Arduino Math and Logic Operations

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This page explains the different types of math and logic possible on an Arduino.


These are the basic math commands for arduinos and most other hardware and software.

int result = 7 + 5; // result assigned to value 12
int result = 7 * 5; // result assigned to value 35
int result = 7 % 5; // result assigned to value 2

Comparison operators

These are the basic logic or comparison operators for arduinos and most other hardware and software. If the relationship that they check for is true, they return a 1. Otherwise they will return a 0.

boolean result = 5<10; // result will be equal to true
boolean result = 10<5; // result will be equal to false

Boolean operators

These are the basic boolean operators, often also referred to as logic gates.

  • && stands for an and gate. Using this operator, the resulting truth table is as follows:
Input A Input B Output
false false false
false true false
true false false
true true true

  • || stands for an "or" gate. Using this operator, the response table is as follows:
Input A Input B Output
false false false
false true true
true false true
true true true

  • ! stands for a not gate. Using this operator, the response table is as follows:
Input Output
0 1
1 0

Arduino variable types

Type Explanation Memory Size on Arduino Range signed Range unsigned
char Character. Smallest unit that can define a character 8 bit byte -128 to 127 0 to 255
byte Stores an 8 bit value 8 bit byte 0-255
boolean Stores a true or false value 1 bit 0 or 1
int Primary data type 2-8 bit bytes -32,768 to 32,767. 0 to 65,535
short Same as int 2-8 bit bytes -32,768 to 32,767
long Extended variable for number storage 4- 8 bit bytes -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 0 to 4,294,967,295
float Unit for handeling decimals. Rounds to 6 decimals. 4- 8 bit bytes 3.4028235E+38 to -3.3028235E+38
double That is, the double implementation is exactly the same as the float 4- 8 bit bytes 3.4028235E+38 to -3.3028235E+38
char[] (C-string) An array of characters Varies Limited by memory size
String (object) String class allows you to do more complex task at the cost of memory Varies Limited by memory size
array A collection of variables that can be saved and edited by accessing its index number Varies Limited by memory size

Math functions

min(x,y) // returns value of smaller number

max(x,y) // returns value of larger number

abs(x) // absolute value of the value entered

constrain(x , low , hi) // constrains first parameter by the following two parameters.

map(value, from low, from high, to low, to high) // linearly maps a value from one range to another

pow(base,exponent) // raises base to exponent

sqrt() // square root of value entered

sq() // squares the value entered

random(min,max) // returns a random integer in the range [min,max)


sin(x) // returns the sin of an angle entered in radians

cos(x) // returns the cos of an angle entered in radians

tan(x) // returns the tam of an angle entered in radians