2018), https://www.britannica.com/art/electronic-music/Computer-music#ref395219 (1 Apr. 2021) | jsalbert |
1957 | Frank Rosenblatt invents the perceptron | https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2019/09/professors-perceptron-paved-way-ai-60-years-too-soon | jtreiss |
1958 | Pagers were approved for public use by Federal Communications Commission | https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-pagers-and-beepers-1992315 | psjain |
1958 | First integrated circuit created by Jack Kilby, a single transistor | ndemarinis | |
1958 | First SAGE system is deployed, featuring a state of the art 19-inch CRT screen which could be interacted with using a light pen. The system is used to track aircraft. | http://www.i-programmer.info/history/machines/441-sage.html | nadiaz
1958 | CREED 75 Teleprinter - Instead of using punch cards like the ENIAC, the CREED used paper tape to code programs and produce output. Since the machine did not require cards, the machine automatically typed output on the paper in a human-readable form. | Benji Edwards, A Brief History of Computer Displays, https://www.pcworld.com/article/209224/displays/historic-monitors-slideshow.html#slide1 | jhyuen |
1958 | Vertigo is the first movie including computer animation. | https://computeranimationhistory-cgi.jimdo.com/ | ermahoney |
1958 | Skinner Teaching Machine was invented by B. F. Skinner. | National Museum of American History. “Skinner Teaching Machine.” National Museum of American History, americanhistory.si.edu/collections/search/object/nmah_690062. https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/search/object/nmah_690062 | ekim4 |
1959 | Motorola coined the term 'pager' - Motorola starts producing pagers. It combined elements of Motorola’s walkie-talkie and car radio technologies into the first transistorized pager. | https://www.silicon.co.uk/mobility/smartphones/tales-tech-history-pager-204285 | psjain |
1959 | AI Lab at MIT is founded (presently called CSAIL) | https://www.csail.mit.edu/about | mjgiancola |
1959 | MIT Researcher Douglas T Ross created the term “computer aided design”. | https://partsolutions.com/60-years-of-cad-infographic-the-history-of-cad-since-1957/ | kwang8 |
1959 | Neurophysicists analyze image recognition in cats | https://www.ibm.com/topics/computer-vision | jacurtis2 |
1959 | Animator Lee Harrison III recorded an actor’s movements in real time using a bodysuit lined with potentiometers and cathode ray tubes | http://www.engadget.com/2018-05-25-motion-capture-history-video-vicon-siren.html | kofichtner |
1959 | John McCarthy introduces a time-sharing system to MIT researchers for an IBM computer. | Maurer, T., & Hinck, G. (2020). Cloud Security: A Primer for Policymakers (pp. 10-22, Rep.). Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. doi:10.2307/resrep25787.8 | acherkinsky |
1959 | H.R. Gelernter creates the Geometry Theorem Prover | https://scholarworks.calstate.edu/concern/theses/ms35tc23x?locale=en | jtreiss |
1959 | US Navy develops TRANSIT, the first navigation system to rely on satellites | gpstrackingplans.com/gps-history/ | kmdoan |
1959 | Introduction of AI in Healthcare - Early attempts to apply artificial intelligence in healthcare, including the development of expert systems for medical diagnosis and treatment recommendation. | Isaak Kavasidis, Federica Proietto Salanitri, Simone Palazzo, Concetto Spampinato, History of AI in Clinical Medicine, (DOI March 03 2023) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781119790686.ch4, (March 18, 2024) | ekli |
1960s | Object-oriented language SIMULA published by ACM | 12. Old-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard, SIMULA – an ALGOL-Based Simulation Language, (ACM, 1966), https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/365813.365819 (2 Apr 2020) | |
1960s - late 1980s | "Blueboxing" is used to place long-distance phone calls for free using fake control signals. | Dernbach, Cristoph. Blue Box – Why Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak hacked the phone network. (mac-history.net, 02/02/2013). https://www.mac-history.net/apple-people/2013-02-02/blue-box Accessed 09/08/2020 | zjester |
1960's | AARON First AI Art
Harold Cohen’s AI machine (AARON) was able to use algorithms to create abstract art. |
cemasucci | |
1960 | Ted Nelson began Project Xanadu with the ultimate goal of having a computer network but combining that with an easy user interface. | History of Search Engines: From 1945 to Google Today. Search Engine History.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 March 2016. | hanguyen |
1960 | Joe Meek founds RGM Sound Ltd and creates the idea of a “home studio” |
| |
1960 | US government starts funding research that eventually creates the internet | Alex Thompson, A Brief History of Long Distance Communication, https://www.wilsonamplifiers.com/blog/a-brief-history-of-long-distance-communication/ | nvanstralen |
1960 | Morton Heilig developed the first head-mounted display called the Telesphere Mask that provided stereoscopic 3D vision and stereo sound. | https://www.vrs.org.uk/virtual-reality/history.html | bmwaid
1960 | PDP-1 CRT - The PDP-1 also included the Type 30 Precision CRT Display which could show basic images. With use of a connect pen, the user could pick points on the display. | Benji Edwards, A Brief History of Computer Displays, https://www.pcworld.com/article/209224/displays/historic-monitors-slideshow.html#slide1 Wikipedia, PDP-1, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PDP-1 | jhyuen |
1960 | J.C.R. Licklider writes a paper called “Man-Computer Symbiosis” to discuss the issues associated with personal computing devices. | Imaz, Manuel, and David Benyon. Designing with Blends: Conceptual Foundations of Human-Computer Interaction and Software Engineering, MIT Press, 2006. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/wpi/detail.action?docID=3338668 | ciduarte |
1960's | IBM stops production of most punched card machines, and use of the technology drops significantly. | IBM, The IBM Punched Card, (IBM 100), https://www.ibm.com/ibm/history/ibm100/us/en/icons/punchcard/#:~:text=Punched%20cards%20date%20back%20to,what%20would%20eventually%20become%20IBM (9/3/2023) | jdwalden |
1960 | Punch cards were used for voting and would be collected and read by a card reading system | Douglas W. Jones, “A Brief Illustrated History of Voting,” (The University of Iowa, 2003), http://homepage.divms.uiowa.edu/~jones/voting/pictures/, (April 1, 2020) | mfrossetti |
1960s | The United States Navy launched six satellites in an experiment to track submarines using a very basic GPS. | NASA, Global Positioning System History, https://www.nasa.gov/directorates/heo/scan/communications/policy/GPS_History.html (March 23, 2017) | rmwiesenberg |
1960 | Punch cards were used for voting and would be collected and read by a card reading system | Douglas W. Jones, “A Brief Illustrated History of Voting,” (The University of Iowa, 2003), http://homepage.divms.uiowa.edu/~jones/voting/pictures/, (April 1, 2020) | mfrossetti |
1960 | Ivan Sutherland from MIT invented SKETCHPAD, the first software ever with graphical user interface (GUI) which allows user to draw on a CRT screen with a light pen. | https://www.cadazz.com/cad-software-history.htm | kwang8 |
1960 | The first successful weather satellite, Tiros-1, is launched by NASA. It transmits infrared images of Earth’s cloud cover and can detect hurricanes | Celebrating the World’s First Meteorological Satellite: TIROS-1. (2016, April 01). Retrieved September 07, 2020, from https://www.nesdis.noaa.gov/content/celebrating-world’s-first-meteorological-satellite-tiros-1 | jemetcalf |
1960 | Dr. Donald Bitzer invents the Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operations (PLATO), the first computer based learning system. | D. Bitzer, P. Braunfeld and W. Lichtenberger, "PLATO: An Automatic Teaching Device," in IRE Transactions on Education, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 157-161, Dec. 1961, doi: 10.1109/TE.1961.4322215. | elevin |
1961 | Information about high purity Si2 for glass fiber transmission released to encourage companies to go into fiber optics | Bellis, Mary. "How Fiber Optics Was Invented." ThoughtCo, Jun. 27, 2021, thoughtco.com/birth-of-fiber-optics-4091837. (September 4, 2023) | agjensen |
1961 | An IBM 704 becomes the first computer to sing. The song is "Daisy Bell", which is famously sung by the computer HAL in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey (in reference to this event). Video: | jdfrench | |
1961 | First Wearable | Edward O. Thorp. 1998. The Invention of the First Wearable Computer. In Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC '98). IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA, 4-. | akshoop |
1961 | First symbolic integration program SAINT, developed by James Salgle in Lisp, which solved college freshman-level calculus problems. | http://www.softwarepreservation.org/projects/LISP/MIT/MIT-LCS-TR-047-corrected-ocr.pdf | allewis |
1961 | The first motion tracking head-mounted display, the Headsight was developed by Comeau and Bryan of Philco Co. using a magnetic tracking system. | https://www.vrs.org.uk/virtual-reality/history.html | bmwaid |
1961 | John MacCharty delivered an MIT speech about how “Computing Can be sold as a Utility, like Water and Electricity” | https://www.bcs.org/articles-opinion-and-research/history-of-the-cloud/ | agupta9 |
1961 | The ELIZA Chatbot was introduced. ELIZA was the first talking computer program that simulated the work of a psychotherapist. ELIZA could communicate with a human by engaging in text-based conversations with rudimentary responses. | Joseph Weizenbaum, ELIZA—A Computer Program For the Study of Natural Language Communication Between Man And Machine, (ACM, January 1, 1996), https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/365153.365168 (March 19, 2024) | ajli |
1961 | Douglas Engelbart sketches the first concept for the computer mouse | mjhagger | |
1961 | Anita Mark IIIV was a calculator that used Vacuum tubes |
C. Sandström, Facit and the Displacement of Mechanical Calculators (IEEE, 20th May 2013), https://ieeexplore-ieee-org.ezpv7-web-p-u01.wpi.edu/document/6517426 (8-30-2024) |
1962 | Galls Works in Corning, New York contracts fiber optics, 1,000,000 federal funding in the next decade | Bellis, Mary. "How Fiber Optics Was Invented." ThoughtCo, Jun. 27, 2021, thoughtco.com/birth-of-fiber-optics-4091837. (September 4, 2023) | agjensen |
1962 | The first communication satellite, Telstar, is launched into orbit | http://www.wirelesshistoryfoundation.org/wireless-history-project/wireless-history-timeline | zrrobbins |
1962 | J.C.R Licklider first proposes a global computer network | http://www.walthowe.com/navnet/History.html | pmcraft |
1962 | Leonard Kleinrock develops the idea of packet switching | http://www.walthowe.com/navnet/History.html | pmcraft |
1962 | The first industrial arm robot is introduced. Called the Unimate it is used for dangerous tasks on a General Motors assembly line | eosowski | |
1962 | Ivan Sutherkand introduces SketchPad, a line drawing device that utilizes light pens for illustration. | Sutherland, I. (1964). Sketch pad a man-machine graphical communication system. Proceedings of the SHARE Design Automation Workshop on - DAC '64, 6.329-6.346. Retrieved September 4, 2015, from ACM. | tjnickerson |
1962 | Mainframe computer game Spacewar! is written at MIT. | bli | |
1962 | IBM developed a speech recognition device which was capable of recognizing 16 words, which included numbers less than 10, 4 mathematical operation commands, and the words off and false. | "Pioneering Speech Recognition." IBM100 - Icons of Progress. IBM, n.d. Web. 04 Sept. 2015. | leantul |
1962 | Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab (SAIL) is founded. | http://ai.stanford.edu/ | mjgiancola |
1962 | Meek produces most famous recording “Telstar” by The Tornados | Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryrEPzsx1gQ |
1962 | ASR-33 Teletype - While teletypes were used previously for communicating across telegraph lines, they were later hooked up to computers to continuously output a computer session. The low cost of the setup was attractive to many engineers. | Benji Edwards, A Brief History of Computer Displays, https://www.pcworld.com/article/209224/displays/historic-monitors-slideshow.html#slide1 | jhyuen |
1962 | The Anita MK VII, the first electronic desktop calculator, is developed by Bell Punch Co. in England | http://www.vintagecalculators.com/html/calculator_time-line.html | pbcoady |
1962 | The Voltronic ballot tabulator was first used in elections. | Douglas W. Jones, “A Brief Illustrated History of Voting,” (The University of Iowa, 2003), http://homepage.divms.uiowa.edu/~jones/voting/pictures/, (April 1, 2020) | mfrossetti |
1962 | Nick Holonyak Jr. developed the first LED | Lenz, S. (2017). Nick Holonyak Jr.: The Development of LED Lights. In Hoxie F. (Ed.), The University of Illinois: Engine of Innovation (p. 151). Urbana; Chicago; Springfield: University of Illinois Press. Retrieved November 3, 2020, from http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5406/j.ctt1m3217b.35 | mchalmers |
1963 | Phillips releases its compact cassette, a major breakthrough in tape cassettes. It is not the first "tape" based recording device, but it is the best, most compact, and quickly becomes the standard for all tapes/players. | rpdabrowski | |
1963 | Mellotron is produced by a new company called Streetly Electronics, a sampler that is mass producible and widely popular. The mellotron used tape to play back samples similarly to the Chamberlin. | https://web.archive.org/web/20121105234938/http://www.nordkeyboards.com/main.asp?tm=Sound%20Libraries&cllibr=Nord_Sample_Library&clslib=Mellotron | obspring |
1963 | The RAND Tablet is introduced. It is claimed to be the first digital graphic device that is low cost. | wtao | |
1963 | First instance of computers transforming 2d images into 3d forms using computer vision | https://www.ibm.com/topics/computer-vision | jacurtis2 |
1963 | Ted Nelson coined the term hypertext, which allowed for associations between links to be made (similar to how the human brain works). | History of Search Engines: From 1945 to Google Today. Search Engine History.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 March 2016. | hanguyen |
1963 | Sutherland introduces the Sketchpad system. This would mainly be used for drawing. | A brief history of human-computer interaction technology. Interactions, 5(2), 44-54. | djkiourtsis |
1963 | First modular synthesizer developed by R.A. Moog Co. | http://moogarchives.com/chrono.htm Visited 08/30/2017 | aperucic |
1963 | Woodrow Wilson Bledsoe publishes "A PROPOSAL FOR A STUDY TO DETERMINE THE FEASIBILITY OF A SIMPLIFIED FACE RECOGNITION MACHINE. | https://archive.org/details/firstfacialrecognitionresearch/page/n1 | sgubrud |
1963 | Dr. Who theme song is made by only using raw recordings of real-world sounds and sine and square wave oscillators | Retrieved from https://youtu.be/75V4ClJZME4 | |
1964 | Paperboy I - First successful consumer pager. It had no display and couldn't store messages but was portable and notified wearer the type of action to take by its tone. | https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-pagers-and-beepers-1992315 | psjain |
1964 | Dr. Narinder Singh Kapany patents Fiber Optic Cables | Hussein He, The History and Development of Fiber Optic Cables And Future Trends (Hongkai, 2021), https://hk-machinery.cn/the-history-of-the-development-of-fiber-optic-cable-and-future-trends/#:~:text=Fiber%20optic%20cables%20were%20invented%20by%20Dr.%20Narinder,on%20the%20other%20side%2C%20proving%20his%20method%20worked (September 4, 2023) | agjensen |
1964 | Desktop electric calculators raise in popularity. Use thousands of transistors and cost thousands of dollars for companies to purchase. First transistor only calculator invented by Hayakawa | http://www.vintagecalculators.com/html/history_of_electronic_calculat.htm Visited: 9/3/2015
C. Sandström, Facit and the Displacement of Mechanical Calculators (IEEE, 20th May 2013), https://ieeexplore-ieee-org.ezpv7-web-p-u01.wpi.edu/document/6517426 (8-30-2024) |
dssilva, kacummings |
1964 | The National Academy of Sciences form a committee called ALPAC to research machine translation | https://go.smartling.com/blog/a-brief-history-of-machine-translation/ | mjgulbin |
1964 | The IBM 360 becomes the first computer to be mass-produced | eosowski | |
1964 | The efficiency of a Packet-Switched network is demonstrated in a study done for the US Air Force. | Roberts, Lawrence G. The evolution of packet switching, http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.ezproxy.wpi.edu/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=1455410 (9/2/2015) | svadlamudi |
1964 | The Talking Typewriter was developed as a tool to help individuals with disabilities and children based on a pre-determined lesson. | Sanderson, Barbara A., and Daniel W. Kratochvil. "The Edison Responsive Environment Learning System, or the Talking Typewriter." (1972): 1-34. American Institute for Research in the Behavioral Sciences. Web. 4 Sept. 2015. | leantul
1964 | UNISCOPE 300 – Glass Teletype - Engineers realized CRT display technology could be fashioned into glass teletypes as it was more efficient than paper, and so the UNISCOPE was made. It was hooked up to computers to display text for user input and output. | Benji Edwards, A Brief History of Computer Displays, https://www.pcworld.com/article/209224/displays/historic-monitors-slideshow.html#slide1 | jhyuen |
1964 | An public letter to the president titled "The Triple Revolution" provides insight into a future of unlimited production ability in industry manufacturing. | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Triple_Revolution | calobo |
1964 | Woody Bledsoe, Helen Chan Wolf and Charles Bisson started working on the first facial recognition software. | https://www.nec.co.nz/market-leadership/publications-media/a-brief-history-of-facial-recognition/ | gmbuonomano |
1964 | oseph Weizenbaum created ELIZA, a computer program designed to simulate conversations with a therapist. | Corydon Ireland, Alan Turing at 100 (Harvard, 2012), Accessed from https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2012/09/alan-turing-at-100/ on 4/2/2021 | nelmaliki |
1964 | Robert Moog, an electrical engineer, starts production of the Moog Modular Synthesizer. | https://hub.yamaha.com/keyboards/synthesizers/history-of-the-synthesizer-part-1/ accesed on 9/2/22 | mhtoryu |
1964 | Bill English builds Douglas Engelbart’s mouse concept | mjhagger | |
1965 | The mouse is developed at Stanford to replace the existing light pens. | A brief history of human-computer interaction technology. Interactions, 5(2), 44-54. |
djkiourtsis |
1965 | First plastic fiber optic cable polyethylene | Hussein He, The History and Development of Fiber Optic Cables And Future Trends (Hongkai, 2021), https://hk-machinery.cn/the-history-of-the-development-of-fiber-optic-cable-and-future-trends/#:~:text=Fiber%20optic%20cables%20were%20invented%20by%20Dr.%20Narinder,on%20the%20other%20side%2C%20proving%20his%20method%20worked (September 4, 2023) | agjensen |
1965 | IBM makes virtual machine | 8. Eric Kohlbrenner, Dana Morris, andd Brett Morris, The History of Virtual Machines, (Dennings Institute) http://denninginstitute.com/itcore/virtualmachine/history.htm (2 Apr 2020) | icleaverstigum |
1965 | E.A. Johnson publishes an article on the design of a capacitive touchscreen. He later published a more complete article with photos two years later in 1967. | djbenson | |
1965 | Lawrence Roberts connects a computer in MA to one in CA | http://www.walthowe.com/navnet/History.html | pmcraft |
1965 | MIT's CTSS, a campus wide network | emilymiller | |
1965 | Same computer Messagign system developed at MIT - named MAILBOX | w.gomez.r | |
1965 | Moore's Law (# of transistors in an IC double every 2 years) | Moore, Cramming More Components onto Integrated Circuits, http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~fussell/courses/cs352h/papers/moore.pdf, Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Moore’s law". Encyclopedia Britannica, 26 Dec. 2019, https://www.britannica.com/technology/Moores-law. Accessed 25 March 2022. | xjjackson, facoghlan |
1965 | The Votomatic voting machine is developed, allowing for quicker, easier voting using punch cards | http://www-03.ibm.com/ibm/history/exhibits/supplies/supplies_5404PH12.html | stgoldman
1965 | Capacitive touch screen - A cathode-ray-tube monitor with a capacitive touch display was created by Eric Arthur Johnson, an engineer at the Royal Radar establishment to be used for air traffic control systems. | Interactive Displays: Natural Human‐Interface Technologies. (n.d.). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. doi:10.1002/9781118706237 | jhyuen |
1965 | Gordon Moore publishes his famous essay that introduced Moore’s Law. | Waldrop, M. Mitchel, The chips are down for Moore’s law, (Nature, 2/9/2016), pp.144–147 | maferreira |
1965 | The Ultimate Display was a concept created by Ivan Sutherland, which introduced the guidelines on how virtual reality could be as realistic as the real world. | History of Virtual Reality. (Virtual Reality Society, 2019). https://www.vrs.org.uk/virtual-reality/history.html | |
1965 | The first decision support systems (DSS) is invented with the creation of the Problem Statement Language/Problem Statement Analyzer (PSL/PSA). These systems preceded Expert Systems, which use complex if/else statements to mimic and augment the work of human experts in specialized fields. | https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/document?repid=rep1&type=pdf&doi=36c7a12b436a9e698662b6d294d9a4830d13a7e9#:~:text=Decision%20Support%20Systems%20evolved%20early,area%20of%20applied%20information%20technology. Visited: 9/3/2024 | tnhellgren
1966 | The newly formed Intel Corporation began selling a semiconductor chip with 2,000 bits of memory. | https://www.dataversity.net/brief-history-data-storage/ | nchkhaidze |
1966 | The first hand-held electric calculator is invented by Texas Instruments, Incorporated. | http://www.computinghistory.org.uk/cgi/computing-timeline.pl Visited: 9/3/2015 | dssilva |
1966 | Electrified foil used at Olympic fencing tournament | https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/the-long-history-behind-fencers-hitdetecting-electrified-gear | ggsmith |
1966 | The Stanform Research Institute creates Shakey, the first mobile robot to know and react to its own actions. | eosowski | |
1966 | The ECHO IV, which was never commercially sold, was invented. This device could perform common home actions such as controlling lights and appliances. | http://www.iotevolutionworld.com/m2m/articles/376816-history-smart-homes.htm | mjmcdonald |
1966 | The National Traffic and Motor Safety Act was passed, requiring all newly manufactured cars to be equipped with safety standards including seat belts and airbags. | https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/president-johnson-signs-the-national-traffic-and-motor-vehicle-safety-act (Accessed March 22, 2018) | anpennie |
1966 | The Automatic Language Processing Advisory Committee (ALPACA) releases a report stating that machine translation will never feasibly match the performance of human translators, leading to a decline in machine translation development. | Hutchins, W. John, “MACHINE TRANSLATION: A BRIEF HISTORY,” Concise history of the language sciences: from the Sumerians to the cognitivists (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1995), p431-445. | kmpicho |
1967 | The floppy disk drive (FDD) was invented at IBM by Alan Shugart. | https://computer.howstuffworks.com/floppy-disk-drive1.htm | nchkhaidze |
1967 | Richard Greenblatt writes MacHack, the first program to play chess that can defeat human opponents. | eosowski | |
1967 | The Datapoint 3300 terminal is released, using a small CRT display capable of displaying 24-25 lines of text. | http://www.hpmuseum.net/display_item.php?hw=94http://www.swtpc.com/mholley/History/TVT_History.htm | nadiaz |
1967 | The ECHO IV was the first smart device which could compute shopping lists, control the home’s temperature and turn appliances on and off | http://www.iotevolutionworld.com/m2m/articles/376816-history-smart-homes.htm | dberardi |
1967 | Logo, a educational programming language was developed by the MIT labs to educate elementary school students in learning to write code. | https://el.media.mit.edu/logo-foundation/what_is_logo/history.html | sli11 |
1967 | Ralph Baer invents the prototype video game system known as “The Brown Box”. | history.com Editors, Video Game History (A&E Television Networks, 2019), https://www.history.com/topics/inventions/history-of-video-games (Accessed 9/6/2020) | resallie |
1967 | IBM virtualized operating systems allowing multiple users to timeshare the same resources” – a foundational step towards virtualizing resources | https://www.bcs.org/articles-opinion-and-research/history-of-the-cloud/ | agupta9 |
1968 | Koss unleashed the first US made electrostatic model , the ESP-6’s | https://www.ssense.com/en-us/editorial/culture/a-history-of-headphone-design | alate |
1968 | George H. Heilmeier and his team invent the first Liquid Crystal Displays | http://ethw.org/Milestones:Liquid_Crystal_Display_1968 | nadiaz |
1968 | FCC, in the Carterphone case, ruled to allow external devices to be connected to AT&T telephone line network. Paving the way for future network devices. | Johnson, Nicholas, Carterphone: My Story, http://ssrn.com.ezproxy.wpi.edu/abstract=2173506 (9/3/2015) | svadlamudi |
1968 | SYSTRAN is founded by Dr. Peter Toma | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SYSTRAN | mjgulbin |
1968 | Computer Based Head Mounted Display | Ivan E. Sutherland. 1968. A head-mounted three dimensional display. In Proceedings of the December 9-11, 1968, fall joint computer conference, part I (AFIPS '68 (Fall, part I)). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 757-764 | akshoop |
1968 | Douglas Engelbart gives "the mother of all demos", introducing the oN-Line System, with components such as a graphic user interface, computer mouse, multi-window display, email, live videoconferencing, and raster-scan video monitor. | Engelbart, Douglas. “A research center for augmenting human intellect”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJDv-zdhzMY (Accessed 3/17/19). | tjnickerson, pjjankowski, ciduarte
1968 | 2001: A Space Odyssey is released. Widely regarded as one of the best science fiction movies of all time. | https://www.theguardian.com/film/2010/oct/21/space-odyssey-kubrick-science-fiction | kthooppalvasu |
1968 | The Sword of Damocles was created by Ivan Sutherland and student Bob Sproull and was the first AR/VR device connected to a computer rather than a camera and produced primitive wireframe objects. | https://www.vrs.org.uk/virtual-reality/history.html | bmwaid |
1968 | First ever Augmented Reality technology, a head-mounted display system, developed by Ivan Sutherland at Harvard University. | Harvard Business Review, https://hbr.org/2016/10/the-mainstreaming-of-augmented-reality-a-brief-history | mchava |
1968 | The HP9100A, the first programmable scientific calculator, is developed by Hewlett-Packard | Otto van Poelje, “The Demise of the Slide Rule” | pbcoady |
1968 | Volkswagen introduces the first consumer automobile with a computer. It uses an electronically controlled fuel injector system, the D-Jetronic. | https://www.chipsetc.com/computer-chips-inside-the-car.html | efclifford |
1968 | Radio Corporation of America shows of the first usage of LCD displays | Alexander B Magoun, Television: The Life Story of a Technology, (Greenwood Press, 2007), https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=EbHOEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR5&ots=VGKBnYSbl8&sig=rpRqEEDiBc0YY7l1PdwG6IzVNRU#v=onepage&q&f=false (9/2/2023) | rkoffstein |
1968 | Telefunken released the Rollkugel, the first roller ball mouse | mjhagger | |
1969 | ARPANET goes online connecting UCLA, Stanford, UCSB, and UU | http://www.walthowe.com/navnet/History.html | pmcraft |
1969 | 1969 Mansfield Amendment forced military funded research to have direct military applications | National Research Council, Funding a Revolution: government Support for Computing Research (National Academies Press, February 11, 1999), Accessed 4/1/2021 from https://web.archive.org/web/20080112001018/http //www.nap.edu/readingroom/books/far/ch9.html#FOOT24 | nelmaliki |
1969 | The internet begins as ARPANET, which is commissioned by the DoD. The first nodes are created at UCLA, SRI, UCSB, and the University of Utah. | Hobbes, Hobbes' Abridged Internet Timeline, http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/mitra/honors/timeline.html(9/3/2015) | JRWatson |
1969 | Victor Scheinman, a mechanical engineering student working in the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab creates the Stanford Arm, which is still a standard today | eosowski | |
1969 | DHL was founded. | tpatikorn | |
1969 | UNIX is created. | http://www.computerworld.com/article/2531905/operating-systems/timeline--40-years-of-os-milestones.html | rdomanico |
1969 | University of California in Los Angeles becomes the first connection pointf of ARPANET. | Shinder, Debra L., Computer Networking Essentials (Cisco Press, 2001), 3. http://proquest.safaribooksonline.com.ezproxy.wpi.edu/book/networking/1587130386/introduction-to-pc-networking/3?uicode=wpi (9/2/2015) | svadlamudi |
1969 | The first microprocessor for commercial use in a terminal application. | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EMkcZ2UPuu95BAHkGAW1YPhDVI2GfyMJh1pEu-wmjy0/edit?usp=sharing | nmbargman |
1969 | MAGI released Syntha Vision, the first commercially available solid modeler program | https://partsolutions.com/60-years-of-cad-infographic-the-history-of-cad-since-1957/ | kwang8 |
1969 | Department of Defense (DOD) Advanced Research Agency uses a network to connect two computers. They called it ARPANET, which is the first “internet”. | Maurer, T., & Hinck, G. (2020). Cloud Security: A Primer for Policymakers (pp. 10-22, Rep.). Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. doi:10.2307/resrep25787.8 | acherkinsky |
1969 | VR computer artist Myron Kruegere created interactive artificial environments, where users can communicate with each other virtually. | History of Virtual Reality. (Virtual Reality Society, 2019). https://www.vrs.org.uk/virtual-reality/history.html | |
1969 | Ford introduces their first computer controlled anti-skid system. | Chips Etc. “Computer Chips Inside Cars.” Vintage Computer Chip Collectibles, Memorabilia & Jewelry, www.chipsetc.com/computer-chips-inside-the-car.html. Accessed 4 Sept. 2023. | ankalayjian |
1964 - 1971 | The Moog Synthesizer becomes the first to ever be mass produced. | rpdabrowski | |
1970 | New Orleans International Airport began using metal detectors for security purposes. | https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-the-metal-detector-1992303 | cemcdonough
Late 1970s | DARPA begins to decrease funding to AI, especially speech recognition | http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4475849/ | mjgiancola |
Around 1970 | Moore's law term is coined by Carver Mead | https://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~rwest/wikispeedia/wpcd/wp/m/Moore%2527s_Law.htm | rmschade |
1970 | Alan Kay joins Engelbar to found the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC). | tjnickerson | |
1970 | NiMH batteries emerge, proving to be powerful batteries with long lifespans and also better for the environment than cadmium-based batteries. | djlaplante | |
1970 | The Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) creates the Alto, a personal computing device complete with a bitmapped display, keyboard, and mouse. Xerox also creates Ethernet to network the Alto. | Quinn, Michael J. Ethics for the information age. pg. 34-35. Pearson Education Inc., 2015. Print. | ciduarte
1970 | Lucifer algorithm developed, later evolved into triple-DES (Data Encryption Standard) | zhenhe | |
1970 | First guitar amplifiers used solid state transistors instead of vacuum tubes | A. Stafford, “History of the Amplifier: Valve vs Solid-State,” ProAudioLand, 03-Jul-2012. [Online]. Available: https://proaudioland.com/news/history-of-the-amp/. [Accessed: 30-Oct-2020]. | sparks
1970 | Referred to as “the grandfather of automation”, the X10, a device that connected to power lines to control home appliances, was invented. | http://mashable.com/2015/01/08/smart-home-tech-ces/#94RaVgOCkkqc | mjmcdonald |
1970 | First publication of Conway's Game of Life, a cellular automata "game" that despite its simplicity proved to be massively powerful and even Turing-complete. | https://web.archive.org/web/20090603015231/http://ddi.cs.uni-potsdam.de/HyFISCH/Produzieren/lis_projekt/proj_gamelife/ConwayScientificAmerican.htm | crmyers |
1970 | First use of Structured Query Language (SQL) the base of all RDBMSs | Keith D. Foote, A Brief History of Non-Relational Databases Retrieved August 29th 2019 from https://www.dataversity.net/a-brief-history-of-non-relational-databases/ | bjaubuchon |
1970 | Direct recording electronic devices (DREs) were developed to replace lever voting machines with buttons and lights. The DREs would use 35mm film to count votes | Charles Stewart III, “Voting Technologies” (Annual Review of Political Science, 2011), https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.polisci.12.053007.145205, (April 1, 2020) | mfrossetti |
1970 | The United States Air Force adopts the use of a Systran translation system for Russian-English translations. | Hutchins, W. John, “MACHINE TRANSLATION: A BRIEF HISTORY,” Concise history of the language sciences: from the Sumerians to the cognitivists (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1995), p431-445. | kmpicho |
1970 | Edgar F. Codd publishes his paper on relational databases. | Edgar F. Codd, A Relational Model of Data Large Shared Data Banks (1970). IBM Research Laboratory. Retrieved September 14, 2023, from https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~david/cs848s14/codd-relational.pdf | cemedina |
1970 | Pascal programming language was published by Niklaus Wirth. | Ferguson, A. (2004). A History of Computer Programming Languages. Retrieved September 11, 2020, from https://cs.brown.edu/~adf/programming_languages.html | jrtatone |
1970 | “Something" recorded with Denon equipment as the first digitally-recorded commercial release | Barry R. Ashpole, The Dawn of Commercial Digital Recording, (ARSC Journal Volume 39, No. 1., 2008) https://www.aes.org/aeshc/pdf/fine_dawn-of-digital.pdf | brdesousa
1970 | Twisted-nematic mode discovered for LCDs, opening up a pathway for more realistic displays. | Hirohisa Kawamoto, “The History of LCD and its Industry” (IEEE, September 5, 2012) https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6487587 (accessed April 6, 2021) | larathke |
1971 | The first CT scan of a human brain. This opened up a pathway for more medical diagnosis and procedures to be made. | Edmund S. Higgins, Fifty Years Ago, the First CT Scan Let Doctors See Inside a Living Skull, (October 1, 2021) https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/fifty-years-ago-the-first-ct-scan-let-doctors-see-inside-a-living-skull-180978792/#:~:text=The%20first%20computed%20tomography%20image,to%20Stockholm%20and%20Buckingham%20Palace. (9/2/2022) | cgwelcher |
1971 | Project Gutenberg, the first digital library, opens for public use. | http://www.gutenberg.org/files/29801/29801-pdf.pdf | jaturcotte |
1971 | First blood glucose meter was invented by Anton Hubert Clements. | https://beyondtype1.org/the-evolution-of-diabetes-technology/#:~:text=The%20first%20insulin%20pump%2C%20invented,of%20Diabetic%20Ketoacidosis%20(DKA.) | tclooney |
1971 | The National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (N.A.S.D.A.Q.) opens its first day of trading, becoming the world's first electronic stock market. | http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/timeline/crash/2/ | tleung |
1971 | The Advanced Research Projects Agency, also known as ARPA, decided to financially back a five year project to further speech understanding and set the criteria that all machines must be able to understand 1000 chosen words with a maximum failure rate of 10%. | Gold, Bernard, Nelson Morgan, and Dan Ellis. "Chapter 4: Brief History of Automatic Speech Recognition." Speech and Audio Signal Processing: Processing and Perception of Speech and Music. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2011. N. pag. Print. | leantul |
1971 | 13 additional organizations are connected to ARPANET. This number begins to rapidly expand. | http://www.walthowe.com/navnet/History.html | pmcraft |
1971 | The prototype of cloud computing first known as RJE (remote job entry) | https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc105 | rhuang2 |
1971 | The Intel 4004 processor is created with 2,300 transistors. | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EMkcZ2UPuu95BAHkGAW1YPhDVI2GfyMJh1pEu-wmjy0/edit?usp=sharing | nmbargman |
1971 | Invention of the first microprocessor. | Debenedictis, Erik P, Sustaining Moore's law with 3D chips, (Computer, 2017), pp.69-73 | maferreira
1971 | IBM ships the 23 FD “Minnow”, an 8-inch floppy disk, with removable read-only memory. Could store 80 kB, or around 3000 punch cards' worth of data. | 1971: Floppy disk loads mainframe computer data, (Computer History Museum, n.d.), https://www.computerhistory.org/storageengine/floppy-disk-loads-mainframe-computer-data/, Accessed 5 September 2023. | hzgandor |
1971 | A.J. Goldstein, L.D. Harmon, and A.B. Lesk expanded the capabilities of facial recognition technology to account for 21 subjective types of facial features. | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1450184 | gmbuonomano |
1971 | Chemical structure predicter made, called DENDRAL | https://www.britannica.com/technology/DENDRAL | jtreiss |
1972 | The PLATO IV terminal is released, with a novel orange plasma display capable of displaying a 512x512 bitmap. This terminal also had infrared touch screen support. | http://history-computer.com/ModernComputer/Basis/touch_screen.html | nadiaz |
1972 | University of Illinois students file a patent for optical touchscreens and it is implemented in the Magnavox Plato IV Terminal. This is the first touchscreen used in a classroom. Thousands of them were built for this machine. | djbenson | |
1972 | First home video game | blammeson
caroberts | |
1972 | The first commercial home console Magnavox Odyssey was created by Ralph Baer | ajbuchanan | |
1972 | The "Pulsar Time Computer", the first smartwatch was released. This watch could tell the time and the LED's on it could change brightness based on external lighting. Without factoring for inflation, the watch sold for $2,100. | Klint Finley, Tech Time Warp of the Week: The 1972 Digital Watch That Cost More Than a Car, (March 6, 2015), https://www.wired.com/2015/03/tech-time-warp-week-1972-digital-watch-cost-car/ (September 2, 2021) | hsahay, deushman |
1972 | Telnet was published as an RFC | http://www.walthowe.com/navnet/History.html | pmcraft |
1972 | Several new companies enter the calculator market, rapidly developing electronic calculating technology and prices become affordable to the public. More specifically the Hewlett-Packard HP-35 became widely used as a pocket calculator. | http://www.computinghistory.org.uk/cgi/computing-timeline.pl Visited: 9/3/2015
J. Perkel, Counting on the Pocket Calculator (ProQuest, 24th August 2023), https://www.proquest.com/docview/2858729827?accountid=29120&parentSessionId=%2FlNfVZVlw4wBHYcDkyJ05A8tPCpWWsvOccfyECJyajg%3D&pq-origsite=primo&sourcetype=Scholarly%20Journals (8-30-2024) |
dssilva, kacummings |
1972 | Ray Tomilson develops system for addressing messages to users in diffrent computers - Emergence of "<a href="mailto:to-user@destination">to-user@destination</a>" syntax | w.gomez.r | |
1972 | An early touch screen is developed in the University of Illinois. It allowed users to interact with computers using their hands by using light rays. | Some Milestones in Computer Input Devices: An Informal Timeline, http://www.billbuxton.com/inputTimeline.html (accessed March 21, 2016). |
1972 | Plato IV Terminal - Plasma technology was used in the Plato IV as an alternative display technology. It allowed for displays to be lightweight and relatively thin, but the technology never really took off in PCs. | Benji Edwards, A Brief History of Computer Displays, https://www.pcworld.com/article/209224/displays/historic-monitors-slideshow.html#slide1 Wikipedia, PDP-1, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PDP-1. Christoph Dernbach, Apple I,(MacHistory 2012),https://www.mac-history.net/apple-history-2/apple-i/2012-07-08/apple-i accessed on 4/5/2021 | jhyuen,
bstaw |
1972 | Email was invented. | Nicholas A. John (2014). File Sharing and the History of Computing: Or, Why File Sharing is Called “File Sharing”, Critical Studies in Media Communication | osanderson |
1972 | Intel introduced the 8008 processor, an industry standard. | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EMkcZ2UPuu95BAHkGAW1YPhDVI2GfyMJh1pEu-wmjy0/edit?usp=sharing | nmbargman |
1972 | The HP-35, a pocket electric calculator that contains all the functionality of a slide rule, is released. | Earl Swartzlander, “Calculators” (IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 1995) | pbcoady |
