RBE 2002 Lab 1 appendix

From robotics


Measuring RC Circuit Frequency Response with Network Analyzer

Network analyzers characterize electrical networks (e.g RC filter). The network analyzer in Analog Discovery uses a function generator to generate the input signal for the device under test, and uses the oscilloscope to measure the input and output signal. Analog Discovery generates sine wave at different frequencies, samples the input/output signals at each frequency, and calculates the gain and phase shift from the sampled signals. The result is a graph of gain and phase shift vs. input frequency (Bode plot). The "real" network analyzers work in the same principle, but with much higher bandwidth (tens to hundreds GHz).

Please read the help document in WaveForms software (Help > Browse) about setting up the measurement. For this lab, please use the prepared workspace file. You should see the same settings in the screenshot below.


You need to:

  • Connect the Analog Discovery to the RC circuit under test
  • Click Run or Single to make the plot (the plot preloaded in the provided file is not accurate)
  • Move Cursor 1 to the frequency where the gain is -3 db, and find the frequency
  • Move Cursor 2 to any frequency higher than Cursor 1
  • Set the Cursor 3 to be 1 decade higher frequency than Cursor 2, and find the difference in gain between Cursor 3 and Cursor 2.

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