RBE3002 ROS Cheatsheet

From robotics

Official ROS Cheatsheet

For an overview of ROS commands, check the official cheatsheet.

Turn it on

On Turtlebot

If you just need teleop

roslaunch turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch

If you need mapping, run the minimal.launch and

roslaunch turtlebot_navigation gmapping_demo.launch


Just run your code, or shoot messages at the turtlebot manually.

If you need to use rviz to visualize mapping

roslaunch turtlebot_rviz_launchers view_navigation.launch


Fix things

Linux commands

Kick other ssh users

Find out which TTY the ssh user is using.

Run in terminal


You should see the ip address of the incoming connection and its associated TTY (something like pts/9)

ps aux | grep pts/9

Replace pts/9 with the TTY you found in the last step.

You should find something like sshd: blackwidow@pts/9. Take down the first number in the line (e.g. 13362). It is the PID of the SSH session you want to kick.

kill 13362

Replace 13362 with the actual PID you just found.