1970s - 1990s | Lithium and lithium ion batteries invented, with the extremely energy-dense material lithium and a maliable model, allowing them to be built specific for devices. Very popular for smaller (portable) electronics. | djlaplante | |
1971 | Patrick Hanratty founded Manufacturing and Consulting Services (MCS) and developed Automated Drafting and Machining (ADAM) in Fortran. The software is designed to work on every machine and 80% of CAD programs today can be traced back to ADAM. | https://www.cadazz.com/cad-software-history.htm | kwang8 |
1971 | The first microprocessor was created by Ted Hoff at Intel | eosowski | |
1971 | Intel 4004 - first single chip microprocessor | dstapply | |
1972 AD | The first digital watch is invented, utilizing electricity to display and calculate time. | https://www.pcmag.com/feature/296609/the-digital-watch-a-brief-history Visited: 3/23/2018 | lgrande |
1972 AD | Pong- First hit game by Atari, by Al Alcorn- Coin op. | Ray, Michael. Gaming from Atari to Xbox. (Rosen Educational Services, 2012) Visited: 4/3/2020 | pmara
1972 | Intel releases the Intel 8008 |
Ceruzzi, Paul E. (May 2003). A History of Modern Computing (2nd ed.). MIT Press. pp. 220221. |
ajthompson |
1972 | Magnavox releases Odyssey, the first home video game console. | history.com Editors, Video Game History (A&E Television Networks, 2019), https://www.history.com/topics/inventions/history-of-video-games (Accessed 9/6/2020) | resallie |
1972 | The improvements to lasers in the 1970s allowed for new methods for tracking and RCA developed an “automatic checkout stand.” | National Museum of American History, “Cash and Credit Registers,” (Smithsonian Institution, n.d), https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/cash-and-credit-registers (9/1/22). | tbgoggin |
1973 | IBM released the first read/write floppy disk. | https://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/memory-storage/ | cdpomeranz |
1973 | Second Impact Syndrome discovered where it’s possible to suffer from another concussion whilst already concussed | mhsultan | |
1973 | J. J. Vidal conducts initial research into brain-computer communication. | https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/10.1146/annurev.bb.02.060173.001105 | jhsu |
1973 | Dennis Ritchie develops C programming language. | Ferguson, A. (2004). A History of Computer Programming Languages. Retrieved September 11, 2020, from https://cs.brown.edu/~adf/programming_languages.html | jrtatone |
1973 | Federal Aviation Administration required airports to scan passengers with metal detectors. | https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-the-metal-detector-1992303 | cemcdonough |
1973 | First AI Winter, caused by the British Government cutting funding for AI research | https://www.actuaries.digital/2018/09/05/history-of-ai-winters/ | jtreiss |
1973 | Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf develop the TCP protocol. They release a paper on TCP in September. Bob Metcalfe begins development on Ethernet at Xerox PARC. | Computer History Museum, Internet History, http://www.computerhistory.org/internet_history/internet_history_70s.html (9/3/2015) | JRWatson |
1973 | FTP was published as an RFC. All other RFCs become available through FTP | http://www.walthowe.com/navnet/History.html | pmcraft |
1973 | Israel develops the Mastiff UAV and soon after the IIA Scout, the first UAVs meant for data collection | http://www.popsci.com/watch-brief-history-drone | addresser
1973 | The Xerox Alto features a CRT with a 606x808 pixel display, which was used to show one of the first GUIs. | nadiaz
| |
1973 | First commercial axial computer tomography development | http://www.infinityugent.be/research-development/a-history-of-medical-imaging | lnguyen3
1973 | National Semiconductor releases the IMP-16, 16-bit microprocessor |
ajthompson |
1973 | Freddy Robot built by The Assembly Robotics Group at University of Edinburgh, which is capable of using visual perception to autonomously assemble wooden block models. | http://www.aiai.ed.ac.uk/project/freddy/ | allewis |
1973 | NAVSTAR GPS Joint Program Office (JPO) established by Department of Defense to create GPS for military and civilians | gmport | |
1973 | James Lighthill writes a report that downplays the success of AI, leading to a decrease in funding across Europe. | http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4475849/
Sir James Lighthill, Artificial Intelligence: A general Survey (Cambridge University, July 1972), Accessed 4/1/2021 from http://www.chilton-computing.org.uk/inf/literature/reports/lighthill_report/p001.htm |
mjgiancola, nelmaliki |
1973 | Martin Cooper made the first cellphone called the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X
Modification: and performed the first ever phone call. |
Gibson, William. “The First Cell Phone Call Was Made 45 Years Ago.” AARP, 3 Apr. 2018, https://www.aarp.org/politics-society/history/info-2018/first-cell-phone-call.html. |
hwang15, wrlewis |
1973 | Maze War is released as the first 3D video game. | https://www.academia.edu/34388200/Maze_Game_Design_Project | lcagle |
1973 | The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) requests proposals from the public for the first standard cryptographic algorithm | David Leech and Michael Chinworth, "The Economic Impacts of NIST’s Data Encryption Standard (DES) Program", (National Institute of Standards & Technology, 10/1/2001), https://csrc.nist.gov/pubs/other/2001/10/01/the-economic-impacts-of-nist-des-program/final, (3/22/2024) | abollinger |
1974 | Wabbit virus produced; virus replicates and crashes the computer it is on | Love, John. A Brief History of Malware — Its Evolution and Impact (lastline.com, 04/05/2018). https://www.lastline.com/blog/history-of-malware-its-evolution-and-impact/ Accessed 09/08/2020 | zjester |
1974 | First insulin pump/continuous glucose monitor called the Biostator was invented | https://beyondtype1.org/the-evolution-of-diabetes-technology/#:~:text=The%20first%20insulin%20pump%2C%20invented,of%20Diabetic%20Ketoacidosis%20(DKA.) | tclooney |
1974 | Work on Ethernet is completed at Xerox PARC. ARPANET begins to implement TCP. | Computer History Museum, Internet History, http://www.computerhistory.org/internet_history/internet_history_70s.html (9/3/2015) | JRWatson |
1974 | First 3-D rendering of faces in Fred Parke’s thesis film “Faces (Faces & Body Parts)” | http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/design/a16205/these-early-computer-animations-show-how-far-weve-come/ | kofichtner |
1974 | The Silver Arm, which performed small-parts assembly using feedback from touch and pressure centers is created. | ||
1974 | The term Data Science is used for the first time by Peter Naur. | Longbing Cao, Data science: A comprehensive overview, Article 43 (ACM Computing Surveys, June 2017), 42 pages https://dl-acm-org.ezpxy-web-p-u01.wpi.edu/doi/pdf/10.1145/3076253 | armorrison |
1974 | Transfer Control Protocl (TCP) specifications are published by two DARPA engineers to make packet transfer simpler. | Mowery, David C., and Timothy Simcoe, Is the internet a US invention?-an economic and technological history of computer networking, http://www.sciencedirect.com.ezproxy.wpi.edu/science/article/pii/S0048733302000690 (9/2/2015) | svadlamudi |
1974 | DARPA cancels 2 million dollar contract when voice controlled piloting software only responds to voice commands in a certain order. | Crevier, Daniel (1993), AI: The Tumultuous Search for Artificial Intelligence, New York, NY: BasicBooks, ISBN 0-465-02997-3 | nelmaliki |
1974 | John Cocke begins work on what becomes the IBM 801, a RISC-style computer | IBM, IBM 100 - RISC Architecture, (IBM, 20 July 2011), https://www.ibm.com/ibm/history/ibm100/us/en/icons/risc/ (31 August 2023) | ehughsbaird |
1974 | First use of Optical Character Recognition | https://www.ibm.com/topics/computer-vision | jacurtis2 |
1974 | Congress passed a law to make the national maximum speed limit 55 miles per hour. | http://www.ncsl.org/research/transportation/transportation-review-speed-limits.aspx (Accessed March 23, 2018) | anpennie |
1974 | The first ad for a microprocessor based computer. | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EMkcZ2UPuu95BAHkGAW1YPhDVI2GfyMJh1pEu-wmjy0/edit?usp=sharing | nmbargman |
1974 | The Universal Product Code was developed by a committee of executives and it was first used on products in June of 1974 at Marsh’s supermarket in Troy, Ohio. | National Museum of American History, “Cash and Credit Registers,” (Smithsonian Institution, n.d), https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/cash-and-credit-registers (9/1/22). | tbgoggin |
1974 | Military begins developing NAVSTAR, a GPS system | gpstrackingplans.com/gps-history/ | kmdoan |
January 1975 | The Altair 8800 was released and became the first commercially successful personal computer. | H. Garland, "Design Innovations in Personal Computers" in Computer, (IEEE, 1977), Pages 24-27. | pjjankowski |
1975 | Electric calculator manufacturers take over the calculator market through the use of mass production. Mechanical calculator sales decline rapidly. | http://www.computinghistory.org.uk/cgi/computing-timeline.pl Visited: 9/3/2015 | dssilva |
1975 | The United States government decided to link the computers at the NORAD headquarters at Cheyenne Mountain using fiber optics to reduce interference. | https://www.thoughtco.com/birth-of-fiber-optics-4091837 | aforozco |
1975 | One of the first attempts at creating a Quantum Information Theory | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0034487776900057 | hfloreshuerta |
1975 | Microsoft is founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen | http://journal.primedu.uoa.gr/greek/issue_2/pdf/windows.pdf | tsdalavi
1975 | Arithmetic Coding developed | bjsharron | |
1975 | A patent is granted to George Samuel Hurst for developing the first resistive touchscreen. He is widely seen as the inventor of the touchscreen. | djbenson | |
1975 | Calculator Wristwatch | http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,879586,00.html | akshoop |
1975 | The BitPad that is more similar to modern graphics and drawing tablet is introduced by Summagraphics Corporation. | wtao | |
1975 | Bill Gates argues that software is intellectual property. | mtmccarthy | |
1975 | Church Committee investigates NSA intrusion on US citizens. Leads to talk of restrictions on NSA surveillance | D. Owen, "A review of intelligence oversight failure: NSA programs that affected Americans," Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin, 2012. | mttaylor |
1975 | Steven Sasson of Kodak develops the first working digital camera with a resolution of 0.01mp. | https://petapixel.com/2010/08/05/the-worlds-first-digital-camera-by-kodak-and-steve-sasson/ | bmheavey |
1975 | X10 protocol, using a power line as a communication channel, takes Home Automation industry to next level | https://proquest.safaribooksonline.com/book/home-networking-and-security/9781848213210/chapter-1-introduction/sec_1_2_html#X2ludGVybmFsX0h0bWxWaWV3P3htbGlkPTk3ODE4NDgyMTMyMTAlMkZzZWNfMV8yX2h0bWwmcXVlcnk9 | dberardi |
1975 | Myron Krueger develops "Videoplace", allowing users to manipulate virtual objects in real time. | Interaction Design Foundation, https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/augmented-reality-the-past-the-present-and-the-future | mchava |
1975 | SAFEGUARD, an antiballistic missile defense system for ICBMs, establishes first operational complex in North Dakota. | https://doi.org/10.1109/RADAR41533.2019.171388 | kjlopez |
1976 | CP/M is created, and becomes a model for DOS variations for approx. 2 decades. | http://www.computerworld.com/article/2531905/operating-systems/timeline--40-years-of-os-milestones.html | rdomanico |
1976 | Computer Music Melodian by Harry Mendell is first commercially available digital sampler. | obspring | |
1976 | First use of 3-D CGI in a motion picture “Futureworld” rendering a realistic computer model of a human face and hand | http://www.filmsite.org/visualeffects.html | kofichtner |
1976 | In 1976, advances in networking were demonstrated by Queen Elizabeth II by sending an email” – demonstrating the melting pot in networking hardware which is essential for the cloud | https://www.bcs.org/articles-opinion-and-research/history-of-the-cloud/ | agupta9 |
1976 | Apple I and SOL-20 – Composite Video Out - Steve Wozniak (Apple I) and Lee Felsenstein (SOL-20) wanted to hook up their respective computers to inexpensive TV monitors to build cheap terminals. As a result, they created computers with factory video outputs. | Benji Edwards, A Brief History of Computer Displays, https://www.pcworld.com/article/209224/displays/historic-monitors-slideshow.html#slide1 | jhyuen
1976 | Bill Gates writes an “Open Letter to Hobbyists” expressing his discontent with the illegal distribution of Microsoft’s Altair BASIC interpreter | Quinn, Michael J. Ethics for the Information Age. pg. 20. Pearson Education Inc., 2017. Print. | omthode |
1976 | The Montreal-based TAUM project successfully implements the Météo French-English translation system, which could effectively translate weather reports between the two languages. | Hutchins, W. John, “MACHINE TRANSLATION: A BRIEF HISTORY,” Concise history of the language sciences: from the Sumerians to the cognitivists (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1995), p431-445. | kmpicho |
1976 | The Radio Corporation of America(RCA)creates the "Pixie" a controller just for the display | 5. Graham Singer, The History of the Modern Graphics Processor, (TechSpot, 21 Nov. 2019), www.techspot.com/article/650-history-of-the-gpu/ (9/09/2020) | JDomigneuz |
1976 | Intel asks William Kahan to begin development on a new Floating-Point standard to use on a coprocessor for the Intel i8086/8 and i432 microprocessors | C. Severance, "IEEE 754: An Interview with William Kahan," in Computer, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 114-115, March 1998, September 5th 2021 | jdmeza |
1976 | Jacques J. Vidal coins the term Brain-Computer Interface after providing the first evidence that a brain wave could control an external device. | Wolpaw, Jonathan R., et al. "Brain-computer interface technology: a review of the first international meeting." (IEEE transactions on rehabilitation engineering, 2000), 8:2, 164-173 | ngcleary |
1976 | “"Backward chaining" AI system MYCIN delivers suggested antibiotic treatments for potential bacterial pathogens. The Present Illness Program is introduced to help evaluate edema.” | Cedars-Sinai Staff, AI's Ascendance in Medicine: A Timeline, (Cedars-Sinai, Apr 20, 2023) https://www.cedars-sinai.org/discoveries/ai-ascendance-in-medicine.html, (Mar 17 2024) | ekli |
1976 | The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is adopted as the federal standard by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) | David Leech and Michael Chinworth, "The Economic Impacts of NIST’s Data Encryption Standard (DES) Program", (National Institute of Standards & Technology, 10/1/2001), https://csrc.nist.gov/pubs/other/2001/10/01/the-economic-impacts-of-nist-des-program/final, (3/22/2024) | abollinger
1977 | The first magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used on a live patient. MRI allows us get to get images of internal body structures. | Alan Chodos,July, 1977: MRI Uses Fundamental Physics for Clinical Diagnosis (APS NEWS, July 2006), https://www.aps.org/publications/apsnews/200607/history.cfm (9/2/2022) | cgwelcher |
1977 | The first committee meeting for the IEEE 754 working group took place. Companies such as Cray and CDC were completely absent, while IBM was only observing because of their insight on microprocessors coming soon. | C. Severance, "IEEE 754: An Interview with William Kahan," in Computer, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 114-115, March 1998 (9/3/21) | jdmeza |
1977 | NSA states that public cryptographic research could be a violation of multiple arms security acts. | Bauer, C. P. (2013). Government Control of Cryptologic Research. In Secret history: The story of cryptology (pp. 414-416). New York, NY: CRC Press. | etarthur |
1977 | Data Encryption Standard (DES) is approved for government agency use. This is the first publicly announced encryption method intended for widespread industry use [1,2]. It utilizes a symmetric key and is intended to "protect computer data and to allow for large-scale commercial interoperability"[3]. | [1] Peter Loshin et al., “Data Encryption Standard”, (TechTarget, August 2021), [2] https://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/definition/Data-Encryption-Standard (September 6, 2021) [3] Chen Lily, Scholl Matthew. “The Cornerstone of Cybersecurity – Cryptographic Standards and a 50-Year Evolution” (NIST, May 26, 2022). https://www.nist.gov/blogs/cybersecurity-insights/cornerstone-cybersecurity-cryptographic-standards-and-50-year-evolution | ambornstein, added to by esdunne |
1977 | The first optical telephone communication system was installed about 1.5 miles under downtown Chicago. | https://www.thoughtco.com/birth-of-fiber-optics-4091837 | aforozco |
1977 | The Apple II releases, offering buyers the option to purchase a Sup'r'mod alongside it to use their television as a monitor. | http://apple2history.org/history/ah03/ Computer History Museum, The Apple II, (The Computer History Museum, 2021), https://www.computerhistory.org/revolution/personal-computers/17/300 accessed on 4/5/2021 | nadiaz,
bstaw |
1977 | Atari VCS released with MOS 6507 microprocessor. Also known as the Atari 2600 | computerhistory.org/timeline/graphics-games; Riad Chikhani, The History Of Gaming: An Evolving Community (Tech Crunch, 2015), https://techcrunch.com/2015/10/31/the-history-of-gaming-an-evolving-community/ (Accessed 9/6/2020) | sdnorton, modified by resallie |
1977 | Deep space explorers Voyagers 1 and 2 launch from the Kennedy Space Center | esowowski | |
1977 | Sony Walkman: Cassette recorders - The famous walkman developed by Sony sold millions of copies. Become of a huge reduced price, teenagers are open to the world of cassette recorders. This makes cassette recorders very poplular quickly. | bangyan | |
1977 | International Computer Chess Association founded | cpnota | |
1977 | 'Synclavier' is invented and designed to construct every sequence of numbers, every sound, all by itself. It digitally synthesizes sounds from nothing but numbers. | rpdabrowski | |
1977 | Emergence of the Sanger DNA sequncing method, which dominated DNA sequence for multiple generations. | https://www.intechopen.com/books/next-generation-sequencing-advances-applications-and-challenges/next-generation-sequencing-an-overview-of-the-history-tools-and-omic-applications | ddaly |
1977 | The paper that explains the theory behind the RSA encryption Algorithm is published. This is one of the first asymmetric encryption algorithms. | https://people.csail.mit.edu/rivest/Rsapaper.pdf | efschwarzrock |
1977 | BSD is created, and Radio Shack releases its line of affordable home computers. | http://www.computerworld.com/article/2531905/operating-systems/timeline--40-years-of-os-milestones.html | rdomanico
1977 | Apple II - Manufacturers made RF modulators for the Apple II so that it could display on any tv over the air. | Benji Edwards, A Brief History of Computer Displays, https://www.pcworld.com/article/209224/displays/historic-monitors-slideshow.html#slide1 | jhyuen
1977 | CATIA (Computer Aided Three Dimensional Interactive Application) is released by Dassault Systems. | https://partsolutions.com/60-years-of-cad-infographic-the-history-of-cad-since-1957/ | kwang8 |
1977 | One of the first Digital Audio Workstations, soundstream, was created. Before then, the standard for recording tracks for release often included using a tape-and-reel machine. | https://recordingconnection.com/what-are-digital-audio-workstations-daw/#:~:text=The%20first%20DAWs%20were%20conceived,all%20was%20the%20easy%20part accessed 9/2/22 | mhtoryu |
1977-8 | LZ77/LZ78 Dictionary Compression Algorithms developed | bjsharron | |
1978 | The first solar-powered and credit card sized calculators are put on the market such as the Teal Photon. | http://www.vintagecalculators.com/html/teal_photon.html Visited: 9/3/2015 | dssilva |
1978 | Marantz builds his "Pianocorder", which records the players notes on a cassette tape so that they may be played back on the same piano. | rpdabrowski | |
1978 | Intel 8086, the first x86 processor using ~30k transistors | ndemarinis | |
1978 | First GPS Block I satellites were built by Rockwell International and launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base | Hegarty, Christopher J.; Chatre, Eric (December 2008). “Evolution of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)” Proceedings of the IEEE. 96 (12): 1902-1917. | gmport, ptspillane |
1978 | The Department of Defense launched a 24 satellite GPS system which was finally completed in 1993. | NASA, Global Positioning System History, https://www.nasa.gov/directorates/heo/scan/communications/policy/GPS_History.html (March 23, 2017) | rmwiesenberg |
1978 | RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) algorithm published the first significant public key cryptosystem. It utilizes an asymmetric key. | Orman, H. (2015). Encrypted Email The History and Technology of Message Privacy (1st ed. 2015.). Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-21344-6. Milanov, Evgeny. “The RSA Algorithm” RSA laboratories (2009). https://pdfdirectory.com/pdf/0702-the-rsa-algorithm.pdf | zhenhe, etarthur, added to by esdunne |
1978 | Apple releases Apple-DOS. This was Apple's first OS. It used a command line interface. | aquartulli | |
1978 | Sony engineers create a prototype of the Walkman | http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/03/from-walkman-to-ipod-what-music-tech-teaches-us-about-innovation/253158/ | wofrick |
1978 | Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Restricts NSA surveillance capabilities after Church Committee investigation. | D. Owen, "A review of intelligence oversight failure: NSA programs that affected Americans," Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin, 2012. | mttaylor |
1978 | Electronic Bulletin Boards (BBS) were invented. | Nicholas A. John (2014). File Sharing and the History of Computing: Or, Why File Sharing is Called “File Sharing”, Critical Studies in Media Communication | osanderson |
1978 | Motorola unveiled the MC6845 a video address generator for a personal computer | 5. Graham Singer, The History of the Modern Graphics Processor, (TechSpot, 21 Nov. 2019), www.techspot.com/article/650-history-of-the-gpu/ (9/09/2020) | JDominguez |
1978 | Dr. William Dobelle creates the worlds first surgically implanted BCI on a human: an artificial eye. Built from a camera mounted on glasses and connected to the visual cortex via surgically implanted electrodes, this product allowed his patient was about to see despite having gone blind due to blunt force trauma to the head. | https://www.wired.com/2002/09/vision/ | ajlee |
1978 | The modern computerized anti-lock breaking system (ABS) is introduced. | David Burton et. al, Effectiveness of ABS and Vehicle Stability Control Systems, (Royal Automobile Club of Victoria, April 2004), https://exse.eyewated.com/fls/af36ff002e25243c.pdf (Accessed 4/2/21) | jpoulos |
1978 | Acorn Computers is established in Cambridge, England. | https://newsroom.arm.com/blog/arm-official-history | azingher |
1979 | McDonnell-Douglas integrates VR for military use (pilot) | tfan | |
1979 | The Aspen Movie Map is created by MIT. It allows users to virtually explore the city of Aspen Colorado similarly to Google Street View. | “The Aspen Movie Map: Early Interactive Computing and Virtual Reality.” The Aspen Movie Map: Early Interactive Computing and Virtual Reality : History of Information, https://www.historyofinformation.com/detail.php?id=2027. | cjscopetski |
1979 | Sony releases the Walkman | https://www.ssense.com/en-us/editorial/culture/a-history-of-headphone-design | alate |
1979 | Apple sells 10 percent of its stock to Xerox in exchange for information regarding the Xerox PARC Alto. | Quinn, Michael J. Ethics for the information age. pg. 34-35. Pearson Education Inc., 2015. Print. | ciduarte |
1979 | Apple begins work on Lisa, the first consumer-based computer with a graphical user interface based around the desktop metaphor. However, the device is slow, overpriced and poorly received. | Perkins, R., Keller, D., & Ludolph, F. (1997). Inventing the Lisa user interface. Interactions, 40-53. | tjnickerson |
1979 | Motorola creates the Motorola MC68000, one of the earliest 32-bit microprocessors (though it only used 32-bit registers, all other components were 24-bit or 16-bit), which went on to be used in the Apple Lisa and Macintosh | ajthompson | |
1979 | The Stanford Cart, built by Hans Moravec, navigates the Stanford AI Lab through an assortment of chairs to become the first computer-controlled autonomous vehicle. | http://web.stanford.edu/~learnest/cart.htm |
allewis |
1979 | Intel 8088 used in IBM-PC | dstapply | |
1979 | Yamaha releases the Casio VL-1, the first commercial digital synthesizer. | Vail, Mark (2014) The Synthesizer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Programming, Playing, and Recording the Ultimate Electronic Music Instrument. Oxford University Press. | aperucic |
1979 | Fairlight CMI invented by Peter Fogel and Kim Ryrie is the first commercially available polyphonic digital sampler. | obspring | |
1979 | Bjarne Stroustrup begins work on "C with Classes". | 2. Stroustrup FAQ: http://www.stroustrup.com/bs_faq.html | |
1979 | The 8008 processor is officially released along with the Motorola 68000 which was a 16/32 bit processor. | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EMkcZ2UPuu95BAHkGAW1YPhDVI2GfyMJh1pEu-wmjy0/edit?usp=sharing | nmbargman |
1979 | first announcement of TeX. | Richard Furuta, Review of [Donald E. Knuth, New Directions in Typesetting (1979)] (1983) | kehrlich |
1979 | barcode technology adopted for the first time by The Sims Supermarket | Nayak, Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology and Applications in Fashion and Textile Supply Chain, (CRC press, 2019), p.19-40 | jdwalden |
1979 | Namco Galaxian arcade system was released and and was able to output RGB colors and let a person have a tilemap background | 4. Olena. A Brief History of GPU, (Medium Altumea, 22 Feb. 2018), medium.com/altumea/a-brief-history-of-gpu-47d98d6a0f8a (9/09/2020) | JDominguez |
1979 | First software developed that can read and align DNA sequences | Staden R. (1979). A strategy of DNA sequencing employing computer programs. Nucleic acids research, 6(7), 2601–2610. https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/6.7.2601. | kmvarteresian |
1979 | The first graphics display processor as a single LSI integrated chip for personal computers, the NEC µPD7220, is released, supporting up to 1024 x 1024 resolution. | amcutler | |
1980's | Development of the first LCD televisions | Rasen, E. (1985, July). Spin. SPIN Media LLC, 1(3). https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=ImJFcBcCvUoC&pg=PA55 | mchalmers |
1980s | Miller Puckett creates Max (later Max/MSP), a visual programming language that allows computers to interact with music devices, like synthesizers. | Marshall Heiser, Max/MSP, (Marshall Heiser, 2016), https://marshallheiser.com/apps/maxmsp/ (01 Apr. 2021) | jsalbert |
1980 | The Sony Walkman is released | rpdabrowski | |
1980 | Elbert et al demonstrate movement of a computer cursor using slow cortical potentials. | https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/6153348/ | jhsu |
1980 | Microsoft releases MS-DOS. It creates an interface to access a computer's hardware making computers available to a larger audience. | aquartulli | |
1980 | IBM rolls out the IBM-3081 Model Mainframe, a commercial computer with two processors | https://www.ibm.com/ibm/history/exhibits/mainframe/mainframe_PP3081.html#:~:text=The%20IBM%203081%20Processor%20Complex,capacity%20and%20attractive%20physical%20characteristics. | essmith |
1980 | Backpack Computer | http://wearcam.org/ieeecomputer/r2025.htm ; Steve Mann. 1997. Smart clothing: wearable multimedia computing and personal imaging to restore the technological balance between people and their environments. In Proceedings of the fourth ACM international conference on Multimedia (MULTIMEDIA '96). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 163-174. | akshoop |
1980s | Motorola added alphanumeric display to pagers with the capability to send and received messages. | https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-pagers-and-beepers-1992315 | psjain |
1980 | Pager had 3.2 million users | https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-pagers-and-beepers-1992315 | psjain |
1980 | LZW Algorithm developed from LZ78 and became popular in many systems such as modems | bjsharron | |
1980 | Self Organizing Map - Kohonen | mmohapatra | |
1980 | Neocognitron - Fukushima | mmohapatra | |
1980 | Defense Department officially adopts TCP/IP replacing NCP | http://www.walthowe.com/navnet/History.html | pmcraft |
1980 | FBI investigates a breach of security at the National CSS. | http://www.cnn.com/2015/03/11/tech/computer-hacker-essay-414s/ | ajmokotoff |
1980 | “The case for the reduced instruction set computer” is released, introducing the concept of RISC vs CISC architectures | David A. Patterson and David R. Ditzel. 1980. The case for the reduced instruction set computer. SIGARCH Comput. Archit. News 8, 6 (October 1980), 25–33. https://doi.org/10.1145/641914.641917 | ehughsbaird |
1980 | Yamaha releases the Yamaha GS-1, the first FM digital synthesizer. | Roads, Curtis (1996). The computer music tutorial. MIT Press. | aperucic
1980 | Sharp PC-1211 - The Sharp PC utilized liquid crystal displays also known as LCD because of its lightweight, energy-efficient, thin properties. | Benji Edwards, A Brief History of Computer Displays, https://www.pcworld.com/article/209224/displays/historic-monitors-slideshow.html#slide1 | jhyuen |
1980 | The IGES format is created to allow users to transfer their 3D design between different CAD platforms. | https://partsolutions.com/60-years-of-cad-infographic-the-history-of-cad-since-1957/ | kwang8 |
1980s | Introduction of The WELL, GEnie, Listserv, and IRC | http://ezproxy.wpi.edu/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/history-social-media-impact-on-business/docview/889143980/se-2?accountid=29120. | smani |
1980 | United American Bank, a community bank led by Thomas Sudman, offered the first home online banking service to customers, allowing them to pay bills online and to check account information. | Sparks, E., “9 Young Bankers who changed America,” American Bankers Association. ABA Banking Journal, Vol. 109, No. 4, pp. 22-26, 2017. http://ezproxy.wpi.edu/login?url=https://www-proquest-com.ezpv7-web-p-u01.wpi.edu/scholarly-journals/9-young-bankers-who-changed-america/docview/1915541008/se-2?accountid=29120 | czhang10 |
1980 | Professor Edward Fredkin introduced the Fredkin Prize, which included money for three different levels of computer competency at chess | https://chessentials.com/history-of-chess-computer-engines/ Accessed 08/30/2023 | abeck |
1980 | Steve Kirsch and Richard F. Lyon both independently invent the optical mouse | mjhagger | |
1980 | Atari releases Battlezone, notable for its wireframe 3D real-time rendering technology. | https://spectrum.ieee.org/battlezone | lcagle |
1981 | Sony released the first 3 ½ - inch floppy disk. | https://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/memory-storage/ | cdpomeranz
1981 | Citibank, Chase Manhattan, Chemical, and Manufacturers Hanover (four major banks in New York) offered online banking services to test customers’ interest in online banking but was not sold well. | Cronin, Mary J, “Banking and Finance on the Internet,” pp. 41-42, 1997. https://books.google.com/books?id=l94FEs-lMu4C&q=pronto+home+banking&pg=PA41#v=onepage&q&f=false | czhang10 |
1981 | Danny Hillis designs The Connection Machine, which utilizes parallel computing to bring new power to AI. | https://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/14719/18524280-MIT.pdf?sequence=2 | allewis |
1981 | Toshiba LMD-649 is created by Kenji Murata which was the first pulse-code modulation digital sampler. | http://tokyosky.sub.jp/tokyosky_webmasters_blog/2011/02/f-19823-lmd-649-1982.html | obspring |
1981 | Barcodes adopted by US Department of Defense. | Nayak, Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology and Applications in Fashion and Textile Supply Chain, (CRC press, 2019), p.19-40 | jdwalden |
1981 | Ian Murphy, known as Cptain Zap, was the first hacker to be tried and convicted as a felon. He broke into AT&T's computers in 1981 and changed the billing rates. | http://hackstory.net/Captain_Zap | ajmokotoff |
1981 | Hacking group "Warelords" is founded. They successfully infilrtrated corporations and institutions such as the White House, Southwestern Bell, and many corporate providers of voice mail systems. | http://hacker1malaysia.blogspot.com/ | ajmokotoff |
1981 | The Xerox Star (Xerox 8010 Information System) was released as the first commercially produced computer with a GUI. | Smith, David, et al. “Designing the Star User Interface.” Byte Magazine, (UBM Technology Group 1982), Page 242. | pjjankowski |
1981 | UC Berkeley releases RISC-I | RISC-V International, History of RISC-V, (RISC-V International, unknown), http://riscv.org/about/history/ (31 August 2023) | ehughsbaird |
1981 | MTV airs playing music videos, introducing a recorded version of a live "show" with music. | rpdabrowski | |
1981 | Takeo Kanade builds the direct drive arm, where motors are directly installed into the joints, making it faster and more accurate than previous robotic arms | eosowski | |
1981 | The IBM PC is released, along with the introduction of PC-DOS and MS-DOS. It quickly grew to dominate the personal computer market with its open architecture. | http://www.computerworld.com/article/2531905/operating-systems/timeline--40-years-of-os-milestones.html, Goth, Greg. “IBM PC Retrospective: There Was Enough Right to Make It Work.” in Computer, (IEEE, 2011), Pages 26–33. | rdomanico, pjjankowski |
1981 | Hideo Kodama publishes first instance of 3D printing-like additive manufacturing | https://www.autodesk.com/redshift/history-of-3d-printing/ | wgbahm |
1981 | IBM 5151 MDA and PC - IBM created the IBM PC with a monochrome video display standard (MDA) that was extremely sharp for the times. | Benji Edwards, A Brief History of Computer Displays, https://www.pcworld.com/article/209224/displays/historic-monitors-slideshow.html#slide1 | jhyuen |
1981 | The BBC Micro is released by Acorn Computing as part of the Computer Literacy Project, containing a precursor to the ARM architecture. | https://www.nesta.org.uk/report/the-legacy-of-bbc-micro/ | azingher |
1981 | American Weidner launches the first commercially available translation system designed for microcomputers. | Hutchins, W. John, “MACHINE TRANSLATION: A BRIEF HISTORY,” Concise history of the language sciences: from the Sumerians to the cognitivists (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1995), p431-445. | kmpicho |
1981 | The introduction of two new computer softwares, CSNET and BITNET, within the past year helped increase the availability of email. | Schaefermeyer, Mark and Edward Sewell, Communicating by Electronic Mail, (The American Behavioral Scientist, 1988), Page 114 | sjdaraskevich |
1981 | Parallel port – wide receptacle with 25 holes in 2 rows, a port on the original IBM PC designed for one-way high speed communication | https://www.technologyuk.net/computing/computer-hardware/parallel-port.shtml | amishra2 |
1982 | Sony and Philips developed the CD-ROM. | https://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/memory-storage/, https://koofr.eu/blog/posts/a-brief-history-of-memory-and-storage | cdpomeranz, hzgandor |
1982 | Cell phone purchases surpass one million. | Bellis, Mary. “Who Invented the Cell Phone?” ThoughtCo, 13 Jan. 2020, https://www.thoughtco.com/martin-cooper-history-of-cell-phone-1989865. | wrlewis |
1982 | C With Classes renamed C84. | Stroustrup FAQ: http://www.stroustrup.com/bs_faq.html | |
1982 | Elk Cloner is the first widespread virus to self-replicate | Love, John. A Brief History of Malware — Its Evolution and Impact (lastline.com, 04/05/2018). https://www.lastline.com/blog/history-of-malware-its-evolution-and-impact/ Accessed 09/08/2020 | zjester |
1982 | Albums start to be released on CD | rpdabrowski | |
1982 | Nottingham Building Society offered full-scale online banking service “HomeLink” in the UK, partnered with Bank of Scotland and British Telecom's Prestel service. Users could connect to the internet using telephones and TVs to transfer money, pay bills, and arrange loans. | Barnaby J. Feder, “British Move Fast in Home Banking,” New York Times, Jan 1984. https://www.nytimes.com/1984/01/02/business/british-move-fast-in-home-banking.html | czhang10 |
1982 | Adobe in founded, eventually revolutionizing multimedia on the web with Flash. Flash became one of the most popular embedded web technologies however, will need to adapt if it is to stay affluent in the market. | acrottier | |
1982 | Seiko TV Watch worn by James Bond | hsahay | |
1982 | Casio invents the first calculator watch with notable buttons. | https://world.casio.com/corporate/history/chapter02/ | ramcgovern |
1982 | Music CD - Introduced in 1982 but did not become a big hit. It took a decade for CD to take the market of cassettes. Soon in 1990s, CD players become the most popular music recorders. | bangyan | |
1982 | The Input Research Group at the University of Toronto develop the first multi touch interface. | djbenson | |
1982 | The IBM Talking Terminal was invented and dictated whatever may be presently displayed on the computer screen which was found to be very useful for individuals unable to read the screen on their own. | " IBM Hursley brings colour and speech to computing." IBM100 - Icons of Progress. IBM, n.d. Web. 04 Sept. 2015. | leantul |
1982 | First deployment of wide scale wireless analog networks | tasellielund | |
1982 | Invention of the Neurocognition, a pattern-recognizing convolutional neural network | https://www.ibm.com/topics/computer-vision | jacurtis2 |
1982 | The first Ethernet adapter card for the IBM PC released, introducing fast, inexpensive connections that would enable cloud computing. | https://gcn.com/articles/2013/05/30/gcn30-timeline-cloud.aspx | rhuang2 |
1982 | Hopfield Network - John Hopfield | mmohapatra | |
1982 | The Logros Corporation launches a German-English translation system utilizing a direct translation approach. | Hutchins, W. John, “MACHINE TRANSLATION: A BRIEF HISTORY,” Concise history of the language sciences: from the Sumerians to the cognitivists (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1995), p431-445. | kmpicho |
1982 | The first wearable wireless EKG heart rate monitor produced by Polar Electro. | https://www.outsideonline.com/1998821/heart-rate-monitor | ppatel2 |
1982 | Autodesk released AutoCAD as the first 2D CAD software for Personal Computers (PC) instead of mainframe computers or minicomputers. | https://partsolutions.com/60-years-of-cad-infographic-the-history-of-cad-since-1957/ | kwang8 |
1982 | Creation of Sayre Gloves, the first finger-tracking gloves. | History of Virtual Reality. (Virtual Reality Society, 2019). https://www.vrs.org.uk/virtual-reality/history.html | |
1982 | MIDI, short for “musical instrument digital interface,” is first conceptualized as a universal protocol for all electronic instruments, allowing synthesizers from different manufacturers to interface with recording interfaces and each other much more easily. | https://www.midi.org/articles/midi-history-chapter-6-midi-is-born-1980-1983 | mhtoryu
1983 | Transmitting data through Fiber Optic Cables becomes normal and used in numerous companies | Hussein He, The History and Development of Fiber Optic Cables And Future Trends (Hongkai, 2021), https://hk-machinery.cn/the-history-of-the-development-of-fiber-optic-cable-and-future-trends/#:~:text=Fiber%20optic%20cables%20were%20invented%20by%20Dr.%20Narinder,on%20the%20other%20side%2C%20proving%20his%20method%20worked (September 4, 2023) | agjensen |
1983 | MIDI was created. It goes on to become the standard for controlling synthesizers and digital keyboards, and later evolves to include many different capabilities concerning digital music. | http://www.musicradar.com/news/tech/30-years-of-midi-a-brief-history-568009 | jdfrench |
1983 | Seiko Data-2000 watch/calculator/calendar tracker | hsahay | |
1983 | Microsoft announces Microsoft Windows to compete with Apple's GUI efforts. | A history of Windows. (n.d.). Retrieved September 4, 2015, from http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/history. | tjnickerson |
1983 | Fed up with proprietary printer software (and a larger trend in the software industry), Richard Stallman decides to start the GNU Project to provide an operating system that users are free to study and change | Stallman, Richard M. “Free Software: Freedom and Collaboration.” GNU Project. 29 May 2001. https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/rms-nyu-2001-transcript.txt (6 September 2020) | omthode |
1983 | Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) is established, incorporating a standard for hardware (interfaces etc.) and coded commands that make transferring "digital information between various electronic instruments as well as between instruments and computers" very easy. | rpdabrowski | |
1983 | DARPA Miniature GPS Receiver (MGR) program began | gmport | |
