Welcome to WPI's Community-Sourced Local Resource Wiki!

From Potpourri Services List
Arts and Music Auto and Vehicles Business and Finance Computers
Educational Family Resources Food Home Improvement
Health and Medical Trades Legal Pet Care
Recreation and Travel

This list was initially compiled from discussion on WPI's Potpourri discussion list, but all WPI faculty and staff are able to log in and edit this wiki to add new referrals for local services.


Open the directory through the Service List in the navigation box on the left side of the page. You can browse the Table of Contents to save time and decide the most appropriate place to retrieve or create a new referral.


When submitting a new referral, make sure you are logged on using your WPI user name and password. (Go to the Help tab for more information.) You will then see an enlarged menu of 8 tabs across the top of the page, as follows: page, discussion, edit, history, delete, move, protect and watch.

1. Select EDIT at the top of the page, then go to the Table of Contents and find the appropriate category or add one if needed. Please keep it streamlined for a quick and easy reference tool. Enter by Company or Referral name in alpha-order please.

2. Be sure to include the crucial contact info such as phone, address, email or URL.

3. Try to follow the existing format with indents under headers. You can also use three apostrophes before and after the topical heading to make a Bold Header for easy browsing.

4. Finally, be sure to hit SAVE PAGE at the bottom of the list before closing the screen. Check to see that your entry was listed in a good readable format.

Thanks for your contributions and to everyone in potpourri land, enjoy! ;-)



If your contribution contains text beyond a simple list, we recommend that you enter this text into a separate page and link to that page from the Master Service Referral List. Here's how:

1. Inside the Master Service Referral List, find a good category for your new information and add a line for your topic, enclosing the topic in double brackets: [ [ TOPIC ] ] (no spaces)

2. Now save your change to the Master Service Referral List.

3. Next, view the Master Service Referral List. Your new link should appear in red. Click on this link.

4. The software will now tell you that the page does not exist and will bring you to a simple editor where you can drag and drop your content. (And improve formatting, if you have time.)

5. After you've dragged your text to the text box, be sure to click "Save page".

6. Please go back to the wiki and check that your changes work as intended.

Thanks for all your contributions to this resource.
