Echo360 viewing analytics

From edmedia

Viewing Analytics with Echo360 Lecture Captures

To understand which students have watched the video you uploaded, follow these steps.

Click on the Echo360 Class Capture button in Canvas.

Echo360 in Canvas

Click on Analytics on the top right of the Echo360 Class Capture window.

Echo360 in Canvas

Click on Students, which is a button on the left side of the Echo360 window within Canvas.

Echo360 in Canvas

This brings you to a page with engagement scores for all the videos you've uploaded for your class.
To drill down, click on the All Classes drop down menu and select a specific video.

Echo360 in Canvas

Now we're starting to see engagement scores that pertain to this video for all students.
Engagement scores include interactions with the system such as flagging certain sections
as confusing, asking questions, or taking notes. If you want to focus on video views, then
click on the All Content drop down menu on the left. Choose video.

Echo360 in Canvas

Now you can see who has watched the video and how much of it they have watched.
A "view" is counted when a student watches at least 5% of the video.
This count also shows when a student has watched at least 5% more than once.

Echo360 in Canvas

For more information about video analytics in Echo360, feel free to contact