1983 | 1983- ARPANET adopts TCP/IP as standard protocols. ARPANET splits into MILNET, a network for defense R&D and operational groups, and ARPANET, which is now a completely research based network. Desktop workstations with built in IP networking software are created and connected to ARPANET. DNS is developed by Jon Postel and Paul Mockapetris of USC and Craig Partridge of BBN. | Barry M. Leiner, et al., A Brief History of the Internet, http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~almeroth/classes/F10.176A/papers/internet-history-09.pdf (9/3/2015) Hobbes, Hobbes' Abridged Internet Timeline, http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/mitra/honors/timeline.html(9/3/2015) Computer History Museum, Internet History, http://www.computerhistory.org/internet_history/internet_history_80s.html (9/3/2015) | JRWatson |
1983 | Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is made a requirement for the NSFNET. | Leiner, Barry M. et al. A brief history of the internet, http://dl.acm.org.ezproxy.wpi.edu/ft_gateway.cfm?id=1629613&ftid=608056&coll=DL&dl=ACM&CFID=542592391&CFTOKEN=52418481 (9/2/2015) | svadlamudi |
1983 | HP releases HP-150, first touch screen computer | Ryan, Bob. "The HP-150: Sensitive to a Personal Touch." Business computer systems 3.6 (1984): 166 | ndrewniak |
1983 | The "414s" break into 60 computer systems at institutions including Los Alamaos National Laboratory and Manhattan's Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. As a result the U.S. House of Representatives held hearings on computer security and passed several laws. | http://computersprogramm.blogspot.com/p/computer-hack.html | ajmokotoff |
1983 | Charles Walton is credited with developing RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology | http://www.sony.net/SonyInfo/News/Press_Archive/200209/02-0905E/ | zrrobins |
1983 | Charles Hull invents the first SLA 3D printer | https://3dprintingindustry.com/3d-printing-basics-free-beginners-guide/history/ | ejbosia
1983 | IBM 5153 CGA - The IBM 5153 had a CGA adapter to plug into a composite-video monitor or its associated display that had a special RGB connection unlike other displays at the time. | Benji Edwards, A Brief History of Computer Displays, https://www.pcworld.com/article/209224/displays/historic-monitors-slideshow.html#slide1 | jhyuen
1983 | Commodore 1702 - The Commodore allowed for an early S-video connection to produce a high display. During this time, other similar computer monitors were being generated to be hooked up to computer systems. | Benji Edwards, A Brief History of Computer Displays, https://www.pcworld.com/article/209224/displays/historic-monitors-slideshow.html#slide1 | jhyuen |
1983 | Stuart Card, Thomas Moran, and Allen Newell publish “The Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction.” | Imaz, Manuel, and David Benyon. Designing with Blends: Conceptual Foundations of Human-Computer Interaction and Software Engineering, MIT Press, 2006. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/wpi/detail.action?docID=3338668 | ciduarte |
1983 | Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan has the first use of a particle system | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=889049 | ermahoney |
1983 | ACID consistency model used in RDBMSs | Keith D. Foote, A Brief History of Non-Relational Databases Retrieved August 29th 2019 from https://www.dataversity.net/a-brief-history-of-non-relational-databases/ | bjaubuchon |
1983 | The Great Video Game Crash of 1983. | Nadia Oxford, Ten Facts about the Great Video Game Crash of '83 (IGN, 2012), https://www.ign.com/articles/2011/09/21/ten-facts-about-the-great-video-game-crash-of-83 (Accessed 9/6/2020) | resallie |
1983 | Bjarne Stroustrup wrote C++. | Ferguson, A. (2004). A History of Computer Programming Languages. Retrieved September 11, 2020, from https://cs.brown.edu/~adf/programming_languages.html | jrtatone |
1983 | The world got the first portable mobile phone in the shape of the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X | https://www.tigermobiles.com/evolution/#zeroPhone | hwang15 |
1983 | MIT launches Project Athena, one of the first campus wide distributed computing systems for education. | J. M. Arfman and P. Roden, "Project Athena: Supporting distributed computing at MIT," in IBM Systems Journal, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 550-563, 1992, doi: 10.1147/sj.313.0550. | elevin |
1984 | C84 renamed as C++ | Stroustrup FAQ: http://www.stroustrup.com/bs_faq.html | |
1984 | Bell Labs researcher Bob Boie releases the first multi-touch screen. | djbenson
| |
1984 | Seiko releases the uc-2000, a watch that can record up to 2000 characters and do calculations | https://www.namokimods.com/blogs/namokitimes/seiko-originals-the-uc-2000-a-smartwatch-from-1984 | ajbrianti |
1984 | protocol proposing quantum encryption published | zhenhe | |
1984 | Charles Hull patents the first 3D printer technology after Alain Le Mahaute's patent is abandoned | https://3dprint.com/65466/reflections-alain-le-mehaute/ | wgbahm |
1984 | The X Window System is developed at MIT. | Scheifler, R., & Gettys, J. (1986). The X Window System. TOG ACM Trans. Graph. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 5(2), 79-109. | tjnickerson |
1984 | Apple releases the Macintosh, the first affordable GUI-based personal computer. | Quinn, Michael J. Ethics for the information age. pg. 34-35. Pearson Education Inc., 2015. Print. | tjnickerson, ciduarte |
1984 | Apple releases System 1. System 1 no longer had a command line. It used a GUI and introduced the finder and menu bar. | aquartulli | |
1984 | DNS begins to be implemented within the internet. | Hobbes, Hobbes' Abridged Internet Timeline, http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/mitra/honors/timeline.html(9/3/2015) Computer History Museum, Internet History, http://www.computerhistory.org/internet_history/internet_history_80s.html (9/3/2015) | JRWatson |
1984 | The Domain Name Server (DNS) is introduced to translate computer addresses ( into human readable and recognazible addresses (www.google.com) | Mowery, David C., and Timothy Simcoe, Is the internet a US invention?-an economic and technological history of computer networking, http://www.sciencedirect.com.ezproxy.wpi.edu/science/article/pii/S0048733302000690 (9/2/2015) | svadlamudi |
1984 | Work starts on ARM1 at Acorn Computers | Ben Walshe, A Brief History of ARM, (ARM, 21 April 2015), https://community.arm.com/arm-community-blogs/b/architectures-and-processors-blog/posts/a-brief-history-of-arm-part-1 (31 August 2023) | ehughsbaird |
1984 | Engineers at Sun Microsystems set out to design SPARC, a 32-bit RISC processor | IEEE Spectrum, IEEE Spectrum (30 June 2017), https://spectrum.ieee.org/chip-hall-of-fame-sun-microsystems-sparc-processor (3 September 2023) | ehughsbaird |
1984 | MIPS is founded, producing the MIPS RISC architecture | John Hennessy, John Moussouris, Edward Stritter, Larry Weber, Michael Malone, MIPS Oral History Panel (Computer History Museum, 18 February 2011), https://www.computerhistory.org/collections/catalog/102746197 (3 September 2023) | ehughsbaird |
1984 | KoalaPad is produced by Koala Technologies for home computer. It has two extra programmable buttons at the top and also a pressure-sensitive stylus. | wtao | |
1984 | The birthing of 3D printing. The first 3D printing patent was filed for stereolithography (SLA) was filed by Charles W. Hull. | https://patents.google.com/patent/US4575330A/en | japayano, ncmorgan |
1984 | Wacom launched "WT Series", world's first tablet to use a cordless electronic pen. | wtao | |
1984 | Sony releases the Discman D-50, the first portable CD player | http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2023689_2023681_2023585,00.html | wofrick |
1984 | Makoto Nagao, a Japanese computer scientist, proposes example-based machine translation, which divides sentences into phrases, allowing more streamlined translation | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_machine_translation | mjgulbin |
1984 | Alexey Pajitnov releases Tetris | http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2023689_2023681_2023585,00.html | caroberts |
1984 | The Polaroid Corporation suffered huge losses with the launch of the Polavision, laying off thousands of employees. | “Edwin Land and Instant Photography.” American Chemical Society, www.acs.org/education/whatischemistry/landmarks/land-instant-photography.html. Accessed 29 Aug. 2024. | mwnickerson |
1984 | Motorola DynaTAC developed the first handheld cell phone and started to sell to the public | Klemens, G. (2010). The cellphone: the history and technology of the gadget that changed the world. Jefferson, NC: McFarland. | yzhou8 |
1984 | Psion released the first PDA | (n.d.). In 1984 Psion released the first PDA Organizer II In 1991 - AFE - 7105. Retrieved March 24, 2017, from https://www.coursehero.com/file/puttjo/In-1984-Psion-released-the-first-PDA-Organizer-II-In-1991-followed-by-Psions/ | yzhou8 |
1984 | The National Association of Home Builders formed a group to advocate for the inclusion of smart technology in newly built houses. | http://mashable.com/2015/01/08/smart-home-tech-ces/#94RaVgOCkkqc | mjmcdonald |
1984 | The National Association of Home Builders officially coins term "Smart House" | https://www.raconteur.net/technology/the-evolution-of-the-smart-home | dberardi |
1984 | Steel can commercial including a robot with movements from live detection - first motion mapping of articulated figure | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=889049 | ermahoney
1984 | University of Wisconsin's Genetic Lab releases software that lets a microcomputer user manipulate DNA, RNA and protein sequences with relative ease. | Devereux, J., Haeberli, P., & Smithies, O. (1984). A comprehensive set of sequence analysis programs for the VAX. Nucleic acids research, 12(1Part1), 387-395. | kmvarteresian |
1984 | Hitachi releases the ARTC HD63484, the first major CMOS (complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) graphics processor for computers. It could display up to 4K resolution with 1-bit color, or 1024 x 1024 in 16-bit color. | https://www.computer.org/publications/tech-news/chasing-pixels/gpu-history-hitachi-artc-hd63484 | amcutler
1985 |
NEC Multisync is released, the first monitor offering a range of refresh rates, resolutions, and input formats |
PC Mag, Aug 1987 pg.45 [accessed via Google Books] |
nadiaz |
1985 | The IEEE 754-1985 Floating-Point standard was officially established. | C. Severance, "IEEE 754: An Interview with William Kahan," in Computer, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 114-115, March 1998 (9/3/21) | jdmeza |
1985 |
Yoshiro Hatano published research that suggests that everyone should aim for 10,000 steps per day, this promotes the Japanese manpo-kei meaning 10,000 steps meter |
Tudor-Locke, C., Hatano, Y., Pangrazi, R. P., & Kang, M. (2008). Revisiting "how many steps are enough?". Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 40(7), S537. |
tjaskoviak |
1985 | The Casio fx-7000G is released, the world's first scientific graphing calculator. | http://www.casio-intl.com/asia-mea/en/calc/history/ Visited: 9/3/2015 | dssilva |
1985 | Richard Stallman publishes the GNU Manifesto founds the Free Software Foundation, calling on developers and companies to release their software "free" | ||
1985 | Apple releases System 2. System 2 was faster than System 1 and introduced a few user friendly commands. | aquartulli | |
1985 | Brothers in Arms by the Dire Straits becomes the first music CD to sell one million copies | http://www.wired.com/2009/09/1001first-cd-players/ | wofrick |
1985 | Microsoft releases Windows 1.0. It's the first Windows OS to have a GUI which meant the OS could be learned easily and intuitively. It also allowed users to switch between programs without closing one in order to open another. The OS included many tools that were useful such as Paint and Notepad. | aquartulli | |
1985 | Nintendo releases the Nintendo Entertainment System and Super Mario Bros in the United States. The console had an 8-bit system and used interchangeable cartridges for different games | history.com Editors, Video Game History (A&E Television Networks, 2019), https://www.history.com/topics/inventions/history-of-video-games (Accessed 9/6/2020) | bli, caroberts, resallie, bplima (modified + added source)
1985 | U.S. Federal Communications Commission released the ISM band. | https://web.archive.org/web/20070928054826/ | hfang |
1985 | Intel 80386 32bit released | dstapply
| |
1985 | NEC Multisync - Since there were so many different types of display schemes on the market, the Multisync was created to support multiple schemes all in one monitor. Because of Multisync’s versatility, the technology became an industry standard. | Benji Edwards, A Brief History of Computer Displays, https://www.pcworld.com/article/209224/displays/historic-monitors-slideshow.html#slide1 | jhyuen |
1985 | File Transfer Protocol (FTP) was first widely adopted. | Nicholas A. John (2014). File Sharing and the History of Computing: Or, Why File Sharing is Called “File Sharing”, Critical Studies in Media Communication | osanderson |
1985 | Boltzmann Machine - Hinton and Sejnowski | mmohapatra | |
1985 | LaTeX | Leslie Lamport, My Writings, https://lamport.azurewebsites.net/pubs/pubs.html#latex (Aug 2019) | kehrlich
1985 | AmsTex finished | AMS, amstex – American Mathematical Society plain TEX macros. https://ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/amstex?lang=en (Aug 2019) | kehrlich |
1985 | ATI is formed, which would go on for years creating some of the best graphics cards on the market | “The History of Gaming: The Evolution of GPUs.” Shadow, community.shadow.tech/gben/blog/gaming/history-of-gaming-gpus. | JDominguez |
1985 | The First Commercial MMO, Island of Kesmai, is released to the public | Justin Olivetti, The Game Archaeologist: The Island of Kesmai, (Massively Overpowered, September 17, 2016) , https://massivelyop.com/2016/09/17/the-game-archaeologist-the-island-of-kesmai/ (September 9, 2023) | cmfrench |
1986 | William Kahan receives the Turing Award for his work on floating-point analysis and the IEEE 754 standard. | T. Haigh, “William (“Velvel”) Morton Kahan”, Association for Computing Machinery http://amturing.acm.org/award_winners/kahan_1023746.cfm (9/7/21) | jdmeza |
1986 | Furness develops VR flight simulation | tfan | |
1986 | The Alvi brothers create Brain, the first computer virus. | askittur | |
1986 | Apple releases System 3. It uses a hierarchical file system. | aquartulli | |
1986 | Honda begins a robot research program that starts with the premise that a robot "should coexist and cooperate with human beings, by doing what a person cannot do and by cultivating a new dimension in mobility to ultimately benefit society. | eosowski | |
1986 | First graphical point of sale system was done on the Atari 520ST with a color touch screen. | djbenson | |
1986 | Brain Boot Sector virus first infects MS-DOS systems | Love, John. A Brief History of Malware — Its Evolution and Impact (lastline.com, 04/05/2018). https://www.lastline.com/blog/history-of-malware-its-evolution-and-impact/ Accessed 09/08/2020 | zjester |
1986 | PC-Write Trojan is released, early trojan that erases files on system | Love, John. A Brief History of Malware — Its Evolution and Impact (lastline.com, 04/05/2018). https://www.lastline.com/blog/history-of-malware-its-evolution-and-impact/ Accessed 09/08/2020 | zjester |
1986 | First shirt that functioned to monitor the heart rate, temperature, and respiration of the user. | http://www.smartshirt.gatech.edu/ | ppatel2 |
1986 | Atari 5C1224 - Utilized monochrome and RBG monitors to enhance the display experience. | Benji Edwards, A Brief History of Computer Displays, https://www.pcworld.com/article/209224/displays/historic-monitors-slideshow.html#slide1 | jhyuen
1986 | OS/2 is released, and is designed to work with Intel's 80286 and 80386 microprocessors. When IBM and Microsoft's agreement falls apart, OS/2 becomes an IBM product while Windows names its graphical OS Windows NT. | http://www.computerworld.com/article/2531905/operating-systems/timeline--40-years-of-os-milestones.html | rdomanico |
1986 | National Science Foundation funds a 56Kbps cross-country network backbones | http://www.walthowe.com/navnet/History.html | pmcraft |
1986 | After more break-ins to government and corporate computers, Congress passes the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, which makes it a crime to hack into a computer system. | https://faculty.ist.psu.edu/bagby/43205S/T6/portalprojectfinishedversion.htm | ajmokotoff |
1986 | DARPA funded databases to be created to help store words, and sentences to be used to help assist in analyzing the performance of new technologies in speech recognition. | Gold, Bernard, Nelson Morgan, and Dan Ellis. "Chapter 4: Brief History of Automatic Speech Recognition." Speech and Audio Signal Processing: Processing and Perception of Speech and Music. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2011. N. pag. Print. | leantul |
1986 | US and Israel work together to create the RQ2 Pioneer based on the Mastiff and IIA Scout. Soon afterwards, Abraham Kareium, a Israel Engineering living in the United States, creates the NAT 750, the predecessor to the Predator. | http://www.popsci.com/watch-brief-history-drone | addresser |
1986 | QVC, a channel dedicated to showing advertisements, is created. | 4. Unknown, History of QVC Inc. – FundingUniverse, www.fundinguniverse.com/company-histories/qvc-inc-history/, 8/31/2018 | jbbieber |
1986 | Young Sherlock Holmes is the first instance of CGI used for live action. Howard the Duck is the first movie to use digital wire removal. | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=889049 | ermahoney |
1986 | Multiplayer Perceptron Rumelhart, Hinton, and Williams introduce | mmohapatra | |
1986 | Restricted Boltzmann Smolensky | mmohapatra | |
1986 | RNNs Jordan | mmohapatra | |
1986 | Carnegie Mellon University's "Navlab 1" becomes first computerized self-driving, autonomous car. | Chips Etc. “Computer Chips Inside Cars.” Vintage Computer Chip Collectibles, Memorabilia & Jewelry, www.chipsetc.com/computer-chips-inside-the-car.html. Accessed 4 Sept. 2023. | ankalayjian |
1986 | “University of Massachusetts releases DXplain, using inputted symptoms to generate diagnoses for 500 diseases—now expanded to more than 2,600 conditions.” | Cedars-Sinai Staff, AI's Ascendance in Medicine: A Timeline, (Cedars-Sinai, Apr 20, 2023) https://www.cedars-sinai.org/discoveries/ai-ascendance-in-medicine.html, (Mar 17 2024) | ekli |
1986 | The introduction of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks enhanced the ability of AI systems to process sequential data, such as speech recognition and machine translation. | Pat Lawlor, Jerry Chang, The rise of generative AI: A timeline of breakthrough innovations , (Qualcomm, Feb 12, 2024) https://www.qualcomm.com/news/onq/2024/02/the-rise-of-generative-ai-timeline-of-breakthrough-innovations(March 18, 2024) | ajli |
1987 | Eastgate Systems publishes the first hypertext fiction work, “Afternoon” by Michael Joyce, on a floppy disk. | https://www.theguardian.com/books/2002/jan/03/ebooks.technology | jaturcotte |
1987 | The Sphinx-I released as one of the early commercial speech recognition systems, allowing users to give voice commands to computers. | A historical perspective of speech recognition. Communications of the ACM, 57(1), 94-103. |
djkiourtsis |
1987 | E-mu SP-1200 percussion sampler by E-mu Systems, Inc is the first prominently used sampler in hip-hop and other popular music. Some notable users are Beastie Boys, Daft Punk, DJ Qbert, Dr. Dre, Ice-T, J Dilla, The Prodigy, MF DOOM, Q-Tip, and RZA. | obspring | |
1987 | Acorn Archimedes is released, the first RISC-based home computer | Ben Walshe, A Brief History of ARM, (ARM, 21 April 2015), https://community.arm.com/arm-community-blogs/b/architectures-and-processors-blog/posts/a-b | ehughsbaird |
1987 | Digital Hearing Aids | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4111501/ | akshoop |
1987 | The HP-28C is released, the first calculator able to solve symbolic computations. | http://www.hpmuseum.org/hp28c.htm Visited: 9/3/2015 | dssilva |
1987 | First Megapixel Sensor - Kodak develops the first sensor to record digital images, signifying the digital transformation away from film. From this point, the digital camera makes gradual improvements in sensor size and memory capacity to become what a modern camera would be considered today. | tjstone | |
1987 | Floppy disk storage for stenographs | scbarry | |
1987 | Apple releases System 4. System 4 fixed bugs that System 3 had. | aquartulli | |
1987 | ATI EGA 800 is released with 16-color 800x600 support. | techspot.com/article/650-history-of-the-gpu/ | sdnorton |
1987 | Microsoft releases Windows 2.0. Windows 2.0 was the first OS to use desktop icons and allowed windows to overlap. | aquartulli
| |
1987 | IBM 8513 VGA - IBM created the VGA video standard with its release of the PS/2 computer line. | Benji Edwards, A Brief History of Computer Displays, https://www.pcworld.com/article/209224/displays/historic-monitors-slideshow.html#slide1 | jhyuen
1987 | Macintosh II - The Mac II supported both color video and external monitors whose video standard resembled VGA. Apple-made monitors were known for their sharpness and color representation. | Benji Edwards, A Brief History of Computer Displays, https://www.pcworld.com/article/209224/displays/historic-monitors-slideshow.html#slide1 | jhyuen |
1987 | Parametric Technology Corp (PTC) released Pro/Engineer as the first CAD software entirely based on solid models, history-based features and geometric constraints. It is also written in UNIX’s X-Windows to provide fast performance and friendly user interfaces. | https://partsolutions.com/60-years-of-cad-infographic-the-history-of-cad-since-1957/ | kwang8 |
1987 | The first novel OLED display is constructed | Tang, C. W.; Vanslyke, S. A. (1987). "Organic electroluminescent diodes". Applied Physics Letters. 51 (12): 913. doi:10.1063/1.98799. | mchalmers |
1987 | Soundstream develops a digital audio recorder called the Digital Editing System. This could be considered the first DAW, or digital audio workstation, which is a software used for producing and editing music and sound. | MusicProductionKnowledge, History of the DAW, (MusicProductionKnowledge, 04 Nov. 2020), https://musicproductionknowledge.com/software/digital-audio-workstation/the-digital-audio-workstation (01 Apr. 2021) | jsalbert |
1987 | PS/2 port created by IBM for keyboard and mouse connections, had 6 pins and were color coded | https://www.pcmag.com/encyclopedia/term/ps2-port#:~:text=Introduced%20on%20IBM%27s%20PS%2F2,made%20a%20comeback%20for%20gamers. | amishra2 |
1988 | DARPA's GPS Guidance Package (GGP) program began to prevent jamming the satellites | gmport | |
1988 | Electrified Saber used at Olympic fencing tournament | https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/the-long-history-behind-fencers-hitdetecting-electrified-gear | ggsmith |
1988 | MPC60 produced by Akai is one of the most influential early samplers created for modern day music. | obspring | |
1988 | Computer translation on stenographs | scbarry | |
1988 | SLS 3D printing patented by Carl Deckard and FDM printing patented by Scott Crump | https://www.sculpteo.com/blog/2016/12/14/the-history-of-3d-printing-3d-printing-technologies-from-the-80s-to-today/ | wgbahm |
1988 | Apple releases System 6. System 6 allowed the user to launch multiple applications and change between them. | aquartulli | |
1988 | Judea Pearl coins the term "Bayesian Networks" | https://www.cs.ubc.ca/~murphyk/Teaching/CS532c_Fall04/Papers/hbtnn-bn.pdf | jtreiss |
1988 | California's EPA Air Quality Board mandates On-board diagnostics in cars (OBD I | On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) Regulations and requirements: Questions and Answers (EPA and National Service Center for Environmental Publications, December 2003) | edavis |
1988 | Lift off strategy is introduced to increase accuracy and precision by the Computer Interaction Lab at the University of Maryland. | djbenson | |
1988 | First National Bank of Chicago is the victim of a $70-million computer theft | http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1988-05-19/news/8803180387_1_chase-manhattan-bank-wire-transfers-sources | ajmokotoff |
1988 | Willow is the first movie to use morphing. | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=889049 | ermahoney |
1988 | The METAL system for German-English translation, developed by the University of Texas and the Germany-based Siemens company, is released commercially. | Hutchins, W. John, “MACHINE TRANSLATION: A BRIEF HISTORY,” Concise history of the language sciences: from the Sumerians to the cognitivists (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1995), p431-445. | kmpicho |
1988 | Boeing announced that CATIA would be used to design and draft the new 777 aircraft. | https://www.scan2cad.com/cad/cad-evolved-since-1982/ | kwang8 |
1988 | Phil Farrand creates Finale, a widely-used music notation software. It allows users to write, edit, and play back sheet music on a computer. | Music Printing History, Finale, (Music Printing History), https://musicprintinghistory.org/finale/ (01 Apr. 2021) | jsalbert
1988 | L. Sirovich and M. Kirby begin to use linear algebra to analyze the human face and its features, ie. facial recognition. | https://www.face-rec.org/interesting-papers/General/ld.pdf | gmbuonomano |
1988 | Farwell and Donchin propose a BCI for spelling words based on brain signals relating to specific letters displayed on a computer screen. | Fabien Lotte, Chang S. Nam, Anton Nijholt, Introduction: Evolution of Brain-Computer Interfaces (Taylor & Francis CRC Press, 2018)1-11 | ngcleary |
1989 | Scott Foster develops training simulator for astronauts | tfan | |
1989 | First successful handheld game system | blammeson | |
1989 | Private Eye: The first head-mounted display | https://www.microfocus.com/en-us/solutions/mainframe-market-space/ | pmahurkar
1989 | A walking robot named Genghis is unveiled by the Mobile Robots Group at MIT | eosowski | |
1989 | Dr. Amar Bose created the first pair of noise cancelling headphones we know today | https://www.headphonesty.com/2020/10/history-of-noise-cancelling-headphones/, https://www.engineersgarage.com/invention-story-noise-cancelling-headphones/ | |
1989 | CERN scientist Tim Berners-Lee comes up with the concept for the World Wide Web in order to create a standardized way for computers to communicate across networks. | Tim Berners-Lee, Information Management: A Proposal, http://www.w3.org/History/1989/proposal.html (9/3/2015) Computer History Museum, Internet History, http://www.computerhistory.org/internet_history/internet_history_80s.html (9/3/2015) Pew Research Center, World Wide Web Timeline, http://www.pewinternet.org/2014/03/11/world-wide-web-timeline/ (9/3/2015) | JRWatson |
1989 | MP3 first patented | bjsharron | |
1989 | Robert Morris created the first computer worm. The virus was extremely effective and quickly took down most of the internet. This stack is considered the first DoS (denial of service) attack. Laid the groundwork for the cyber security industry. Led to the establishment of CERTs (Computer Emergency Response Teams). | http://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/opinions/the-history-of-cybersecurity/ | ajmokotoff |
1989 | NeXT launches NeXTSTEP, a graphical operating system that is eventually incorporated into Apple's Cocoa framework, and thus present-day OS X. | Linzmayer, O. (1999). Apple confidential the real story of Apple Computer, Inc. San Francisco, Calif.: No Starch Press. | tjnickerson |
1989 | Peter Deutsch and Alan Emtage create an archiver for FTP sites | http://www.walthowe.com/navnet/History.html | pmcraft |
1989 | First proposal for the World Wide Web created and circulated at CERN | http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/History.html | pmcraft |
1989 | operational Block II satellites launched by United States | gmport | |
1989 | First workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) which had themes like data mining and data-driven discovery | Longbing Cao, Data science: A comprehensive overview, Article 43 (ACM Computing Surveys, June 2017), 42 pages https://dl-acm-org.ezpxy-web-p-u01.wpi.edu/doi/pdf/10.1145/3076253 | armorrison |
1989 | A patent for Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM Printing) was filed under S. Scott Crump, at which point Stratysis, one of the first 3D printing companies, was founded. | https://patents.google.com/patent/US5121329A/en | ncmorgan |
1989 | A croup around Yann LeCunn successfully applies a back-propagation algorithm to a multilayer neural network, recognising handwritten ZIP codes | mmohapatra | |
1989 | Nintendo’s Game Boy popularizes handheld gaming. The handheld console has an 8-bit system, uses handheld cartridges, and requires AA batteries. Following the console’s release, variations of the console released like the Game Boy Pocket and the Game Boy Light. | https://www.history.com/topics/inventions/history-of-video-games | bplima |
1989 | Dr. Andy Hildebrand founds Antares Audio Technologies and releases the pitch-correction software Auto-Tune. | Roxy Flo, The History of Auto-Tune, (Clear Lake Recording Studios, 19 Nov. 2019), https://www.clearlakerecordingstudios.com/2019/11/19/the-history-of-auto-tune/ (01 Apr. 2021) | jsalbert |
1989 | Nintendo releases the Pax Power Glove at $10,000. It was used by NASA to control robots. | National Videogame Museum, https://thenvm.org/objects/pax-power-glove-1989/ | abroche |
1990-Present (2017) | AI begins to receive increased funding (DARPA, NSF, IBM) and notoriety. | http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4475849/ & https://ieet.org/index.php/IEET2/more/faggella20150827?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%2525253A+EthicalTechnology+Ethical+Technology#When:16:15:00Z | mjgiancola |
~1990-Present | Ad Servers allow entire corporations to exist solely on advertisement revenue. | Liz Froment, The Rise of Clickbait (and the Psychology Behind it), www.zembula.com/blog/rise-clickbait-psychology-behind/, 8/31/2018 | jbbieber |
1990 | NeXT develops a prototype for the WWW | http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/History.html | pmcraft |
1990 | Microsoft ships Windows 3.0, the first multiwindowed Windows operating system. | A history of Windows. (n.d.). Retrieved September 4, 2015, from http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/history. | tjnickerson |
1990 | Microsoft releases Windows 3.0. It's the first Microsoft OS to use virtual memory, giving it a substantial performance increase. It used 16 colors. | Quinn, Michael J. Ethics for the information age. pg. 34-35. Pearson Education Inc., 2015. Print. | aquartulli, ciduarte |
1990 | The Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) was the successor to the NES and had improved hardware, including a 16-bit system. | https://www.history.com/topics/inventions/history-of-video-games | bplima |
1990 | 22 million pagers in use | https://www.silicon.co.uk/mobility/smartphones/tales-tech-history-pager-204285 | psjain |
1990 | ARM founded, a joint venture between Acorn Computers and Apple | Ben Walshe, A Brief History of ARM, (ARM, 21 April 2015), https://community.arm.com/arm-community-blogs/b/architectures-and-processors-blog/posts/a-b | ehughsbaird |
1990 | ARPANET is shut down. Tim Berners-Lee develops the first web server. He also develops the first web browser, WorldWideWeb. The first search tool, ARCHIE, is created by Alan Emtage. The first commercial internet provider, The World, offers dial-up Internet access to the general public. | Hobbes, Hobbes' Abridged Internet Timeline, http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/mitra/honors/timeline.html(9/3/2015) Computer History Museum, Internet History, http://www.computerhistory.org/internet_history/internet_history_80s.html (9/3/2015) Pew Research Center, World Wide Web Timeline, http://www.pewinternet.org/2014/03/11/world-wide-web-timeline/ (9/3/2015) | JRWatson |
1990 | Archie was the first search engine created. Alan Emtage created Archie and it originally only had a specific filename database that could be searched. | History of Search Engines: From 1945 to Google Today. Search Engine History.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 March 2016. | hanguyen |
1990 | ZIP file format created | bjsharron | |
1990 | The Computer Misuse Act 1990 is passed in the United Kingdom, criminalizing any unauthorized access to computer systems | http://searchsecurity.techtarget.co.uk/definition/Computer-Misuse-Act-1990 | ajmokotoff |
1990 | Dragon Systems creation, Dragon Dictate, was the first large-vocabulary speech-to-text system for general-purpose dictation". | Thompson, Terry. "Tech Tips: Are You Talking To Your Computer Again?"DO-IT. University of Washington, n.d. Web. 4 Sept. 2015. | leantul |
1990 | Early books published on VR impact | blammeson | |
1990 | Military contractor General Atomic purchases the design of the NAT 750 | http://www.popsci.com/watch-brief-history-drone | addresser |
1990 | The Logitech Fotoman, the first consumer digital camera is released in the US | http://www.popphoto.com/gear/2013/10/30-most-important-digital-cameras#page-4 | bmheavey
1990 | Altima NSX - Previously LCD screens were low-contrast monochrome and had slow refresh rates, but by the 1980s and 1990s, LCD technology gained better contrast, color abilities, and with backlights. Altima incorporated the new technology in the Altima NSX. | Benji Edwards, A Brief History of Computer Displays, https://www.pcworld.com/article/209224/displays/historic-monitors-slideshow.html#slide1 | jhyuen |
1990 | LeNet LeCun | mmohapatra | |
1990 | Thomas P. Caudell of Boeing contrives the term "Augmented Reality". | Interaction Design Foundation, https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/augmented-reality-the-past-the-present-and-the-future | mchava |
1990 | Second edition of Joy of TeX published | M. D. SPIVAK, Ph.D. (Psudoname), The Joy of tex. | kehrlich |
1990 | Junghans created the first radio-controlled wristwatch. | https://www.junghans.de/en/junghans-collection/watches/performance/detail.html | ramcgovern |
1990s | Social Networking platforms created were Six Degrees, BlackPlanet, Asian Avenue, and MoveOn. | http://ezproxy.wpi.edu/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/history-social-media-impact-on-business/docview/889143980/se-2?accountid=29120. | smani |
1990 | Upmarket machines introduced microcontrollers. These provided better timing than machine timers, and made washing machines cheaper | “Evolution of Washing Machines Timeline.” Timetoast, November 15, 1851. https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/evolution-of-washing-machines. | amkwan |
1990 - Present | Edge Computing emerged along the first content delivery networks which served as distributed data centers. This computing technology brings computing power and resources closer to the network's edge, one could see it as advanced cloud computing. | Yeung, Tiffany. "What Is Edge Computing?" NVIDIA, October 22, 2019. https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/what-is-edge-computing/ | jpthesmar |
1991 | The first commercial flash-based SSD was shipped by SunDisk. | https://www.computerhistory.org/storageengine/solid-state-drive-module-demonstrated/ | nchkhaidze |
1991 | The Dynamic Analysis and Replanning Tool(DART)single handedly justifies 30 years of AI research funding for the US government. | Antonio M Lopez et al, Machines,the Military, and Strategic Thought(Military Review, 2004), accessed from https://web.archive.org/web/20070612064519/http://usacac.leavenworth.army.mil/cac/milreview/download/English/SepOct04/lopez.pdf on 4/2/2021 | nelmaliki |
1991 | Antonio Medina designs VR system to drive Mars robot rovers | tfan | |
1991 | Virtuality designs VR arcade machines | tfan | |
1991 | Matthew Turk and Alex Pentland publish a paper detailing a "a working, near-real-time face recognition system which tracks a subject's head and then recognizes the person" | https://sites.cs.ucsb.edu/~mturk/Papers/mturk-CVPR91.pdf | sgubrud |
1991 | WaveLan was invented, which was considered to be the precursor to 802.11ac | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wi-Fi#cite_note-3 | hfang |
1991 | Sun Systems releases a prototype Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) with inertial scrolling. | djbenson | |
1991 | Michelangelo virus erases all files on infected systems, spreads to about 10000 computers | Love, John. A Brief History of Malware — Its Evolution and Impact (lastline.com, 04/05/2018). https://www.lastline.com/blog/history-of-malware-its-evolution-and-impact/ Accessed 09/08/2020 | zjester
1991 | Apple releases System 7. This OS introduced shortcuts, network sharing capabilities, and numerous user friendly features. It also used virtual memory which sped up performance. | aquartulli | |
1991 | First quantum encryption system developed by Artur Ekert using quantum entanglement to distribute keys. | https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/research/projects/origin-and-development-quantum-cryptography | zhenhe, rcsawka |
1991 | Time Berners-Lee creates the first website | http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/History.html | pmcraft |
1991 | First user friendly interface for the internet is created at University of Minnesota | http://www.walthowe.com/navnet/History.html | pmcraft |
1991 | The first webcam is created and connected to the World Wide Web. NSF lifts all restrictions on commercial use of the internet. | Pew Research Center, World Wide Web Timeline, http://www.pewinternet.org/2014/03/11/world-wide-web-timeline/ (9/3/2015) Computer History Museum, Internet History, http://www.computerhistory.org/internet_history/internet_history_90s.html (9/3/2015) | JRWatson |
1991 | First interactive whiteboard, SMART Board, is created | Springgay, Jessica. “What Is the History of the SMART Board?” Techwalla, http://www.techwalla.com/articles/what-is-the-history-of-the-smart-board | ndrewniak |
1991 | Linux, an open source OS kernel based on Unix is released. Linux incorporates GNU software and later becomes known as an array of open source operating systems, or Linux distributions. | http://www.computerworld.com/article/2531905/operating-systems/timeline--40-years-of-os-milestones.html | rdomanico |
1991 | Work on Java begins | Oracle, The History of Java Technology, (Oracle, 2019), https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/overview/javahistory-index-198355.html (1 Apr 2020) | icleaverstigum |
1991 | Python is released | https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/history-of-python/ | armorrison |
1991 | Cold War ends. | Erin Blakemore, What was the Cold War?, (National Geographic, 2019), https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/topics/reference/cold-war/ (2 Apr 2020) | icleaverstigum |
1991 | Virtuality, the first arcade VR machines, were released | https://virtualspeech.com/blog/history-of-vr | ejwerlinich |
1991 | Veronica was a user interface created in a similar vein as Archie but used text files. Jughead followed and was used for the same purpose to search files sent using Gopher index systems. | History of Search Engines: From 1945 to Google Today. Search Engine History.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 March 2016. | hanguyen |
1991 | Kodak introduces the DCS, a kit for modifying a Single Lens Reflex camera (SLR) into a digital camera (DSLR) | http://www.popphoto.com/gear/2013/10/30-most-important-digital-cameras#page-4 | bmheavey |
1991 | Stuart Haber and Scott Startnetta work on the first Blockchain | https://101blockchains.com/history-of-blockchain-timeline/#prettyPhoto/0/ | ieroshenko |
1991 | Apple releases its first laptop, the powerbook 100 | Christoph Dernbach, Powerbook 100(1991), (Mac History, 2009), https://www.mac-history.net/apple-history-2/powerbook/2008-01-16/powerbook-100-1991 accessed 4/5/2021 | bstaw |
1991 | Phil Zimmerman wrote PGP one, an encryption system that allowed people to have two keys: one given to others and one secret key. A message encrypted with one
key could only be decoded with the other key. This system was created because of Bill 266 which would force all encryption systems to have trap doors where the US government could intercept the communications within the systems. |
Prichard, Roger, "History of Encryption", (SANS Institute, 2002), https://www.giac.org/paper/gsec/1555/history-encryption/102877#:~:text=The%20first%20use%20of%20encryption,method%20called%20the%20substitution%20cipher. 9/1/2021 | bnsahagian |
1991 | At MIT, Matthew A. Turk and Alex P. Pentland figure out how to detect and track faces in an image and combine that breakthrough with facial recognition. | http://www.mit.edu/~9.54/fall14/Classes/class10/Turk%20Pentland%20Eigenfaces.pdf | gmbuonomano |
1991 | Logitech releases the Logitech Mouseman Cordless, the first commercially available wireless mouse. | njsadlier | |
1991 | GSM first launched in Europe with the Orbitel TPU 900 first to market. | https://www.tigermobiles.com/evolution/#zeroPhone | hwang15 |
1991 | Yuki Naka creates the first video game emulator that allows the Sega Genesis to play a small selection of NES games. Many other independent developers also begin to experiment and develop emulators for video games. | BasuMallick, Chiradeep. “What Are Emulators? Working, Types, & Examples- Spiceworks.” Spiceworks, 18 Jan. 2023, www.spiceworks.com/tech/devops/articles/what-are-emulators/#_001. Accessed 3 Sept. 2023.
