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[[WPI Robotics help videos]]
[[WPI Robotics help videos]]
[[LaTeX]] How to use LaTeX]]
== Background Info ==
RBELib is a framework developed for 3001 that lays out the foundation for everything you will have the arm do through the class. Header files contain function declarations for everything you should need and you are welcome to create your own additional ones if desired.  Below you can find links to everything detailing background knowledge you should already know coming into RBE 3001.
[[Programming Background]]

Revision as of 18:52, 20 January 2016

Class Information
Terms Available: A, C
Potential Professors: Fischer, Berenson

This is the index page for RBE 3001 wiki topics. This is the third of the four-course Unified Robotics sequence introducing foundational theory and practice of robotics engineering from the fields of computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. The focus of this course is actuator design, embedded computing and complex response processes. Concepts of dynamic response as relates to vibration and motion planning will be presented. The principles of operation and interface methods various actuators will be discussed, including pneumatic, magnetic, piezoelectric, linear, stepper, etc. Complex feedback mechanisms will be implemented using software executing in an embedded system. The necessary concepts for real-time processor programming, re-entrant code and interrupt signaling will be introduced. Laboratory sessions will culminate in the construction of a multi-module robotic system that exemplifies methods introduced during this course.

The WPI course catalog recommends taking RBE 2002 (Unified Robotics 2: Sensing), ECE 2049 (Embedded Computing in Engineering Design), CS 2102 (Introduction to Object Oriented Programming), MA 2051 (Differential Equations), and MA 2071 (Linear Algebra) before this course.

Gompei the goat suggests having a real good grasp on your linear algebra and highly recommends taking 2049 BEFORE taking this class. Systems Programming is also a very useful class to take before this course in addition to the official recommendations. As always, this being a Unified Robotics course, expect a lot of work.

Datasheets and Hardware

Datasheets for all electronics can be found on the 3001 board page and info on the arm can be found on the 3001 arm page.


Needed Software. Please refer to the Eclipse AVR RBE 3001 page and install guide.


Subclipse SVN Plugin

AVR Plugin

WinAVR (GCC toolchain for windows) (Use Crosspack for OSX)

Pololu AVR programmer drivers It is easiest to install the Pololu AVR Development Bundle for Windows

Optional - Doxygen

Install guide Pay careful attention to what command need to be available from the command prompt. If a command doesn't work you need to fix your systems PATH variable.



LaTeX (other downloads contains 64-bit installers)

GhostScript (32-bit required)



C Programming with RBELib

C Program Style Guidelines - Make sure you follow these guidelines while programming and documenting your code.

Introduction - includes setting up Eclipse and PuTTy as well as a refresher on C.

RBELib Documentation - PDF explaining everything in RBELib.

RBELib & Eclipse Setup Guide - how to configure Eclipse and setup your projects properly.

Printing - how to print data from your board to the computer.

Debugging - how to properly debug and find your problem. Read this before asking for help.

Doxygen - how to use Doxygen to document your code.


Robot Control System Design and Simulation


Intermediate Skills



Thinking about Software - An intro (or refresher) on the basics of software engineering and program design.

WPI Robotics help videos

LaTeX How to use LaTeX]]

Background Info

RBELib is a framework developed for 3001 that lays out the foundation for everything you will have the arm do through the class. Header files contain function declarations for everything you should need and you are welcome to create your own additional ones if desired. Below you can find links to everything detailing background knowledge you should already know coming into RBE 3001.


Programming Background