RBE 3001 EDU Arm

From robotics
3001 arm

The EDU arm was designed to be a simple two DOF arm used to teach basic control theory, kinematics, programming, and electronics. The arm has two breakout boards that connects the potentiometers and motors to the main board through a D-Sub connector.

When you are initially given the arm, it will have an end gripper for using a marker as required for that weeks lab. Later, you will switch it out for a gripper capable of completing the final project.

To view electronic component information and datasheets, please refer to the board page.

Arm Dimensions and Gearing

The arm specification document contains the weight, length, and gear ratios.

The Solidworks assembly is available with roughly accurate masses to aid in calculating centers of gravity and moments of inertia. Unfortunately the wiki will not allow this file. Please see the course site.

Encoder Motors

Upper joint motor (75:1 Metal Gearmotor 25Dx54L mm with 48 CPR Encoder)

Lower joint motor (172:1 Metal Gearmotor 25Dx56L mm with 48 CPR Encoder)

General datasheet for all Polulu motors

Data on the encoder counter chip is given on the board page.

Disconnecting a link

To disconnect the upper link or the lower link simply release the screw on the motors pulley. You can leave the pulley on the shaft and let the motor spin freely. When tightening the pulley back on, Make sure to clamp on the round portion of the motor shaft.

fairloc hub
motor shaft