Thebeau, Jake. “The History of Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) Emulation.” History Computer, 28 July 2023, https://history-computer.com/the-history-of-nintendo-entertainment-system-nes-emulation/. Accessed 3 Sept. 2023. |
nkwong |
1991-2 | JPEG created by its namesake, the Joint Photographic Expert Group allowing for adjustable compression of images | bjsharron | |
1991 | EKKO, The first fully featured LMS to utilize the world wide web is released by the Norwegian Knowledge Institute | Paulsen, M. F. (2023). Thirteen technologies that transformed education. Socialinis ugdymas/Social Education, 60(2), 112-132.
https://ejournals.vdu.lt/index.php/socialinisugdymas/article/download/5473/3130 |
elevin |
1992 | MPEG Audio Layer 3 (MP3) is standardized, making it simpler for all groups to digitally encode and use music. | ||
1992 | The Lawnmower Man (1992) one of the first films to record a human actor's movements in a sensor-covered body suit | https://www.filmsite.org/visualeffects.html | vsgorbunov |
1992 | The first widely popular internet browser, Mosaic is developed by NCSA in the University of Illinois. | Computer History Museum, Internet History, http://www.computerhistory.org/internet_history/internet_history_90s.html (9/3/2015) | JRWatson |
1992 | World Wide Web comes online, eventually hosting music of all kinds among other things. | ||
1992 | First SLA 3D printer created by Charles Hull’s 3D Systems | https://www.sculpteo.com/blog/2016/12/14/the-history-of-3d-printing-3d-printing-technologies-from-the-80s-to-today/ | wgbahm |
1992 | Building Parts layer by layer | japayano | |
1992 | GSM networks begin deployment | tasellielund | |
1992 | Stenograph onboard screen | scbarry | |
1992 | First commercial video streaming product, StarWorks, developed | egouveia | |
1992 | Over 10 million cell phone users | http://www.wirelesshistoryfoundation.org/wireless-history-project/wireless-history-timeline | zrrobbins |
1992 | The first ever touchscreen phone was created. | Rees, Katie. “A Brief History of the World’s First Cell Phones.” MUO, 15 Nov. 2022, https://www.makeuseof.com/first-cell-phones-history/ | wrlewis |
1992 | First SMS is sent
Modification: It was sent by Neil Papworth on December 3rd. It said "merry Christmas". |
“The First Text Message Celebrates 25 Years.” NPR, 4 Dec. 2017, https://www.npr.org/2017/12/04/568393428/the-first-text-messages-celebrates-25-years. | emilymiller, wrlewis |
1992 | The Consortium for Speech Translation Advanced Research (C-STAR) gives a public demonstration of spoken language translation via a telephone translation between English, German, and Japanese. | Hutchins, W. John, “MACHINE TRANSLATION: A BRIEF HISTORY,” Concise history of the language sciences: from the Sumerians to the cognitivists (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1995), p431-445. | kmpicho |
1992 | UNIX workstations redefined CAD and no new CAD software was sold for use on mainframe or minicomputer terminals | N.d. , CAD software history (CADAZZ, 2004), https://www.cadazz.com/cad-software-history.htm | kwang8 |
1992 | The first live transatlantic telecast is broadcast using Telstar-1, a low-orbit communications satellite | Telstar. (n.d.). Retrieved September 07, 2020, from https://airandspace.si.edu/collection-objects/telstar/nasm_A20070113000 | jemetcalf |
1992 | First laptop with a pointing stick introduced by IBM | https://www.computerhope.com/jargon/t/tracpoin.htm | ppham |
1992 | IBM invented first smartphone called the Simon Personal Communicator | https://simpletexting.com/where-have-we-come-since-the-first-smartphone/ | hwang15 |
1992 | OpenGL is created, eventually becoming the leading graphics API for developers. | https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/History_of_OpenGL | amcutler |
1993 | IBM and BellSouth release the Simon Personal Communicator, the first mobile phone with a touchscreen. | Doug Aamoth, “First Smartphone Turns 20: Fun Fact About Simon” (Time, 8/18/2014), https://time.com/3137005/first-smartphone-ibm-simon/ (Accessed 4/2/2020) | djbenson, bnklaiman |
1993 | Original Pentium core by Intel, using 3.1 million transistors | ndemarinis | |
1993 | Microsoft releases Windows NT. It was the first 32 bit OS, which meant computers could have more scientific and engineering uses. | aquartulli | |
1993 | IBM introduces the POWER2+ line of microprocessors, utilizing MCM technology to customize and partition the design to fulfill different commercial applications | https://www.eecg.utoronto.ca/~moshovos/ACA07/lecturenotes/power2%2520(mpr).pdf | essmith |
1993 | Mosaic is released to the general public. It is credited with the popularization of the World Wide Web. Mosaic will later become Netscape. CERN makes its World Wide Web technology public domain. | Hobbes, Hobbes' Abridged Internet Timeline, http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/mitra/honors/timeline.html (9/3/2015) Computer History Museum, Internet History, http://www.computerhistory.org/internet_history/internet_history_90s.html (9/3/2015) Pew Research Center, World Wide Web Timeline, http://www.pewinternet.org/2014/03/11/world-wide-web-timeline/ (9/3/2015) | JRWatson |
1993 | Adam Cheyer at SRI International research lab built the first prototype of what would become Apple’s Siri | https://www.cnbc.com/2017/06/29/how-siri-got-on-the-iphone.html | ecnerden |
1993 | World Wide Web Wanderer was created by Matthew Gray, initially called Wandex. It allowed people to know how fast the Internet was growing. | The History of Search Engines An Infographic. History of Search Engines. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 March 2016. | hanguyen |
1993 | EPA requires cars to have On-board diagnostics. | On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) Regulations and requirements: Questions and Answers (EPA and National Service Center for Environmental Publications, December 2003) | edavis |
1993 | ALIWEB was created by Martijn Koster. It allowed users to provide descriptions of their pages which could then be searched in the index. | The History of Search Engines An Infographic. History of Search Engines. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 March 2016. | hanguyen |
1993 | ARM signs a deal with silicon vendor, Texas Instruments, to produce future ARM chips. | https://newsroom.arm.com/blog/arm-official-history | azingher |
1993 | Ian Horswill creates Polly, the first robot moving at a decent speed using computer vision | Horswill, Ian. "Polly: A vision-based artificial agent." Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). 1993. | nelmaliki |
1993 | Apple Newton - The stylus touch screen device with handwriting recognition was considered innovative at its debut. While the device did not sell favorably, the technology was a precursor to modern day touch screens. | Benji Edwards, A Brief History of Computer Displays, https://www.pcworld.com/article/209224/displays/historic-monitors-slideshow.html#slide1 Interactive Displays: Natural Human‐Interface Technologies. (n.d.). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. doi:10.1002/9781118706237` Wikipedia, Apple Newton, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Newton | jhyuen |
1993 | Mercedes-Benz introduced its first infotainment system named Communication and Navigation System (CNS), which was one of the first fully integrated telematics system in the automotive domain. | Meixner, Gerrit, Carina Häcker, et al. “Retrospective and future automotive infotainment systems—100 years of User Interface Evolution.” Automotive User Interfaces, 28 Feb. 2017, pp. 3–53, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-49448-7_1. | ankalayjian |
1989 | The Melissa and ILOVEYOU viruses were created and infected over ten million PCs and destroyed much of the existing email systems. This viruses led to the creation of antivirus technology and business to take a proactive approach. This also led to a culture of computer users being more hesitant to opening files from unknown sources. This began to frighten companies and their computer systems. | http://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/opinions/the-history-of-cybersecurity/ | ajmokotoff |
1993 | Programming language R is released | Chi Nok, Data Science 101: Is Python better than R? (August 2018) https://towardsdatascience.com/data-science-101-is-python-better-than-r-b8f258f57b0f | armorrison |
1993 | Mosaic, the first web browser, is created by NCSA | http://www.walthowe.com/navnet/History.html | pmcraft |
1993 | NCSA releases Common Gateway Interface (CGI) | https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-robinson-www-interface-00 | sbaumgarten |
1993 | The NSA develops the Clipper Chip, a piece of hardware that was supposed to attach to all new phones and would allow the government to decrypt encrypted phone calls, if they have a warrant. This chip had many security holes and design flaws and was never implemented. It was thoroughly debunked multiple times by computer experts between the years of 1994 and 1997. | https://academiccommons.columbia.edu/doi/10.7916/D8GM8F2W | efschwarzrock |
1993 | Severe Tire Damage is the first band to be streamed live over the Internet | http://www.savetz.com/mbone/ch6_4.html | egouveia |
1993 | Sega Develops a VR headset for use with the Sega Genesis system, but it never left the prototyping phase with only four games being developed for it. | https://www.vrs.org.uk/virtual-reality/history.html | bmwaid |
1993 | objects all in one), and Compression (compressing audios and visuals) | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=871557 | ermahoney |
1993 | The start of the Intel Pentium series, the first of which offered 60 MHz speeds. | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EMkcZ2UPuu95BAHkGAW1YPhDVI2GfyMJh1pEu-wmjy0/edit?usp=sharing | nmbargman |
1993 | Mortal Kombat and Doom release in the USA. Coincidentally...the ESRB, the game rating system in the US is also created. | https://www.museumofplay.org/about/icheg/video-game-history/timeline Accessed: 4/3/2020 | pmara |
1993 | Sega creates the first VR glasses for a home console, the Sega VR | https://www.vrs.org.uk/virtual-reality/history.html | ejwerlinich |
1993 | The first global positioning system (GPS) constellation becomes operational, consisting of 24 geosynchronous satellites | Mai, T. (2017, August 07). Global Positioning System History. Retrieved September 07, 2020, from https://www.nasa.gov/directorates/heo/scan/communications/policy/GPS_History.html | jemetcalf |
1993 | Id Software releases their first person shooter, DOOM, to massive success. | https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-courier-journal/132946696/ | lcagle |
1994 | 61 million pagers in use | https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-pagers-and-beepers-1992315 | psjain |
1994 | QR codes are invented by A Denso Wave group to increase storage of information and increase speed of scanning | Davies, Hjorth, Andrejevic, Richardson, DeSouza, QR codes during the pandemic: Seamful Quotidian placemaking, (Convergence, 2023) | jdwalden |
1994 | Michael Dertouzos persuades Tim Berners-Lee and others to create the World Wide Web Consortium | http://www.walthowe.com/navnet/History.html | pmcraft |
1994 | Dante II, an 8-legged walking robot descends into the crater of Mt Spurr in Alaska to collect data from the harsh volcanic environment | eosowski | |
1994 | The Crow (1994) first dead actor to be re-created with CGI | https://www.filmsite.org/visualeffects.html | vsgorbunov |
1994 | Lycos was the first spider technology used to access pages and their hyperlinks to determine relationships and information contained on the page. |
Agarwal, M., & Round, D. K. (2011). The emergence of global search engines: Trends in history and competition. Competition Policy International, 7(1), 114-134. |
hanguyen |
1994 | Warcraft, one of the first Real-time strategy games, was introduced with not so impressive AI | txvu | |
1994 | WebCrawler searched through the entire texts of pages. | Seymour, T., Frantsvog, D., & Kumar, S. (2011). History of search engines. International Journal of Management and Information Systems, 15(4), 47. | hanguyen |
1994 | Marc Thorpe starts Robot Wars in San Francisco, California | eosowski | |
1994 | QR code( Quick Response Code) is first designed for the automotive industry in Japan | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code | dchen |
1994 | First version of PHP (PHP/FI) released | http://php.net/manual/en/history.php.php | sbaumgarten |
1994 | Wireless Webcam Wearable | Steve Mann. 1997. Smart clothing: wearable multimedia computing and personal imaging to restore the technological balance between people and their environments. In Proceedings of the fourth ACM international conference on Multimedia (MULTIMEDIA '96). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 163-174. | akshoop |
1994 | WWW becomes available to everyone for free | emilymiller | |
1994 | Wolpaw trains volunteers to control cursor in two dimensions using EEG-based communication. | https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7515787/ | jhsu |
1994 | AI wins at checkers | http://wpi.aci.info/view/14650deba575c0c0128/152861cf9a90012000a | awheeler2 |
1994 | Cookies Invented | eapolekoff | |
1994 | The first Internet stock trade is completed by K. Aufhauser & Company, Inc., launching a new era of online stock trading. | http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/timeline/crash/2/ | tleung |
1994 | The Pentagon contracts General Atomic to create an updated version of the NAT 750 that would be lighter, faster, cheaper, and more versatile. Six months later the Predator drone was created. | http://www.popsci.com/watch-brief-history-drone | addresser |
1994 | Bluetooth invented by Ericcson - Dr. Haartsen laid the foundations for Bluetooth at Ericcson | http://www.radio-electronics.com/info/wireless/bluetooth/bluetooth_overview.php https://www.invent.org/inductees/jaap-c-haartsen#:~:text=In%201994%2C%20he%20laid%20the,seemingly%20endless%20array%20of%20devices. | zrrobbins, crueda |
1994 | Peter Shor discovers a theory which "helps quantum machines find the prime factors of integers incredibly fast." This theory may lead to the potential breaking of asymmetrical encryption. | https://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/9508027v2. Giles, Martin. “Explainer: What is post-quantum cryptography?” MIT Technology Review, July 12, 2019. https://www.technologyreview.com/2019/07/12/134211/explainer-what-is-post-quantum-cryptography/ | hfloreshuerta, edited by esdunne |
1994 | Palm release “Graffiti” handwriting recognition software. | Zimmerman, M. R., & Moeller, M. (1994, September 12). Handwriting program claims to be 100 percent accurate. PC Week, 11(36), 8. Retrieved from http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A16237516/ITOF?u=mlin_c_worpoly&sid=ITOF&xid=5b4865eb | jbbrown |
1994 | VRML Standardized, featuring Scene Graph (Space of 3D world) and Interaction (Navigation and toggle view, with sensors to trigger actions or animations). | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=871557 | ermahoney |
1994 | First laptop with a trackpad was invented by Apple in their PowerBook 500. Apple also switched to using the PowerPC RISC architecture from Motorola 68000 this year. | https://www.zdnet.com/article/wayback-mac-remembering-the-first-trackpad-laptop/ and Maurice Jamieson, The Evolution of RISC Architecture, (EEPC University of Edinburgh, 11 April 2023), https://www.epcc.ed.ac.uk/whats-happening/articles/evolution-risc-architecture (31 August 2023) | ppham, ehughsbaird |
1994 | Elliot Pellman is made chairman of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Committee. Renowned for making athletes perform regardless of concussion. “Love of the sport” shows deeper roots and power of football in society | mhsultan | |
1994 | STEP is created as the new format for transferring 3D design across platforms. It becomes the international standard and is still most used today. | Alexis Barnhorn, Laura Caudill, 60 years of CAD Infographic: The History CAD since 1957 (CADENAS, 2018), https://partsolutions.com/60-years-of-cad-infographic-the-history-of-cad-since-1957/ | kwang8 |
1994 | Autodesk released AutoCAD R13 which is 3D compatible. | Alexis Barnhorn, Laura Caudill, 60 years of CAD Infographic: The History CAD since 1957 (CADENAS, 2018), https://partsolutions.com/60-years-of-cad-infographic-the-history-of-cad-since-1957/ | kwang8 |
1994 | Kiss.com becomes first modern dating website. | http://archive.pov.org/xoxosms/infographic-technology-dating/#:~:text=In%201998%2C%20online%20dating%20gains,by%20match.com%20in%201995 | amkwan |
1994 | First pre-release versions of the USB were created, not yet released commercially | https://www.computerhope.com/history/usb.htm | amishra2 |
1994 | IBM’s SPC hit the market with a price tag of $1100 | https://blog.textedly.com/smartphone-history-when-were-smartphones-invented#first | hwang15 |
1994 | On December 3 1994, Sony released the PlayStation | https://www.britannica.com/topic/PlayStation | kjsmith2 |
1994 | First prototype created for Bluetooth as a device for short radio wave connection | Syed Rafid Kabir, Who Invented Bluetooth? Story of the Bit Bouncer, (History Cooperative, 02/26/2024), https://historycooperative.org/who-invented-bluetooth/ (3/31/2024) | Rnguyen |
1995 | The DVD is released. | https://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/memory-storage/ | cdpomeranz
1995 | Apple introduces FireWire, which offered higher speeds and higher power distribution, but failed to displace USB because of its cost | https://apple.fandom.com/wiki/FireWire | amishra2 |
1995 | Electronic Stability Control (ESC) is first introduced as an optional feature for some vehicles in Europe. | Charles M Farmer, Effect of Electronic Stability Control on Automobile Crash Risk, (Traffic Injury Prevention, 8/11/10), https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15389580490896951 (Accessed 4/2/21) | jpoulos |
1995 | Amazon.com, the first online bookstore, opens. | http://www.gutenberg.org/files/29801/29801-pdf.pdf | jaturcotte |
1995 | The Predator drone streams live video to the Pentagon which is the first time the military ever used live reconnaissance video. | Predator: The Secret Origins of the Drone Revolution by Richard Whittle | hdunphy |
1995 | Mobile Phones Become More Mainstream (still approx. 8"x3"x1.5") | clhudson | |
1995 | Term "User Experience Design" is coined by Don Norman | eapolekoff | |
1995 | Sony released the PlayStation, the first console in the PlayStation series and utilized memory cards in order to save game data. The console surpassed the SNES as the best-selling console in 1996 and has sold over 100 million copies. | computerhistory.org/timeline/graphics-games | sdnorton, bplima |
1995 | Seiko Message Watch with caller ID, sports scores, and stock prices relseased | hsahay | |
1995 | Internet opens fully for commercial use as AOL, Prodigy, and CompuServe come online | http://www.walthowe.com/navnet/History.html | pmcraft |
1995 | Microsoft releases Windows 95, the first Windows operating system to feature the start menu, task bar, and window buttons (close, minimize, maximize). | A history of Windows. (n.d.). Retrieved September 4, 2015, from http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/history. | tjnickerson |
1995 | Java published | Oracle, The History of Java Technology, (Oracle, 2019), https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/overview/javahistory-index-198355.html (1 Apr 2020) | icleaverstigum |
1995 | Full Operational Capacity (FOC) of 24 operational satellites met | gmport | |
1995 | Stanford Federal Credit Union was the first financial institution in the U.S. that offered full-scale internet banking to its customers with online banking website. | Arndorfer, J.B, “Cyberspace pioneers foresee internet profits series: 11.” American Banker (pre-1997 Fulltext). Jun 05, 1995. https://www.proquest.com/newspapers/cyberspace-pioneers-foresee-internet-profits/docview/293053934/se-2?accountid=29120. | czhang10 |
1995 | Yahoo! is founded | dtocco | |
1995 | Early robot car created by Ernst Dickmanns drives more than 1000 miles through traffic from Munich to Copenhagen and back. | https://partners.nytimes.com/library/cyber/week/080997othello.html | allewis |
1995 | Chinook checkers program defeats World Champion Don Lafferty in 32--game match to claim man-machine checkers title | cpnota | |
1995 | Microsoft releases Windows 95. Windows 95 was the first OS to feature a start menu, taskbar, and minimize, maximize, and close buttons on each window. It had Plug and Play capabilities and built in internet support. | aquartulli | |
1995 | The NSF stops providing the backbone support of the Internet and the Commercial Internet Service Providers take over the task. | ||
1995 | “Toy Story” was released, the first full-length film to be made entirely with computer animation | http://www.filmsite.org/visualeffects.html | kofichtner, svadlamudi |
1995 | First live event streamed over the Internet, a Yankees vs. Mariners baseball game | http://www.fundinguniverse.com/company-histories/realnetworks-inc-history/ | egouveia |
1995 | Intel Pentium Pro releases, a response to RISC processors, with features such as out-of-order execution | Gary Anthes, Timeline: A brief history of the x86 microprocessor, (Computerworld, 5 June 2008), https://www.computerworld.com/article/2535019/timeline--a-brief-history-of-the-x86-microprocessor.html (3 September 2023) | dstapply, ehughsbaird |
1995 | Nintendo released the Virtual Boy, the first portable VR console | https://virtualspeech.com/blog/history-of-vr | ejwerlinich |
1995 | Excite was created by Stanford undergraduates who wanted to make a more efficient search algorithm by relationships between words, such as synonyms to produce more accurate results. | Agarwal, M., & Round, D. K. (2011). The emergence of global search engines: Trends in history and competition. Competition Policy International, 7(1), 114-134. | hanguyen |
1995 | Nintendo releases the Virtual Boy, designed to be the first portable VR device, but it ended up failing due to its primitive graphics and small game library. | https://www.vrs.org.uk/virtual-reality/history.html | bmwaid |
1995 | Disney releases Toy Story, which is the first computer-animated film. Batman Forever has the first virtual stunt double. | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=889049 | ermahoney |
1995 | Diamante Sedan, First Commercial Level 1 Autonomy Car (Driver Assistance) | www.autonomousvehicleinternational.com/features/adas-3.html.7 | cctulig |
1995 | SolidWorks released SolidWorks 95 as an “80% of Pro/Engineering’s functionality at 20% of the price” | N.d. , CAD software history (CADAZZ, 2004), https://www.cadazz.com/cad-software-history.htm | kwang8 |
1995 | Fraunhofer Institute releases first MP3 encoding software the same year the term MP3 is coined | The mp3 History (Fraunhofer Institute) https://www.mp3-history.com/en/timeline.html#6 (11/2/20) | brdesousa |
1995 | Video game emulators continue to grow through independent developers. Readonly memory (ROM) formats for video game cartridges allow console games to be played on personal computers. | BasuMallick, Chiradeep. “What Are Emulators? Working, Types, & Examples- Spiceworks.” Spiceworks, 18 Jan. 2023, www.spiceworks.com/tech/devops/articles/what-are-emulators/#_001. Accessed 3 Sept. 2023.
Wells III, Robert Earl. “What Is a Video Game Emulator? A Way to Play Retro Games on Your PC.” Lifewire, Lifewire, 11 Mar. 2020, www.lifewire.com/video-game-emulators-need-to-know-4687006. Accessed 3 Sept. 2023. |
nkwong |
1996 | A RoboTuna is designed and build by David Barrettto study the way fish swim | eosowski | |
1996 | The GGP was successfully flight tested at the Patuxent Naval Air Station | gmport | |
1996 | USB 1.0 released commercially, was able to transfer data at 12 mbps | https://www.computerhope.com/history/usb.htm | amishra2 |
1996 | Researchers develop software for the LIGIER electric vehicle that allows it to autonomously parallel park. | Autonomous Parallel Parking of a Nonholonomic Vehicle. 1996. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.ezproxy.wpi.edu/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=566343. Access Date: 21 Mar 2016 | aaadkins |
1996 | Real-time stock tickers are used on cable television channels CNBC and CNN-FN. Market data, which had previously been delayed 20 minutes, is now reported in real time. | http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/timeline/crash/2/ | tleung |
1996 | PNG developed | bjsharron | |
1996 | Creatures the video game is released. | caroberts | |
1996 | Hackers alter Web sites of the United States Department of Justice (August), and the CIA (October), and then the U.S. Air Force (December). | http://www.nytimes.com/1996/12/31/us/air-force-computer-invaded-as-hackers-forge-web-page.html | ajmokotoff |
1996 | 3dfx releases Voodoo Graphics chip and subsequently gains 80-85% market traction. | http://www.techspot.com/article/650-history-of-the-gpu/ | sdnorton |
1996 | German-Hungarian software company Audio Simulation releases AudioSim, one of the first virtual analog software synthesizers. | http://www.audio-simulation.com/?page=about Visited 08/30/2017 | aperucic |
1996 | The world’s first DVD player was the Toshiba SD-3000, launched in November 1996. | https://didyouknow.org/dvdhistory/ | mazyla |
1996 | The Navy launched its Ethernet project entitled IT-2. | https://bebusinessed.com/history/history-of-online-storage/ | rhuang2 |
1996 | The idea was conceived of using an ultra-fast laser to store produce points on glass to store data. | Kazansky, Peter G, Eternal 5D optical data storage in glass (University of Southampton, 7/8/2016), https://www-spiedigitallibrary-org.ezpxy-web-p-u01.wpi.edu/conference-proceedings-of-spie/9959/2240594/Eternal-5D-optical-data-storage-in-glassConference-Presentation/10.1117/12.2240594.full?SSO=1, (4/2/2020) | maferreira |
1996 | The TI-92 is the first graphing calculator with all the functions of a computer algebra system | dstusalitus | |
1996 | Nokia releases the Nokia 9000 Communicator, with a clamshell design containing a QWERTY keyboard | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smartphone#PDA/phone_hybrids | bnklaiman |
1996 | Nintendo uses a 64-bit processor in it’s Nintendo 64 console. | history.com Editors, Video Game History (A&E Television Networks, 2019), https://www.history.com/topics/inventions/history-of-video-games (Accessed 9/6/2020) | resallie |
1996 | Richard Stallman, develops and releases a free and open source program that allows for DNA, RNA, and protein sequence alignments | Williams S. Free as in Freedom: Richard Stallman’s Crusade for Free Software. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2002, 240 | kmvarteresian |
1996 | Steinberg releases the first VST plugins (virtual studio technology), which came with their DAW (digital audio workstation) Cubase 3.02. VSTs can add features, such as instruments and audio/MIDI effects, to the DAWs they are used with. | Kuassa, VST Plugins: Development and What You Need to Know About It, (Kuassa), https://www.kuassa.com/vst-plugins-development-and-what-you-need-to-know-about-it/#:~:text=The%20history%20of%20VST%20began,type%20has%20a%20different%20role (01 Apr. 2021) | jsalbert |
1996 | Compaq uses the term “cloud computing” for the first time. | Maurer, T., & Hinck, G. (2020). Cloud Security: A Primer for Policymakers (pp. 10-22, Rep.). Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. doi:10.2307/resrep25787.8 | acherkinsky |
1996 | Larry Page and Sergy Brin produce their paper "Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine", the basis for Google | Linda Alchin, Google Timeline, (Siteseen Ltd, March 2018), https://www.datesandevents.org/events-timelines/18-google-timeline.htm | nlingram |
1996 | Steinberg releases Cubase 3.0, a DAW that came along with built-in VST (Virtual Studio Technology) plugins, released in the same year. | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_Studio_Technology accesed 9/2/22 | mhtoryu |
1996 | Garry Kasparov plays IBM’s Deep Blue for the first time, winning the six-game match by 4-2, marking the first time a chess engine won a game against the current chess champion in a regular match. | IBM, “Deep Blue,” IBM.com. https://www.ibm.com/history/deep-blue (Accessed Sept. 3, 2024) | bkohler |
1997 | Sony releases the first ever ‘neckband’ | https://www.ssense.com/en-us/editorial/culture/a-history-of-headphone-design | alate |
1997 | VR for Exposure therapy for veterans with PTSD | tfan | |
1997 | Normalized Cuts algorithm developed, which can separate images into component parts | https://ai.stanford.edu/~syyeung/cvweb/index.html | jacurtis2 |
1997 | Apple releases Mac OS 8. OS 8 featured numerous improvements in speed and introduced pop up menus. It also had HTML help pages for the user. | aquartulli | |
1997 | IBM's Deep Blue defeats Chess World Champion Garry Kasparov in 6-game match | IBM, “Deep Blue,” IBM.com. https://www.ibm.com/history/deep-blue (Accessed Sept. 3, 2024) | cpnota, rjsthilaire, nelmaliki, bkohler |
1997 | The Pathfinder mission lands on Mars, where the robot Sojourner broadcasts data for 3 months | eosowski | |
1997 | Engineer Phillipe Kahn uses a digital camera connected to his phone to share photos of his newborn daughter, essentially creating the camera phone | http://100photos.time.com/photos/philippe-kahn-first-cell-phone-picture | bmheavey |
1997 | Professional Go player Janice Kim overcomes whopping 25-stone handicap to defeat Handtalk, top Go program of the era | cpnota | |
1997 | First Social Networking Sites Begin to Spring Up | eapolekoff | |
1997 | Macromedia Flash Player 2 released | egouveia | |
1997 | Eric Raymond presents The Cathedral and the Bazaar at Linux Kongress. This later motivates a few corporations to release their software with the source code | Raymond, Eric S. “The Cathedral and the Bazaar.” (First Monday 1998), https://firstmonday.org/article/view/578/499 (6 September 2020) | omthode |
1997 | There were 1 million domain registrants on the Internet | dtocco | |
1997 | IEEE released the first version of 802.11 protocol, two net bit rates of 1 or 2 megabits per second. | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wi-Fi#cite_note-3 | hfang |
1997 | Image-Line partially releases FruityLoops (1.0.0). It would go on to become one of the most popular Digital Audio Workstations. | https://www.image-line.com/flstudio/history.php?entry_id=1286984399 Visited 08/31/2017 | aperucic |
1997 | David Wolf becomes the first American to vote from space, under a special Texas law | https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=91791895 | stgoldman |
1997 | SYSTRAN creates AltaVista Babelfish, the world's first web translation tool | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_machine_translation | mjgulbin |
1997 | First use of Convolution neural network in Face recognition | Lawrence, S., Giles, C. L., Tsoi, A. C., & Back, A. D. (1997). Face recognition: A convolutional neural-network approach. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 8(1), 98-113. 10.1109/72.554195 | aditthapron |
1997 | The term "cloud computing" is coined by University of Texas professor Ramnath Chellappa in a talk on a "new computing paradigm." | https://gcn.com/articles/2013/05/30/gcn30-timeline-cloud.aspx | rhuang2 |
1997 | LSTMs Hochreiter and Schmidhuber | mmohapatra | |
1997 | NetBank became the first fully public online banking company. It partnered with “First Mortgage Network” to offer home loan services online. | Rothstein, C., & Watson, R. T, “Netbank: The conservative internet entrepreneurs.” Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 14, No. 10. http://dx.doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.01410 | czhang10 |
1997 | Bidirectional RNN Schuster and Paliwal | mmohapatra | |
1997 | Google.com was registered as a domain name | Linda Alchin, Google Timeline, (Siteseen Ltd, March 2018), https://www.datesandevents.org/events-timelines/18-google-timeline.htm | nlingram |
1997 | Propellerhead releases Rebirth, an entirely software-based VST synthesizer that allows users to recreate the sounds of drums and synths without any physical hardware. | https://mixdownmag.com.au/features/musicology-a-brief-history-of-the-digital-audio-workstation/ accesed 9/2/22 | mhtoryu |
1997 | The Nokia 6110 phone is released, popularizing the use of ARM technology in mobile phones. | https://newsroom.arm.com/blog/arm-official-history | azingher |
1997 | Taneil Armanto designed a mobile gaming called Snake for Nokia 6110 phones
Modification: This was known as the first ever cell phone app. |
Johnson, Lauren. “The History of Mobile Apps.” Inventionland, 3 Apr. 2019, https://inventionland.com/blog/the-history-of-mobile-apps/. |
hwang15, wrlewis |
1997 | The first successful brute-force attack of DES is carried out, proving that attacks against the encryption method had “become practical for even modestly funded groups”. | Curtin Matt, Dolske Justin. “A Brute Force Search of DES Keyspace”. 8th Usenix Symposium, January. https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/document?repid=rep1&type=pdf&doi=6efefac47649973fd0783c090f1dfcc278ea85d7 | esdunne |
1997 | The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) calls for block cipher algorithm submissions for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) competition | National Institute of Standards and Technology, "Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)", (National Institute of Standards and Technology, 11/26/2001, Updated 5/9/2023), https://csrc.nist.gov/pubs/fips/197/final, (3/22/2024) | abollinger |
1998 | Ericsson collaborates with Toshiba, Nokia, Intel and IBM to create the Bluetooth Special Interest Group(SIG). An organization to help develop Bluetooth technology. | Syed Rafid Kabir, Who Invented Bluetooth? Story of the Bit Bouncer, (History Cooperative, 02/26/2024), https://historycooperative.org/who-invented-bluetooth/ (3/31/2024) | Rnguyen |
1998 | The Palm Pilot is released, the first touch product to have major consumer success. | djbenson | |
1998 | Christine Peterson coins the term “open source” at a meeting on promotion strategy in the free software community | Peterson, Christine. “How I coined the term ‘open source’.” (Red Hat, Inc., 2018), https://opensource.com/article/18/2/coining-term-open-source-software (6 September 2020) | omthode |
1998 | The design of NOKIA 9110I significantly reduced the weight of smartphone. | https://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2009/05/the-evolution-of-cell-phone-design-between-1983-2009/ | hwang15 |
1998 | Google was founded. 300 web pages existed and the number was increasing by over 1.5 million daily | dtocco | |
1998 | One of the first commercial standalone LCD screens, the Eizo L66 is released | http://www.eizoglobal.com/support/db/files/catalogs/lcd/l360-l66.pdf | nadiaz |
1998 | Linux Wristwatch released | hsahay | |
1998 | Microsoft releases Windows 98. Windows 98 was the first Windows OS to be specifically for consumers. It made it easier to find programs, which meant a more user friendly experience. Windows 98 was also the first Windows OS to support reading from USB ports and DVDs. | aquartulli | |
1998 | Windows 98 is released with the Windows Browser bundled into it | http://www.walthowe.com/navnet/History.html | pmcraft |
1998 | MSN was created. | The History of Search Engines
An Infographic. History of Search Engines. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 March 2016. |
hanguyen |
1998 | Valve Software and Sierra Studios release Half-Life, revolutionary for both its advanced 3D rendering engine and unique focus on diegetic narrative elements. | https://medium.com/@halilemreyildiz/half-lifes-revolutionary-role-in-gaming-industry-cc68353f9502 | bli, lcagle |
1998 | Nintendo releases the Game Boy Color, a new addition to the Game Boy series. It featured a colored screen and was backwards compatible. Nintendo released limited editions of the console in certain countries. | http://www.computinghistory.org.uk/det/52504/Game-Boy-Color-Teal/#:~:text=It%20was%20released%20on%20October,Color%20was%20discontinued%20in%202003 | bplima |
1998 | Netflix site was launched. | https://qz.com/887010/netflix-nflx-launched-streaming-video-10-years-ago-and-changed-the-way-we-watch-everything/ | mazyla |
1998 | Rockstar Games releases Grand Theft Auto. | bli | |
1998 | First working 3-qubit Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Quantum computer is built | https://books.google.com/books?id=l217ma2sWkoC | hfloreshuerta |
1998 | SEGA DreamCast released. Being the first console released in the sixth generation, Dreamcast has the best graphics at that time. It is also the first console that has a built-in modem for online features. However, this is the last console developed by SEGA. | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreamcast | mli2 |
1998 | Microsoft creates it's Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth, featured in Windows 98. It is capable of playing back MIDI, with a polyphony of 32 notes. | https://news.microsoft.com/1996/10/22/microsoft-licenses-sound-canvas-sounds-from-industry-leader-roland-corp/ Visited 08/30/2017 | aperucic |
1998 | First internet-enabled “smart fridges” and other smart appliances begin to be developed | http://www.iotevolutionworld.com/m2m/articles/376816-history-smart-homes.htm | mjmcdonald |
1998 | USB 1.1 released commercially, was much more successful than USB 1.0 | https://www.computerhope.com/history/usb.htm | amishra2 |
1998 | Apple released The Apple iMac G3, which contained USB ports and no serial or parallel ports | https://www.computerhope.com/history/usb.htm | amishra2 |
1998 | NoSQL was first used (did not use SQL) | Keith D. Foote, A Brief History of Non-Relational Databases Retrieved August 29th 2019 from https://www.dataversity.net/a-brief-history-of-non-relational-databases/ | bjaubuchon |
1998 | Lego Mindstorm series was created for programming education | https://robotsauthority.com/the-short-history-of-lego-mindstorms/ | sli11 |
1998 | Nick Szabo creates Bit Gold, the first conceptual cryptocurrency | Szabo, Nick. “Bit Gold.” Satoshi Nakamoto Institute, 29 December 2005, https://nakamotoinstitute.org/bit-gold/. | drphillips |
1998 | Philip Kennedy and Roy Bakay are the first to install a BCI implant into a human brain, which could successfully translate strong brain signals into machine language, allowing him to control a computer | Nitish Kumar, Brain-Computer Interface (COCHIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2008), 3-25 | ngcleary |
1998 | AAIC HACP, the first widely adopted standard for Interoperability between eLearning content and LMSs, released by the Aviation Avionics and Instruments Corp | https://scorm.com/scorm-explained/business-of-scorm/scorm-versions/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=natural_search | elevin |
1998-1999 | Data Encryption Standard (DES) is cracked by the Electronic Frontier Foundation in 56 hours, then again in 22 hours, rendering it insecure. | Peter Loshin et al., “Data Encryption Standard”, (TechTarget, August 2021), https://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/definition/Data-Encryption-Standard (September 6, 2021) | ambornstein |
1999 | In 1999, Salesforce first delivered enterprise applications over the internet which led to a boom in cloud-powered applications. | https://www.bcs.org/articles-opinion-and-research/history-of-the-cloud/ | agupta9 |
1999 | Apple releases Mac OS 9. OS 9 increased security, provided automatic software updates, and supported USB printers and USB audio. | aquartulli | |
1999 | "Internet of Things" coined as a topic by Kevin Ashton | Mattern, F., & Floerkemeier, C. (2010). From the Internet of Computers to the Internet of Things. In From active data management to event-based systems and more (pp. 242-259). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pg. 243 | amartinez |
1999 | Nvidia releases GeForce 256 and coins term "GPU." | techspot.com/article/650-history-of-the-gpu/ | sdnorton |
1999 | Engineered organs bring new advances to medicine | japayano | |
1999 | LEGO releases the Robotics Discovery Set, Droid Developer Kit and Robotics Invention System 1.5 | eosowski | |
1999 | First radar-based adaptive cruise control system introduced by Mercedes | How Does Adaptive Cruise Control Work?. 2015. http://www.proctorcars.com/how-does-adaptive-cruise-control-work/. Access Date: 21 Mar 2016 | aaadkins |
1999 | Wi-Fi Alliance was formed. | http://www.wi-fi.org/who-we-are | hfang |
1999 | 3D printed framework for a bladder is created and then integrated with the patient’s own cells at Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine | https://www.autodesk.com/redshift/history-of-3d-printing/ | wgbahm |
1999 | 802.11a and 802.11b was released. | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_802.11 | hfang |
1999 | Apple introduced Wi-Fi to public | http://www.businessinsider.com/steve-jobs-wifi-macworld-1999-video-2014-10 | hfang |
1999 | DoubleClick begins using user info and advertising | eapolekoff | |
1999 | First smart watch to send and receive calls - Samsung SPH-WP10 | https://www.sutori.com/en/item/1999-samsung-sph-wp10-1999-samsung-introduces-the-first-watchphone-the-sph-w | skushwaha |
1999 | U.S. President Bill Clinton announces a $1.46 billion initiative to improve government computer security. | http://www.cnn.com/TECH/computing/9901/26/clinton.idg/ | ajmokotoff |
1998-1999 | The worldwide network began forming with Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Japan, Sweden and the UK connecting to the NSFNET. | Mowery, David C., and Timothy Simcoe, Is the internet a US invention?-an economic and technological history of computer networking, http://www.sciencedirect.com.ezproxy.wpi.edu/science/article/pii/S0048733302000690 (9/2/2015) | svadlamudi |
1999 | The Wi-Fi Alliance is formed, and Wi-Fi is formally coined, representing any wireless local area network (WLAM) following 802.11 standards. | http://www.wirelesshistoryfoundation.org/wireless-history-project/wireless-history-timeline | zrrobbins |
1999 | Nikon introduces the D1, the first true DSLR | http://www.popphoto.com/gear/2013/10/30-most-important-digital-cameras#page-4 | bmheavey |
1999 | Intel Pentium III | dstapply | |
1999 | With use of electoencephalogram based BCIs, researchers at UC Berkeley were able to record a cat's brain signals, and decode them to generate a short clip of images the cat saw. Although the images came out fuzzy, they accurately captured the scenery that the cat was viewing. | https://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/99legacy/10-15-1999.html | ajlee |
1999 | Ableton AG founded by Gerhard Behles, Robert Henke of Monolake, and Bernd Roggendorf | ||
1999 | Geri's Game Pixar short film noted for animation of faces and clothing. Jar-Jar in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace has the first anthropoid main character of a movie. | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=889049 | ermahoney |
1999 | Napsted was released. | Nicholas A. John (2014). File Sharing and the History of Computing: Or, Why File Sharing is Called “File Sharing”, Critical Studies in Media Communication | osanderson |
1999 | NCAA funds long-term concussion study with North Carolina’s Matthew Gfeller Sport-Related Traumatic Brain Injury Research Center and Michael McCrea, director of brain injury research at the Medical College of Wisconsin | mhsultan | |
1999 | NTT DoCoMo launches i-mode, the first mobile-specific browser-based web service | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smartphone#Japanese_cell_phones | bnklaiman |
1999 | Kyocera Visual Phone VP-210, the first commercial camera phone, releases in Japan | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smartphone#Camera_advancements | bnklaiman |
1999 | Dan Libby and Ramanathan V. Guha created RDF Site Summaary, the first verison of RSS | https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/rss1.html | oejackson |
1999 | A program allowing for whole genome alignment, named MUMmer, is released in the language Perl | Kurtz, S., Phillippy, A., Delcher, A. L., Smoot, M., Shumway, M., Antonescu, C., & Salzberg, S. L. (2004). Versatile and open software for comparing large genomes. Genome biology, 5(2), R12 | kmvarteresian |
1999 | Samsung introduced the first Watch Phone (SPH-WP10). | https://appleinsider.com/articles/13/03/21/new-samsung-smart-watch-will-be-companys-third-stab-at-wrist-accessory | ramcgovern |
1999 | Napster launches, allowing free sharing of MP3 files over the internet | Tom Lamont, Napster: The day music was set free, (The Guardian, Sat 23 Feb 2013) https://www.theguardian.com/music/2013/feb/24/napster-music-free-file-sharing (11/2/20) | brdesousa |
April 19, 2000 | A man named Wen-Chin Yang filed a patent for the invention of a "mobile phone battery charge with USB interface." It was the first battery charger for mobile devices such as the cellphone, rather than the power adapters that existed for phones since the 1980s. | https://patents.justia.com/inventor/wen-chin-yang?page=2 | zsperry |
2000 BC | The abacus is invented. A frame made out of wood holding rods with sliding beads on them, used to aid in arithmetic calculations. | http://www.ee.ryerson.ca/~elf/abacus/history.html Visited: 9/3/2015 | dssilva |
Late 2000 | Flash drives appeared on the market. | https://www.dataversity.net/brief-history-data-storage/ | nchkhaidze |
2000 | More than 80 percent of long-distance traffic over fiber optic cables and 25 million kilometers of the cable [8] | Bellis, Mary. "How Fiber Optics Was Invented." ThoughtCo, Jun. 27, 2021, thoughtco.com/birth-of-fiber-optics-4091837. (September 4, 2023) | agjensen |
2000 | The USB Flash drive is released. | https://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/memory-storage/, https://koofr.eu/blog/posts/a-brief-history-of-memory-and-storage | cdpomeranz, hzgandor
2000 | Troy Aikman retires from continuous effect from concussions after receiving sever pressure to perform regardless. Concussions back in the news | mhsultan | |
2000 | The first Bluetooth headset | https://www.bluetooth.com/about-us-2/our-history/ | pmahurkar
2000 | The Levis ICD+ jacket was launched commercially in summer 2000 and this product is widely considered to be the first commercial wearable electronics garment | https://www.vhmdesignfutures.com/project/192/ | pmahurkar |
2000 | President Clinton ordered that GPS Selective Availability (SA) feature be turned off | gmport | |
2000 | The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announces the selection of the Rijndael block cipher family as the winner of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) competition | National Institute of Standards and Technology, "Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)", (National Institute of Standards and Technology, 11/26/2001, Updated 5/9/2023), https://csrc.nist.gov/pubs/fips/197/final, (3/22/2024) | abollinger |
2000 | Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) developed | zhenhe | |
2000 | TALON, a lightweight, unmanned, tracked military robot designed to protect people from explosives. | http://www.army-technology.com/projects/talon-tracked-military-robot/ Visited: 3/23/2018 | hdunphy |
2000 | Apple IPod Digital recorders - Apple's IPod represents the coming of age of digital recording. The IPod become a fashionable thing to have and thus introduced digital recording such as MP3 to the public. | ||
2000 | Microsoft releases Windows Me. Designed specifically for media, Windows Me introduced tools for media editing and sharing. It also introduced the system restore. | aquartulli | |
2000 | Microsoft releases Windows 2000 Professional. This OS was designed to replace prior versions of Windows OS in work environments. It had improvements in ease of use, reliability, and internet capabilities. It also simplified hardware installation. | ||
2000 | Bluetooth Headset | http://www.bluetooth.com/Pages/History-of-Bluetooth.aspx | akshoop |
2000 | USB 2.0 released, claimed to be able to transfer data at 480 mbps but bus limitations resulted in data transfer rates of only 280 mbps | https://www.computerhope.com/history/usb.htm | amishra2 |
2000 | First USB flash drives sold by IBM and Trek Technology | https://www.computerhope.com/history/usb.htm | amishra2 |
2000 | Massively Parallel Signature Sequencing (MPSS), the first of Next-Generation Sequencing technologies was launched by Linux(USA) | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3917434/#:~:text=In%202000%2C%20Massively%20Parallel%20Signature,a%20paralleled%20version%20of%20pyrosequencing. | ddaly |
2000 | Honda debuts its new humanoid robot ASIMO | eosowski | |
2000 | The Predator drone flies over Afghanistan searching for Osama Bin Laden. This Predator drone only had imagery equipment on it and was successful in finding Osama Bin Laden | http://www.popsci.com/watch-brief-history-drone http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/how-the-predator-drone-changed-the-character-of-war-3794671/ | addresser |
2000 |
http://developer.amd.com/wordpress/media/2012/10/24593_APM_v2.pdf |
ajthompson |
2000 | Digital wireless users outnumber analog subscribers | http://www.wirelesshistoryfoundation.org/wireless-history-project/wireless-history-timeline | |
2000 | Baidu was created and became a regularly used search engine in China. | Agarwal, M., & Round, D. K. (2011). The emergence of global search engines: Trends in history and competition. Competition Policy International, 7(1), 114-134. | hanguyen |
2000 | Savage Beast Technologies founded (later called Pandora) | egouveia | |
2000 | GeForce 2 (NV15) Released | Derek Perez, NVIDIA Dominates PC Magazine’s High-Performance Graphics Tests, https://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_20010618_6038.html, 3.18.19 | aecuriel |
2000 | Sony PlayStation 2 was released. The PlayStation 2 is the successor of the first console in PlayStation series and in 2020 is still the best-selling console of all times with more than 155 million units sold. The PlayStation 2 games are based on DVD, which allows bigger game size. The built-in DVD player also allows it to play movies. It is also the first console that is backwards compatible. | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_2
https://www.wired.com/2007/06/gallery-game-history/ https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2018/12/top-10-best-selling-videogame-consoles-551938 |
mli2, bplima |
2000 | First commercial camera phone, Sharp J-SH04 is released in Japan, with a resolution of 0.11mp | https://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/camera-phone-history/ | bmheavey |
2000 | The 2000 Arizona Democratic Primary is the first binding, statewide election held online | https://web.archive.org/web/20010625171356/http://www.thestandard.com/article/0%2C1902%2C12859%2C00.html | stgoldman |
2000 | Online voting was used by Alaskan Republicans during the primary. Before this, e-voting was mostly used for conducting business elections | Horng-Twu Liaw, “A secure electronic voting protocol for general elections,” (ScienceDirect, March 2004), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cose.2004.01.007, (April 1, 2020) | mfrossetti |
2000 | AMD released the Duron which broke 1 Ghz bus speeds. | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EMkcZ2UPuu95BAHkGAW1YPhDVI2GfyMJh1pEu-wmjy0/edit?usp=sharing | nmbargman |
2000 | GTBot botnet attacks, abusing resource allocation in TCP | Bijalwan, Anchit & Solanki, Vijender & Shubhakar Pilli, Emmanuel. (2018). BOTNET FORENSIC: ISSUES, CHALLENGES AND GOOD PRACTICES | twhite |
2000 | Around the time when features on silicon chips started to become smaller than 90 nm. | Waldrop, M. Mitchel, The chips are down for Moore’s law, (Nature, 2/9/2016), pp.144–147 | maferreira
2000-2008 | Pentium IV 64 bit processor |
dstapply | |
2000 AD | Mobile phones and more convenient methods of taking photographs | Masoner, Liz, "A Brief History of Photography and the Camera." (The Spruce Crafts. September 5, 2018) https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/brief-history-of-photography-2688527 | kcariglia |
2000 | Alibre released Alibre Design as the first CAD software capable of client – server 3D modeling over the internet. | N.d. , CAD software history (CADAZZ, 2004), https://www.cadazz.com/cad-software-history.htm | kwang8 |
2000 | Ford released Mondeo which has been designed entirely over the internet using its C3P (CAD, CAE, CAM, PDM) platform in about 1/3rd of the time traditionally required. | N.d. , CAD software history (CADAZZ, 2004), https://www.cadazz.com/cad-software-history.htm | kwang8 |
2000 | Dominic Mazzoni and Roger Danneberg release Audacity, an open-source digital audio recording and editing program. | Mia Owens, Listening to the Music (and History) on Audacity and SoundCloud, (Digital History Methods, 27 Mar. 2021), http://www.dighist.org/2021/03/listening-to-the-music-and-history-on-audacity-and-soundcloud/ (01 Apr. 2021) | jsalbert |
2000 | Stefan Konst publishes his theory for cryptographically secured chains. | Soni, Neha. “Evolution of Blockchain.” Medium.com, 22 July 2020, https://medium.com/@nehasoni1812/evolution-of-blockchain-f243f7509fe6. | drphillips |
2000 | Samsung releases first ever phone with a built-in camera. | Hill, Simon. “A Complete History of the Camera Phone.” Digital Trends, 11 Aug. 2013, https://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/camera-phone-history/. | wrlewis |
2000 | J-SH04, the first camera phone appeared in Japan | https://blog.textedly.com/smartphone-history-when-were-smartphones-invented#first | hwang15 |
2001 | Motorola stopped producing pagers | https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-pagers-and-beepers-1992315 | psjain |
2001 | Development of the Sony Ericsson T36, the first phone to include Bluetooth. Later revised and released as the T39. | Jeanette Irekvist, Bluetooth: Born in our backyard, raised by the world, (09/26/22), https://www.ericsson.com/en/blog/6/2022/ericsson-bluetooth (03/20/2024) | rnguyen |
2001 | Data Encryption Standard (DES) is retired from government use. The Rijndael Algorithm becomes the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), replacing DES as the national standard for encryption after being chosen by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. | Patrick Nohe, “What are NIST Encryption Standards?”, (The SSL Store, December 17, 2017), https://www.thesslstore.com/blog/what-are-nist-encryption-standards/ (September 6, 2021). Kumar Jena, Baivab. “What Is AES Encryption and How Does It Work?” Simplilearn Solutions, February 9, 2023. https://www.simplilearn.com/tutorials/cryptography-tutorial/aes-encryption | ambornstein, edited by esdunne |
2001 | Apple releases their first ever headphones , with the first ever IPod | https://www.ssense.com/en-us/editorial/culture/a-history-of-headphone-design | alate |
2001 | After the events of September 11th, CIA creates the Targeted Killing Campaign, allowing them to kill anyone who they believe was involved in the attacks. | http://www.popsci.com/watch-brief-history-drone | addresser |
2001 | Apple launches OS X. | tjnickerson | |
2001 | Smartphones could connect wirelessly with a 3G network | https://blog.textedly.com/smartphone-history-when-were-smartphones-invented#first | hwang15 |
2001 | The iPod is released, with the potential to hold and play hundreds or thousands of songs. | rpdabrowski | |
2001 | The FDA approves the robotic Cyberknife system to search for and treat tumors anywhere in the body.[eosowski] 2001 Wikipedia is launched | dtocco | |
2001 | The Polaroid Corporation was forced to file for bankruptcy from the increase in popularity of newer products like digital cameras. | Editor, Jordan Anthony( Content. “History of Polaroid - the Cultural Legacy of This Iconic Brand.” Art in Context, 22 Sept. 2023, artincontext.org/history-of-polaroid/. | mwnickerson |
2001 | Palm Inc. releases the first cell phone with a web browser on it. | mburns23 | |
2001 | In one of its first known large scale uses, facial recognition is deployed on the corwd at the superbowl. The undisclosed use is met with heavy back lash. | https://nypost.com/2001/06/26/just-a-face-in-the-crowd-superbowl-kicked-off-the-use-of-face-recognition-software-but-is-this-an-invasion-of-privacy/ | sgubrud, mjzeolla |
2001 | Nissan Cima model introduced in Japan with lane keep assist feature | Matthew Sparkes, Driverless cars: how long until we can sit back and relax, (The Telegraph, 12/4/14) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/news/11273463/Driverless-cars-how-long-until-we-can-sit-back-and-relax.html (Accessed 4/2/21) |
aaadkins, jpoulos
2001 | Apple releases Mac OS X: Cheetah. Cheetah reintroduced the terminal and introduced the dock. However, Cheetah suffered from reliability and speed issues and it was missing basic CD capabilities. | aquartulli | |
2001 | Apple releases Mac OS X: Puma. Puma featured improvements in speed. It also addressed the missing CD capabilities that Cheetah had and supported much more hardware. | aquartulli | |
2001 | Nintendo released the Game Boy Advance, the only landscape handheld in the Game Boy family. The console supported backwards compatibility and had a 32-bit processor. | http://www.computinghistory.org.uk/det/40690/Game-Boy-Advance/ | bplima |
2001 | Microsoft releases Windows XP. Windows XP was designed with a clean interface in mind. It was made for the average user, so it was very intuitive and featured more help and support than any other Windows OS. It also featured large improvements in security, reliability, and speed. | aquartulli | |
2001 | IBM creates the POWER4 processor, the first multicore processor. |
http://www.cpushack.com/2011/01/24/ibms-server-processors-the-rs64-and-the-power, |
ajthompson |
2001 | Nintendo GameCube released. Nintendo GameCube is the successor of Nintendo 64. It is the first Nintendo console that uses disk as game media. However, it can’t play DVD or CDs. Nintendo GameCube introduced stereoscopic 3D technology. But because this feature is far ahead of time, there was no TV supporting it and only very few games have this feature enabled. | mli2
| |
2001 | US patriot act is passed, in which it is easier to track citizens online | https://www.justice.gov/archive/ll/highlights.htm | brobinson |
2001 | NVDIA GeForce3 Released | TechPowerUp, NVDIA GeForce3, https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/geforce3.c738, 3.18.19 | aecuriel |
2001 | Anna Kournikova worm spreads over email | Love, John. A Brief History of Malware — Its Evolution and Impact (lastline.com, 04/05/2018). https://www.lastline.com/blog/history-of-malware-its-evolution-and-impact/ Accessed 09/08/2020 | zjester |
2001 | Microsoft Xbox released. Xbox is the first in the Xbox series developed by Microsoft. It has more powerful graphics than its components but also bigger in size and weight. It is the first console that has a built in hard disk to store games. Xbox also provides a better online experience with Xbox Live Service than PlayStation2 and GameCube. |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xbox_(console) https://www.wired.com/2007/06/gallery-game-history/ |
mli2, bplima |
2001 | Alongside the Xbox, Microsoft in-house developer Bungie releases Halo as a flagship exclusive title for the console to massive success. | https://medium.com/@Oozer3993/the-making-of-halo-how-combat-evolved-from-blam-part-1-f6b58fcc4ade | lcagle |
2001 | Ableton Live's first release commercially | ||
2001 AD | Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, is launched, providing free information that is collaboratively sourced | prlee | |
2001 | Apple’s iTunes 2 released, allows MP3 CD burning | Apple Announces iTunes 2, (Apple, October 23, 2001) https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2001/10/23Apple-Announces-iTunes-2/ (11/2/20) | brdesousa |
2001 | Whirlpool Corperation invented the first vertical axis, high efficiency washing machine | “Evolution of Washing Machines Timeline.” Timetoast, November 15, 1851. https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/evolution-of-washing-machines. | amkwan |
2001 | First Mobile Phone that used BLuetooth was released | https://www.androidauthority.com/history-bluetooth-explained-846345/ | crueda |
2001 | The messaging standard, SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) is released as the successor to AAIC HACP | Qu, C., & Nejdl, W. (2003). Towards open standards: The evolution of a collaborative courseware generating system. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, 1(3), 59 68. doi:https://doi.org/10.4018/jdet.2003070105 | elevin |
2001 | Nvidia releases GeForce 3, the first chip capable of programmable shading, allowing each pixel to be processed with a short program. | amcutler | |
2001 | Larry Page, co-founder of Google, challenged a group at Stanford to summarize a video of the streets of the Bay Area into a few images, leading to the creation “multi-perspective panoramas” | https://graphics.stanford.edu/projects/cityblock/ (Accessed 9/1/2024) | npcyr |
2002 | The US government bought 72 ARTS, an all purpose remote transport that is used to investigate areas with possible large explosives. | https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/ground/arts.htm Visited: 3/23/2018 | hdunphy |
2002 | “Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers”, pioneered actor driven character animation with Andy Serkis’s motion capture performance as Gollum | Baron, C.(2015). THE MODERN ENTERTAINMENT MARKETPLACE, 2000-present | kofichtner |
2002 | "Foldable Portable Cellular Phone" - Mobile Phone with Camera introduced | clhudson | |
2002 | Sony releases SmartSkin introducing mutual capacitive touch recognition. | djbenson | |
2002 | US Government tests facial recognition software as part of security for Super Bowl XXXV. | K. W. Bowyer, "Face recognition technology: security versus privacy," in IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Spring 2004, doi: 10.1109/MTAS.2004.1273467. | cjmclaughlin, mjzeolla |
2002 | ATI Radeon R300 chip released followed by the 9700 Pro | Anand Lal Shimpi, ATI Radeon 9700 Pro - Delivering as Promised, https://www.anandtech.com/show/970, 3.18.19 | aecuriel |
2002 | Riddell Sports designs a new helmet made specifically to reduce concussions | mhsultan | |
2002 | Apple releases Mac OS X: Jaguar. Cheetah provided many networking capabilities and introduced tools for users with disabilities. | aquartulli | |
2002 | The Bush administration files a bill to create the Department of Homeland Security, which will be responsible for protecting the nation's critical IT infrastructure. | http://www.allgov.com/departments/department-of-homeland-security?detailsDepartmentID=571 | ajmokotoff |
2002 | Poma Wearable PC | Alpert, Mark. Machine Chic: The Poma Wearable Computer is Flashy but Not very Functional. 287 Vol. Scientific American, Inc, 2002. | akshoop |
2002 | A working 3D kidney | http://publishing.rcseng.ac.uk/doi/full/10.1308/147363514X13990346756481 | japayano |
2002 | Sony releases the Walkman NWZ-X1000, its latest play-only cassette Walkm[a]n | http://content.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1907884,00.html | wofrick |
2002 | The "Help America Vote Act of 2002" is signed into law with the goal of replacing punch card and lever voting machines | https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-107publ252/html/PLAW-107publ252.htm | stgoldman |
2002 | E-Government Act of 2002 improves availability of government-provided information and services for citizens through the internet. | Dudash, S. (2016). The Department of Defense and the Power of Cloud Computing: Weighing Acceptable Cost versus Acceptable Risk (pp. 11-13, Rep.). Air University Press. Retrieved April 1, 2021, from http://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep13826.11 | acherkinsky |
2002 | Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 establishes requirements for determining security of cloud data. NIST is the organization which sets security standards. | Dudash, S. (2016). The Department of Defense and the Power of Cloud Computing: Weighing Acceptable Cost versus Acceptable Risk (pp. 11-13, Rep.). Air University Press. Retrieved April 1, 2021, from http://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep13826.11 | acherkinsky |
2002 | AWS started providing storage and computation over the internet | agupta9 | |
2002 | ATI Radeon 9700, the world's first Direct3D 9.0 accelerator is released, allowing pixel and vertex shaders to implement loops and floating-point math. | amcutler | |
2002 | The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is adopted as the federal standard by the National Institue of Standards and Technology (NIST) | National Institute of Standards and Technology, "Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)", (National Institute of Standards and Technology, 11/26/2001, Updated 5/9/2023), https://csrc.nist.gov/pubs/fips/197/final, (3/22/2024) | abollinger |
2002 | Google funded a Stanford research project about the multi-perspective panoramas, known as the Stanford CityBlock Project | https://graphics.stanford.edu/projects/cityblock/ (Accessed 9/1/2024) | npcyr |
2003 | MySpace & 4chan are founded | dtocco | |
2003 | Apple releases Mac OS X: Panther. Panther introduced the ability to have multiple users logged in at once. It also introduced some user friendly features. | aquartulli | |
2003 | Garmin launches the Forerunner, a sports watch that could measure running distance and heart rate. | Wearables in MedTech: Past, Present & Future. (n.d.). Retrieved August 30, 2018, from https://www.itlmedical.com/news/wearables-in-medtech-past-present-future | pappikatla |
April 2003 | Apple releases the 30-pin dock connector, a mobile charger that would initially be needed for future iPods as well as iPhones once they began their releases in 2007. | https://irq5.io/2012/06/25/the-apple-30-pin-dock-connector/ | zsperry |
2003 | In April, the Human Genome Project was completed. This was the first instance where we were able to read the complete sequence of DNA from a human, as well as map all genes. | https://www.genome.gov/human-genome-project | ddaly |
2003 | First commercial use of quantum encryption | zhenhe
| |
2003 | First Pentium 4 by Intel, 55 million transistors | ndemarinis | |
2003 | SQL Slammer worm - slows down the global internet traffic via DOS attack. Spread to roughly 75000 devices in 10 minutes | https://www.zdnet.com/article/sql-slammer-worm-wreaks-havoc-on-internet/
Love, John. A Brief History of Malware — Its Evolution and Impact (lastline.com, 04/05/2018). https://www.lastline.com/blog/history-of-malware-its-evolution-and-impact/ Accessed 09/08/2020 |
zjester (added more info and second source) |
2003 | Ruby on Rails invented at Basecamp | https://basecamp.com/about | sbaumgarten |
2003 | Amazon starts utilizing the internet for storage, and realize that they could provide web-storage as a service. | Maurer, T., & Hinck, G. (2020). Cloud Security: A Primer for Policymakers (pp. 10-22, Rep.). Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. doi:10.2307/resrep25787.8 | acherkinsky |
2003 | Toyota begins selling Prius model in Japan that can automatically parallel park. | Toyota Unveils Car That Parks Itself. 2003. http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/ptech/09/01/toyota.prius.reut/index.html. | aaadkins |
2003 | Digital Pacemaker | CLARKE, HELEN. "PACEMAKER GOES DIGITAL ; Braodgreen Pioneers CD Surgery: FIRST Edition." Liverpool Echo: 9. 2003. | akshoop |
2003 | The completion of the human genome project | Greenhalgh, Trisha. "The Human Genome Project." Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 98.12 (2005). Web. | xjjackson |
2003 | The hacktivist group Anonymous was formed. | http://www.bustle.com/articles/65444-how-did-anonymous-start-the-history-of-the-mysterious-hacktivist-group-began-quite-some-time-ago | ajmokotoff |
2003 | 802.11g released | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_802.11 | hfang |
2003 | The Pirate Bay came online. | Butland, Nicholas C., and Sullivan, Justin J. “Pirate Tales from the Deep (Web): An Exploration of Online Copyright Infringement in the Digital Age.” UMass Law Review 13.1 (2018): n. pag. Print. | osanderson |
2003 | AMD released their first single core processor. | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EMkcZ2UPuu95BAHkGAW1YPhDVI2GfyMJh1pEu-wmjy0/edit?usp=sharing | nmbargman |
2003 | AMD releases Opteron line of processors, first desktop processors to support the x86_64 instruction set. | https://www.vision-systems.com/home/article/16742885/amd-unveils-its-opteron-64bit-processor | arobinson3 |
2003 | Tesla Founded with one of their missions to create driverless cars | www.tesla.com/about | cctulig |
2003 | Factcheck.org is founded as one of the first major post-print fact checking organizations | Kessler, G. (2018, August 15). The global boom in political fact checking. Retrieved April 02, 2021, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2014/06/13/the-global-boom-in-fact-checking/ | aebolduc |
2003 | LCD’s outnumbered CRT’s in sales | Kristyn Maslog-Levis, LCDs outsell CRTs in Q4 2003 (zdnet ,2004) https://www.zdnet.com/article/lcds-outsell-crts-in-q4-2003/ (9/3/2023) | rkoffstein |
2003 | Tableau is invented as a computer science project at Stanford. Later acquired by Salesforce, Tableau allows for visualization and understandings of complex data, assisting in analysis and decision-making. | https://symbio6.nl/en/blog/history-of-automated-decision-making#:~:text=In%20the%201970s%20and%201980s,'if%2Dthen'%20rules. Visited: 9/3/2024 | tnhellgren
2004 | Spok had 6.6 million pagers in use | https://www.wsj.com/articles/still-use-pagers-to-avoid-technology-burnout-1296d6e0 | psjain |
2004 | Bluetooth 2.0 is released with an increased transfer speed up to 3Mbps | Syed Rafid Kabir, Who Invented Bluetooth? Story of the Bit Bouncer, (History Cooperative, 02/26/2024), https://historycooperative.org/who-invented-bluetooth/ (3/31/2024) | rnguyen |
2004 | Wireless fencing scoring equipment created | https://entertainment.howstuffworks.com/fencing-equipment6.htm | ggsmith |
2004 | Volvo announces the first Blind Spot Information System (abbreviated "BLIS") for passenger cars. | No Author, 2005 Volvo S60/V70/XC70 - New Safety Functions Including a Passenger-Car World's First: Blind Spot Information System, (Volvo Car USA, 6/15/2004) , https://www.media.volvocars.com/us/en-us/media/pressreleases/2042 (Accessed 4/2/21) | jpoulos |
2004 | Facebook is Founded | eapolekoff | |
2004 | RepRap movement started by Adrian Bowyer. This was the start of the open source 3D printing craze. | https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/history-of-3d-printing-milestones/ | wgbahm |
2004 | The Spirit and Opportunity robotic rovers land on Mars | eosowski | |
2004 | IBM's creation "Embedded ViaVoice" and according to IBM, Honda is the first car manufacturer to equip automobiles with in-car navigation systems using advanced speech recognition and text-to-speech capabilities that can identify spoken street and city names that exist across the entire continental United States. | Jesberg, Gina. "IBM Delivers New, World-Class In-Car Speech Recognition System for Navigation in 2005 Honda Cars." IBM News Room. IBM, 1 Sept. 2004. Web. 04 Sept. 2015. | leantul
2004 | Yahoo created its own search engine based on companies that it had previously acquired, such as Inktomi and Overture. | Seymour, T., Frantsvog, D., & Kumar, S. (2011). History of search engines. International Journal of Management and Information Systems, 15(4), 47. | hanguyen |
2004 | Cabir - the first known virus on mobile phones | https://threatpost.com/ten-years-later-cabir-worms-place-in-history-is-unique/106679/
Love, John. A Brief History of Malware — Its Evolution and Impact (lastline.com, 04/05/2018). https://www.lastline.com/blog/history-of-malware-its-evolution-and-impact/ Accessed 09/08/2020 |
zjester (added more info and second source) |
2004 | Hanson Robotics recreated PKD android (first android to utilize face perception, speech recognition, and intelligent conversation) | akan | |
2004 | Twitter is launched | https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/twitter-launches | ddaly |
2004 | First public release of Google. | Google, From the garage to the Googleplex, https://about.google/intl/en_us/our-story/ | agmavrotheris |
2004 | Google Suggest, the earliest iteration of Google's the predictive search feature, is first suggested as an experimental feature | https://googleblog.blogspot.com/2004/12/ive-got-suggestion.html | jethomas |
2004 | Nintendo releases its first touchscreen console, the Nintendo DS and it was offered in a variety of colors. It utilized game cards and had a built-in microphone, two LCD screens, and supported online gaming. | Jeremy Parish, The DS saved Nintendo while destroying handheld gaming as we knew it (Polygon, 2018), https://www.polygon.com/2018/10/22/18000592/nintendo-ds-mobile-casual-gaming (Accessed 9/6/2020) | resallie, bplima |
2004 | Microsoft introduces the first SPOT smartwatch which has personalized gadgets and a monochrome pixel screen. The SPOT allowed users to receive emails and messages, but didn't have the ability to send emails/messages. | https://www.engadget.com/2008-04-23-spot-watches-r-i-p-2004-2008.html | ramcgovern, jcpatel |
2004 | ID Quantique makes the first commercial quantum cryptography/key distribution system available. | “IDQ Celebrates 15 Years of Innovation.” ID Quantique, 30 Nov. 2016, www.idquantique.com/idq-celebrates-15-years-innovation/. | rcsawka |
2004 | Vocaloid 1, a vocal concatenative synthesizing software is released in Japan. It allows a computer to synthesize singing using collected human vocal samples in a voice bank. | Max McAllister, Vocaloid: Virtual Singers in Your DAW, (Produce Like a Pro, 16 Dec. 2020), https://producelikeapro.com/blog/vocaloid/ (01 Apr. 2021) | jsalbert |
2004 | Bluetooth Technology was being shipped at 1 million devices a week | https://www.invent.org/inductees/jaap-c-haartsen#:~:text=In%201994%2C%20he%20laid%20the,seemingly%20endless%20array%20of%20devices. | crueda |
2004 | WoW is released, and would become one of the most popular MMOS of all time. | (HeadphonesAddict, Aug 15, 20203), https://headphonesaddict.com/world-of-warcraft-player-count/ (September 9, 2023) | cmfrench |
2004 | Galurung chess engine released developed by Tord Romstad | https://www.chessprogramming.org/Glaurung Accessed 08/30/2023 | abeck
2005 | A modernized GPS satellite developed by Lockheed Martin was put into orbit around the Earth | gmport | |
2005 | In the second DARPA Grand Challenge 5 teams complete the off-road robotics course. | eosowski | |
2005 | YouTube is launched, hosting all kinds of music. The list includes official music videos, pirated music and homemade tunes. | ||
2005 | Discovery of CTE leads to public exposure of untreated concussions and shortcomings of NFL | mhsultan | |
2005 | Apple releases Mac OS X: Tiger. Tiger introduced more built in tools, such as a thesaurus and dictionary. It also provided voice capabilities for users with disabilities. | aquartulli | |
2005 | Apple switches to Intel x86-64 from PowerPC | Maurice Jamieson, The Evolution of RISC Architecture, (EEPC University of Edinburgh, 11 April 2023), https://www.epcc.ed.ac.uk/whats-happening/articles/evolution-risc-architecture (31 August 2023) | ehughsbaird |
2005 | Linus Torvalds creates Git, an open-source distributed version control system (DVCS), giving developers a free software management platform | Chacon, Scott & Straub, Ben. “Pro Git.” (Apress 2009), https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-A-Short-History-of-Git (6 September 2020) | omthode |
2005 | EyeOS, a virtual Operating, System is launched. | Arutyunov, V V. “Cloud Computing: Its History of Development, Modern State, and Future Considerations.” Scientific and technical information processing 39.3 (2012): 173–178. Web. | acherkinsky |
2005 | Revolutionizing the current DNA sequencing 454 GS 20 Roche sequencing platform was introduced with the ability to produce 20 mllion bases | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3917434/#:~:text=In%202000%2C%20Massively%20Parallel%20Signature,a%20paralleled%20version%20of%20pyrosequencing. | ddaly |
2005 | Samsung introduces the SCH-B600, the first camera phone to pass 10mp, in Korea | https://www.digitaltrends.com/web/samsung-launches-first-10mp-camera-phone/ | bmheavey |
2005 | Canon introduces the 12.8mp 5d, the first DSLR to have a standard body type, roughly equal in size and shape to professional film cameras | http://www.the-digital-picture.com/Reviews/Canon-EOS-5D-DSLR-Digital-Camera-Review.aspx | bmheavey |
2005 | The specifications for the microSD memory card are finalized, measuring just 11mm x 15mm x 1mm. | New microSD Memory Card, (Phys.org, 16 March 2005), https://phys.org/news/2005-03-microsd-memory-card-world.html, Accessed 5 September 2023. | hzgandor |
2005 | Open-source collaboration with 3D printing was started via the RepRap Project. | http://publishing.rcseng.ac.uk/doi/full/10.1308/147363514X13990346756481 , http://journals.cambridge.org/abstract_S026357471000069X. doi: 10.1017/S026357471000069X | japayano, ncmorgan |
2005 | Blue Brain is born, a project to simulate the brain at molecular detail. | http://bluebrain.epfl.ch/ | allewis |
2005 | Wacom released a Cintiq tablet that raised the benchmarks for digital drawing. | wtao
| |
2005 | Eben Upton, then Director of studies in Computer Science at St. John's College, Cambridge, noticed a drop in talent and number of computer engineering majors | Severance, C. (2013). Eben upton: Raspberry pi. Computer, 46(10), 14-16. | yychow |
2005 | Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) announced the first guidance, Authentication in an Internet Banking Environment, to enforce institutions that offer online banking to build strong security system. | “Payment Security - Online Banking: FFIEC guidelines spur gold rush,” Electronic Payments International, No. 14, 2006. http://ezproxy.wpi.edu/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/ trade-journals/payment-security-online-banking-ffiec-guidelines/docview/199263914/se-2?acc ountid=29120 | czhang10 |
2005 | Microsoft Xbox 360 released and was the first console to launch with wireless controllers. As the successor of Microsoft Xbox, it is the first console released in the seventh generation. The performance of the console is greatly enhanced comparing to the Xbox. An online store is introduced where user can purchase games and software. Microsoft also includes YouTube, Twitter and Facebook in Xbox 360, which makes it more than just a gaming console. Latter, in 2010, Kinect, used for motion control, is released. The SDK for Kinect is also released in 2011, allowing developers to develop interesting applications for it. | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xbox_360
https://www.history.com/topics/inventions/history-of-video-games https://www.wired.com/2007/06/gallery-game-history/ |
mli2, bplima |
2005 | Estonia begins allowing citizens to vote online | https://www.forbes.com/sites/kalevleetaru/2017/06/07/how-estonias-e-voting-system-could-be-the-future/ | stgoldman |
2005 | Youtube was launched | http://whois.domaintools.com/youtube.com | mazyla |
2005 | AMD released their first dual core processor. | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EMkcZ2UPuu95BAHkGAW1YPhDVI2GfyMJh1pEu-wmjy0/edit?usp=sharing | nmbargman |
2005 | DARPA Grand Challenge | www.businessinsider.com/google-driverless-car-history-photos-2016-10 | cctulig |
2005 | Google Maps announced | https://googleblog.blogspot.com/2005/02/mapping-your-way.html | knguyen2 |
2005 | Reddit is launched | Pardes, Arielle. “The inside Story of Reddit's Redesign.” Wired, Conde Nast, 2 Apr. 2018, www.wired.com/story/reddit-redesign/. | eobaker |
2005 | U.S. Missile Defense Agency halts all missile defense tests and programs due to three consecutive missile launch failures. | http://ezproxy.wpi.edu/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/wire-feeds/missile-defense-tests-will-resume-fall/docview/463406610/se-2 (last retrieved March 19, 2023). | kjlopez |
2005 | U.S. Missile Defense Agency’s independent review panel finds six technical issues in their missile defense program’s software preventing test missiles from launching and identifying balloon decoys. | http://ezproxy.wpi.edu/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/wire-feeds/missile-defense-tests-will-resume-fall/docview/463406610/se-2 (last retrieved March 19, 2023). | kjlopez |
2005 | Video game emulators gain official use as Nintendo announces the ability to play old NES, SNES, and N64 titles on the Wii through the Nintendo Virtual Console. | Thebeau, Jake. “The History of Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) Emulation.” History Computer, 28 July 2023, https://history-computer.com/the-history-of-nintendo-entertainment-system-nes-emulation/. Accessed 3 Sept. 2023. | nkwong |
2006 | Amazon launched Elastic Compute Cloud Commercial Service open for Everybody to use – kickstarting the era of offloading computation to the cloud. | agupta9 | |
2006 | Microsoft releases Windows Vista. Vista focused more on security than any prior Windows OS. It also featured a new sleek look. | aquartulli | |
2006 | Leigh Hochberg implants a brain-computer interface into a tetraplegic patient, granting control over computer cursor and electronic device operation. | https://www.nature.com/articles/nature04970 | jhsu |
2006 | Nike+: Nike + iPod creates a better running experience. | https://news.nike.com/news/nike-and-apple-launch-nike-ipod-sport-kit | pmahurkar |
2006 | Amazon Web Services and Simple Storage “clouds” are launched. | Maurer, T., & Hinck, G. (2020). Cloud Security: A Primer for Policymakers (pp. 10-22, Rep.). Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. doi:10.2307/resrep25787.8 | acherkinsky |
2006 | SLS leads to mass customizationf in manufacturing | http://publishing.rcseng.ac.uk/doi/full/10.1308/147363514X13990346756481 | japayano |
2006 | Hinton summarizes ideas of multilayer neural networks and training them to generate sensory data rather than to classify it | mmohapatra | |
2006 | Deep Boltzmann Machines Salakhutdinov and Hinton | mmohapatra | |
2006 | AMD acquires ATI | Andrew Ross Sorkin, A.M.D. to Acquire ATI Technologies, https://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/24/technology/24cnd-semi.html, 3.18.19 | aecuriel |
2006 | Lexus adds self-parking system capable of parallel and angle parking to Lexus LS sedan. | The Lexus LS460: It Really Does Park Itself. 2006. https://www.cars.com/articles/2006/09/ls_460_parking/ | aaadkins |
2006 | Cornell University reveals its "Starfish" robot which is capable of self-modeling and learning how to walk after being damaged. | eosowski | |
2006 | Albert Gonzalez stole over 45 million payment cards used by customers of US retailer TJX, which owns TJ Maxx, and UK outlet TK Maxx. Attacks on this scale were unheard of and frightened the entire world. IT costed the company $256 million. What caused companies to start buying secure security system to cope with this new reality. | http://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/opinions/the-history-of-cybersecurity/ | ajmokotoff |
2006 | Nike + iPod introduced a fitness tracking kit via a sensor imbedded in shoes | Peters, Luke. "Nike + iPod Sport Kit." Personal Computer World 21 Sept. 2006. General OneFile. Web. 4 Sept. 2015. | akshoop |
2006 | Guruji was created specifically to provide India with a search engine. | Agarwal, M., & Round, D. K. (2011). The emergence of global search engines: Trends in history and competition. Competition Policy International, 7(1), 114-134. | hanguyen |
2006 | During a TED Talk Jeff Han demos multitouch sensing though frustrated total internal reflection. This was a technique originally used for imaging finger prints. | djbenson | |
2006 | Upton started working at a company called Broadcom; in his free time, he worked towards developing the idea of low-cost computers. | Severance, C. (2013). Eben upton: Raspberry pi. Computer, 46(10), 14-16. | yychow |
2006 | 12-Qubits are reached for quantum computing | https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/05/060508164700.htm | hfloreshuerta |
2006 | RSA Security releases RSA encryption algorithm into public domain prior to their patent expiration. | Chidi, George. “RSA Releases Computer Security Patent.” CNN, 7 Sept. 2000, www.cnn.com/2000/TECH/computing/09/07/security.patent.release.idg/index.html. | rcsawka
2006 | Sony PlayStation 3 released. PlayStation 3, being the successor of Sony PlayStation 2, is the most powerful console at that time. The console offered an online gaming platform as well and sold different options with different amounts of storage. It also supports Blu-Ray video. PlayStation Move is later released in 2010. But it is not as successful as the Wii or the Kinect. | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_3 | mli2, bplima |
2006 | Nvidia Geforce 8800 GTX released along with the Unified Architecture for shaders | Ryan Shrout, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX Review - DX10 and Unified Architecture, https://www.pcper.com/reviews/Graphics-Cards/NVIDIA-GeForce-8800-GTX-Review-DX10-and-Unified-Architecture?aid=319&type=expert&pid=5, 3.18.19 | aecuriel |
2006 | Google Translate is released | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Translate | mjgulbin |
2006 | Nintendo Wii released. Nintendo Wii, successor of GameCube, introduces infrared-camera and accelerometer on its Wii Remote Controller, which can detect the controller’s movement in 3D space. This creative feature makes Wii the fast selling console at that time. The console’s active play-style through the use of motion-controls helps it reach a wider audience | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wii, history.com Editors, Video Game History (A&E Television Networks, 2019), https://www.history.com/topics/inventions/history-of-video-games (Accessed 9/6/2020) | mli2, resallie (modified) |
2006 | Release of Dwarf Fortress, a game that inspired dozens of other games and appears to be Turing-complete | crmyers | |
2006 | The PITCHf/x system is first used in the 2006 MLB postseason. It was able to measure the trajectory, speed, spin, break, and location of a pitched ball. | http://baseball.physics.illinois.edu/FastPFXGuide.pdf | gmmontana |
2006 | Amazon created subsidiary Amazon Web Services and introduced its Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) | https://aws.amazon.com/cn/about-aws/whats-new/2006/08/24/announcing-amazon-elastic-compute-cloud-amazon-ec2---beta/ | huang2 |
2006 | A patient with a spinal cord injury lost the ability to move limbs. With the use of a "96-microelectrode array implanted in primary motor cortex", the patient was able to perform simple tasks like opening and closing a prosthetic hand. The researchers were also able to enable the patient to control a computer mouse and operate a television. | Leigh R. Hochberg; Mijail D. Serruya; Friehs; Mukand; Saleh; Caplan; Branner; Chen; Penn; Donoghue (13 July 2006). Gerhard M. Friehs, Jon A. Mukand, Maryam Saleh, Abraham H. Caplan, Almut Branner, David Chen, Richard D. Penn and John P. Donoghue. "Neuronal ensemble control of prosthetic devices by a human with tetraplegia". Nature. 442 (7099): 164–171. Bibcode:2006Natur.442..164H. doi:10.1038/nature04970 | ajlee |
2006 | Spotify founded by Daniel Ek and Martin Lorentzon | Gaël Branchereau, The story of Spotify: Sweden’s controversial king of music streaming, (The Local, March 2, 2018) https://www.thelocal.se/20180302/the-story-of-spotify-swedens-controversial-king-of-music-streaming (11/2/20) | brdesousa |
2006 | NVIDIA Reveals CUDA Architecture | Nancy Owano (Phys.org January 28, 2012) https://phys.org/news/2012-01-nvidia-cuda-parallel-platform.html (4/1/21) | awhitney |
2006 | 25 million views a day on youtube | https://www.britannica.com/topic/YouTube | amkwan |
2006 | The Netflix Prize competition to create a recommendation system is started | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netflix_Prize | armorrison |
2006 | Stanford project ended, and technology transferred to Google | https://graphics.stanford.edu/projects/cityblock/ (Accessed 9/1/2024) | npcyr |
January 4, 2007 | USB Micro was announced by the USB Implementers Form; it would end up being used by a variety of different phone brands (such as Android) as a mobile phone charger. | https://gct.co/usb-connector/usb-history-timeline | zsperry |
2007 | The Amazon Kindle is released as the first E-reader. | https://www.theguardian.com/books/2002/jan/03/ebooks.technology | jaturcotte |
2007 |
Pedometers begin changing from pendulum based counters to accelerometer based counters |
Scarlett, J. (2007). Enhancing the performance of pedometers using a single accelerometer. Application Note, Analog Devices. |
tjaskoviak |
2007 | Sun makes the bulk of Java open-sourced | Martens, China. "The Bulk of Java is Open Sourced " GrnLight. Web. 2 April. 2020. https://web.archive.org/web/20140527220942/http:/grnlight.net/index.php/programming-articles/115-javaone-sun-the-bulk-of-java-is-open-sourced | emhess |
2007 | WPI becomes the first college to offer a BS in Robotics Engineering | eosowski | |
2007 | Nvidia releases Cuda GPU technology. | computerhistory.org/timeline/graphics-games | sdnorton |
2007 | LG announces the LG Prada, the first phone with a large capacitive touchscreen | Stephen Temple, "Vintage Mobiles: LG Prada - First mobile with a capacitive touchscreen". http://www.gsmhistory.com/vintage-mobiles/#prada | bnklaiman |
2007 | Apple Releases iPhone | clhudson | |
2007 | The iPhone is released, featuring the a multi-touch software keyboard
Modification: It lacked quite a few features that other smartphones had. |
close.html (Accessed April 2, 2020) https://scrcxp.pdhi.com/Member/Home/Program/dff205f8-bf43-4de8-a29a-233a9023c0a8 History.com Editors, Steve Jobs debuts the iPhone, (A&E Television Networks, 2020), https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/steve-jobs-debuts-the-iphone accessed on 4/5/2021
Mossberg, Walter S., and Katherine Boehret. “Testing Out the IPhone.” Wall Street Journal, 28 June 2007, https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB118289311361649057. |
jbbrown, bnklaiman, bstaw, wrlewis |
2007 | Facebook Launches 'Beacon' Service | eapolekoff | |
2007 | Microsoft debuts the Surface which was a large table top touchscreen interface, as well as the first iPhone is released. | djbenson | |
2007 | Chinook checkers program becomes unbeatable at checkers | cpnota | |
2007 | Six vehicles complete DARPA Urban Challenge in which they navigate through a 60 mile urban driving course while obeying traffic laws and navigating with other autonomous and human-driven vehicles. | Autonomous Vehicle Technology: A Guide for Policymakers. Rand Corporation, 2014. Pg. 57 | aaadkins |
2007 | Toshiba unveils NAND flash memory using chip stacking technology | https://phys.org/news/2007-06-toshiba-nand-technology.html | essmith |
2007 | Apple releases Mac OS X: Leopard. Leopard introduced remote access capabilities. It also introduced parental controls as well as the equivalent of a system restore called time machine. | aquartulli | |
2007 | Apple's release of iOS popularizes touch screen computing and the mobile GUI. | tjnickerson | |
2007 | A spear phishing incident at the Office of the Secretary of Defense steals sensitive U.S. defense information, leading to significant changes in identity and message-source verification at OSD. | http://en.docsity.com/news/algorithms/origins-of-hacking-heartbleed | ajmokotoff |
2007 | United Nations website hacked by Turkish Hacker Kerema125. | http://www.digitaltrends.com/home/hackers-hit-un-site/ | ajmokotoff |
2007 | Stanford Research Institute, or SRI, developed Siri as part of a large DARPA project known as the Personal Assistant that Learns (PAL) project. | "Artificial Intelligence: CALO." SRI International - Timeline of Innovation. SRI International, n.d. Web. 04 Sept. 2015. | leantul |
2007 | Protect America Act passed. Allows US government to intercept information travelling through nodes on US soil. | G. A. Sinha, "NSA surveillance since 9/11 and the human right to privacy," Loyola Law Review, 2013. | mttaylor |
2007 | The Fitbit is released, a wearable tracker attached to a belt or clipped onto clothing | nbeeten | |
2007 | Netflix expands its business to streaming video | egouveia | |
2007 | Netflix started streaming videos through its website | http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/16/technology/16netflix.html | mazyla |
2007 | Announcement of Ableton's collaboration with Cycling ’74, producers of Max/MSP | ||
2007 | Intel released the Core 2 Quad processor capable of 2.4 Ghz speeds. | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EMkcZ2UPuu95BAHkGAW1YPhDVI2GfyMJh1pEu-wmjy0/edit?usp=sharing | nmbargman |
2007 | Announcement of Scratch, a programming language for kids. | https://en.scratch-wiki.info/wiki/Scratch | sli11 |
2007 | Google launches free online language translation, utilizing a system solely based on statistical translation methods. | Greengard, Samuel, “Life, Translated,” Communications of the ACM, Vol. 54, No. 8 (Association for Computing Machinery, Aug. 2011), p19-21. | kmpicho |
2007 | Sony designed the first commercial OLED TV | Everything a TV should be: Sony XEL-1 OLED Television.(BEST OF WHAT’S NEW 2008: HOME ENTERTAINMENT). (2008). Popular Science (New York, N.Y.), 273(6), 33–. | mchalmers |
2007 | Sanyo introduced the first drum type washing machine with "air wash", reducing the amount of water needed | “Evolution of Washing Machines Timeline.” Timetoast, November 15, 1851. https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/evolution-of-washing-machines. | amkwan |
2007 | IBM creates an open domain Q/A system named Watson. In 2011, Watson won Jeopardy and, in 2017, neurologists use it to identify RNA-binding proteins altered in ALS. | Cedars-Sinai Staff, AI's Ascendance in Medicine: A Timeline, (Cedars-Sinai, Apr 20, 2023) https://www.cedars-sinai.org/discoveries/ai-ascendance-in-medicine.html, (Mar 17 2024) | ekli |
2007 | Steve Jobs and the team at Macworld revealed the first iPhone | https://simpletexting.com/where-have-we-come-since-the-first-smartphone/ | hwang15 |
2007 | Nvidia's CUDA platform, the earliest widely adopted programming model for GPU computing, was first introduced. | amcutler | |
2007 | Google Street View was released to the public | feature/. Accessed 31 Aug. 2024. | epfoley2 |
2008 | HTC Dream releases with Android OS, which, unlike Apple's iOS, is not restricted to any one manufacturer | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smartphone#Form_factor_and_operating_system_shifts | bnklaiman |
2008 | Beats by Dre is released | https://www.ssense.com/en-us/editorial/culture/a-history-of-headphone-design | alate |
2008 | Fitbit Classic: First Fitbit Product to keep track of calories, steps, etc. | pmahurkar | |
2008 | Around 20 Chinese hackers claim to have gained access to the world's most sensitive sites, including the Pentagon. | http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/03/07/china.hackers/ | ajmokotoff, abeck |
2008 | DIY CO-creatin Servicen Lauches | http://publishing.rcseng.ac.uk/doi/full/10.1308/147363514X13990346756481 | japayano |
2008 | The Roomba robotic vacuum surpasses 2.5 million units sold | eosowski | |
2008 | 1B-transistor GPU (GTX 200 Tesla) | blammeson | |
2008 | Shapeways launched allowing people to design their own parts or print parts designed by others on demand | https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/history-of-3d-printing-milestones/ | wgbahm |
2008 | Nvidia launches 3D Vision | techspot.com/article/650-history-of-the-gpu/ | sdnorton |
2008 | First i7 processor | blammeson | |
2008 | Apple captures 48% of the MP3 player market; SanDisk's Sansa, in second place, has only 8% | http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/03/from-walkman-to-ipod-what-music-tech-teaches-us-about-innovation/253158/ | wofrick |
2008-2015 | Intel Core Series | dstapply | |
2008 | Intel Atom, ultra-low voltage x86 processor using only 2W of power, compared to ~80W for a standard desktop CPU | ||
2008 | Koobface virus - one of the first PC viruses spread over social networks | https://www.kaspersky.com/resource-center/definitions/what-is-the-koobface-virus
Love, John. A Brief History of Malware — Its Evolution and Impact (lastline.com, 04/05/2018). https://www.lastline.com/blog/history-of-malware-its-evolution-and-impact/ Accessed 09/08/2020 |
zjester (edited for clarity and added second source) |
2008 | IDE (Intelligent Domotic Enviroment) conecpt is defined | Politecnico di Torino, Dipartimento di Automatica ed Informatica, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129, Torino, Italy | dberardi |
2008 | “The Impossible Project” was created to revive the Polaroid camera by photographers, with new Polaroid cameras with bluetooth and computing connectivity built in instead of being fully manual. | “The Story behind the Polaroid I-2 Instant Camera.” Polaroid Newsroom, Polaroid, 7 Sept. 2023, press.polaroid.com/229329-the-story-behind-the-polaroid-i-2-instant-camera. | mwnickerson |
2008 | Swype keyboard is shown for the first time, which allowed users to swipe their finger over letters to form words. | https://www.engadget.com/2008/09/11/swype-finger-tracing-text-entry-seems-fast-hypnotic-and-magica/ (Accessed March 22, 2018) | jbbrown |
2008 | Hulu, a major Netflix competitor was launched | https://www.hulu.com/press/about/ | mazyla |
2008 | BASE consistency model used as an alternative to ACID for NoSQL | Keith D. Foote, A Brief History of Non-Relational Databases Retrieved August 29th 2019 from https://www.dataversity.net/a-brief-history-of-non-relational-databases/ | bjaubuchon |
2008 | Github, a Git hosting website, is launched, allowing broader access Git’s features | Wanstrath, Chris. “We Launched.” (Github, Inc., 2008), https://github.blog/2008-04-10-we-launched/ (6 September 2020) | omthode |
2008 | Fitbit Classic is released as a fitness tracker to measure steps taken, calories burned, distance,and sleep. | https://blog.blinq.com/tech-tips/compare-fitbit-models-best-fitbit-model/ | ppatel2 |
2008 | USB 3.0 released with data transfer rate of 5 gbps | https://www.computerhope.com/history/usb.htm | amishra2 |
2008 | The head of Google, Eric Schmidt defines the term “cloud” for the first time in Internet conferences. | Arutyunov, V V. “Cloud Computing: Its History of Development, Modern State, and Future Considerations.” Scientific and technical information processing 39.3 (2012): 173–178. Web. | acherkinsky |
2008 | Google App Engine is launched, becoming the first major competitor to Amazon’s cloud. | Maurer, T., & Hinck, G. (2020). Cloud Security: A Primer for Policymakers (pp. 10-22, Rep.). Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. doi:10.2307/resrep25787.8 | acherkinsky |
2008 | First 3D printed prosthetic leg created | https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/history-of-3d-printing-milestones/ | wgbahm |
2008 | Thingiverse launched as a hub for people to share their designs for others to print | http://www.avplastics.co.uk/3d-printing-history | wgbahm |
2008 | HP, Intel, Yahoo! Establish a computing lab opened globally: Cloud Computing Test Bed. | Arutyunov, V V. “Cloud Computing: Its History of Development, Modern State, and Future Considerations.” Scientific and technical information processing 39.3 (2012): 173–178. Web. | acherkinsky |
2008 | Developer(s) under the alias Satoshi Nakamoto publish papers describing Bitcoin. | Soni, Neha. “Evolution of Blockchain.” Medium.com, 22 July 2020, https://medium.com/@nehasoni1812/evolution-of-blockchain-f243f7509fe6. | drphillips |
2009 | Bluetooth 3.0 introduced incorporating higher speed data transfer up to 24Mbps | Syed Rafid Kabir, Who Invented Bluetooth? Story of the Bit Bouncer, (History Cooperative, 02/26/2024), https://historycooperative.org/who-invented-bluetooth/ (3/31/2024) | rnguyen |
2009 | Makerbot launches an FDM kit printer. This was the first truly accessible printer for hobbyists | http://www.avplastics.co.uk/3d-printing-history | wgbahm |
2008 | Apple opens the App Store on the iPhone, opening up the way to mobile gaming. | Mark Cutmore, History of the Handheld Games Console (Science Museum, 2019), https://blog.sciencemuseum.org.uk/history-of-the-handheld-games-console/ (Accessed 9/7/2020) | resallie |
2008 | Automatic Emergency breaking is introduced as standard for the Volvo XC60. | Zahra Sari et. al, AEB Performance in the UK; A Decade of Development, (Thatcham Research ,6/7/17), https://trid.trb.org/view/1483883 and https://www-esv.nhtsa.dot.gov/Proceedings/25/25ESV-000290.pdf (Accessed 4/2/21) | jpoulos |
2008 | Google Suggest, the earliest iteration of Google's predictive search, was added to the homepage | 2008 blog by SearchEnglineLand, a blog dedicated to search optimization - https://searchengineland.com/googlecom-finally-gets-google-suggest-feature-14626 | jethomas |
2008 | University of Leeds invented a washing machine that uses only one cup of water | “Evolution of Washing Machines Timeline.” Timetoast, November 15, 1851. https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/evolution-of-washing-machines. | amkwan |
2008 | Google App Engine is launched, becoming the first major competitor to Amazon’s cloud. | Maurer, T., & Hinck, G. (2020). Cloud Security: A Primer for Policymakers (pp. 10-22, Rep.). Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. doi:10.2307/resrep25787.8 | acherkinsky |
2008 | Facebook launched on IOS | https://www.businessofapps.com/data/facebook-statistics/ | amkwan |
2008 | The Wireless Power Consortium adopted the Qi standard which standardizes how devices can charge inductively | GLOBAL QI STANDARD POWERS UP WIRELESS CHARGING, (Electro Manufacturing, Vol. 23, Iss. 10, 10/01/2010) https://www.proquest.com/docview/755113539 (09/04/2023) | akzhang |
2008 | Marco Costalba modified the Galurung engine and created the most widely used chess engine as of 2023, Stockfish | https://stockfishchess.org/about/ Accessed 08/30/2023 | abeck |
2008 | Google announced they were testing an algorithm that blurred faces captured on Street View | https://www.cnet.com/culture/google-begins-blurring-faces-in-street-view/ (Accessed 8/29/2024) | npcyr |
2008 | 72nd first service outside of the US added to Google Street View (Tour De France) | street-view/. Accessed 2 Sept. 2024. | epfoley2 |
2008 | The iconic pegman is introduced, linking satellite imagery to Street View | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Street_View (Accessed 9/1/2024) | npcyr |
2009 | Facebook Shuts Down 'Beacon' Service | eapolekoff | |
2009 | Pinellas County Sherriff’s Office created a forensic database in 2009. It allowed officials to access the photo archines of the state’s Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. | https://www.tbnweekly.com/pinellas_county/article_0069da0a-33b3-5feb-ab8e-65c148d8b48a.html | mjzeolla |
2009 | The Zoll Lifevest a body-worn device with a built-in defribrillator that monitors heart rhythm and can predict cardiac arrest. | Wearables in MedTech: Past, Present & Future. (n.d.). Retrieved August 30, 2018, from https://www.itlmedical.com/news/wearables-in-medtech-past-present-future | pappikatla |
2009 | Bitcoin, the first decentralized cryptocurrency, is created. | https://bitcoin.org/en/faq | snkim |
2009 | Google Self Driving-Car Project, Waymo | https://www.waymo.com/journey/ | chnguyen, cctulig |
2009 | IBM establishes a private cloud. | Maurer, T., & Hinck, G. (2020). Cloud Security: A Primer for Policymakers (pp. 10-22, Rep.). Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. doi:10.2307/resrep25787.8 | acherkinsky |
2009 | Google Suggestis given an upgrade | 2009 blog Google detailing the changes made after the launch of Google Suggest - https://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/05/faster-is-better-on-google-suggest.html | jethomas |
2009 | Release of Imagenet, a massive computer vision dataset | https://www.ibm.com/topics/computer-vision | jacurtis2 |
2009 | Apple releases Mac OS X: Snow Leopard. Snow Leopard addressed issues with compatibility, OS size, and speed. | aquartulli | |
2009 | Microsoft releases Windows 7. 7 featured different ways to work with the windows themselves, which made it even easier to use. | aquartulli | |
2009 | W200 Wrist Computer | http://www.glaciercomputer.com/press-w200.html | akshoop |
2009 | 802.11n released | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_802.11 | hfang |
2009 | Google builds self-driving car. | http://www.popsci.com/cars/article/2013-09/google-self-driving-car |
allewis |
2009 |
The first Fitbit is released, soon to be one of the most popular pedometer/activity trackers |
tjaskoviak | |
2009 |
IBM published their first white paper on cloud computing |
snkim | |
2009 | Bing, which was previously known as Live Search, Windows Live Search and MSN Search, was created. It allowed specifically for the user to search and search suggestions would also appear. | Seymour, T., Frantsvog, D., & Kumar, S. (2011). History of search engines. International Journal of Management and Information Systems, 15(4), 47. | hanguyen |
2009 | DIY kits for 3D printers Enter the Marketplace | http://publishing.rcseng.ac.uk/doi/full/10.1308/147363514X13990346756481 | japayano |
2009 | Pinellas Couty Sherriff's Offices creates a database allowing pictures of suspects to be checked aganst "photo archives of the state's Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles" | https://www.facefirst.com/blog/brief-history-of-face-recognition-software/ | sgubrud |
2009 | The patent for FDM printing expires | https://patents.google.com/patent/US5121329A/en | ncmorgan |
2009 | Non-profit Raspberry Pi Foundation founded by Eben Upton and colleagues | Severance, C. (2013). Eben upton: Raspberry pi. Computer, 46(10), 14-16. | yychow |
2009 | Satoshi Nakamoto releases Bitcoin whitepaper | https://101blockchains.com/history-of-blockchain-timeline/#prettyPhoto/0/ | ieroshenko |
2009 | Hewlett-Packard is given the IEEE Milestone in Electrical and Engineering and Computing award for the accomplishments of the HP-35. | http://www.vintagecalculators.com/html/the_hp-35_calculator.html | pbcoady |
2009 | Ableton's “Max for Live” announced | ||
2009 | AMD released the first processor to break 3 GHz commercially. | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EMkcZ2UPuu95BAHkGAW1YPhDVI2GfyMJh1pEu-wmjy0/edit?usp=sharing | nmbargman |
2009 | Zues botnet discovered, having already infected 3.6 million devices | https://www.networkworld.com/article/2260410/america-s-10-most-wanted-botnets.html | twhite
2009 | The Zoll Lifevest a body-worn device with a built-in defribrillator that monitors heart rhythm and can predict cardiac arrest. | Wearables in MedTech: Past, Present & Future. (n.d.). Retrieved August 30, 2018, from https://www.itlmedical.com/news/wearables-in-medtech-past-present-future | pappikatla |
2009 | Netflix prize is won | https://www.netflixprize.com/ | armorrison |
2009 | Push notifications introduced for Android and IOS | https://onesignal.com/what-are-push-notifications | amkwan |
2009 | a Go8 report suggests incorporating data science as a keystone in K-12 education | Longbing Cao, Data science: A comprehensive overview, Article 43 (ACM Computing Surveys, June 2017), 42 pages https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3076253 | armorrison |
2009 | Google Street View expanded to Canada | “Google Street View Expands across Canada.” CBC News, 9 Feb. 2010, https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/google-street-view-expands-across-canada-1.888577 | epfoley2 |
2009 | Smart Navigation, which allows users to move around the panorama, is released on Street View | https://www.pcworld.com/article/529530/google-98.html (Accessed 9/1/2024) | npcyr |
2010s | Deep Learning in AI Art
Deep Learning is the process of using large datasets to help guide the AI to produce a correct product. Deep Art and Deep Dream are 2 of the first companies to start using this for AI Art. |
BeutyandAI, History of AI Art from 1960s to 2023, https://beautyandai.com/blogs/beauty-and-ai-blog/history-of-ai-art/?srsltid=AfmBOory1D7bZrfkwm1LLTkW9tjuqqPNe1sBHbANMQvbGVyctU0cLxUz (9/2/24) | cemasucci |
2010 | Bluetooth 4.0 released introducing a low energy model (LE) | Syed Rafid Kabir, Who Invented Bluetooth? Story of the Bit Bouncer, (History Cooperative, 02/26/2024), https://historycooperative.org/who-invented-bluetooth/ (3/31/2024) | rnguyen |
2010 | Next Generation GPS Control Segment (OCX) contracted to Raytheon Company, Intelligence & Information Systems, for a 73 month development to modernize the GPS system | gmport | |
2010 | Stuxnet warm attack on Iranian nuclear facilities. Disabled and damaged production devices. Rumored to be designed by the U.S. government | http://large.stanford.edu/courses/2015/ph241/holloway1/
Love, John. A Brief History of Malware — Its Evolution and Impact (lastline.com, 04/05/2018). https://www.lastline.com/blog/history-of-malware-its-evolution-and-impact/ Accessed 09/08/2020 |
zjester (added more info and second source) |
2010 | Arduino Uno is released | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Arduino_boards_and_compatible_systems | amartinez |
2010 | Development of RISC-V begins at UC Berkeley | RISC-V International, History of RISC-V, (RISC-V International, unknown), http://riscv.org/about/history/ (31 August 2023) | ehughsbaird |
2010 | First 1B-transistor CPU card (Oracle Sparc T3, 16-core) | blammeson | |
2010 | There were estimated to be over 1.9 billion web surfers worldwide | dtocco | |
2010 | As a "fundamental shift in search", Google Suggest is replaced with Google Instant, the feature that attempts to complete your search query as you type. | 2010 blog by SearchEnglineLand, a blog dedicated to search optimization - https://searchengineland.com/google-instant-complete-users-guide-50136 | jethomas |
2010 | Robonaut 2 is sent to the International Space Station, it is the first humanoid robot in space | eosowski | |
2010 | Sales of stand-alone cameras peak at approximately 120 million units, sales have fallen in each year since. | http://www.cipa.jp/stats/documents/common/cr200.pdf | bmheavey |
2010 | The Apple iPad is released. | djbenson | |
2010 | Apple CEO Steve Jobs announces FaceTime, a video conferencing app, to be released with the iPhone 4. | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FaceTime (Accessed September 30, 2024) | djadczak |
2010 | Instagram was released as a mobile photo-sharing social network site. Over time, it evolves to include short video content through Instagram Stories and IGTV. | rding2, xxiao | |
2010 | Texas instruments makes a graphing calculator with a touchpad | Dow Jones Institutional News, PRESS RELEASE: Texas Instruments Introduces New TI-Nspire(TM) with Touchpad Graphing Calculator Handheld (ProQuest, 19th April 2010), https://www.proquest.com/docview/2171411904?parentSessionId=ZT5zB5Ch%2FpncOeuj7iKKVshd4zyJQ2lhFeyIkPxtFSw%3D&pq-origsite=primo&accountid=29120&sourcetype=Wire%20Feeds (8-30-2024) | kacummings |
2010 | Players of the French team use chess engine to cheat in the World Chess Olympiad. | http://www.fide.com/images/stories/NEWS_2012/FIDE/FIDE_Ethics_Commission_Judgement_in_the_case_French_Team.pdf | wavanrensselaer |
2010 | Palmer Luckey designs the first Oculus Rift prototype | https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/augmented-reality-immersive-technology-university-of-ontario,3630-3.html | ejwerlinich |
2010 | First 4G capable phone released | http://www.wirelesshistoryfoundation.org/wireless-history-project/wireless-history-timeline | zrrobbins |
2010 | The release of the Kinect brings gesture recognition devices to the consumer's living room. | http://gizmodo.com/5563148/microsoft-xbox-360-kinect-launches-november-4 | djkiourtsis |
2010 | Narrative Science creates computer program Quill writes a news story based on numerical sports or financial data. | http://blogs.wsj.com/venturecapital/2013/09/10/how-many-jobs-could-narrative-sciences-robot-writing-tech-do/ |
2010 | Nintendo Wii U released. Wii U is the first console released in the eighth generation. It is the first Nintendo console that support HD graphics. Wii U Gamepad, the controller of Wii U, features an additional touch screen that can be used as either an addition to the main display, or as a portable screen for games directly. | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wii_U |
mli2 |
2010 | Kilobots are first created, the cheap and demonstrably collective bots are some of the first true swarm robots. | https://spectrum.ieee.org/kilobots-are-cheap-enough-to-swarm-in-the-thousands |
2010 to 2011 | According to the Standford Research Institute, Apple acquired the company in 2010, and in 2011 Siri was unveiled as an integrated feature of the iPhone 4S. | 9. "Artificial Intelligence: CALO." SRI International - Timeline of Innovation. SRI International, n.d. Web. 04 Sept. 2015. | leantul |
2010 | Nest, the first smart thermostat, is created to be a more appealing and user-friendly alternative to the clunky smart home systems available. | http://mashable.com/2015/01/08/smart-home-tech-ces/#94RaVgOCkkqc | mjmcdonald |
2010 | First International Cloud Computing Congress is held. | Arutyunov, V V. “Cloud Computing: Its History of Development, Modern State, and Future Considerations.” Scientific and technical information processing 39.3 (2012): 173–178. Web. | acherkinsky |
2010 | The first Bitcoin purchase 10,000BTC takes place | https://101blockchains.com/history-of-blockchain-timeline/#prettyPhoto/0/ | ieroshenko |
2010 | Facebook implements face recognition to organize photos and recognize other users | https://www.nec.co.nz/market-leadership/publications-media/a-brief-history-of-facial-recognition/ | ecnerden, mjzeolla |
2010 | OMB issues "cloud first" mandate, requiring agencies to identify three services to move to the cloud and retire associated legacy systems. | https://gcn.com/articles/2013/05/30/gcn30-timeline-cloud.aspx | rhuang2
2010 | OnLive cloud gaming service is released | https://web.archive.org/web/20100312043136/http://blog.onlive.com/2010/03/10/onlive-coming-to-a-screen-near-you/ | acdesveaux |
2010 | Sony Ericsson introduces the LiveView Watch. | https://www.engadget.com/2010-12-01-sony-ericsson-liveview-review.html | ramcgovern |
2010 | Sony releases Playstation Move | https://blog.playstation.com/2010/06/15/this-changes-everything-playstation-move-available-september-19-2010/#:~:text=With%20the%20launch%20of%20the,2010%2C%20this%20truly%20changes%20everything. | nsjurovich |
2010 | Facebook launced on Android | https://www.businessofapps.com/data/facebook-statistics/ | amkwan |
2010 | The iPhone 4, the first modern smartphone with a front facing camera, is announced at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco. | Helft, Miguel and Jenna Wortham, “On Newest iPhone, Another Camera”, (New York Times, 7 June 2010), https://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/08/technology/08apple.html (5 Sept. 2021) | jrmalcarne |
2010 | Bluetooth Low Energy was released allowing smaller devices longer battery life | https://www.headphonesty.com/2021/01/bluetooth-versions/ | crueda |
2010 | Nvidia partners with Audi to power their cars' dashboards with the Tegra GPU. | https://news.softpedia.com/news/NVIDIA-Tegra-Inside-Every-Audi-2010-Vehicle-131529.shtml | amcutler |
2010 | It was discovered that Google was retrieving and storing payload data from unencrypted Wi-Fi connections using Street View technology | https://www.bbc.com/news/10278068 (Accessed 9/1/2024) | npcyr |
2010 | Germany and Austria, a couple of many nations that had privacy concerns regarding Street View, order Google to halt operations in their countries. Around 3% of houses in applicable areas requested their houses to be blurred | https://bigthink.com/strange-maps/germany-street-view/ (Accessed 9/1/2024) | npcyr |
2011 | Motorola releases the Atrix 4G, the first smartphone with a fingerprint reader | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smartphone#2011 | bnklaiman |
2011 | NIST publishes the government’s definition of “cloud”. | Maurer, T., & Hinck, G. (2020). Cloud Security: A Primer for Policymakers (pp. 10-22, Rep.). Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. doi:10.2307/resrep25787.8 | acherkinsky |
2011 | The Obama administration launch the “cloud first” program for the federal government to virtualize their data. | Maurer, T., & Hinck, G. (2020). Cloud Security: A Primer for Policymakers (pp. 10-22, Rep.). Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. doi:10.2307/resrep25787.8 | acherkinsky |
2011 | Apple releases Max OS X: Lion. Lion provides applications that increase ease of use and user experience. It also features a fast way to share files between nearby Macs. | aquartulli | |
2011 | David Duerson commits suicide and leaves note asking his brain be used for research on TBI relating concussions | mhsultan | |
2011 | Stanford University launched three MOOCs(massive open online course). | zwu2 | |
2011 | Worlds first 3D printed Robotic Aircraft | http://publishing.rcseng.ac.uk/doi/full/10.1308/147363514X13990346756481 | japayano |
2011 | 3D printing in Gold and Silver | http://publishing.rcseng.ac.uk/doi/full/10.1308/147363514X13990346756481 | japayano
2011 | Worlds first 3D-printed Car | http://publishing.rcseng.ac.uk/doi/full/10.1308/147363514X13990346756481 | japayano |
2011 | Urbee, a 3D printed Car prototype is unveiled | http://www.avplastics.co.uk/3d-printing-history | wgbahm |
2011 | University of Pittsburgh research team develops 1.5nm transistor | ||
2011 | Zeus Virus steal banking credentials and other personal information via keylogging | https://usa.kaspersky.com/resource-center/threats/zeus-virus
Love, John. A Brief History of Malware — Its Evolution and Impact (lastline.com, 04/05/2018). https://www.lastline.com/blog/history-of-malware-its-evolution-and-impact/ Accessed 09/08/2020 |
zjester (added info and second source) |
2011 | Siri is shown off at a conference for the first time under Apple
Modification: It was released with the iPhone 4S and this was the first time a cell phone had an AI assistant. |
Angadala, Vamsee. “The Rise of AI Digital Assistants on Smartphones.” IGadgetsworld, 20 May 2019, https://www.igadgetsworld.com/ai-digital-assistants-smartphones/#:~:text=It%20was%20the%20year%202011%2C%20and%20for%20everyone%E2%80%99s,made%20it%20available%20in%20the%20MacOS%20Sierra%20too. |
nmmuesch, wrlewis |
2011 | Apple introduces Thunderbolt on its computers | amishra2 | |
2011 | Watson, IBM's computer, wins Jeopardy against Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter, the previous Jeopardy champions. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P18EdAKuC1U, Aviv Gaon, The Singularity is Near, http://wpi.aci.info/view/15af7f26c8c00100002/15b4709e35500015c3ad447 | nmmuesch, rjsthilaire |
2011 | Fitbit accidentally releases statisctics about users sexual encounters | https://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2011/07/05/fitbit-moves-quickly-after-users-sex-stats-exposed/#1dc8fc4d4327 | nbeeten |
2011 | Bank of America website got hacked by a Turkish hacker named JeOPaRDY. An estimated 85,000 credit card numbers and accounts were reported to have been stolen | http://spicy-dj.blogspot.com/p/youth-hacking.html | ajmokotoff |
2011 | Nintendo released the Nintendo 3DS, a handheld console that could produced 3D graphics without 3D glasses. | https://www.gamespot.com/gallery/a-visual-history-of-the-nintendo-3ds/2900-169/#22 | bplima |
2011 | CIA kills Anwar al-Awlaki, a US citizen living in Yemen, who was involved with the terrorist group al-Qaeda. This sparks controversy about drones killing US citizens. | http://www.popsci.com/watch-brief-history-drone | addresser |
2011 | Microsoft acquires Skype, a popular video and audio communication platform, for $8.5 billion. | BBC News, “Microsoft confirms takeover of Skype”, (BBC, 10 May 2011), https://www.bbc.com/news/business-13343600 (5 Sept. 2021) | jrmalcarne |
2011 | Twitch was created (modern online live streaming) | https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20110606005437/en/Justin.tv-Launches-TwitchTV-World%E2%80%99s-Largest-Competitive-Video | mssensat |
2011 | Jawbone, another big pedometer contender releases their first version of the UP tracker | tjaskoviak | |
2011 | Google Street View announced Indoor views of businesses (Google Business Photos) were going to be an option on the application | Google Street View. https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/27775. Accessed 2 Sept. 2024. | epfoley2 |
2011 | Wimm One is released as the first Android-powered watch. | https://www.smartwatchfor.com/wimm-one/ | ramcgovern |
2011 | Raspberry Pi Foundation designs a board that turned a BCM 2835 (computer chip with ARM microprocessor) into a mini-single board computer | Severance, C. (2013). Eben upton: Raspberry pi. Computer, 46(10), 14-16. | yychow
2012 | The Oculus Rift kickstarter was launched, raising $2.4million [6], multitudes more than its goal of $250k [6] and even the pre-reduced goal of $500k [2] | [6] Oculus, “Oculus Rift: Step Into the Game”, 2012, https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1523379957/oculus-rift-step-into-the-game [2] 2. Peter Rubin, “The Inside Story of Oculus Rift and How Virtual Reality Became Reality”, May 2014, https://www.wired.com/2014/05/oculus-rift-4/ | tgdanielski |
2012 | The Curiosity Rover lands on Mars, it is the largest and most advanced Mars rover to date | eosowski | |
2012 | A patent is filed for managing personal heath information electronically | US20140136233 A1 | nbeeten |
2011 | Datavisualization language D3 is released | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D3.js | armorrison |
2011 | Private company Emotiv is founded in Australia in 2011. They develop EEG based headsets for consumers and researchers, and the different headsets come with a variety of functions. For example, the Emotiv Insight is a wireless headset that records electronic activity in the users' head, and analyzes it for complex metrics like measuring emotions, physical motions, and facial expressions. | emotiv.com/insight/ | ajlee |
2011 | Google releases the Chromebook, which runs on Google Chrome OS. | Wikipedia, "Chromebook", (Wikipedia, 2022), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromebook (03/21/2022) | kromanova |
2012 | NVIDIA Reveals Kepler Architecture | https://www.nvidia.com/content/dam/en-zz/Solutions/Data-Center/tesla-product-literature/NVIDIA-Kepler-GK110-GK210-Architecture-Whitepaper.pdf (4/1/21) | awhitney |
2012 | Google reveals project glass, a head mounted display designed to act as a simple computer. | Goldman, D. (2012). Google unveils project glass virtual-reality glasses. Money (CNN), 4. | djkiourtsis |
2012 | 3D printed prosthetic jaw implanted | http://publishing.rcseng.ac.uk/doi/full/10.1308/147363514X13990346756481 | japayano |
2012 | Windows 8 is released, featuring a redesigned start menu and a more touch based interface. It received mixed critical reception, with many citicizing the removal of the start menu. | rdomanico | |
2012 | Google car becomes first self-driving car to earn license plate in US | How Google's Autonomous Car Passed the First U.S. State Self-Driving Test. 2014. http://spectrum.ieee.org/transportation/advanced-cars/how-googles-autonomous-car-passed-the-first-us-state-selfdriving-test | aaadkins |
2012 | Pebble Smartwatch | https://blog.getpebble.com | akshoop |
2012 | Microsoft Surface | https://news.microsoft.com/2012/10/16/microsoft-announces-new-surface-details/ | nzhang2 |
2012 | Oculus Founded | https://www.wired.com/2014/05/oculus-rift-4/ | ajdooner |
2012 | Oculus announced the Oculus Rift on Kickstarter | https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1523379957/oculus-rift-step-into-the-game | kshah2 |
2012 |
Nike releases their wrist band tracker Nike+ Fuelband, the current version of Nike pedometer/activity trackers |
tjaskoviak | |
2012 | At 25 pounds or 30 USD, the Raspberry Pi (Model B) became massively popular with 100,000 units sold within the first day. | Upton, E., Duntemann, J., Roberts, R., Mamtora, T., & Everard, B. (2016). Learning computer architecture with Raspberry Pi. | yychow |
2012 | Cloud computing makes Siri “smarter”. | https://www.petri.com/cloud-improving-siri-in-ios6 | rhuang2 |
2012 | Release of Google Now. | https://time.com/google-now/ | agmavrotheris |
2012 | Google allows users to upload their own panoramas to Street View, known as photospheres | npcyr | |
2012 | Hexoskin launches clothing that included textile sensors to measure an heart rate, breathing, and active intensity. | https://www.hexoskin.com/pages/monitoring-sleep-with-hexoskin | ppatel2 |
2012 | Department of Defense Cloud Computing Strategy moves the government data to commercial cloud infrastructure. Cyber security is increased, but the private cloud is not yet implemented. | Dudash, S. (2016). The Department of Defense and the Power of Cloud Computing: Weighing Acceptable Cost versus Acceptable Risk (pp. 11-13, Rep.). Air University Press. Retrieved April 1, 2021, from http://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep13826.11 | acherkinsky |
2012 | Tesla Model S, First Commercial Level 2 Autonomy Car (Partial Automation) | www.howtogeek.com/401759/what-are-the-different-self-driving-car-levels-of-autonomy/ | cctulig |
2012 | Autodesk released cloud-based Autodesk 360 series. | Alexis Barnhorn, Laura Caudill, 60 years of CAD Infographic: The History CAD since 1957 (CADENAS, 2018), https://partsolutions.com/60-years-of-cad-infographic-the-history-of-cad-since-1957/ | kwang8 |
2012 | Youtube Mobile launched using RTSP streaming for the video | https://wiredelta.com/how-was-youtube-developed/#:~:text=When%20the%20era%20of%20smartphones,5%20000%20000%20000%20downloads! | amkwan |
September 12, 2012 | Apple introduced the Lightning connector, a mobile phone charger exclusive to Apple devices such as iPhones and iPads; these would also be used to charge Air Pods later on. | https://www.techradar.com/news/computing/apple/apple-lightning-connector-what-you-need-to-know-1106884 | zsperry |
2012 | Invention of Alexnet, a large-scale convolutional neural network trained on Imagenet | https://www.ibm.com/topics/computer-vision | jacurtis2 |
2012 | Google introduces the world to Google Glass | Farr, Christina. “One of Google’s Most Embarrassing Flops Is Turning into a Real Business.” CNBC, 11 Apr. 2017, https://www.cnbc.com/2017/04/11/google-glass-becoming-surprise-success.html. | javieira |
2012 | Time magazine names Google Glass as one of the “Best Inventions of the Year” | Robson, Kurt. “Google Glass Is Back after Failing Hard the First Time around – Is the World Ready?” Verdict, 20 July 2022, https://www.verdict.co.uk/google-testing-augmented-reality-glasses-after-failure-of-google-glass/. | javieira |
2013 |
Internet.org, an initiative between Facebook and 6 other companies to bring affordable Internet access to all, is launched. |
http://techcrunch.com/2013/08/20/facebook-internet-org/ | zrrobbins |
2013 | Pebble kickstarter programmable smartwatch hits the market | hsahay | |
2013 | Project Loon begins, where Google aims to provide Internet to the entire world through the use of stratospheric balloons | https://www.google.com/loon/where/ | zrrobbins |
2013 | Defense Distributed launches a fully 3D printed gun, igniting outrage and debate about the potential of this technology | http://www.avplastics.co.uk/3d-printing-history | wgbahm |
2013 | NFL to pay $765 million to settle lawsuits against them for hiding dangers of football | mhsultan | |
2013 | Microsoft Surface Pro | http://www.tabletpccomparison.net/microsoft-surface-windows-8-pro | nzhang2 |
2013 | Google Glass makes its debut on the market for $1500 | Leswing, Kif. “Google Ends Enterprise Sales of Google Glass, Its Augmented Reality Smartglasses.” CNBC, 15 Mar. 2023, https://www.cnbc.com/2023/03/15/google-discontinues-google-glass-enterprise-end-to-early-ar-project.html. | javieira |
2013 | Valve Corporation creates low-persistence display technology, subsequently used by many VR companies | https://techreport.com/review/25533/not-quite-live-blog-panel-discussion-with-john-carmack-tim-sweeney-johan-andersson/ | ejwerlinich |
2013 | Cryptolocker ransomware locks down target systems | Love, John. A Brief History of Malware — Its Evolution and Impact (lastline.com, 04/05/2018). https://www.lastline.com/blog/history-of-malware-its-evolution-and-impact/ Accessed 09/08/2020 | zjester |
2013 | 802.11ac released | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_802.11 | hfang |
2013 | Microsoft Surface 2 & Surface Pro 2 | http://www.gizmag.com/surface-2-vs-surface-pro-2/29484/ | nzhang2 |
2013 | First 4K graphics cards (GTX 700-series) | blammeson | |
2013 | Innovega iOptik | http://www.theverge.com/2013/1/10/3863550/innovega-augmented-reality-glasses-contacts-hands-on ; http://innovega-inc.com/new-architecture.php | akshoop |
2013 | GitHub releases Atom Shell (now Electron), a framework used for developing GUI applications using web technologies (HTML, JavaScript, etc.). | tjnickerson | |
2013 | Bitcoin marketplace surpasses $1 Billion. Vitalik Buterin releases Ethereum whitepaper | https://101blockchains.com/history-of-blockchain-timeline/#prettyPhoto/0/ | ieroshenko
2013 | Microsoft Xbox One released. As the successor of Xbox 360, Xbox One is defined as ‘all-in-one entertainment system’. It brings an upgrade in processing power comparing to Xbox 360. It also supports live television programs as well as other multimedia programs such as Twitch and Netflix. Eventually, a console capable of 4K was released in 2017 called the Xbox One X. | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xbox_One
https://www.history.com/topics/inventions/history-of-video-games |
mli2, bplima
2013 | Sony PlayStation 4 released. As an upgrade of Sony PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 has an upgraded hardware and supports 4K media playback. Sony also launched PlayStation VR in 2016, which added virtual reality support to PlayStation 4. The console was upgraded three years later and was the first console to support 4K, it was called the PlayStation 4 Pro. | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_4
https://www.history.com/topics/inventions/history-of-video-games |
mli2, bplima |
2013 | Home automation takes a seat at the forefront of the yearly CES convention as major brands like Belkin start producing devices to compete with smaller startups. | http://mashable.com/2015/01/08/smart-home-tech-ces/#94RaVgOCkkqc | mjmcdonald |
2013 | USB 3.1 released with data transfer rate of 10 gbps | https://www.computerhope.com/history/usb.htm | amishra2 |
2013 | Netflix starts producing its own original shows | https://qz.com/887010/netflix-nflx-launched-streaming-video-10-years-ago-and-changed-the-way-we-watch-everything/ | mazyla |
2013 | Ableton Push released | ||
2013 | United Nations releases a dataset in which states 6 billion people have access to mobile phones compared to 4.5 billion having access to toilets/latrines. | https://news.un.org/en/story/2013/03/435102-deputy-un-chief-calls-urgent-action-tackle-global-sanitation-crisis | cvieira |
2013 | G-cluster Debuts the Ultimate Cloud Gaming Machine | https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/cloud-gaming-is-now-g-cluster-debuts-the-ultimate-cloud-gaming-machine-at-ces-2013-184944381.html | rhuang2 |
2013 | Fitbit releases fitness watch/ tracker to include a display. | https://www.theverge.com/2013/10/10/4821200/fitbit-force-price-availability-fitness-tracker | ppatel2 |
2013 | Release of Google Cast. | https://developers.google.com/cast/docs/release-notes#v1.0 | agmavrotheris |
2013 | Apple announces the Touch ID feature in its iPhone 5s | Ahmad A. Al-Daraiseh, et al., “Effectiveness of Iphone’s Touch IF: KSA Case Study”, (International Journal of Advanced Computer Sciences and Applications, January 2015), Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 154-156, | mpkelly
2013 | Miguel Nicolelis of Duke University created an electronic interface that allowed two rats' brains to be connected, bringing huge development to the possibility of direct communication between human nervous systems. | Pais-Vieira, Miguel; Lebedev, Mikhail; Kunicki, Carolina; Wang, Jing; Nicolelis, Miguel A.L. (28 February 2013). "A Brain-to-Brain Interface for Real-Time Sharing of Sensorimotor Information". Scientific Reports. 3: 1319. Bibcode:2013NatSR...3E1319P. doi:10.1038/srep01319 | ajlee |
2013 | Thom Yorke pulls solo and joint albums from Spotify, citing negativity for artists | Thom Yorke pulls albums from Spotify (BBC, July 15, 2013) https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-23313445 (11/2/20) | brdesousa |
2013 | Vine, a platform for creating and sharing 6-second looping videos, is launched. | It gains significant popularity, especially among younger users, and paves the way for other short-video platforms. | xxiao |
2013 | Experience API or xAPI is released as a successor to SCROM. It allowed teachers to monitor student activity within assignments. | M. Manso-Vázquez, M. Caeiro-Rodríguez and M. Llamas-Nistal, "An xAPI Application Profile to Monitor Self-Regulated Learning Strategies," in IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 42467-42481, 2018, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2860519 | elevin |
2013 | The popular game, GeoGuessr, is released, in which players guess where a Street View location is | npcyr | |
2014 | Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
Supervised and Unsupervised are the two types of Machine Learning where supervised uses labeled data to make predictions while Unsupervised uses unlabeled data to make predictions. Both have pros and cons to them. GANs are the first time an Unsupervised AI could create artwork, where then another AI judges the realism of the output from the first Learning Machine. |
BeutyandAI, History of AI Art from 1960s to 2023, https://beautyandai.com/blogs/beauty-and-ai-blog/history-of-ai-art/?srsltid=AfmBOory1D7bZrfkwm1LLTkW9tjuqqPNe1sBHbANMQvbGVyctU0cLxUz (9/2/24) | cemasucci |
2014 | Oculus was bought by Facebook for a total of $3billion [3] | [3] 3. Nick Wingfield and Mike Isaac, “Mark Zuckerberg, in Suit, Testifies in Oculus Intellectual Property Trial”, Jan 2017, https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/17/technology/mark-zuckerberg-oculus-trial-virtual-reality-facebook.html | tgdanielski |
2014 | Elixir programming language 1.0 released. Elixir is based on a long standing telecoms language, Erlang, and provides many features for web and soft real time programming. | https://elixir-lang.org/blog/2014/09/18/elixir-v1-0-0-released/ | rmschade |
2014 | DeepFace and DeepID utilize deep neural networks for facial recognition, revolutionizing the field. | M. Wang, W. Deng, “Deep Face Recognition Survey”, Aug 2020, arXiv:1804.06655 | cjmclaughlin, mjzeolla |
2014 | The Bitcoin exchanged Mt.Gox filed for bankruptcy after $460 million was stolen by hackers and another $27.4 million went missing form it's bank accounts | http://www.wired.com/2014/03/bitcoin-exchange/ | ajmokotoff |
2014 | Game personalization through facial expressions proposed at AIIDE Conference | txvu | |
2014 | Tommy Hilfiger releases its first solar power wearable technology | https://www.forbes.com/sites/rachelarthur/2014/11/20/tommy-hilfigers-solar-powered-jacket-wearable-tech-in-review/#32ab885d566b | pmahurkar |
2014 | Open Whisper Systems introduced the second version of TextSecure Protocol, which added end-to-end encrypted group chat and instant messaging capabilities to TextSecure. | https://threatpost.com/textsecure-sheds-sms-in-latest-version/104456/ | xlyu |
2014 | USB-C connector introduced | https://gct.co/usb-connector/usb-history-timeline#:~:text=USB%20(Universal%20Serial%20Bus)%20was,of%20serial%20and%20parallel%20ports | amishra2 |
2014 | ESP8266 WiFi chip released in China, costing dollars. Opened doorway for IoT integration due to low cost and lack of need for microcontroller. | http://esp8266.net/ | amartinez |
2014 | Microsoft Surface Pro 3 | http://www.tabletpccomparison.net/microsoft-surface-pro-3 | nzhang2 |
2014 | Cynthia Dwork and Aaron Roth author The Algorithmic Foundations of Differential Privacy, detailing the significance and implementation of Differential Privacy as an essential tool for the future of large, published datasets. | jsalido | |
2014 | White House computer system was hacked by Russians | http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/26/us/russian-hackers-read-obamas-unclassified-emails-officials-say.html?_r=0 | ajmokotoff |
2014 | Amazon proposes using drone to deliver packages to customers. Around the same time, other areas are beginning to utilize drones such as farming, animal conservation, environmental protection, and real-estate. | http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2013/12/131202-drone-uav-uas-amazon-octocopter-bezos-science-aircraft-unmanned-robot/ | addresser |
2014 | Backoff virus steals credit card data. | Love, John. A Brief History of Malware — Its Evolution and Impact (lastline.com, 04/05/2018). https://www.lastline.com/blog/history-of-malware-its-evolution-and-impact/ Accessed 09/08/2020 | zjester |
2014 | Myo Armband | http://www.tomshardware.com/news/thalmic-labs-myo-armband-ces,28385.html | akshoop |
2014 | Apple watch announced. On sale in 2015 | hsahay | |
2014 | After the release of the Raspberry Pi Model B+, more than two million boards had been sold. | Upton, E., Duntemann, J., Roberts, R., Mamtora, T., & Everard, B. (2016). Learning computer architecture with Raspberry Pi. | yychow |
2014 | Documents leaked by Edward Snowden show that the NSA is seeking quantum computing technology for cryptography purposes | hfloreshuerta | |
2014 | Facebook buys Oculus for $2.3 billion | https://about.fb.com/news/2014/03/facebook-to-acquire-oculus/ | kshah2 |
2014 | Pepper was created (the first emotionally intelligent robot) | akan | |
2014 | Sony announces "Project Morpheus", the codename for Playstation VR | https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidthier/2014/03/18/sony-announces-virtual-reality-headset-for-ps4/?sh=38b8fae51639 | ejwerlinich |
2014 | Google purchases Nest for $3.2 billion, and Samsung acquires SmartThings (another competing smart home company) | http://mashable.com/2015/01/08/smart-home-tech-ces/#94RaVgOCkkqc | mjmcdonald |
2014 | First Amazon Echo/Alexa is released | https://spectrum.ieee.org/consumer-electronics/gadgets/the-consumer-electronics-hall-of-fame-amazon-echo-dot | ecnerden |
2014 | Apple announces the creation of iHome Kit, its API for smart home devices. | http://mashable.com/2015/01/08/smart-home-tech-ces/#94RaVgOCkkqc | mjmcdonald |
2014 | Google releases the Google Cardboard, a simple, do-it-yourself project that a phone is put in and used as a VR headset. | https://www.techradar.com/news/phone-and-communications/mobile-phones/google-cardboard-everything-you-need-to-know-1277738 | bmwaid |
2014 | Ethereum Blockchain is funded by crowdsale. Blockchain technology R3 is formed and forms Consortium of over 40 legacy financial companies for implementing Blockchain technology | https://101blockchains.com/history-of-blockchain-timeline/#prettyPhoto/0/ | ieroshenko |
2014 | PlayStation Now cloud gaming service is released to allow streaming of PS4 and previous PlayStation games. | https://blog.us.playstation.com/2014/05/19/playstation-now-ps4-private-beta-starts-tomorrow/#sf2993055 | acdesveaux |
2014 | Taylor Swift removes her music from Spotify | Charlotte Alter, Taylor Swift just removed her music from Spotify, (TIME, November 3, 2014) https://time.com/3554438/taylor-swift-spotify/ (11/2/20) | brdesousa |
2014 | Representatives from fact-cehcking organizations around the world meet for the first time in London to lay the groundwork for an international association of fact checkers | Kessler, G. (2018, August 15). The global boom in political fact checking. Retrieved April 02, 2021, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2014/06/13/the-global-boom-in-fact-checking/ | aebolduc |
2014 | The finance research establishes that the global cloud market is $100 billion. | Maurer, T., & Hinck, G. (2020). Cloud Security: A Primer for Policymakers (pp. 10-22, Rep.). Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. doi:10.2307/resrep25787.8 | acherkinsky |
2014 | Statcast sees limited use during the 2014 MLB season, being tested in three stadiums. | https://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/22/sports/baseball/statcast-offers-a-way-to-quantify-baseballs-every-move.html?_r=1 | gmmontana |
2014 | Snapchat introduces its "Stories" feature, allowing users to share short, disappearing videos with their friends. | xxiao | |
2014 | Creation of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). A GAN is an unsupervised machine learning algorithm that generates realistic high-resolution images through two competing neural networks in which one generates the image while another tries to determine authenticity of this image. Over time, through machine learning, the GAN would generate high quality images that are near indistinguishable from original images. | Google, Overview of GAN Structure, (Google For Developers, Jul 18, 2022) https://developers.google.com/machinelearning/gan/gan_structure#:~:text=A%20generative%20adversarial%20network%20(GAN,fake%20data%20from%20real%20data. (March 19, 2024) | ajli |
2015 | reality (VR) compatibilityGoogle launches a new version of Street View with better virtual reality (VR) compatibility | Google Street View. https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/27775. Accessed 2 Sept. 2024. | epfoley2 |
2015 | Statcast is unveiled at the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference. It would be installed in all 30 MLB ballparks by the beginning of the 2015 season. | http://www.sporttechie.com/2015/03/02/mlbam-brings-home-top-honors-at-2015-mit-sloan-sports-analytics-conference/
http://grantland.com/the-triangle/mlb-advanced-media-play-tracking-bob-bowman-interview/ |
gmmontana |
2015 | NVIDIA Releases Tegra X1 For Machine Learning | Mark Hachman, "Nvidia launches Tegra X1" (PCWorld, January 5, 2015) https://www.pcworld.com/article/2864243/nvidia-launches-tegra-x1-bringing-deep-neural-learning-to-self-driving-cars.html (4/1/21) | awhitney |
2015 | Rust programming language 1.0 is released. Rust is a modern systems language providing many safety benefits previously unseen in systems languages such as C and C++. | https://blog.rust-lang.org/2015/05/15/Rust-1.0.html | rmschade |
2015 | The Impact Team stole the user data of Ashley Madison, a commercial website billed as enabling extramarital affairs. The group copied personal information about the site's user base, and threatened to release user names and personally identifying information if Ashley Madison was not immediately shut down. Approximately one month later, the group leaked more than 25 gigabytes of company data including user details. | http://www.wired.com/2015/08/happened-hackers-posted-stolen-ashley-madison-data/ | ajmokotoff |
2015 | CD sales for the first half of 2015 are 41 million, a 31% drop from the same period in the previous year | http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-34323530 | wofrick |
2015 | First OLED monitors reach the market | http://www.oled-info.com/oled-devices/monitors | nadiaz |
2015 | Over 20,000 people including over 3,000 researchers in the field of AI and Robotics sign an open letter to ban development and use of autonomous weapons. Of the 20,000, included were Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, and Steve Wozniak. | http://futureoflife.org/open-letter-autonomous-weapons/ | allewis |
2015 | Tesla releases Tesla Version 7.0 Software, giving compatible Tesla vehicles the ability to maintain speed and distance behind other cars, stay in lanes, change lanes, scan for parking spots, and park autonomously | 10 Breakthrough Technologies 2016: Tesla Autopilot. 2016. https://www.technologyreview.com/s/600772/10-breakthrough-technologies-2016-tesla-autopilot/ | aaadkins |
2015 | Uber begins working on self-driving cars | techcrunch.com/2016/08/18/ubers-first-self-driving-cars-will-start-picking-up-passengers-this-month/ | cctulig |
2015 | Non invasive ultrasound technology development for alzheimer's treatment | www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/03/150312082826.htm | lnguyen3 |
2015 | RISC-V foundation launches | RISC-V International, History of RISC-V, (RISC-V International, unknown), http://riscv.org/about/history/ (31 August 2023) | ehughsbaird |
2015 | Shadow cloud gaming service allows users to rent a high-end gaming PC for a monthly fee, to be streamed to any device. | https://shadow.tech/usen/about | acdesveaux |
2015 | A complete Deep learning paper was published | LeCun, Y., Bengio, Y., & Hinton, G. (2015). Deep learning. Nature, 521(7553), 436-444. 10.1038/nature14539 | aditthapron
2015 | Apple Watch | https://www.apple.com/watch/technology/ | akshoop |
2015 | Microsoft Surface 3 | http://www.tabletpccomparison.net/microsoft-surface-3 | nzhang2 |
2015 | Microsoft Surface Pro 4 & Surface Book | http://www.pcworld.com/article/2996029/tablet-pc/surface-book-vs-surface-pro-4-picking-the-best-came-down-to-just-one-thing.html | nzhang2 |
2015 | Ringly: Release wearable technology in the form of jewelry for women | https://ringly.com | pmahurkar |
2015 | Mota DOI SmartRing | https://www.mota.com/doi-smart-ring/ | akshoop |
2015 | The Raspberry Pi 2 Model B with its 4-core ARM processor sold more than 500,000 units during the first two weeks of its release; it was promised to be more efficient at computations. | Upton, E., Duntemann, J., Roberts, R., Mamtora, T., & Everard, B. (2016). Learning computer architecture with Raspberry Pi. | yychow |
2015 | BI Intelligence reports almost 2 Billion smart home connected devices though to be installed globally | https://www.raconteur.net/technology/the-evolution-of-the-smart-home | dberardi |
2015 | Ethereum Genesis block created. Linux Foundation unveils Hyperledger to enhance blockchain development | https://101blockchains.com/history-of-blockchain-timeline/#prettyPhoto/0/ | ieroshenko |
2015 | Razer unveils OSVR, an open source virtual reality software and hardware project | www.pcworld.com/article/2865515/razers-open-source-headset-aims-to-disrupt-virtual-reality.html | ejwerlinich |
2015 | A virtual keyboard is projected onto a table using lasers. | http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/icp.jsp?arnumber=7287956 | jbbrown |
2015 | Invention of Quell: Wearable technology for detecting chronic body pain | https://www.quellrelief.com | pmahurkar |
2015 | HTC and Valve Corporation announce the HTC Vive which utilized external sensors to be placed in the room for location tracking on the headset and controllers. | https://search.proquest.com/docview/1879884129?rfr_id=info%3Axri%2Fsid%3Aprimo | bmwaid |
2015 | OnLive cloud gaming service is purchased by Sony and closes | https://web.archive.org/web/20150407010959/http://games.onlive.com/farewell/games | acdesveaux |
2015 | Google releases the OnHub router. | https://www.vox.com/2015/8/18/11617824/google-announces-onhub-a-200-router-focused-on-simplicity | agmavrotheris |
2015 | Quell releases wearable technology to reduce pain and track progress. | https://www.medicaldevice-network.com/news/newsneurometrix-pain-relief-quell-4445711/ | ppatel2 |
2015 | Starlink is a satellite internet constellation being constructed by SpaceX providing satellite Internet access. The constellation will consist of thousands of mass-produced small satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO), working in combination with ground transceivers | Mann, A. (2020, January 17). Starlink: SpaceX's satellite internet project. Retrieved September 07, 2020, from https://www.space.com/spacex-starlink-satellites.html | jemetcalf |
2015 | Apple Music launches, including a family plan | Introducing Apple Music — All The Ways You Love Music. All in One Place., (Apple, June 8, 2015) https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2015/06/08Introducing-Apple-Music-All-The-Ways-You-Love-Music-All-in-One-Place-/ (11/2/20) | brdesousa |
September 2015 | World's first Massive MIMO solution launched in Shanghai | http://wirelessone.news/9-mimo/687-china-mobile-softbank-ordering-1-000-s-of-massive-mimo-bases-2 | gmantedomenico |
2015 | Alphabet discontinues Google Glass | Haselton, Todd. “Google Unveils New $999 Smart Glasses for Businesses, Undercutting Microsoft’s HoloLens on Price.” CNBC, 20 May 2019, https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/20/google-glass-enterprise-edition-2-announced-price.html. | javieira |
2015 | The selling and production of CRT TV’s reach near zero values | Yuliya Kalmykova, João Patrício, Leonardo Rosado, Berg P. EO, Out with the old, out with the new – The effect of transitions in TVs and monitors technology on consumption and WEEE generation in Sweden 1996–2014,(Waste Management Volume 46, December 2015) ,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0956053X1530101X (9/3/2023) | rkoffstein |
2015 | Valve Software releases its Source 2 engine through a major update to their game Dota 2. | https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Source_2 | lcagle |
2015 | Microsoft power BI is invented, a tool similar to Tableau as a “unified, scalable platform for self-service and enterprise business intelligence (BI).”
https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/power-platform/products/power-bi. Visited: 9/3/2024 |
| |
2016 | Bluetooth 5.0 released including features such as Long Range (LE) up to 200 meteres | rnguyen | |
2016 | The HTC Vive was released in partnership with Value [7], featuring new infrared trackers called “base stations” | [7] Adi Robertson, “HTC Vive VR headset delayed until April”, Dec 2015, https://www.theverge.com/2015/12/8/9873840/htc-vive-headset-delay-april-2016 | tgdanielski
2016 | NVIDIA Releases Pascal Architecture for AI | https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/data-center/pascal-gpu-architecture/ (4/1/21) | awhitney |
2016 | Raspberry Pi 3 Model B is released with 64-bit quad-core ARMv8CPU, and built-in wireless and bluetooth. | Upton, E., Duntemann, J., Roberts, R., Mamtora, T., & Everard, B. (2016). Learning computer architecture with Raspberry Pi. | yychow |
2016 | AI program AlphaGo by Google beat Go world champion Lee Sedol | txvu | |
2016 | Google begins testing post-quantum encryption in Chrome | https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2016/07/googles_post-qu.html | hfloreshuerta |
2016 | NIST begins their Post-Quantum Cryptology (PQC) plan to begin preparing for alterations in cryptology that will come with the increased computing capabilities quantum poses. | Chen Lily, Moody Dustin, Liu Yi-Kai. “Post-Quantum Cryptology PQC” NIST, August 24, 2023. https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/post-quantum-cryptography | esdunne |
2016 | Bug in Ethereum DAO code exploited and attacked | https://101blockchains.com/history-of-blockchain-timeline/#prettyPhoto/0/ | ieroshenko |
2016 | Microsoft acquires LinkedIn for $26.2 billion | https://techcrunch.com/2016/12/08/microsoft-officially-closes-its-26-2b-acquisition-of-linkedin/ | abettigole |
2016 | Sales of stand-alone cameras dip below 25 million units, representing less than 20% of 2012 numbers | http://www.cipa.jp/stats/documents/common/cr200.pdf | bmheavey |
2016 | Instagram starts to use algorithms to deliver personalized and targeted content to its users. l | https://about.instagram.com/blog/announcements/shedding-more-light-on-how-instagram-works (Accessed September 30, 2024) | djadczak |
2016 | “Sophia” – latest in AI robotics with the capacity to learn creativity, empathy and compassion | akan | |
2016 | OpenAI selected Dota 2 as a testbed for general-purpose AI systems | https://openai.com/five/ | qthoang |
2016 | Facebook begins using an IFCN certified tird-party fact-checking system which allows people to rate the accuracy of posts. This works by removing content that violates guidelines, reducing the spread of misinformation, and informing viewers of the quality of the content they see. | https://www.facebook.com/journalismproject/programs/third-party-fact-checking | ddaly |
2016 | Cerber ransomware | https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-cerber-ransomware-not-only-encrypts-your-data-but-also-speaks-to-you/ | mnurbekova |
2016 | FBI vs Apple, U.S. government demands a backdoor into apple phones in case of extreme terrorist events | Martin, J. (n.d.). Encryption Backdoors: A Discussion of Feasibility, Ethics, and the Future of Cryptography. Digital Commons @ SPU. | etarthur |
2016 | Mirai IoT botnet launches first major attack against French host OVH, and Dyn a month later | https://www.csoonline.com/article/3258748/the-mirai-botnet-explained-how-teen-scammers-and-cctv-cameras-almost-brought-down-the-internet.html | twhite |
2016 | HTC and Valve release the HTC Vive SteamVR headset, the first major release of sensor-based tracking in VR | https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2015/03/hands-on-valvehtc-vive-opens-up-the-virtual-reality-experience/ | ejwerlinich |
2016 | Apple Swift Playground released. | https://9to5mac.com/2020/02/11/apple-launches-swift-playgrounds-app-for-the-mac/ | sli11
2016 | Facebook releases the Oculus Rift to the public for $390.00 | https://www.oculus.com/blog/first-look-at-the-rift-shipping-q1-2016/ | kshah2 |
2016 | Live motion capture demo for Ninja Theory’s game “Hellblade” shows technological advancements from a hobbyist approach to real-time motion capture | https://www.engadget.com/2017-08-08-ninja-theory-hellblade-motion-capture-demo-video.html | kofichtner |
2016 | Google Home speaker is released. | https://www.cnet.com/news/android-n-daydream-vr-google-home-and-more-everything-announced-at-google-io-2016/ | agmavrotheris |
2016 | The New York Times circulates to approximately 2.9 million paid subscribers. | The New York Times Company, Form 10-K, (UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, 2016), http://d18rn0p25nwr6d.cloudfront.net/CIK-0000071691/37d516f5-b9da-4ca8-a50f-d70630760094.pdf (2020) | jpmcmanus |
2016 | In 2016, Elon Musk founds Neuralink, a brain-computer interface company that looks to make microchips that can safely be surgically inserted into consumers' brains. While the company may have grand visions of advancements like artifical human enhancement, which still appear to be far into the future, Neuralink is currently working most on biomedical advances, such as creation of prosthetics that can be interfaced with at high speeds. By 2019, Neuralink received $158 million in private investment. | Markoff, John (July 16, 2019). "Elon Musk's Company Takes Baby Steps to Wiring Brains to the Internet". The New York Times. | ajlee |
2016 | Lewis Rhodes Labs win the R&D100 award with their invention of the Neuromorphic Cyber Microscope and receive funding from Sandia National Laboratory to continue its development. | Retrieved from https://phys.org/news/2017-03-brain-inspired-cybersecurity-bad-apples-faster.html?fbclid=IwAR3L0Y5sDLkqM8H7LLsNhWvEYIvOGs1xHOr_DwV9X8Hho9in8qHeqsireok on 22 March 2024 | cdesrosiers |
July 2016 | 5G architecture introduced by 5G Public Private Partnership | https://5g-ppp.eu/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/5G-PPP-5G-Architecture-WP-July-2016.pdf | gmantedomenico |
4 November 2016 | China Mobile Shanghai Branch and Huawei jointly deploy the world's first wideband Massive MIMO site. An achievement marking the beginning of a planned series of events outlined in the timetable for 5G large-bandwidth evolution. This solution has significantly improved single site capability in the 4G era indicated by a 5-fold increase, achieving 5-6 Giga capability of a single site. | http://wirelessone.news/9-mimo/687-china-mobile-softbank-ordering-1-000-s-of-massive-mimo-bases-2 | gmantedomenico
2016 | Bluetooth V5.0 is released and is the current version with faster speeds and longer range than seen before | https://www.headphonesty.com/2021/01/bluetooth-versions/ | crueda |
2016 | Musical.ly, an app for creating short lip-syncing videos, gains popularity. It eventually merges with TikTok in 2018. | xxiao | |
2016 | TikTok (originally called Douyin) is launched in China by ByteDance, focusing on short, user-generated videos. | xxiao | |
December 2016 | last state or territory in the US covered by Street View added (Puerto Rico) | https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/on-national-plan-for-vacation-day-puerto-rico-celebrates-another-record-breaking-year-of-tourism-in-2023-%7C302047428.html. Accessed 2 Sept. 2024. | epfoley2 |
2017 | Firefox Quantum is released. This release has many components rewritten in Rust. Tentative benchmarks showed it was 2 times faster than previous releases. | https://blog.mozilla.org/firefox/the-new-firefox-by-the-numbers/, https://blog.rust-lang.org/2017/11/14/Fearless-Concurrency-In-Firefox-Quantum.html | rmschade |
2017 | Neuralink - a brain-control interface company founded by Elon Musk, is taken public | https://www.wsj.com/articles/elon-musk-launches-neuralink-to-connect-brains-with-computers-1490642652 | jhsu |
2017 | Audi A8, First Commercial Level 3 Autonomy Car (Conditional Automation) | Jan Becker, A Brief History of Automated Driving - Part Three: Toward Product Development, (Apex.AI, 9/24/20), https://www.apex.ai/post/a-brief-history-of-automated-driving-part-three-toward-product-development (Accessed 4/2/21) | cctulig, jpoulos |
2017 | Apple AirPods are released | https://www.ssense.com/en-us/editorial/culture/a-history-of-headphone-design | alate |
2017 | Google’s Machine learning software AutoML is able to build other machine learning software. | https://www.wired.com/story/googles-learning-software-learns-to-write-learning-software/ | jedyer |
2017 | Google’s AlphaZero AI is able to learn chess in 4 hours, given only the rules of the game, no additional human domain knowledge, and is defeats the previous best chess playing AI. | https://arxiv.org/pdf/1712.01815.pdf Accessed 08/30/2023 | jedyer, abeck |
2017 | Libratus beat humans at Texas Hold-em | https://newatlas.com/ai-2017-beating-humans-games/52741/ | awheeler2 |
2017 | Tensorflow 1.0 is released by Google | https://developers.googleblog.com/2017/02/announcing-tensorflow-10.html | aparmanand |
2017 | Nintendo releases the Nintendo Switch gaming console | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=8386406 | dmpayette |
2017 | Facebook reaches 2 billion monthly active users | https://techcrunch.com/2017/06/27/facebook-2-billion-users/ | abettigole |
2017 | Google deploys an “anti-trolling” AI as a part of their greater Conversation AI initiative. | https://www.wired.com/2017/02/googles-troll-fighting-ai-now-belongs-world/ | sgonzales |
2017 | Zelle was launched to provide person-to-person (P2P) payment. | "D3 Banking Technology Partners with Zelle[R]." Journal of Engineering, 6 Nov. 2017, pp. 332. Gale Academic OneFile. link.gale.com/apps/doc/A513317667/AONE?u=mlin_c_worpoly&sid =bookmark-AONE&xid=64b8f8bb. | czhang10 |
2017 | USB 3.2 released with USB-C connector, was able to transfer data at 20 gbps | https://www.computerhope.com/history/usb.htm | amishra2 |
2017 | The TrackMan component of Statcast replaces the previous PITCHf/x system for official measurements of pitch speed. | https://www.pinstripealley.com/2017/4/6/15191012/mlb-pitch-tracking-velocity-pitch-fx-cc-sabathia-marco-estrada-noah-syndergaard | gmmontana |
2017 | OpenAI beat esport professionals at Dota 2 in 1v1/td> | https://newatlas.com/ai-2017-beating-humans-games/52741/ | awheeler2 |
2017 | Equifax data breach loses private data of 148 million individuals, compromising their names, birth dates, and social security numbers | Electronic Privacy Information Center. Equifax Data Breach (epic.org, 2018.) https://epic.org/privacy/data-breach/equifax/ Accessed 09/11/2020 | zjester |
2017 | First Dota 2 professional player to beat OpenAI final 1v1 bot | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-fTicRFv0M&feature=youtu.be&t=530 | qthoang |
2017 | Stanford created an AI to beat Montezuma's revenge | https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs224n/reports/2762090.pdf | awheeler2 |
2017 | The newly released iPhone X features the ability to unlock the phone using facial recognition. | https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/talkingtech/2017/09/14/facial-recognition-iphone-today-tomorrow-airport/664000001/ | sgubrud, mjzeolla |
2017 | EOS is unveiled by Block one as a new blockchain protocol for the deployment of decentralized applications | https://101blockchains.com/history-of-blockchain-timeline/#prettyPhoto/0/ | ieroshenko |
2017 | Stenograph Wave | https://www.stenograph.com/wave-information | scbarry |
2017 | A.I being used to analyze medical images | www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/08/170823090930.htm | lnguyen3 |
2017 | "Petya" ransomware outbreak in Europe | https://www.symantec.com/blogs/threat-intelligence/petya-ransomware-wiper | mnurbekova |
2017 | WannaCry ransom-ware attacks hundreds of thousands of computers around the world. Locks files until ransom is paid, major impact on healthcare systems. | "The WannaCry ransomware attack," Strategic Comments, vol. 23, (4), pp. vii, 2017.
Love, John. A Brief History of Malware — Its Evolution and Impact (lastline.com, 04/05/2018). https://www.lastline.com/blog/history-of-malware-its-evolution-and-impact/ Accessed 09/08/2020 |
zjester (added more info and second source) |
2017 | The creation of the first reprogrammable quantum computer | https://www.natureworldnews.com/articles/34813/20170104/researchers-build-first-reprogrammable-quantum-computer.htm | vkothari |
2017 | The Department of Homeland Security notifies 21 states that their election systems had been targeted by hackers prior to the 2016 election | https://apnews.com/cb8a753a9b0948589cc372a3c037a567 | stgoldman |
2017 | The Google Home Mini is released. | https://www.theverge.com/2017/10/4/16407344/google-home-mini-announced-price-release-date-smart-speaker | agmavrotheris |
2017 | The Google Home Max is released. | https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2017/10/4/16404380/google-home-max-smart-stereo-speaker-announced-price-release-date | agmavrotheris |
2017 | Google introduces the Transformer architecture for neural networks which was well suited to natural language processing. | 3. Uszkoreit, Jakob. Transformer: A novel neural network architecture for language understanding. (Google Research, August 17, 2017). https://ai.googleblog.com/2017/08/transformer-novel-neural-network.html (Accessed September 29, 2024) | djadczak |
2017 | Nintendo Pro Controller is released alongside the Nintendo Switch console | https://venturebeat.com/2017/03/01/switchs-pro-controller-is-nintendos-best-traditional-gamepad-yet/ | nsjurovich |
2017 | Xbox Kinect is discontinued | https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2018/1/2/16842738/microsoft-kinect-adapter-xbox-one-x-s-discontinued | nsjurovich |
2017 | Hardware enthusiasts benchmark 480Hz display, capable of showing a frame within 2 milliseconds. | Mark Rejohn, “Display with 480Hz Bonus Modes” (BlurBusters, August 16, 2017) https://blurbusters.com/4k-120hz-with-bonus-240hz-and-480hz-modes/ (accessed April 6, 2021) | larathke |
2017 | Clearview AI, a facial recognition tool that scrapes photos off the Internet, developed. | Kashmir Hill, “The Secretive Company That Might End Privacy as We Know It,” New York Times (Online), January 18 2020. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/18/technology/clearview-privacy-facial-recognition.html (9/2/2021) | tgandrews |
2017 | Google announces the production of Google Glass Enterprise to attract businesses to utilize the produce for business and logistics | CNN Business.” CNN, 16 Mar. 2023, https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/16/tech/google-glass-gone/index.html. | javieira |
2017 | Google enters a deal to sell Google Glass through Augmedix to doctors at large hospitals | Farr, Christina. “One of Google’s Most Embarrassing Flops Is Turning into a Real Business.” CNBC, 11 Apr. 2017, https://www.cnbc.com/2017/04/11/google-glass-becoming-surprise-success.html. | javieira |
2018 | Although it would never be released to market, a prototype with 140 degrees FOV was shown off [5] | https://assets.ctfassets.net/0o6s67aqvwnu/1zmWdgZfYLEEbdLS2DCtNi/0b573716bd56b0a4c09aede06b4325d9/Beyond_Reality_April_2022.pdf | tgdanielski |
2018 | : FDA Approval for AI-Based Diagnostic Systems - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves the first AI-based diagnostic system named IDx-DR, for detecting diabetic retinopathy. With a sensitivity of 98.8%, a specificity of
88.0%, and a kappa value of 0.89 suggesting a high level of agreement between the AI’s diagnostic and the reference standard. |
Yang WH, Zheng B, Wu MN, Zhu SJ, Fei FQ, Weng M, Zhang X, Lu PR. An Evaluation System of Fundus Photograph-Based Intelligent Diagnostic Technology for Diabetic Retinopathy and Applicability for Research. (Diabetes Ther. 2019 Oct;10(5)) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6778552/ (March 17, 2024) | ekli |
2018 | Intel deployments a 5G network using KT's 5G-Sig (non-standard 5G) at the 2018 Winter Olympics | https://telecomasia.net/content/mobile-industry-eyes-5g-devices-early-2019 | gmantedomenico |
2018 | Vik Parth presents “Latest AR Technologies and Hardware Limitations.” to an MIT audience. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osLZ2p7DKIQ&t=300s | lplopez |
2018 | Google presented a demo for a new feature of Google Assistant called Duplex, showing how it can call up a business and schedule an appointment, without the person on the phone realizing they’re talking to an AI | https://www.theverge.com/2018/5/9/17334658/google-ai-phone-call-assistant-duplex-ethical-social-implications | jedyer |
2018 | Boston Dynamics releases a video of its humanoid Atlas Robot, demonstrating it is able to run across outdoor terrain | https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2018/5/10/17341400/boston-dynamics-atlas-spotmini-robots-videos-autonomous-navigation | jedyer |
2018 | Driverless taxis debut in Tokyo and are able to take paying customers. | https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/aug/28/driverless-taxi-debuts-in-tokyo-in-world-first-trial-ahead-of-olympics | jedyer |
2018 | Apple watch series 4: Capable of taking an electrocardiogram. Allows apple watch users to monitor the health of their heart, and detect any abnormalities. | https://www.apple.com/watch/ | pmahurkar, jcpatel
2018 | Market Volume for the Home Automation industry reaches 18.877 Billion | https://www.statista.com/outlook/279/109/smart-home/united-states#market-arpu | dberardi |
2018 | Virtual Reality Startup Virti Founded | https://www.independent.co.uk/independentpremium/business/virti-startup-medical-digital-technology-gaming-virtual-reality-b805543.html | kshah2 |
2018 | Facebook announces Oculus Quest which could run independently of a PC | https://www.theverge.com/2018/10/2/17911662/oculus-connect-vr-virtual-reality-quest-headset | kshah2 |
2018 | Facebook announces Oculus Insight, a VR technology that allows for tracking with no external sensors | https://www.oculus.com/blog/playing-with-the-future-oculus-insight-powers-beyond-room-scale-vr-gaming/ | befoster |
2018 | Wearable X announces yoga pants with technology integrated, one of the first pieces of clothing with technology | https://www.gq.com.au/entertainment/tech/the-new-wearables-a-new-era-of-connected-clothing-is-paving-the-way-for-the-future/news-story/9b5891ea888c103ee3f53f2780896009 | ajbrianti
2018 | Vive releases Vive Tracker, allowing for full-body VR tracking | https://www.tomshardware.com/news/vive-accessories-release-date-announced,33752.html | befoster
2018 | Waymo One taxi, First Commercial Level 4 Autonomy Car | www.howtogeek.com/401759/what-are-the-different-self-driving-car-levels-of-autonomy/ | cctulig |
2018 | OpenAI bot beat 99.95th percentile Dota players in a best-of-three 5v5 game | https://blog.openai.com/openai-five-benchmark-results/ | qthoang |
2018 | OpenAI bot lost 2 5v5 games against top Dota 2 teams at The International 8 | https://blog.openai.com/the-international-2018-results/ | qthoang |
2018 | FDA approves use of CGM and certain insulin pumps to create a closed loop system | https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-authorizes-first-fully-interoperable-continuous-glucose-monitoring-system-streamlines-review | tclooney |
2018 | Live Fact checking news with AI demonstrated as a proof of concept | Higgins, L. (2018, Nov 23). Behind an Effort to Fact-Check Live News With Speed and Accuracy; Voice recognition and artificial intelligence are being paired to point out potential inaccuracies in real time. Wall Street Journal (Online) https://www.proquest.com/docview/2136930302 | aebolduc |
2018 | Raytheon’s AN/TPY-2 radar fails to accurately detect ballistic missile during test in Hawaii pivotal to Pentagon plans | http://ezproxy.wpi.edu/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/trade-journals/mda-lifts-value-raytheons-radar-improvement/docview/2299103171/se-2 (last retrieved March 19, 2023). | kjlopez |
2018 | TikTok is released internationally and merges with Musical.ly, becoming a global phenomenon and dominating the short-video platform market. | xxiao | |
2018 | Nintendo continues to incorporate emulators into its consoles with Nintendo Switch Online that allows for NES games to be emulated on the Nintendo Switch. | “Nintendo Switch Online - Nintendo - Official Site.” Nintendo, www.nintendo.com/switch/online/. Accessed 3 Sept. 2023. | nkwong |
2018 | Researchers at University of Washington demonstrated “laser-based wireless power delivery system” that ensures safety to humans | Vikram Iyer, Elyas Bayati, Rajalakshmi Nandakumar, Arka Majumdar, and Shyamnath Gollakota, Charging a Smartphone Across a Room Using Lasers (Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. Vol. 1, Iss. 4, 01/08/2018), Article 143, Pg. 1-21, https://doi.org/10.1145/3161163 (09/05/2023) | akzhang |
2018 | Nvidia releases the GeForce 20 series, adding ray-tracing cores to GPUs, significantly improving their performance on lighting effects. | https://www.polygon.com/2018/8/20/17760038/nvidia-geforce-rtx-2080-ti-2070-specs-release-date-price-turing | amcutler |
March 2018 | Google Japan now offers the street view from a dog's perspective | Google Street View. https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/27775. Accessed 2 Sept. 2024. | epfoley2 |
November 7, 2018 | Apple released the iPad Pro, the first iPad to use USB-C for charging. This was the beginning of their slow transition to full USB-C support, quickened by the European Parliament years later. | https://screenrant.com/ipad-models-with-usb-c-port-list/ | zsperry |
2018 | AMD releases Polaris 10 and Polaris 11 GPUs fabricated on 14nm process, resulting in a significant increase in performance per watt. | https://wccftech.com/amd-unveils-polaris-11-10-gpu/ | amcutler |
2019 | The Oculus Quest, the first standalone headset to breach into the mainstream was released [11]. | [11] Reality Labs, “From the lab to the living room: The story behind Facebook’s Oculus Insight technology and a new era of consumer VR”, Aug 2019, https://tech.facebook.com/reality-labs/2019/8/the-story-behind-oculus-insight-technology/ | tgdanielski |
2019 | After being teased earlier in the year, the Valve Index was released to ceaseless praise, and would sit at the throne of wired consumer headsets for years to come [10][9] | [10] Sam Machkovech, “Valve Index reveal: The best of VR’s first generation—but is it worth $999?”, Apr 2019, https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2019/04/valve-index-reveal-the-best-of-vrs-first-generation-but-is-it-worth-999/ [9] Steam, last month (kept up to date, no history available), https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey | tgdanielski |
2019 | 2019 was a year of record sales. VR headset ownership reached nearly 12 million users [12] | [12] Thomas Alsop, “Virtual reality (VR) headset unit sales worldwide from 2019 to 2024”, 2023, https://www.statista.com/statistics/677096/vr-headsets-worldwide/ | tgdanielski |
2019 | FDA Approves the first AI-powered device for cancer diagnosis. In addition to a deep learning algorithm for understanding MRI scans of the brain. | Cedars-Sinai Staff, AI's Ascendance in Medicine: A Timeline, (Cedars-Sinai, Apr 20, 2023) https://www.cedars-sinai.org/discoveries/ai-ascendance-in-medicine.html, (Mar 17 2024) | ekli |
2019 | 5G NR networks start deployment | https://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/what-is-5g/ | gmantedomenico |
2019 | Since 2010 Intel i series chips improved from 2 to 16 cores and from around 1 billion to about 10 billion transistors. | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EMkcZ2UPuu95BAHkGAW1YPhDVI2GfyMJh1pEu-wmjy0/edit?usp=sharing | nmbargman |
2019 | Yahoo shuts down GeoCities Japan. | https://www.cnet.com/news/geocities-dies-in-march-2019-and-with-it-a-piece-of-internet-history/ | hjiang2 |
2019 | Pew Research Center releases a study that shows 96% of Americans own a mobile phone and 81% own smartphones. | https://www.pewinternet.org/fact-sheet/mobile/ | cvieira |
2019 | The amount of fact checking platforms was seen to grow 26% since the previous year. | https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2019/number-of-fact-checking-outlets-surges-to-188-in-more-than-60-countries/ | ddaly |
2019 | Samsung releases the first foldable smartphone | http://fortune.com/2018/11/01/foldable-phone-screens-stop/ | dcvollum |
2019 | In 2019 San Francisco bans the use of facial recognition usage by law enforcement. “With this vote, San Francisco has declared that face surveillance technology is incompatible with a healthy democracy and that residents deserve a voice in decisions about high-tech surveillance” | https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/14/us/facial-recognition-ban-san-francisco.html | mjzeolla |
2019 | Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) N7+ technology enters full-scale production bringing 7nm processors to market in mass | https://www.tsmc.com/english/dedicatedFoundry/technology/7nm.htm | btpeters |
2019 | Nvidia released new GPUs based on Turing, the first series of hardware-accelerated ray-tracing consumer products. | NVIDIA GeForce RTX - Official Launch Event, (YouTube, 2019, Aug 20), https://youtu.be/Mrixi27G9yM | xjia |
2019 | Nvidia releases drive autopilot, the worlds first commercially available SAE level 2 automated driving system. Implementing relatively recent AI breakthroughs, the SoC processor can be used by vehicle manufactures to bring automation to the market on larger scales, surpassing the technology at the time. | NVIDIA, NVIDIA Introduces DRIVE AutoPilot, World’s First Commercially Available Level 2+ Automated Driving System, (NVIDIA News, 2019), https://nvidianews.nvidia.com/news/nvidia-introduces-drive-autopilot-worlds-first-commercially-available-level-2+-automated-driving-system (3/22/2022) | jahanlon |
2019 | First Corona Virus case is discovered in November, sparking a world wide loss of personal privacy | https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/23/technology/coronavirus-surveillance-tracking-privacy.html | brobinson |
2019 | Facebook announces successor to Oculus Rift, Rift S | https://www.oculus.com/blog/announcing-oculus-rift-s-our-new-pc-vr-headset-launching-spring-2019/ | kshah2 |
2019 | AMD launches its Zen 2 microarchitecture using chiplet technology | https://www.amd.com/en/technologies/zen-core | essmith |
2019 | Facebook introduces hand tracking on its VR systems | https://www.oculus.com/blog/oculus-connect-6-introducing-hand-tracking-on-oculus-quest-facebook-horizon-and-more/ | befoster
2019 | Google Stadia cloud gaming service will release in November 2019 | https://store.google.com/us/product/stadia_founders_edition?hl=en-US | acdesveaux |
2019 | USB 4.0 introduced with data transfer rates of 40 gbps | https://gct.co/usb-connector/usb-history-timeline#:~:text=USB%20(Universal%20Serial%20Bus)%20was,of%20serial%20and%20parallel%20ports | amishra2 |
2019 | Stenograph Luminex ii | https://www.stenograph.com/luminex_ii | scbarry |
2019 | U.S. Missile Defense Agency awards Woburn, MA-based Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems $962 million contract to continue to perform research and development on Army/Navy Ballistic Missile Defense System. | http://ezproxy.wpi.edu/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/trade-journals/raytheon-holding-sm-3-block-iia-deliveries/docview/2009150606/se-2 (last retrieved March 19, 2023). | kjlopez |
2019 | Google announces Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2 for $999 to entice more customers to buy the new lightweight and long lasting battery version. This edition has a business focus and Alphabet designs the product around the work environment. | Haselton, Todd. “Google Unveils New $999 Smart Glasses for Businesses, Undercutting Microsoft’s HoloLens on Price.” CNBC, 20 May 2019, https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/20/google-glass-enterprise-edition-2-announced-price.html. | javieira |
2019 | Facebook launches Lasso, a short-video platform, to compete with TikTok. However, it fails to gain traction and is shut down in 2020. | xxiao | |
2019 | Tesla starts shipping Model S and X cars with their new Full Self-Driving Computer (FSD), which is powered by custom Tesla designed microprocessors, manufactured by Samsung. | 4. Chips Etc. “Computer Chips Inside Cars.” Vintage Computer Chip Collectibles, Memorabilia & Jewelry, www.chipsetc.com/computer-chips-inside-the-car.html. Accessed 4 Sept. 2023. | ankalayjian |
2020 | The Oculus Quest 2 was released with notably better performance and price [13]. A Facebook account was required to log in [13]. | [13] Adi Robertson, “Oculus Quest 2 review: better, cheaper VR”, Sep 2020, https://www.theverge.com/21437674/oculus-quest-2-review-features-photos | tgdanielski
2020 | 37% of consumers say they intended to upgrade to 5G | https://www.gsma.com/newsroom/press-release/gsma-intelligence-shares-global-mobile-trends-2021/ | gmantedomenico
2020 | “Europol made arrests across Europe, taking out SIM-swap hackers responsible for the theft of over €3 million” | Osborne, Charlie. “The Biggest Hacks, Data Breaches of 2020.” ZDNET, https://www.zdnet.com/article/the-biggest-hacks-data-breaches-of-2020/. Accessed 24 Mar. 2023. | wrlewis |
2020 | Facebook announces Oculus Quest 2 | https://www.engadget.com/oculus-quest-2-vr-299-171715370.html | kshah2 |
2020 | 5G network enabled life-changing technologies | https://sciencenode.org/feature/How%20did%20smartphones%20evolve.php | hwang15 |
2020 | After years of stagnation, multiple mobile device manufacturers settle on prioritizing 1080p resolution, taking advantage of eye perceptions of pixel density at normal eye distances from mobile devices. | Michael Simon, “1080p is All We Need for Smartphone Screens” (PCWorld, November 17, 2020) https://www.pcworld.com/article/3597391/sorry-android-fans-apple-is-right-1080p-is-all-we-need-for-smartphone-screens.html (accessed April 6, 2021) | larathke |
2020 | Non-profit hospital Cedars-Sinai starts using VR to train staff | https://www.healthcareglobal.com/technology-and-ai-3/virtual-reality-and-training-post-covid-era | kshah2 |
2020 | Oculus Quest 2 released | https://www.theverge.com/2020/9/16/21427947/oculus-quest-2-facebook-vr-headset-price-release-date-preorder-connect | kshah2 |
2020 | The US census is conducted online | https://www.npr.org/2020/03/02/807913222/despite-cybersecurity-risks-and-last-minute-changes-the-2020-census-goes-online | jamevor |
2020 | MIDI 2.0 Standards Released | https://www.midi.org/articles-old/details-about-midi-2-0-midi-ci-profiles-and-property-exchange | jmmoy |
2020 | Hungarian Prime Minister given emergency powers which can punish online critics | https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-52135402 | brobinson |
2020 | Kansas announces it is tracking 55,000 citizens amid corona virus pandemic | https://www.nationalreview.com/news/coronavirus-kansas-using-resident-cell-phone-location-data-fight-pandemic/ | brobinson |
2020 | With the start of covid, the market of wearable technologies grew exponentially, such as the oura ring | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8434481/ | ajbrianti |
2020 | CNN amasses an average prime-time audience of 1.652 million viewers | Mark Joyella, Fox News Dominates May Ratings, But CNN Prime Time Jumps 117%, (Forbes, 2020), https://www.forbes.com/sites/markjoyella/2020/06/02/fox-news-dominates-may-ratings-but-cnn-prime-time-jumps-117/#2b7c63701e6d (2020) | jpmcmanus |
2020 | The senate proposes the Lawful Access to Encrypted Data Act, which seeks to ban, end-to-end encryption and provide grant money to researchers to find a way to implement a secure backdoor into warrant proof encryption methods. | https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/press/rep/releases/graham-cotton-blackburn-introduce-balanced-solution-to-bolster-national-security-end-use-of-warrant-proof-encryption-that-shields-criminal-activity | efschwarzrock |
2020 | Apple releases the M1, the first ARM-based Apple Silicon chip. | https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2020/11/apple-unleashes-m1/ | arobinson3 |
2020 | Microsoft announced that the fourth console of the Xbox family, the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, will be released on November, 10, 2020. The Xbox Series X has 4K capabilities, plays at 120 frames per second, and enables 8K HDR gaming, while the Xbox Series S was offered as a less powerful console and a cheaper alternative. | https://www.xbox.com/en-US/consoles/xbox-series-x#overview | bplima |
2020 | 91% of cars sold this year feature embedded connectivity, or some way in which they can connect to the internet. | The Connected Car Market Will Endure a 15% Shipment Decline, Flat Revenues in 2020; Sales Return on Trend Early 2022 (ABI Research, July 28, 2020) https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/the-connected-car-market-will-endure-a-15-shipment-decline-flat-revenues-in-2020-sales-return-on-trend-early-2022-301100761.html#:~:text=Despite%20shipments%20of%20vehicles%20with,and%2037%25%20in%20Latin%20America (September 2, 2023) | mcku |
2020 | Open steno project | http://www.openstenoproject.org/ | scbarry |
2020 | Sony announced that on November 12, 2020 they would be releasing the PlayStation 5, the fifth addition to the PlayStation series. The console runs on an ultra-high speed SSD and uses ray tracing to produce 120 frames per second with support for 120Hz on 4K HDR displays. A digital version of the console was offered that did not have a disc drive and all purchases would be made through the PlayStation Store. | https://www.playstation.com/en-us/ps5/ | bplima |
2020 | Face masks for COVID-19 are causing significant difficulty for implementing facial recognition technology commercially and on a national level. | https://www.theverge.com/2020/7/28/21344751/facial-recognition-face-masks-accuracy-nist-study | mjzeolla |
2020 | Due to the dangers posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, US schools from the K-12 to collegiate level switch to online classes, with the video streaming platform Zoom becoming the most popular choice for online educational lectures. | Camera, Lauren, “Coronavirus Closes Schools for Half of All Kids in the U.S., Now What?” (U.S. News, 16 Mar. 2020), https://www.usnews.com/news/education-news/articles/2020-03-16/whats-next-as-coronavirus-closes-schools-for-half-of-all-kids-in-the-us (4 Sept. 2021) | jrmalcarne |
2020 | The top 5 selling brands of smart watches sold over 66.6 million watches in 2020 alone. | Felix Richter, Apple Several Ticks Ahead in the Smartwatch Market, (March 30, 2021), https://www.statista.com/chart/15035/worldwide-smartwatch-shipments/ (September 2, 2021) | deushman |
2020 | Apple announces the Apple M1, its first ARM-based system on a chip to be used in Mac computers, incorporating mobile technology for more efficient performance than previous Intel models, and creating some of the first mass-market ARM laptops. | https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2020/11/apple-unleashes-m1/ | azingher |
2020 | AI’s role in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, aiding in epidemiological modeling, drug repurposing, vaccine development, and contact tracing efforts. | Chang Z, Zhan Z, Zhao Z, You Z, Liu Y, Yan Z, Fu Y, Liang W, Zhao L. Application of artificial intelligence in COVID-19 medical area: a systematic review. (December 13, 2021) (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8743418/#:~:text=The%20ongoing%20development%20in%20AI,human%20intervention%20in%20medical%20practice., (March 17 2024) | ekli |
2020 | Google DeepMind uses AI to determine a protein’s 3D structure from its amino-acid sequence, solving one of biology’s greatest challenges. | Ewen Callaway, ‘It will change everything’: DeepMind’s AI makes gigantic leap in solving protein structures (Nature, November 30, 2020), https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-03348-4 (March 18, 2024) | ekli |
2020 | Instagram introduces Reels, a feature for creating and sharing short videos, in response to the growing popularity of TikTok. | xxiao | |
2020 | Stockfish, the best chess engine at the time, begins using a neural network in its evaluation, noticeably increasing its strength. | “Introducing NNUE Evaluation,” stockfishchess.org, Aug. 7, 2020. https://stockfishchess.org/blog/2020/introducing-nnue-evaluation/ (Accessed Sept. 3, 2024) | bkohler |
2020 | Adobe ends support for Flash and Flash games. Independent developers continue to preserve Flash games through emulators. | Parrish, Ash. “Your Favorite Neopets Flash Games Are Back.” The Verge, The Verge, 26 July 2023, www.theverge.com/2023/7/26/23809037/neopets-games-restored-flash-emulator. Accessed 3 Sept. 2023. | nkwong |
2020 to 2021 | restrictions on TikTok and other Chinese-owned short-video platforms. | xxiao | |
2021 | Roughly 2 million pagers in use | https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-pagers-and-beepers-1992315 | psjain |
2021 | Facebook renames to Meta, changing the name of the Oculus Quest series to be the Meta Quest series [14] | [14] Meta, “Introducing Meta: A Social Technology Company”, Oct 2021, https://about.facebook.com/news/2021/10/facebook-company-is-now-meta/ | tgdanielski
2021 | The self-driving car market is evaluated at an estimated 20.3 million USD. | Autonomous / Self-Driving Cars Market Research, Share, Size, Companies & Forecast (MarketsandMarkets Research Private Ltd, 2022), https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Market-Reports/near-autonomous-passenger-car-market-1220.html#:~:text=%5B379%20Pages%20Report%5D%20Autonomous%20%2F,automotive%20customers%20across%20the%20world (September 2, 2023) | mcku |
2021 | AMD's Dr. Lisa Su roadmaps AMD's future in chiplet design with 3D V-cache and MCM-based GPUs and CPUs | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqAYMx34euU | essmith |
2021 | Facebook rebrands itself as Meta and announces plans for the metaverse | “The Facebook Company Is Now Meta.” Meta, 23 Nov. 2021, https://about.fb.com/news/2021/10/facebook-company-is-now-meta/. | cjscopetski |
2021 | Neuralink develops and implants a wireless, high-channel count brain machine interface allowing for a monkey to control a computer with their thoughts. | https://neuralink.com/blog/monkey-mindpong/ | bmdeflaminio |
2021 | Twitter launches the pilot of its crowd-sourced, fact-check program "Birdwatch" in order to flag misleading content by using comments and ratings | https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/product/2021/introducing-birdwatch-a-community-based-approach-to-misinformation.html | ddaly |
2021 | AlphaFold predicts protein folding in cells, revolutionizing biology and medicine | https://alphafold.ebi.ac.uk/ | jtreiss |
2021 | Discord, originally an indie passion project inspired by platforms such as Skype and Slack, maintains itself at the forefront of modern communication platforms with a rising net value of $15 billion after acquisition deals with Microsoft collapse. | Moderator, “Discord valued at $15B after Microsoft deal collapse”, (BBC Tech Update, 25 Aug. 2021), https://bbctechupdate.com/20 21/08/25/discord-valued-at-15b-after-microsoft-deal-collapse/ (5 Sept. 2021) | jrmalcarne |
September 23, 2021 | The European Commission announces their plans of enforcing all mobile devices to be compatible with a standardized charger, including all mobile Apple devices. | https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2022/10/24/common-charger-eu-ministers-give-final-approval-to-one-size-fits-all-charging-port/ | zsperry |
2021 | Texas Instruments make the TI-84 Plus calculators that can code | PR Newswire, Texas Instruments new TI-84 Plus CE Python graphing calculator introduces students to programming: Available for back to school, the newest TI graphing calculator brings popular Python programming language to the classroom (ProQuest, 27th July 2021), https://www.proquest.com/docview/2555312048?parentSessionId=kaKLueMzqfr%2F0S5WM7eIpBzMaI0DWruJFEQI%2FIzmn9g%3D&pq-origsite=primo&accountid=29120&sourcetype=Wire%20Feeds (8-30-2024) | kacummings |
2021 | EU and UK regulators approve Ossia’s Cota systems for use at any distance | Miriam McNabb, Wireless Power for Drones: Meet the Company Who Wants to Change the Battery Game (10/15/2021), https://dronelife.com/2021/10/15/wireless-power-for-drones-meet-the-company-who-wants-to-change-the-battery-game/ (09/04/2023) | akzhang |
2021 | The average new car now has over 50 computer systems inside. Gas powered cars now have over 1000 semiconductor chips inside, and Electric cars up to 3000 semiconductor chips inside. | Chips Etc. “Computer Chips Inside Cars.” Vintage Computer Chip Collectibles, Memorabilia & Jewelry, www.chipsetc.com/computer-chips-inside-the-car.html. Accessed 4 Sept. 2023. | ankalayjian |
2021 | Lewis Rhodes Labs works with Sandia National Laboratories to create Extreme Search, a neuromorphic computing technology that uses regular expressions to search petabytes of data in under 12 minutes. | Retrieved from https://www.lewis-rhodes.com/ on 22 March 2024. | cdesrosiers |
2022 | AMD, Arm, Google Cloud, Intel, Meta, Microsoft, Qualcomm, Samsung, TSMC, et al. establish the Universal Chiplet Interconnect Express (UCIe) standard | https://www.proquest.com/docview/2635157161/1BA84C7EFFB04C5DPQ/3?accountid=29120 | essmith |
2022 | ChatGPT is released on November 30, 2022 and very quickly skyrockets in popularity to 100+ million users by 2023. | https://serpwatch.io/blog/voice-search-statistics/#:~:text=Around%20500%20million%20people%20are,assistants%20worldwide%2C%20alongside%20Google%20Assistant accessed 3/24/23. | yakbashev |
2022 | The public perception of self-driving cars remains negative, with a PEW Research survey reporting 63% would not feel comfortable riding one. | Americans cautious about the deployment of driverless cars (Pew Research Center, March 17, 2022), https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2022/03/17/americans-cautious-about-the-deployment-of-driverless-cars/ (September 2, 2023) | mcku |
2022 | Google announces new prototype of Google Glass 2.0 which places a greater emphasis on augmented reality | Robson, Kurt. “Google Glass Is Back after Failing Hard the First Time around – Is the World Ready?” Verdict, 20 July 2022, https://www.verdict.co.uk/google-testing-augmented-reality-glasses-after-failure-of-google-glass/. | javieira |
2022 | “The FDA authorizes 91 AI-powered devices. One, the EchoGo Heart Failure tool, detects heart failure from a single echocardiogram.” | Cedars-Sinai Staff, AI's Ascendance in Medicine: A Timeline, (Cedars-Sinai, Apr 20, 2023) https://www.cedars-sinai.org/discoveries/ai-ascendance-in-medicine.html, (Mar 17 2024) | ekli |
2022 | Skype launches real-time translation using your voice | https://www.skype.com/en/blogs/2022-12-skype-truvoice/ | nrgiangregorio
2022 | Wi-Charge releases Wi-Spot which allows for completely wireless displays | Wi-Charge, Wi-Charge Debuts Wi-Spot, the First Completely Wireless Video Display for Physical Stores (01/17/2022), https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/wi-charge-debuts-wi-spot-the-first-completely-wireless-video-display-for-physical-stores-301461985.html (09/04/2023) | akzhang |
2022 | ChatGPT, Llama, PaLM, Gemini, BLOOM, DALL-E were created. These programs are GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers), which use a deep learning architecture to generate text, engage in conversations with users and complete tasks, such as coding, image generation, and much more. | Pat Lawlor, Jerry Chang, The rise of generative AI: A timeline of breakthrough innovations , (Qualcomm, Feb 12, 2024) https://www.qualcomm.com/news/onq/2024/02/the-rise-of-generative-ai-timeline-of-breakthrough-innovations(March 18, 2024) | ajli |
May 2022 | Google Maps' Immersive View for Routes was announced which combines Street View, satellite, and live data | got-big-ai-update-here-are-5-best-new-features-894401. | epfoley2 |
May 2022 | By its 15-year anniversary Google Street View has covered more than 10 million miles of road in over 100 countries | https://www.google.com/streetview/anniversary/ (Accessed 9/1/2024) | npcyr |
2022 | Diffusion Models
Diffusion models are a generative model that transform simple random noise signals into more complex data such as images. They became a more stable and easy to control method when compared to GANs. They use less computational power and are better performant. |
cemasucci | |
2023 | Waymo concludes its first 1 million driverless, fully autonomous miles, and reports promising crash statistics: only 2 “severe” crashes, neither of which the Waymo vehicle was at fault for. | Trent Victor et al., Safety Performance of the Waymo Rider-Only Automated Driving System at One Million Miles (Waymo LLC, January 2023), https://storage.googleapis.com/waymo-uploads/files/documents/safety/Safety%20Performance%20of%20Waymo%20RO%20at%201M%20miles.pdf (September 2, 2023) | mcku |
November 23, 2022 | The European Parliament and Council signed a legal act enforcing the regulation that all electronic devices must support USB-C, including mobile phones. | https://www.europarl.europa.eu/legislative-train/theme-internal-market-and-consumer-protection-imco/file-common-chargers-for-mobile-phones | zsperry |
2023 | Humane technologies, a company with many patents for wearable technology, raises 100 million dollars in funding. | https://hu.ma.ne/media/humane-raises-100m-in-series-c-round-as-it-builds-device-and-services-platform-for-the-ai-era | ajbrianti |
2023 | Alphabet halts the sale of Google Glass Enterprise and announces it will be taking the product off the market via their website. Alphabet projects the software will stop being supported in September 2023, but vows to continue working on products that use augmented reality. | Leswing, Kif. “Google Ends Enterprise Sales of Google Glass, Its Augmented Reality Smartglasses.” CNBC, 15 Mar. 2023, https://www.cnbc.com/2023/03/15/google-discontinues-google-glass-enterprise-end-to-early-ar-project.html. | javieira |
2023 | Apple announced its entry into the VR market with the Apple Vision Pro, an upcoming mixed-reality headset announced on June 5, 2023, at its 2023 Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). The headset will sell for $3,499. | Barnard, D. (2023, June 14). History of VR - timeline of events and Tech Development. VirtualSpeech. https://virtualspeech.com/blog/history-of-vr (2023, September 4) | Jdeleon2 |
2023 | Release of GPT-4, a powerful multimodal model that can place in the top 10% of test takers of a bar exam. | GPT-4 Technical Report, (OpenAI, March 27, 2023) https://cdn.openai.com/papers/gpt-4.pdf (Accessed September 29, 2024) | djadczak |
2023 | Microsoft and Nintendo begin cracking down on independently created emulators and ROMs over concerns about copyright infringement and lost revenue. | Thebeau, Jake. “The History of Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) Emulation.” History Computer, 28 July 2023, https://history-computer.com/the-history-of-nintendo-entertainment-system-nes-emulation/. Accessed 3 Sept. 2023.
Roth, Emma. “Microsoft Locks down Game Emulation on the Xbox Series X and Series S.” The Verge, The Verge, 7 Apr. 2023, www.theverge.com/2023/4/7/23674707/microsoft-xbox-emulators-ban-nintendo. Accessed 3 Sept. 2023. |
nkwong |
2023 | Diablo IV is released. | Matthew Rossi, Then and now with the WoW dev team, (On Click Creative, October 16, 2017), https://blizzardwatch.com/2017/10/16/now-wow-dev-team/#:~:text=And%20amazingly%2C%20it%20was%20developed,and%20shipped%20with%20about%20sixty (September 9, 2023) | cmfrench |
2024 | Introduction of Google's Gemini 1.5, which was a family of models that could process video, audio, and text. This model is unique because of its long context window | Gemini 1.4: Unlocking multimodal understanding across millions of tokens of context. (Gemini Team, Google, February 2024) | djadczak |